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Sleeping Dragon Borderlines - Printable Version

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Borderlines - RIP Eden - October 01, 2016

Eden had become accustomed to wandering the wilds, and now that she was on the other side of them, there was even more for her to see. She'd heard about the packs on the eastern side of the land, though this was her first time being able to view the territory for herself. She took careful steps through the new playground, trying to keep her presence unknown to anyone lurking around, though her size didn't much allow for successful stalking. With every heavy step she took, she cringed, for fear of someone hearing her nails click against the rock she wandered upon.

RE: Borderlines - Freyja - October 01, 2016

Freyja’s morning with Thuringwethil had stated early. The sun was just peeking over the horizon when she was beckoned by the dark leader and Freyja had greeted her eagerly, ready to get the day started. Freyja had much to learn and was thankful that the Heda was taking such a crucial role in her training.

The day had brought them all around the territory as Thuringwethil attempted to familiarize Freyja with the borderlines. Freyja, eagerly, had rolled, urinated, and spread her smell around to her heart's content as she learned more about property protecting the borders.

Oddly enough, it seemed as if she would also get a firsthand experience of defending the borders.

As the pair rounded about a boulder, Freyja quickly caught sight of the other wolf. Stiffening instinctively, Freyja’s ears lowered and her lips slid in an effort to showcase her teeth. A low growl bubbled in her throat, and despite wanting to lash out, she waited for her next orders from Thuringwethil.

RE: Borderlines - RIP Eden - October 01, 2016

Eden's ears perked at the faint rumble. She wasn't sure where it was coming from, or who for that matter, but it was enough for her to step back. Just step back. She stood her ground, standing at attention with her ears perked and her tail in a low wag. She looked around, allowing a soft rumble from her chest as well. She hadn't come looking for a fight, but she wasn't known to back down from one either.

RE: Borderlines - Antumbra - October 01, 2016

Her should still has the familiar ache as another wound of similar size matches the scars along her shoulder and top of her arm. It doesn't slow her down, however, as Freyja tags along with her. There isn't much for them to do except find a routine and starting toward the borders is one of the first thing she does. Most days, there is little variation, but something sets of bells in the back of her mind as she notes a scent unfamiliar to her home.

Ears fall back against her head and she briefly notes Freyja's reaction, but is quick to step forward and put a barrier between her and the child. It does not take long before the other is in her view and a growl is the only warning given before she charges. Hoping to catch the trespasser off guard from her direction, she aims for the scruff or side of her neck to drag her down.

RE: Borderlines - RIP Eden - October 01, 2016

Eden turned to her side just in time to catch a glimpse of the other wolf's charge. She barely had time to jump back before the other landed before her. Eden's heart began to race as her mind shut down and adreneline began to flow through her large body. She laid her ears back against her head and snarled at her opponent, whilst circling around and scoping out her size. She could pack much more of a punch than Eden for sure, but looking at her size, Eden assumed she would be able to move faster.

She took the first chance she got to launch herself onto higher ground, waiting for the next attack.

RE: Borderlines - Freyja - October 01, 2016

Thuringwethil was quick to put herself between the stranger and the Feisripa, In the interim of this, Freyja’s hard gaze lingered on the stranger in an attempt to seem somewhat intimidating. Freyja was small in comparison to her siblings so in addition to her age, intimidation what somewhat hard for the young dragon to muster. Soon enough she would be given some sort of command and she was ready to do whatever was needed to be done.

RE: Borderlines - Antumbra - October 01, 2016

The trespasser somehow manages to avoid her grasp, only to settle back into her own defensive stance. The stupidity becomes obvious, and she wonders briefly if the other has a death sentence much like the Seadog woman she killed not too long ago. Her decapitated body remains on the borders still, a warning for others that this woman has clearly missed. Instead, she enters into her claim and threatens their livelihood, only to become defensive instead of run. One simple call to her warriors and she'd watch the life leave her eyes but she keeps silent, for a moment, to circle around and cut off an easy escape.

Thuringwethil keeps the child in her view but her hardened silver gaze doesn't leave the imbecile she's blessed with this day. The lack of battle her wolves face often leaves her restless with her training as a child to now, leading a populous of great size.

"You should have run when you had the chance," she growls then, all warning gone. Had her dodge been turned into a run, perhaps she might have gotten a bite torn out of her flank, but now far enough away from the borders, she doesn't expect to be alone for long. One short, urgent call is made to those within earshot before the distance is closing between them. Thuringwethil makes a quick rush forward, snapping jaws for tender flesh she'd missed by mere inches moments ago.

RE: Borderlines - RIP Eden - October 01, 2016

Recognizing the call, Eden realized the true danger she'd put herself in. She examined the perimeter of the battlegrounds, looking for any escape. She hoped for her sake and for Ally's that she was as agile as she thought. Though she looked forward to escaping with her life, she knew her chances would be bare. As she felt the other, larger wolf's teeth dig into her skin, she attempted to jump away, but she was caught. She writhed beneath her opponent, her heart beating faster than ever before and kicked against her, pebbles rolling as she twist against them. In an act of luck, she found herself just released enough to get her footing back and stand to run, though the adreneline left her hardly composed enough to do so.

RE: Borderlines - Rebekka - October 01, 2016

eh, shadowposted and edited!
Rebekka was a creature without much caution to consequences. It was a fact of her very being, the way she worked and lived and breathed; the first time being careful had been the badger incident with Freyja and for the first time, she had felt responsible for someone other than herself. Walking in on a scene of potential danger towards a child she had actually started to tolerate sent her into a rage that went beyond her usual chaotic need for action. Heda had herself as a blockade between herself and the girl, yet at the same time launched an offensive attack that Rebekka could not help but to intervene on. Yet, before she could make a move to attack, the stranger tuck tailed and fled on an injured leg. A snarl and a scoff rippled through the breast and throat of one Rebekka, and without thinking the woman began the chase. Attempting to snap at the heels of the tresspasser as it flees, the only thought that raced though her mind was the one to drag the other down until it can move no longer. Thankfully for her, the other carried a limp and Rebekka knew it will not get far in an attempt to outrun her, a woman with twice the strength. As if she already had the strangers neck in her jaws, a twisted smile formed on her lips; pushing to run faster and faster before she leaps. The jump was formed by muscled powered stride and would land with a heavy crash if she could even land it in the first place.

RE: Borderlines - Freyja - October 01, 2016

She knew that it would not be in anybody’s favor to intervene so she did what she did best: learn. She would take this experience and use the lessons another day when she was the one doing the fighting. Despite her lack of involvement she remained stiff in preparation of this brawl taking a turn for the worse.  

Soon enough help was on the way and her gaze turned towards Rebekka as she came onto the scene just as the intruder began to turn heel. A new spark of anger flared in her belly at this and her brows rose as she quietly questioned the opposing wolf’s current mental state silently with a sense of judgement upon her young features.

RE: Borderlines - Antumbra - October 03, 2016

To avoid any possible confusion, the other is this: Thuringwethil > Eden > Rebekka > Freyja.

Her teeth sink into flesh and there's a burst of blood into her mouth, but soon the grip is ripped away from her. Whether her skin tears beneath her grasp or some shred of luck, Thuringwethil is sure there is a wound left behind. There's no grace or skill beneath the escape, either, as she squirrels herself around and scrambles to her feet. A pathetic act of desperation to save her own skin but with her call made, the sudden sight of Rebekka, she's sure the other won't get away without any more scathing.

Thuringwethil swings her head around as Rebekka jumps into action, pursuing the female. Her own legs get into gear in order to catch up to the fleeing trespasser.

RE: Borderlines - RIP Eden - October 07, 2016

With the sound of the chase growing more between yips and growls, Eden forced herself further, though her body protested greatly. She knew that she was now outnumbered, but the adrenaline kept her going.

RE: Borderlines - Rebekka - October 09, 2016

When the chase no longer seemed relevant, the woman fell back; having snapped at the strangers heels until it was over and past the borderline and beyond. Pathetic. Those with little guts to stand and fight in their own self defense struck no pity in her heart but the disgust at the weakness in the choice to flee. It was only by some miracle did the tresspasser manage to just graze Rebekka's awaiting jaws; something that made her angry as much as it frusturated her. Stoic eyes burned into the path the stranger took as if she could physically burn the scent trail with her eyes. Yet, her muscles still stood tense as she impatiently waited for Thuringwethil's instruction, awaiting any indication to track down the stranger if that was what the Commander wished. The stranger meant little to the woman herself, figuring it would mostly likely die by another pack's jaws in just a little while. However, Rebekka's sole loyalty was to the commander, and therefore her concerns lied with what Heda wished to be done. 

RE: Borderlines - Freyja - October 10, 2016

Though Freyja was not an active chaser, she followed behind closely as the others did the deed. She was all too preoccupied in her thoughts about the mental capacity of the chased and knew that they needed to drive her as far away from Sleeping Dragon as they could. They could not afford such a lunatic to be running about near their home.

When it seemed as if the other slipped away, Freyja padded until she was alongside Rebekka and huffed as she watched Eden. Her tail lifted and the fur along her shoulders remained pricked as she muttered a deeply spoken, “Bushhada.”

RE: Borderlines - Antumbra - October 14, 2016

The pursuit manages to slip past the two warriors by some sample of luck. Rebekka curves back empty-handed and Heda stares for a long while after the culprit has gone. Irritation flicks her ears and her chest remains puffed out, worked up and frustrated, and she takes a few blind steps forward as a plan formulates in her head. There hasn’t been another to show to help along the borders, which only further proves to irritate her, and she can’t help the snarl that bursts from her jaws.

She snaps her attention toward Rebekka, registering the last several seconds. Rebekka, the Trigeda wolf she hasn’t seen much of, but is hesitant yet to dismiss. Her stare remains briefly, but she glances to Freyja and then sends a call for @Dio. Perhaps he has been on his way this whole time, or farther away, but nonetheless her urgency reaches as far as she can send it.

Do you have her scent?” Heda asks in their shared tongue once her attention returns to the kru.

RE: Borderlines - Rebekka - October 14, 2016

Anticipation remained within her emotions long after the trespasser was chased off; yet the snarl of the Commander internally caused her to flinch. Lowered eyes refused to meet Heda's gaze, as if choosing to run off the female was a sin in itself, and a lazy decision rather than to chase her down to the ends of the earth. Regardless of the fact Heda's anger was not directed to Rebekka, the woman seemed to feel the wrath all the same; equally as motivating as it was terrifying. Head dipped, the woman replied with a clear tone, a pawn's response to a higher power that could as easily chase her out for her failures, as Rebekka had chased out the trespasser. With the distinct aroma of the loner on her senses, she could give the reply with full confidence.  "Yes, Heda,"

With a flickering glance to Freyja, she wondered what the Commander's will was to be. While the Kru would not dare to question the decision of the cheiftess, and was as equally awaiting to taste the blood of the trespasser woman on her tongue, what was Heda's objective other than to place simple revenge on an already destined-to-fail loner? As they awaited the arrival of an officer, a foreign delegate chosen to be apart of Heda's inner circle; she paced. While each seond ticked by, the woman ran an extra distance, and Rebekka stood pacing. 

RE: Borderlines - Dio - October 15, 2016

He'd been on the outer fringe of the heda's call's reach, but turned to answer all the same with a vague feeling of familiarity creeping on him. By the time he began to get closer, a second summons arose -- the urgency of it pressing him forward harder now. His ears fell back and he drove on faster over the landscapes.

He came loping onto the scene with Thuringwethil, Rebekka, and Freyja all present, the scent of an unknown stinging his nose and tensions palpable. With his proper deference still in mind, he bristled while gauging this situation before he searched the commander above all for the explanation: what happened? Everyone looked readied for something, Rebekka's pacing may have driven this home. At least Freyja appeared fine at first glance. Nevertheless, the unease was contagious and with preemptive frustration for the stink in his nose to have caused this disturbance, he glowered anxiously.

RE: Borderlines - Freyja - October 15, 2016

The Feisripa did not know what could be done at this point. Would they go and chase her? Kill her? Freyja only hoped so. She held no pity in her heart for those who weren’t intelligent enough to realize where a borderline was-- though she had done once as a younger child-- and felt that the world would be a better place without these wolves. With these thought frothing in her mind, Freyja followed suite after Rebekka and started her own pacing as they awaited the Wocha.

He soon came and as he loped onto the scene, the Feisripa ceased her pacing as her attention quickly jumped from Woch to Heda, awaiting what would come next.

RE: Borderlines - Antumbra - October 16, 2016

By the time Dio approaches, the other two wolves have worked themselves up while she makes an attempt to calm herself instead. It had been an initial struggle not to continue with the two wolves she has here, but she didn’t know what her outcome might be if she’d gone after her herself. Thuringwethil will get her dues upon the woman. Whomever she is barely got a scratch on her foolish way out and she’ll see to it she doesn’t leave a second time without the proper adornments.

Hon up em. Lid in ai,” she says toward Rebekka. Uncertain whether or not Dio understood or not, depending on how much he’s picked up over his time here, she swings her head toward him. “Trespasser. Bring her to me.”

RE: Borderlines - Rebekka - October 20, 2016

Mere seconds after Heda's command was set, the huntress wasted no time taking off, assuming the other would follow when he could. There was little Rebekka knew about the commander on a personal level, but she was aware enough to know that this meant more to Thuringwethil than it meant to her; more than she could understand. However, the vengeful order could tell her but one true thing: it meant she could not dare to return empty handed, or suffer the consequences of failing a task assigned by Heda herself. No matter her lesser attachment to hunting down the doomed stranger, Heda's wishes would become her own, and what Rebekka wanted, she would get. There was never a more true case than the phrase, your wish is my command

The scent trail remained prominent, and for as long as she could, unresting. She did not know much about her companion, Dio, other than he was not of Trigeda, nor any tribe she knew of. No matter, it would not affect her task nor it's outcome. Rebekka had begun the chance to prove her worth, and prove, she would do.

RE: Borderlines - Dio - October 23, 2016

His ears quiver anxiously towards the Heda's tones, and his brow furrows at the words he's not yet mastered perfectly. It's made clearer in the next breath and his hackles stiffen swiftly with the thought. Trespasser. He fails to understand how the general populous continues to disregard their borderlands, and even their nearby spaces. Annoyance with the unknown wolf who dared test them bubbles up. The wocha nods, deep and with a pointed look. Understood.

And so, it will be.

Rebekka wastes no time, and he's just a handful of paces behind her as soon as he can be. He will get up to speed when the time is right. For now, he lowers his muzzle and memorizes the scent carefully, all while letting Rebekka set their heading.

RE: Borderlines - Freyja - October 23, 2016

“Hon up em. Lid in ai,”

Freyja perks to the sound of her native tongue, her eyes reaching up to the Heda momentarily before returning to the warriors. Though every fiber in her being wishes to join the departing party, Freyja obediently stays in place and waits for what Thuringwethil has to offer in regards to what their next move would be.

RE: Borderlines - Antumbra - October 23, 2016

There isn’t a lot of time wasted as Rebekka takes off in the direction the woman had disappeared and Dio doesn’t ask any further questions before doing the same, trailing behind the Trigeda wolf. Thuringwethil watches for a moment, until they disappear, and she glances down at Freyja as she remembers the girl is there. A lot of tension rises in her shoulders and she stiffens her posture, twisting back until she knows what she’s doing. “Come,” she instructs, taking the time to check the rest of the borders in their warrior’s absence.

RE: Borderlines - Freyja - October 23, 2016

With the anticipation of it all floating in the air, Freyja gave the two warriors a parting glance before turning into the direction in which she was instructed. Though she has many questions in regards to what will follow this, she does not speak them. Instead, she dutifully tends to the borderlines at the Heda's side without speaking and instead focusing on the task at hand.