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Cerulean Cape the greatest alive - Printable Version

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the greatest alive - Jilaiya - September 27, 2016

It had taken the clueless duo far to many days before they reached the sandy shores of the alluring yet unforgiving sea. When they finally arrived after several mishaps along the way the sun was at it's peak and the ocean breeze was all the more enjoyable as it tangled and weaved it's way through the willowy female's pearly locks. 

It was with a sudden burst of energy and excitement that Jilaiya quickly yelled out a frantic "race you to the water" before dashing out towards the crashing waves. Her heart felt like it was a bass drum that was going to come pounding out of her chest, but the beat only kept her going. Her eyes stung, her throat scratchy, but it was all worth it. She was free.

RE: the greatest alive - Maude - September 27, 2016

She was far from the borders, searching for potential sources of food. The pack was small now, but steadily growing with the addition of young Jack, but they still needed to be fed. Maude skirted around the sea, scraping into the tidal pools searching for food. Unlike the inland lands, they didn't lack for much food in winter, thanks to the sea's bounty. Sure, the food wasn't that fattening, but in winter, food was food.

Maude froze at the two wolves running into the sea, her ears flattening before she adopted a dominant stance. She watched the pair indifferently, wondering how they would react to her presence. She was strangely silent for once.

RE: the greatest alive - Jilaiya - September 28, 2016

The sound of waves breaking was a song in the background while the pale female splashed about like a child would. Sea spray invaded her nose, blocking out anything else including the stranger's own scent that went completely unnoticed. Jilaiya was far too happy to truly care about anything other than the sea itself and it was only when a particularly large seashell washed ashore did the ghostly female come bounding out of the waves. 

Her attention however went from the shell, to a creature she had yet to learn was a crab. Curious by the small thing, she scooped the sandy creature into her jaws and tried her darnedest at eating it, but it only resulted with her getting pinched on the lip. With a girlish shriek, Jilayia threw her head from side to side in an attempt to free herself from her would-be meal, but the outcome wasn't looking so bright for the female.

RE: the greatest alive - Maude - September 30, 2016

Maude loomed quizzically at the pale woman. She looked to be only two years old, yet here she was playing like a 6 month old at best. She was older than Maude herself! Ain't ye too old t'be doin' dat, mate?

RE: the greatest alive - Jilaiya - October 01, 2016

It was with a final last swing of her head that the crab finally came flying off and scurrying back towards the ocean whence it came from. Jilaiya licked her lips, the taste of blood undoubtedly in her mouth. Great, not only had her midday snack beaten her but it had left her with a wound as well. Fortunately no one was around to witness the embarrassing moment, at least that's what the pale female believed until she heard a voice come yapping at her. 

Her head snapped to the direction of the voice's owner, her vibrant eyes searching hungrily for the wicked gold of the stranger's. "Your never too old to have a bit of fun" she declared with a giddy and childish smile spread wide across her maw.

RE: the greatest alive - Maude - October 03, 2016

A crab flew from the woman's mouth, flying into the sea. A waste, Maude snorted with disgust. Someone could have eaten that, except now it was given off to the sea by an adult trying to be a child again.

Maude countered the woman's childish smile with her own manic one. Aye, but ye ain't ne'er too old t'look like an idiot, either.

RE: the greatest alive - Jilaiya - October 04, 2016

Jilaiya took a step back and glanced over her shoulder to look for any sign of Amaimon, who she eventually spotted trying to get seaweed off his nose. She gave a snort before turning back to face the stranger, just in time to hear them call her an idiot. It was rude, but she supposed they had a point.

"Yea, I guess your right" she said with a defeated laugh. "I'm Jilaiya, and that numskull over there is Amaimon" she introduced, using her muzzle to motion to her companion.

RE: the greatest alive - Maude - October 31, 2016

She only then realized there was another wolf nearby. She turned towards him, blinking in confusion for a moment, then nodded in greeting. Ahoy, mate, She said, to the man, then turned back to his younger travelling partner. So wot're yew two doin' 'round 'ere?

RE: the greatest alive - Jilaiya - November 14, 2016

She followed the other's eyesight till she found the stranger focused on Amaimon and the pale female watched as he returned the dark wolf's greeting with a nod of his head. Jilaiya turned back to the stranger when asked about why she was here and answered with a simple "we wanted to see the ocean since we never been at one before." 

"What are you doing along the beach?" she asked then, curious what the other wolf might be up to.