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Sleeping Dragon what she order? fish fillet - Printable Version

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what she order? fish fillet - Freyja - October 03, 2016

Freyja had spent a portion of her time thinking about Winter and the snow it would bring. She thought about how it would affect the pack and how it would affect the migration. But, most of all, she thought about how she would survive. She did not fear death-- nor did she think it was an option-- but she wondered of how it would differ from the warmer months. Time and experience would be the only thing to soothe her restless mind and she, in a way, could not wait.

Today Freyja made a conscious note to go and check to main cache to see how the pack was fairing. She was currently perched in a sphinx-like on a ledge as she silently watched what was going on below, watching nothing in particular. Instead, she took the territory in as a whole as she surveyed what was going on.

RE: what she order? fish fillet - Goliath - October 07, 2016

Powerplaying the food a lil :s
Finally being upgraded to a kru, the first thing that he had done was check out all the territories he used to stay. Trotting through the pack grounds and taking in the beautiful scenery, it felt fantastic to be back in the social hub that was the Rendesvouz point. 

However, the scent of food had caught him astray, and when he found the luscious, rich supply of food (compared to what he had eaten in the past 6 months) in the cache... well... 

Goliath had finally gone mad.

Pouncing in the source of food (which probably weighed as much as he did) he began to wolf down as much food as he could see. Grabbing a whole rabbit, he began to nibble on its spine, before nearly gulping it whole. (and by whole, I mean he nearly choked half of it back out, and ate that again).

Only pausing to regain his breath, he attempted to take down as much as possible before he was caught. Goliath was sure to get punished, if he didn't get away.

RE: what she order? fish fillet - Freyja - October 07, 2016

There was a sense of serenity in the moment as she proudly looked over the Heda’s kingdom. All was peaceful and Freyja was truly glad to see that the mountainside pack was thriving. Taking it all in, the child closed her eyes a smiled as she enjoyed the moment.

She only opened her eyes once she heard a disturbance below.

The cache was located several feet below her and as she became more and more aware of the situation she stood and looked down. Upon further investigating the less than attractive sounds that her packmate was making, Freyja felt her fur perk along her nape and for a sense of anger to bubble within.

“GOLIATH,” she yowled in anger, leaping off her perch so that she could swiftly make her way down the mountain and towards the burly beast. Her tail was held high and a growl bubbled in her throat as she took no time to clear the distance between them.

This couldn’t have been happening! This was the very food that the pack needed during the Winter!

Without any hesitation, once she pulled alongside Goliath, Freyja lunged towards the Kru while flashing her fangs with hopes of latching onto one of his meaty hindlegs, knowing that her teeth would teach him a better lesson than her words.

RE: what she order? fish fillet - Goliath - November 09, 2016

Goliath, in his gluttony-fueled frenzy, didn't notice the sharp yowl, and only recognized that he had been caught when he felt several small fangs pierce into his rump. Turning his head to face the small pup latched onto him, with a mouth filled to the brim with a dead rabbit, simply shook his large backside in a quick attempt to get her off. 

After a couple of swings, he feels the small girl fall off, and Goliath continues his eating frenzy in a moment's notice, swallowing the remaining chunks of rabbit down.

RE: what she order? fish fillet - Freyja - November 12, 2016

There was a sense of anger about the child that she had yet to experience. It pulsed through her as she remained latched onto Goliath. She did everything in her power to hold on as she she shaken but soon enough she unattached herself as she found it too difficult to hold on. She landed heavily with an "oof!" close to where she had latched on as her attention snapped back to the gluttonus threat, despite the intial shock that she felt from being flinged. 

Gatheirng herself quickly, Freyja did not resitate in her attempt of a rebound and despite the odds, she did not falter. Instead, she aimed her attack towards the soft fur underneath the Gona's jaw and it was through this that she hopes that she would better get his attention. She was almost at a state of panic at this point, knowing that time was of the essence. Before long the whole cache could be consumed and Freyja would do everything in her power to avoid that.

RE: what she order? fish fillet - Goliath - November 15, 2016

When Goliath felt the small girl, latched upon his rump fall off, he paused for a brief moment- wondering 'Oh shit, I got caught?' before almost immediately resuming his food-frenzy. Finishing off the remaining pieces of rabbit that lingered in his behemoth jaws, then chomping down on a few strawberries as a mid-feast snack-

It was when the pup attacked his soft underbelly did he become infuriated, and (attempted) to bellow "Th'fuck pup doing?" in his, strange, ugly accent. For the first time since he arrived, he stopped eating and concentrated himself to take the child off his muzzle and to stop this onslaught during Goliath's mealtime.

Using one of his forepaws, he attempted to push the kid away from holding his mouth to the floor.

RE: what she order? fish fillet - Freyja - November 15, 2016

From Golliath’s bellowing to his actions, Freyja found herself growing more infuriated by the other’s actions. “Ch--can’t--eeet--that” she attempted through his fur. Despite the fury she was facing she was glad that she was able to take his attention off of the cache. Now, if only she could drive him away completely.

Freyja was not a fighter by any means, but, despite this, she would do everything in her power to stop him.

She was quickly pushed off by his paw and onto her back so that her soft underside was exposed. Knowing that this was definitely a bad thing, as she had learned in her playfights with her siblings, she acted fast and began to thrash her forelimbs in an attmpt to drive him away from both herself and the cache she so despertly wanted to protect.

RE: what she order? fish fillet - Goliath - November 16, 2016

PP'ing with permission :D

Goliath rolled his eyes at the girl's feeble attempt to defend herself- and watched as she pawed the air between them. Snorting back laughter, he attempted to push her onto her belly with his enormous paws, nudging with as much force required, but not more. Lowering his enormous jaws towards the pup, he opened them just enough so that he could pick her up from the scruff. 

Lifting her with a swift, upright jerking motion- he felt like he nearly tossed her upwards. Worried that he would injure the pup too much, he began to be much more careful. Adjusting his grib to cover more of her small neck. "Goin oot" he told her through clenched teeth, transporting the girl out of the cache and came up with a terrible idea.

Readjusting his grip once more, he headed off towards the nearby stream that flowed through the rendesvouz point- he was going to scare the pup straight into never bothering him again.

RE: what she order? fish fillet - Freyja - November 16, 2016

It all happened so quickly and yet Freyja could not believe where her defense was taking this meeting. She struggled relentlessly in his grip, writhing every each way in an attempt to break free. But, despite this, her attempts were all in vain.

“Put me DOWN!” she commanded through clenched teeth, a growl bubbling at the end of her words. “If you don’t, I’m going to tell Heda what you’ve done.” Her threat was one that she did not offer lightly and her tone was grave as she spoke the offered words.

RE: what she order? fish fillet - Goliath - November 16, 2016

Goliath simply tightened his grip whenever the girl squirmed within his jaws, although besides that the way to the river was relatively painless.

Arriving at the stream, he made sure to go a while north to make sure that no passing wolf saw what he would do; Lifting the pup above the flowing water, he wiggled her back and forth a bit, just to threaten her a little more- and hissed:  "Don't disturb Goliath ever!" trying to sound as serious as he could be. 

Wanting to make sure she got the message, he narrowed his eyes, and gave a 1-word warning; "Water." before he plunged poor Freyja into the shallow, yet still ice cold water. He waited for a second, and then pulled her out- he wasn't going to kill her, but this might do well.

RE: what she order? fish fillet - Freyja - November 16, 2016

His warning rang through her ears and despite them all, she knew that she could never not bother him-- especially after what he had done with the cache! Such thoughts of hers would change drastically with his next move, and, even with his warning she was still thrown off guard.

Shock overcame her as she was plummeted below the watery surface and as this occurred she momentarily grew eerily still. What was she supposed to do now? Was she going to die?! As such thoughts came across her, she began to thrash again, hoping that the giant would either release her or bring her above the surface. Before she could spare another thought, Goliath did the latter and brought her back up.

She gasped as a fierce ripple of shivers overcame her. “Y-You’re g-go-oing t-to pay, for t-this,” she forewarned darkly, her panic naively fleeing as anger overcame her once more.

RE: what she order? fish fillet - Goliath - November 16, 2016

Goliath was unsatisfied with her response, and shoved his tiny captive back into the frigid waters. This time, he waited a couple seconds longer- the poor baby would have to suffer just a  teeny bit more, and hopefully that would spell the end of her terrible, annoying reign of disturbances that plagued Goliath's weekly life.

Pulling her out of the water once more, he shook her a bit to get the water out of her fur and then carried her back to the cache, where he warned her. "Do not tell other, or Goliath finish what Goliath start." before dropping her on a pile of foodstuffs, and promptly leaving the area.

RE: what she order? fish fillet - Freyja - November 16, 2016

Just as quickly she had been lifted she was dunked again. She could feel the panicked drumming of her heart in her throat, the tightening of her chest, and, as she foresaw it, the end of all that had been her reality. With him holding her down longer, Freyja began to feel lightheaded as she was held under. Her thrashes weakened and just as she felt as though she could not hold her breath any longer, she was plucked back up again.

Relishing this moment, Freyja gasped her first breath as she fell limp in Goliath’s grasp. She no longer fought, no longer threatened, and instead landed pitifully in the cache that she had so diligently built up.

His warning rang true and clear to her and as he stalked away, she lingered there pitifully as if she were another addition to the pile of corpses. She lingered there for quite some time, recalling all that had just happened, until  her emotions got the better of her. A sob broke the silence, her sides quaked, and, for the first time that she could recall, she cried openly. She cried for a greath length of time, her lamenting continuing even after she had run out of tears.

Eventually, she pulled herself onto unsteady paws and hesitantly teetered back to the den, fibbing to @Gyda that she had fallen into the river when she had been asked what happened.