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Neverwinter Forest white blank page - Printable Version

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white blank page - October - September 29, 2016

Autumn was upon the Wilds. The leaves of the evergreens that made up Neverwinter Forest remained true to their name, but October had seen trees in other places taking on the vibrant coloration typical of fall. Winter’s telltale chill whispered in the breezes that combed the lands. It wouldn’t be long before the snows arrived.
October’s already lush pelt had begun to fill out further to accommodate for the change in seasons. She felt an innate pressure to prepare for the coming cold, and to ensure her pack mates would be ready as well.
The pale woman roused just as the sun’s golden rays spilled over the horizon. She tossed her head back and howled for @Scimitar, her breath lingering in the crisp autumn air. Paws carried her swiftly deeper into the forest where she hoped her Alpha would be able to meet with her.

RE: white blank page - Scimitar - October 03, 2016

Winter was coming, and for the first time in awhile, the cinnamon wolf did not dread the colder months. They held a small pack – but they were solid on members, and the puppies were healthy. He had spent winter once in Neverwinter Forest prior to his current stay – the pack had been much different then, and times had changed.. but they had fared fine.
Lumbering through the thick pines, it was a beckoning call that caused him to pause for only a moment, considering the voice. Unfamiliar mostly, he could only determine it was the pale she-wolf his sons had more or less accepted only a few weeks before. Without hesitating, the regal allowed his own sharp cry to lift through the air, announcing he was on his away – and within moments, his cream-colored paws were weaving their way to the direction he believed her to be.
Coming upon her, the large wolf tipped his muzzle slightly in quiet greeting, though his bright eyes studied her momentarily. She was the age of Pasha and Allure – and he vaguely wondered if they had the chance to meet her yet. “October,” he greeted, slowing his pace now.

RE: white blank page - October - October 03, 2016

Before the echo of her own cries faded, Scimitar’s piercing howl rang out through the trees. October grinned and hastened her pace to a steady gallop in the direction his voice had sounded from. As his chiseled visage drew into view, she slowed and approached him with her tail swaying against her haunches, ears tipped back against her lowered head.
“Hello, sir,” she greeted. “Thank you for meeting me. I was hoping we could talk about the pack’s plans for winter. I know our ranks are small, but I’d like to help out in any way I can.” She paused for a beat, gaze flickering over his features quickly to gauge him before dancing off to the side again. “Is there anything in particular you’d like me to focus on, or anyone else you think I should work with?”
She felt a twinge of anxiousness with the realization that perhaps she sounded a bit overzealous. She didn’t want to come across to her Alpha as a control freak, but October was an ambitious girl looking to serve any way she could.

RE: white blank page - Scimitar - October 04, 2016

He appreciated another who could get directly to the point – so of course, when the pale girl launched in to an explanation, the cinnamon wolf felt himself warm towards her, his eyes softening as they studied her gentle features. She had been good with the boys – he could only hope that with her eagerness to see the forest flourish, she was not just one other temporary member within their ranks.
“Are you hoping to gain a specific pack role?” It was the first place to start, he believed—in truth, he had a myriad of tasks the girl could take on and organize, if she was so keen to do so.

RE: white blank page - October - October 04, 2016

Truthfully, she hadn’t given much thought to obtaining a specific trade. Her intention had been to assist the pack in whatever way needed. One of her pale ears twisted sideways as she contemplated Scimitar’s words for a moment. She wasn’t sure what she’d be the best at, or what she was most passionate about. “I could,” she said after a short silence had slipped between them.
With winter looming on the horizon, it could never hurt to keep the caches as full as possible. Then again, it never hurt to have too much defense on the borders if outsiders came looking to scavenge any easy meal while prey was scarce. “What do you need most?” She felt a pang of guilt for being so vague and seeming so uncertain in front of him; October aimed to please, and she was at a point in her life where she was open to learning just about anything.

RE: white blank page - Scimitar - October 04, 2016

She was youthful – and so it was not a surprise to him when she did not seem set upon a specific role within the pack. Contemplating her words for a moment, he cast her a gentle smile. “Everything,” he noted, realizing this was likely not helpful to the pale girl at all. “So whatever you wish to aim for, we will support.”
He paused then, his muzzle canting slightly as he considered the cool wind that brushed his pelt in that moment. Winter would be upon them soon. “The pups are three and four months respectively – if you could organize a pack hunt where they could watch that would be good – and then we can stock the caches if we’re successful.”

He allowed her to digest that for a moment, before giving a nod toward their pack borders. "And given we're lower on numbers, if you could recruit some loyal and trustworthy wolves, that also wouldn't hurt."

RE: white blank page - October - October 06, 2016

Scimitar came across as a hardy, stoic man, but the gentle smile he offered his newest pack member reassured her that he wasn’t terribly bothered by her indecisiveness. “Perhaps I could be a caretaker of sorts,” she suggested after a moment, eyes reaching towards her superior in search of his opinion and approval. “I helped look after some of the pups in my birth pack. I can learn about healing, too, and how to advise and help others.” She was simply spewing off ideas at that point, but they were all notions October foresaw herself being interested in.
Her pale ears cupped forward attentively when her Alpha spoke of a pack hunt – something he wanted her to take charge of organizing. She smiled, elated that he would entrust her with such a task. “I can do that,” she agreed, tail swaying behind her. With winter looming near, she would have to be swift in her planning before prey grew sparse. At his mention of recruiting more members, October nodded. “You must think me a judge of good character,” she joked, a gentle laugh lilting within her voice.

RE: white blank page - Scimitar - October 18, 2016

She offered some possible tasks she felt she could handle, and the large wolf gave a light nod in agreement. For now, their numbers were low, and he was keen to have his members help in whatever areas they felt they could best do so – and he offered the pale girl a gentle smile as she released a small joke. “If I had not thought so, I wouldn’t have let you in,” he murmured in response, knowing full well it had been the boys’ approval that had truly mattered in allowing her within their ranks.
“We could use all of this – so whatever you are most passionate about or most eager to start in, I would suggest that.” He paused then, his muzzle tilting slightly. “I know the boys are quite fond of you – no doubt they will look forward to an organized hunt led by you.”

RE: white blank page - October - October 20, 2016

She lifted her gaze to his fleetingly, hoping to convey the gratitude she felt she owed him in that moment. She meant no disrespect in doing so. “You are very gracious, Scimitar. Thank you.” His turquoise eyes felt as though they’d pierced straight through to her soul. She’d never been subordinate to any man other than her father.  For this reason, she’d been nervous during her first encounter with her new Alpha. That anxiety had since dissipated, but Scimitar’s persona still had a stirring, intense effect on her.
A swift nod of her head was offered in response to her leader’s words, pumpkin eyes twinkling as she recalled their meeting with Rannoch and Cypress upon the borders. “I am fond of them as well! You have reared two exceptional young men,” she shared, enthusiasm and keenness coloring her voice as well as her features. Surely, the princes already occupied a special corner within October's heart.

RE: white blank page - Scimitar - October 26, 2016

The girl was a kind sort – something welcomed by the Forest wolves, and as such, was already proving to be the type of addition they needed for their family. Devastation would soon hit them in days to come, when both Lucy and Rannoch would go missing, but in that very moment, there was a hunt to look forward to – one that all seven cubs could partake in and learn from.
So many puppies was a large order – but the family made it work somehow. He dipped his muzzle in gratitude to her words, but did not respond to it directly – the rearing was mostly @Eshe – she was a fantastic mother, and the large wolf felt a stab of remorse for his mate. He had not spent much time alone with her in the past few months, but such was expected.
“Whenever you’re ready, give the call,” he noted then, his bright eyes drifting back to study her gentle features.

RE: white blank page - October - October 26, 2016

She acknowledged his words with a formal dip of her head. There was something about Scimitar’s presence that prompted her to stick to formalities with him. The two had yet to share a conversation about anything other than conventions; October was not convinced that her leader even cared to. Still, the nature of his sons spoke volumes about what sort of character their parents possessed.
“Would it be all right if I visited other packs to see if there would be any wolves there willing to teach me?” she inquired, venturing back to the subject of finding a specialty or craft for her to learn. She had nothing against Neverwinter Forest, but its small ranks would make it difficult for her to find somebody to study under. Perhaps it would improve pack relations, as well.

RE: white blank page - Scimitar - November 11, 2016

Her question was not an easy one for him to respond to -- the very real threat Blackfeather Woods imposed on them still hung over him each day, and for now it remained a well guarded secret he kept hidden away from the majority of his pack. Still, his muzzle inclined gently with a dip of his head, and he gave a nod. "Yes -- but try to stay away from the packs directly South East of us. They will not offer their assistance," was what he did instill -- knowing that even Fox and her wolves would not openly consider October's request, and seeing no harm in looping them all together.
"Perhaps take someone to travel with?"

RE: white blank page - October - November 18, 2016

I'll fade this since I know you're trying to wrap up threads! <3

His words stirred October’s curiosity about the Forest’s relations with packs he mentioned. Her pale ears turned toward him to convey her interest, but Scimitar offered no further explanation as to why she needed to avoid them. Despite her itch to know more, October knew better than to pry into matters that did not directly involve her.
Scimitar offered one further request and she nodded in agreement. “I will,” she assured him. She was loath to take another body away from the pack for any amount of time, but she quickly reminded herself that she probably would not know where to go without some sort of travel guide.
Realizing she’d probably stolen more than enough of his time, October dipped her head in thanks and offered him another warm smile. “I appreciate you coming to meet with me. I’ll see you around!” she bid him farewell before turning to saunter off deeper into the woods.