Wolf RPG
Hideaway Strath Got that magic in me - Printable Version

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Got that magic in me - Zorina - September 27, 2016

Now that she had been accepted, Zorina found herself frequently intrigued by the new lands that stretched out before her.  She was glad to be apart of a pack that were trying to claim such beautiful land.  Hideaway Strath really was quite a sight to see.  She loved the certain feeling of security that she felt here in this place.  It just felt like a home to her.

Her gaze slipped through her surroundings, sharp, her ears perking up for any sounds for a moment before she began to pad forward ready to do some exploring around this place.  She walked for a little while before the scent of a rabbit caught her attention so she slunk after it.  Soon enough she was in the perfect position to get the kill, but when she closed in... she missed and the rabbit got away.  So with a huff of frustration she slumped down, staring gloomily at where the rabbit had just been.

RE: Got that magic in me - Síff - September 29, 2016

Liri was hunting, unknowingly after the same rabbit, padding through the woods with soft footfall and nose low to the ground. She was slower about it and thus, came upon a stranger staring at a rabbit whom was bounding away; almost cheerfully.

"Hello," Liri chirped happily, regaining some of her spunk after her gloomy days of depression. 

"I'm Liri," she introduced herself to the unknown femme.

RE: Got that magic in me - Zorina - October 01, 2016

Her ears perked as a new voice caught her attention, and turned to face the other, the gloominess disapearing from her face.  She listened curiously as the female introduced herself with a greeting.  So finally compelled to do the same, Zorina gave the other a polite nod before speaking.

"It is very nice to meet you Liri.  I'm Zorina by the way."  She replied.  She wondered when this Liri had first come to Hideaway Strath.  Had it been recently perhaps or a while ago?  While she wanted to ask, for now Zorina decided to let Liri speak for herself for the moment.

RE: Got that magic in me - Síff - October 01, 2016

"Pleasure to meet you," Liri responded in turn. "Bad luck, huh?" The healer gestured in the direction that rabbit had gone. 

"How long have you been with Zaavier?" She questioned curiously, wondering silently if perhaps she was talking too much.

It was a good idea to familiarize herself with her new packmates, was it not? It was strange, having lived with the same pack for nearly a year and knowing all of them like family. Even stranger to move so far away from it and live with a completely new group of people. In time, Liri was certain, she would know these wolves as well as she had known the Rosings' wolves and would be just as loyal to them.

RE: Got that magic in me - Zorina - October 07, 2016

She gave a nod as Liri suggested bad luck.  Where was her luck when she needed it anyways?  Then the question of how long she had known Zaavier was thrown at her and she hesitated a little bit as she drifted through her swirling thoughts.  She decided on a few days though because well she hadn't known him too long and it had only been a few days.  As a matter of fact she had actually only met him once.

"Well I met Zaavier a few days ago," Zorina replied to Liri.  Then paused for a moment before asking, "how long have you been here Liri?"  She gave the slightest tilt of her head for a brief second then awaited Liri's response.

RE: Got that magic in me - Síff - October 07, 2016

"I've been here for about a week, not long," Liri replied. Odd as it was, she hadn't seen Zaavier since he found her and Leto in the mountains. 

"My brother joined with me. Perhaps you've met him? His name is Leto," a tint of concern could be found in her voice for she hadn't seen Leto since then either. It worried her, everyone she knew left eventually. Liri didn't know if she could take it if Leto abandoned her again.