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Blacktail Deer Plateau glow in the dark - Printable Version

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glow in the dark - Junior - April 11, 2014

When Osprey woke up from her hundredth (or so) nap, something was different. Although she was lying on her back, her head propped against one of her three pillow pals—all business as usual—her face felt strange. With a grunt, the potbellied pup wiggled her forelegs, scrubbing at her blunt muzzle with her tiny front paws. In the process, her eyelids unstuck and parted ever so slightly, revealing slivers of bright blue.

The little girl slowly blinked for the first time in her life. It was impulsive but did very little to clear her newly-minted vision, which was very grainy and unfocused. To make matters worse, it was very early in the morning and the den's interior was bathed in deep, purple shadows. Most of the den's inhabitants wore dark coats too. Poor, tiny Osprey could barely make out anything in the gloom.

Rolling onto her belly with a grunt, she slowly swung her head from side to side, exploring this new sense. She did see vague shapes and shadows but nothing definitive... until she spotted something paler than the surrounding grayness. Osprey Jr. began to crawl toward it, her short muzzle bumping into it with stark familiarity. It was one of the blobs, the smallest and softest of them.

Osprey gave a squeak of baffled awe, then turned away from the motionless white blob. She scooted slowly around the sleepy den, examining any- and everything with her fresh eyes. Dawn light began to creep into the lair, gradually making everything more visible and defined, yet the change was so subtle—and her eyes were so watery—that Osprey Jr. didn't notice it consciously. All the same, she bumbled forth toward the den's mouth, her baby blues squinted, naturally drawn to the soft, glowing light.

RE: glow in the dark - RIP Tytonidae - April 12, 2014

Osprey's squeak awoke Ty, and the tiny girl would have sought out the source of the noise immediately if there had not been something so different about today. Her eyes had begun to open as well, and the strange sensation of sight was all around her. She could only make out blobby shapes, just as she had only been able to make out blobby smells upon arriving in this world. But this was different somehow. This new sense was astounding and bewildering all at the same time.

There was one truly giant black blob, which Ty would later learn was "mother." There was a tiny white blob, which Ty would come to know as Saena. Then there was a slightly darker blob, Pura. And then there was a tiny black blob, Osprey. Ty knew none of these names right now, but she would learn them in time. She wobbled forward toward the smell she knew the best: Osprey, amazed to find that it was the tiny black blob that emitted the smell. She was completely unaware that she was also heading for the vast world that was far too dangerous for her at this age.

RE: glow in the dark - Pura - April 12, 2014

Pura woke with the distinct sense that he was being left out of something amazing.

Neither of the two smallest Plateau pups were due to open their eyes for another few days, and being premature, it was likely that they would have to wait even longer. In an alternate universe, where Pied was not dead, they still nestled against two unnamed brothers in the womb.

Not one to be outdone, Pura Virtúte shuffled on tiny forepaws in the direction of this sudden emanation of wonder and superiority, reluctant to leave Saēna alone but desperate to make his name in this tiny pack of tots. These three ladies didn't know what they were in for once he had functioning senses.

RE: glow in the dark - Junior - April 14, 2014

Since I want to avoid constantly threading with myself, I'm going to power-play Perry. You two are welcome to do the same. :)

Considering her general vision still left a lot to be desired, her peripheral vision was barely functional. Still, Osprey's head twitched when she sensed movement beside her. She squinted at two shapes looming off her right shoulder, each of them a different shade of gray. With an inquisitive burble, Osprey Jr. wiggled toward them, her senses of touch and smell confirming their identities as fellow blobs, including her favorite blob of all (Ty).

Tail spinning now, Osprey Jr. mashed her face against her fellows as if to say, "Hi! Come with me!" She then turned back toward the back-lit entryway—just time for a shadow to choke off the light and black out her vision. The puppy whimpered in protest at this development when the impression of movement startled her into silence, leaving her staring wide-eyed at her dark father as he moved just inside the den's mouth, letting in the dawn light once more.

She could make very little sense of what she was seeing. (Perry was talking to his deaf children, particularly admiring his daughters' eyes aloud.) She didn't know what a face was just yet, nor eyes, nor a mouth. Osprey Jr. stared at this fuzzy, grainy image in absolute awe, her head wobbling. In fact, she kept leaning further and further back until she eventually collapsed backward (something soft—perhaps one of the blobs—cushioned her fall) and left her staring straight up at her father's chin with suddenly wide blue eyes.

RE: glow in the dark - RIP Tytonidae - April 18, 2014

Motion from behind caused Ty to turn around... which led to her toppling over due to her lack of coordination. As soon as she was able to right herself, everything went decidedly dark, and the pup blinked a few times to see if perhaps her eyes had decided to shut off. After a moment, though, the light came back, and she realized one of those very distinct smells was present again. It was not the very regular big blob, but the second most regular one, and Ty waddled up to him with her tail spinning again, completely forgetting that she had been heading toward Pura.

Enchanted by this newfound sense, she did not even see her sister until Osprey was crashing right into her, causing Ty to chomp down on the black blob in protest. The tiniest growl came from her chest, and the noise spooked her, causing her to topple onto her side and roll a few times before coming to a complete stop. Breathing quite heavily now, she righted herself and squinted into the darkness.

RE: glow in the dark - Pura - April 19, 2014

There were 'ooo's and 'ahh's of amazement coming from somewhere. Pura's ears were largely deaf to it, but he had a sixth sense for fun being had without him - a crime that O.J. and Ty were especially guilty of. The little boy scrabbled furiously in the direction of activity, motivated by Osprey's gentle headbutt.

By some miracle, he reached Peregrine's darkest daughter at the same time as Ty did - where both of them fell victim to Osprey's poor balance. Ty fell to one side, sending tiny vibrations through the ground as she rolled. Pura, enjoying less good fortune, felt a soft, fat weight settle on top of his head.

For a moment, he was lulled by the warmth of Osprey's butt.. until he realized that it had him pinned. "Mrrffphh!" she squealed, flailing all four little legs ineffectually.

RE: glow in the dark - Junior - April 19, 2014

Although the sight of her father's face enchanted her, Osprey soon became aware of her rather uncomfortable position. Squawking in response to Ty's nip, then again when Pura's flailing limbs came precariously close to sodomizing her, she rolled onto her side. Pushing herself onto all fours, she grunted and rewarded her cousin's pounding paws with an almost indignant-sounding toot right in the face.

Eventually, Osprey Jr. stood beneath her father again, facing him. She stared in wide-eyed wonder as his mouth opened and stayed open this time, revealing rows of fangs. Little did she know that unheard sounds—loud, rolling laughter at the puppies' antics, particularly Osprey's own flatulence—emanated from those fearsome jaws. Junior could pick up on only the slightest suggestion of her father's laughter, causing her to tip her head endearingly.

Perhaps in response to this, the Alpha male suddenly lowered himself onto his belly. His legs stretched out, one of his forepaws plopping directly in front of her. Osprey Jr. blinked at it, sniffed it, then gazed up at the face, which was much larger now. Boldly, she scuttled toward it, her bottom wriggling as her tiny nose bumped into one ten times its size; her little proboscis nearly fit into one of Peregrine's nostrils.

RE: glow in the dark - RIP Tytonidae - April 22, 2014

The faint sounds coming from the smaller fluff caused Ty to move toward her cousin-brother, feet moving faster than they ever had before. She crashed right into him with reckless abandon, mouthing his ears and pushing her paws against his body. "Play!" her body language screamed, with her tail whirling. If it had gone any faster, she might have lifted off! She batted at him relentlessly, and was likely playing far too hard, considering he was smaller and younger than she.

But before she could get too into that game, other movements drew her attention elsewhere, and she was toddling off toward her father, catching up to Osprey just as her sister was poking her nose at their father's nose. Unwilling to be left out of this occasion, Ty shoved her sister and demanded attention as well.

RE: glow in the dark - Pura - May 01, 2014

Sorry guys, I thought I'd replied! Exiting Pura.

A serious case of The Grumps overwhelmed Pura Virtúte (the Squashed), and he began to wail. Osprey Jr.'s weight disappeared, and he was briefly the target of Ty's interest, but it wasn't long before the resident adult tired of his crying and plucked him from the fray. The sudden exit surprised the little pup into silence (thank you lord), and when he felt ground beneath his tiny toes again it he was in the mess hall - or rather, face-to-face with Hawkeye's long-suffering teats. Docile little Saēna was snoozing by the large female's hind leg, partially covered by a dark haunch. Pura toddled awkwardly toward the sleeping body, snuffling and huffing pathetically into his sister's round, silky soft belly. Almost instantly, the stress of nearly entering someone else's rectum - and knowing that he was now safe - put Pura Virtúte to sleep, sagging heavily against his small, much better behaved sister.

RE: glow in the dark - Junior - May 01, 2014

Something (or, rather, someone) rudely jostled Osprey, dislodging her small nose from her father's much larger one. Her floppy ears fell backward and she bared her teeth, turning to punish the offender with them. However, the moment she recognized Tytonidae, little Junior calmed. Now her mouth twisted into a companionable grin and she reached out to nudge her sibling's cheek. She then thrust her blunt muzzle against their father's schnoz again, as if to show it to Ty.

The swarthy Alpha male let them poke, prod and even lick and nibble his nose for a moment, though eventually all of it caused a sneeze to erupt from him suddenly, causing him to lift and shake his head and, simultaneously, send a powerful gust of spittle in the girls' direction.

Stunned, Osprey Jr. held very still, bits of her father's saliva clinging to her wide-eyed face. She blinked a few times, trying to decide whether she should be frightened. Deciding there was nothing to fear from their dad, she eventually dropped to her bottom and pawed at her face, gathering the dew-like globs of spit and happily licking them off her tiny black paws.

RE: glow in the dark - RIP Tytonidae - May 07, 2014

Last one for me, since they've grown quite a bit since this thread.

Unlike Junior, the sneeze caused Ty to awkwardly bound away, tripping over herself in the process and wailing with discontent. Her cries were met with the usual treatment: she was picked up and placed next to a large warm body. Hugging close to Peregrine's side, the young Tytonidae soon found herself immensely drowsy and was having a hard time keeping her newly-opened eyes... well, open.

As much as she wanted to keep looking and watching everything around her move and come to life, the warmth of her father and all the excitement made her slowly drift into a slumber, sure to be awakened in the next couple of hours by somebody's jostling.

RE: glow in the dark - Junior - May 13, 2014

While Osprey Jr. licked the dewdrops of saliva from her face, her wobbling, watery eyes watched a startled Ty bumble away only to be caught and comforted by their father. He tucked his charcoal daughter against him as he resumed a position on the floor, then coaxed the damp-faced Osprey to join them.

She allowed herself to be shepherded closer to Peregrine and her sister, yet Osprey Jr. didn't want to go to sleep. For the first time in her life, she fought to keep her eyes open. There was just so much to see. Being so young, it was a battle doomed to failure and, even as she explored the area immediately adjacent to Peregrine's prone form, she eventually flopped to the floor and rolled sleepily onto her back, her fresh eyes drifting shut.