Wolf RPG
Stone Circle Here you come again - Printable Version

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Here you come again - Addie - October 03, 2016

Adeline rose from the den, stretching her front legs before her, happy not to feel the familiar ache in her shoulder. Her jaws opened wide in a yawn, and came to a stand to shake the dirt from her short fur. She was off quickly after that, weaving in and out of the trees. She'd had so much fun exploring the forest since they had moved here. It gave her brain something new to focus on.

Her nose was low to the ground, trying to find a scent trail to follow. She didn't really pick up on anything interesting enough to follow, so she headed towards the stone pillars. She knew Dad liked that place, but when she arrived, she found no one. Not too upset that no one was around, she began to make up a game of her own.

The pillars were surrounding her, and Adeline growled as she circled, trying to decide which one she would take on. She went down into a play bow to one, then suddenly lunged toward it, veering off at the last moment to go around it. Facing the back of it, she raised her front legs and pushed on the boulder, as if it would fall before her. It didn't. But, she pranced around as if it had, her tail waving high over her back in victory. 

RE: Here you come again - Philos - October 03, 2016

As Philos wondered toward the stone cirlce he towed with him a larfe catfish which he had caught not to long ago. It was a gift he had intended to give to Adeline. Assuming he found her before the fish rotten to badly. the fish lay sideways in Philos's jaws. He heard the sound of growling and quickly lowered himself. He then rushed behind one of the pillars. Could someone be fighting an intruding wolf. With their new claim to the territory many wolves might feel they didn't own it and that they could go about freely through it.

He set down his catch before pearing out from the large pillar to find Adeline playing around the stones. He stepped out from behinf the stone leaving his catch. Making it a surprise would be better he throught. As he came out he aplauded Adeline victory "A tramendious victory milady." he said playfully.

RE: Here you come again - Addie - October 03, 2016

A voice behind her had her twirling around quickly, and her gaze set instantly on Philos. She grinned at his words, pleased he had seen her conquer the large stone. Nevermind that it was still upright. Instead of forgetting about her play, Adeline dropped the front of her body to the ground, her front legs splayed out before her as her tail waved in the air in a clear indication that she was inviting him to play. 

I'm gonna get you next! she vowed, a playful growl coming from her throat. In the next instant, she was barreling towards him, her eyes waiting to capture whatever movement he might make. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth as a wolfy smile appeared on her maw. It had been some time since she had really got to play because of her injury, and she needed to make up for it.

RE: Here you come again - Philos - October 03, 2016

The little Adeline spun around and went down into a play pose as she said Philos was her next target. Philos matched her stance, bowing down and extending his front paws as his tail wagged steadily. And in an instant she was rushing for him. He enjoyed playing with the young and doing as they wished. Treating each as something to adore. So when Adeline vowed Philos to be her next victom he allowed. 

When she reached him he pretended to fall to the ground from her impact. He lay on his back letting the pup climb on him if she wished. His fur was thick enough that if she were to bite him it wouldn't hurt very much. He playfully pushed back aginist him as if he were struggling but not to his full capability. "No milady. What have I done to deserve your wrath." he playfully cried.

RE: Here you come again - Addie - October 04, 2016

Philos got into his own play stance, which stirred Adeline on even more. She ran towards him, ears perked. When she got close, and was just about to pounce on him, he fell to his side and she pounced on him anyways, her open jaws searching for a spot to gnaw on—maybe a shoulder, maybe an ear, whichever she could get to. She let a playful growl release from her throat as she considered his question.

Then, she remembered. You promised me seafood the next time I saw you, she mumbled, not releasing whatever chunk of fur she might have in her mouth of his. It was true, he had. And it was obvious that he had no type of food on him now, let alone her seafood.

RE: Here you come again - Philos - October 04, 2016

The small wolf mumbled through Philos's fur. Talking about how he had promised her seafood. Just as he had planned the surprise would be a better way to reveal he gift to her. It wasn't too far away and he could still smell it's presence. Still in character on his back Philos pleased with Adeline. "But I did bring you your seafood. Can't you smell it?" he asked her. Enticing her to smell around for it.

If she had never smelled fish before it would be hard to smell for something she didn't know the smell of. But if he tried to smell for something out of the ordenary she might find it. Philos thought of how this could be a possible learning experience masked by play. Or maybe she wouldn't think to smell for it. Either way she would have her meal soon enough.

RE: Here you come again - Grayday Sr. - October 04, 2016

1-post cameo. No need to acknowledge.
It was the sound of her laughter that drew him; Day loved her regardless of her moods, but he loved her laughter the most. The world just seemed to right itself when she was happy. If she was happy, it meant they were doing something right, that the world was in order, that life could go on. Maybe he put too much stock in the wisdom of her moods, or maybe he was just willing to fit his world to those constraints.

Either way. He still loved her laugh.

But this? Day watched with barely-concealed anger as the two romped and played and laughed. Day had never liked that man, but he liked him even less, now. What he felt was as close to hatred as the male was capable, and it made his fur bristle all the way down his spine.

Later on, he would recongize these emotions for what they were - jealousy. And he would mourn the loss of his sanity accordingly, and tell himself he would make friends instead of enemies and that Adeline was allowed to do the same. He didn't own her. He didn't have a monopoly on her friendship.

For now, he glared silently at the pair for a few more minutes, hating the tightness in his chest and the growl that rumbled up in his throat. When he could take no more, he stalked back into the trees and disappeared from sight. It would be several hours before anyone saw him again.

RE: Here you come again - Addie - October 10, 2016

She paused mid-bite as she comprehended his words. She let go of him, but refused to get off as she sniffed the air around her. Honestly, she didn't know what seafood smelled like, since she had never had it, but she searched anyways. She put her paws back on earthy ground, allowing him to get up if he wanted. 

She inhaled sharply, and got a whiff of something that she'd never smelled before. She followed the scent, and it lead her around to one of the pillars, and her tail wagged when she spotted the fish. She grabbed it up in her jaws, and held her head high as she pranced back into the circle with it. She put it on the ground and began to dig into it. It was a new, kind of weird taste, but not altogether unpleasant. A few bites in, she decided she could get used to it for sure. 

When she was finished, she sat back on her haunches, licking the taste of fish from her maw as her gaze went to Philos. Your offering pleases me, she said in mock-seriousness, and then broke out in a laugh. 

RE: Here you come again - Philos - October 10, 2016

At first she smelled the air searching for the gift he had brought her. She got off him and followed her nose as she smelled the ground continuing her search. She roles over and watched her with a smile. He thought her curiosity was cute. He could tell she found it by looking at her tail wag vigeriously when she looked behinf the large stone. Bringing it back and chowing down she seemed to like it. At least enough that she finished the whole thing in one sitting.

She licked the remains and returned her gaze to Philos. Playfully saying his offer pleased her before she broke character and burst out laughing. He laughed along with her and as he did he said "Seems like it, you at the whole thing." continuing to laugh even harder after he did. He nuzzled her head with his afterwards.

RE: Here you come again - Addie - October 11, 2016

She grinned when he pointed out that she ate the whole thing. It seemed it was more than just “okay,” after all. Her tail wagged in the grass behind her. Was I not supposed to? Did you want some? Too bad! Ya snooze, ya loose! she teased, a wide grin on her maw. 

She returned his nuzzle, her heart skipping a beat when she did. She hadn’t really had a friend that didn’t seem like a real Uncle or brother. Philos was not blood related, and it seemed her feelings were drifting less towards family-like, and more towards something new. In experimentation, she snaked her tongue out towards his cheek.

RE: Here you come again - Philos - October 12, 2016

Philos didn't mind that she had ate the whole thing. He had caught one for himself while catching one for her. He smiled as she teased him for not getting any of the fish he had brought her. 

He had alot of fun spenting time with Adeline. She seemed to be the only wolf in the pack he spent time with regularly. He could be as playful and goofy as he wanted and she matched it. A grown wolf might not be as willing to play and ruff house. 

When she licked his cheek her turned his head at her. He thought she was trying to thank him for his gift without actually saying it. He smiled and nudged her side. He did it a bit harder then normal trying to playfully push her over.

RE: Here you come again - Addie - October 13, 2016

He didn't seem put off by her kiss, though he didn't return it. She wasn't fazed by this, however. He nudged her side, a harder than usual, and she rolled to her side and onto her back. Her legs waved in the air towards Philos as she growled playfully, watching to see if he might try to pounce her.

Aside from Ezekiel, she had no one to really romp and roll with, at least no one that seemed to treat her as if she might break. Adeline loved to rough house, and since Philos was so much bigger, he was perfect for it. Plus, he didn't seem to hold back simply because she was smaller. Adeline had long since learned to hold her own.

RE: Here you come again - Philos - October 13, 2016

He had nudged her hard enough where she fell onto her side. She continued the motion by rolling onto her back. Flailing her legs into the air, she taunted him to pounce on her. He jumped towards her and landed with her under him between his front legs. He bowed almost in a play pose as he wagged his tail and nuzzled his head into her chest. Then, he flopped down into her with his head resting on her chest as his tail wagged, brushing the ground. He then blew air into her face seeing how it would effect her. He then said with a smile "How can you be so fun?".

RE: Here you come again - Addie - October 14, 2016

He half pounced, and she was ready to try and gnaw at his front legs. But, then, he lowered his body to the ground and rested his head on her chest. Adeline went still. Her heart felt like a jackhammer in her chest, and her belly had a weird fluttering sensation to it. She wasn't exactly sure what was going on, but she thought she liked it. Suddenly, what she thought was wind was blowing in her face. But, when she looked, she realized it was Philos. Unable to hold it back, she turned her head to the side and sneeze, hopefully away from him, as it would have been very embarrassing to sneeze in his face.

She chuckled when he asked how she could be so fun. Just me, I guess, she replied. She supposed it was interesting, if she thought about it. Steady had always been nice, but not exactly super playful. Ezekiel had been a lot of fun. Maybe she got it from him. She wished she had more memories of her siblings and parents, but that was a wish best left buried deep down. Turning the tables, she asked him the same. How did you get to be so fun?

RE: Here you come again - Philos - October 15, 2016

Philos's laugh bellowed from his chest and vibrated his ribs as the little one sneezed as a result of him blowing in her face. To his question came a small answer and another question. Asking a similar question to his own. How had be become so much fun. He couldn't think of answer. Maybe it was the wrong question. Throughout his entire life Philos had been happy, friendly and playful how he stayed that way just seemed to be natural to him. "I think I'd say I was always fun and that I just stayed this goofy as I grew up."

Though he liked his time with Adeline he couldn't but help think of what he was doing within the pack. He was a member but all he had really done was play with Adeline. It also was the funnest thing to do and the thing he wanted to do the most. Maybe they could go somewhere and she could learn something. That way he was helping and spending time with his favorite wolf. "What do you say we go somewhere. I could help teach you somethinf if you would like." he wagged his tail across the ground.

RE: Here you come again - Addie - November 02, 2016

He admitted that he had been this fun as a pup, and simply retained the characteristic as he grew. She supposed she could see that. While she had been somewhat serious in her very early days, she had quickly turned to games and play as a way to deal with things and move on from the dark places. 

Her ears perked up when he suggest that they go somewhere, and maybe he could teach her something. She tried to think a moment about something she wanted to do, but hadn't yet. Then, she remembered his gift to her. Take me fishing! she said enthusiastically. It came out as an order, not a question, but she didn't seem to notice.

RE: Here you come again - Philos - November 02, 2016

He watched her think for a moment before commanding that he teach her to fish. He smiled and began to think for a moment. At first he went outside of the pack borders to go fishing, not knowing of the river within their borders. Between the two he had no preference but Adeline might have. Even though she wan't a tinny pup she was still not fully an adult which made Philos a bit more over protective. But he also knew that he wasn't her father and had no role in telling her what to do. Which must have been why she toldhim what to do so often. "Sounds good. Where would you like to fish, in or out od the border?"

RE: Here you come again - Addie - November 11, 2016

He seemed to accept the idea, and she stopped to think another moment when he asked if she wanted to remain in the territory to fish, or to explore outside. In, she decided. I don't want anyone coming around to try and steal it, she said, fully confident that she would catch something. And she'd be damned if she let anyone take it from her who didn't deserve it. 

She moved to bump Philos' shoulder. Okay, come on! Which river are we going to? There was a main, large one that ran through the territory, but there were other, smaller, streams, too. Did he know which one would be best? Because she sure didn't. She played in the water, sure, but she had never fished. 

RE: Here you come again - Philos - November 17, 2016

Philos thought it was cute that Adeline wanted to go to a river with in the territory to avoid it getting stolen. At times it seemed that the younger you were the more likely you were to be paranoid, or think of extreme sinarios. Even though someone stealing your catch was completely possible he still thought it was cute. She asked which river and Philos only knew one that had a name which was Marino River. That was the biggest an the most likely to have fish in it, so he thought that would be the best one. 

She bumped into his shoulder and to that he smiled. "Marno River seems like the best option. You want to lead the way or should I?" he asked assuming that she would want to lead. Either way he would head towards Marino River to begin their fishing lession.

One more from you then we can start a new thread?
p.s. sry it took me so long to reply

RE: Here you come again - Addie - November 21, 2016

Sounds perfect!

She waited, albeit eagerly, for him to choose a river. The options seemed to come quickly, thankfully, and Adeline wagged her tail. She turned in the direction of the river as he asked who was going to lead the way. Me! she announced easily. 

Her tongue lolled out of her mouth, an obviously happy expression upon her face at the prospect of Philos teaching her how to fish. She assumed he was following, and hoped he was as excited as she.