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Firestone Hot Springs take a break - Printable Version

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take a break - Cam Hommes - October 05, 2016

Cam had made his way across a set of mountains, and just now decided it was time for a rest. Surprisingly the mountains hadn't been that bad for the boy, he'd caught enough food to keep him moving, but of course he was still hungry. Food could wait though, for Cam had stumbled across something he found pretty neat. Hot springs. He was young, just turned a yearling but weeks ago, so he'd never seen anything like it before. Curiosity blocked out his fatigue and filled him with a childlike excitement.

He scurried over to a pool of water, the air around it sizzling with heat. A huge smile lit up his face as he watched a bubble pop on its surface. For a moment he was sad that he had no one else here to share this amazing new discovery with. But then he remembered that he didn't need anybody else. He liked to think that, but Cam actually thrives off of others, and was such an attention hog. He pushed away his sad thoughts as he stuck a paw in the water. He jumped back a few steps at first, the initial shock of how hot it was shouldn't have been surprising and yet it was.

He tried again, this time going a little bit further, flinching as the water went above his paw and onto his ankle. Finally he decided just to go for it, and with no second thought, he jumped in. The water was boiling hot, but it felt good. It felt cleansing, as if it were washing away all the dirt and grime his fur had accumulated over his journey. He paddled and splashed around in it happily, enjoying his little break.

RE: take a break - Scimitar - October 05, 2016

Thanks for starting!
He began his search within the local vicinity of the forest. The frost at nights, and the rain that dampened the grounds prior had ensured Rannoch and Lucy’s scent remained quite hidden from him, and the frustration he felt was only spurned by the nervous realization that both might be missing for good – that this far surpassed childish antics that requested adventure.
The hot springs was a place he was familiar with, though had not visited in some time. The heat that emanated from the pools was surprising to him this time of year, but he carefully sidesteps them, unwilling to stop now when his mission was perfectly clear. He had requested his daughter steer clear of the east side of the woods – and he had searched the coastal areas quickly.. but coming up with nothing, he was now forced to trek closer to lands he had no desire to go too.
There was a gentle splashing sound, and glancing up sharply from his original focus, the wolf noted another basking in one of the springs – paddling, splashing. The very definition of carefree. “Hey,” he called out, quickening his pace to close some of the distance between the two as his aqua eyes settled upon the earth-toned wolf. “Have you seen two pups? One is black with blue eyes – the other is grey with blue eyes.” Directly to the point, the large wolf waited, feeling his nerves fray with every hiss of the spring water and steam.

RE: take a break - Cam Hommes - October 05, 2016

No problem!

Cam stopped his splashing when he heard  a voice call out to him. It surprised him, and at first he froze. He hadn't noticed anyone else around, so how could he have missed this other wolf? His mind immediately went to the worst, perhaps that this was an ambush and he was about to be attacked. He looked around for the other, and his chocolate brown eyes came to rest on a large brown male. This other was bigger than him, most were, but still he was quite intimidating. But more than intimidated, Cam felt annoyed. Annoyed because this guy had interrupted his relaxation time, and because his exhaustion already had him kind of grumpy.

The large wolf asked about pups, and Cam's confused and agitated facial expression softened a little. The other male had lost his pups, and that would explain why he seemed to urgent. A decent excuse at least, for butting in to Cam time. The boy stubbornly didn't leave his spot in the pool, but looked up and shook his head. Haven't seen anyone for a while. You lose your kids? He asked, rather nonchalantly.

RE: take a break - Scimitar - October 05, 2016

He awaited the answer – the youthful wolf stopped his proceedings, casting him what he could only assume was a look of frustration. What, he thought inwardly, feeling his own frustrations rise. Had he ruined pool time?
Still, he was silent – at least, until the youth shot back what could have been taken as a snippy remark. The older wolf’s features darkened quite a bit despite the stoical mask in place, and he considered for a moment how satisfying it would be to shake some kindness in to the lone wolf.
“They’re from Neverwinter Forest and they’re lost,” he added for more depth, not commenting on the flippant comment. “So if you see them.. we would appreciate if you could take time from your luxurious bath to let us know.” @Eshe would have been so disappointed in him in that moment – he never could play nice for very long.

RE: take a break - Cam Hommes - October 05, 2016

Cam could see that he'd possibly pissed the larger wolf off. He wasn't really trying to be rude - not yet at least. He dragged himself out of the water, shaking his earthy toned pelt free of the water then trotting towards the other male. He kept a respectable distance, and dropped his tail submissively. He definitely didn't want to get beat up, not today. He narrowed his eyes quizzically for a moment, studying the other male. He'd never heard of a Neverwinter forest before. Of course this was his first time in Teekon Wilds, so he didn't know any of the packs here, but it would be nice to have a little knowledge.

Deciding to play nice, he sat down where he stood, looking across and up at the other with a kinder more innocent gaze. I'm sorry to hear that. My name's Cam, I'll keep an eye out for them. He said, introducing himself with a slight nod. Hopefully the tension would release a bit with that, but other wolves were unpredictable. Especially ones who'd lost their kids.

RE: take a break - Scimitar - October 25, 2016

Scimitar’s eye followed the youthful male as he pulled himself out from the water, shaking himself and stirring Scimitar’s ears to flick back slightly as he felt small droplets rain toward him – thankfully, the wolf had kept distance before doing so, else it might have stirred the large wolf forward to teach the younger wolf something about his elders.

It would seem the cinnamon agouti wolf’s tones had broken through something – the stranger introduced himself as Cam, offering to keep an eye out for them. It was of little relief – Scimitar’s faith had never been placed within wolves that traveled alone, nor many outside of his own ranks. Still, it was better than nothing. “Scimitar,” he offered, his own bright eyes now drifting from his companion and to study the area about them. Would Rannoch and Lucy have come this way?

RE: take a break - Cam Hommes - November 01, 2016

Cam nodded when the other had offered a quick introduction, giving only his name. Scimitar. Another weird name Cam had never heard before but would definitely remember. He watched as Scimitar surveyed his surroundings, and Cam pitied him. He couldn't imagine losing his kids. Mostly because he had none and didn't know what it was like to have any in the first place, but he could see the pain in the older male's eyes. He narrowed his brows, thinking.

What are their names? The earthy toned boy broke the period of silence with a question.

RE: take a break - Scimitar - November 11, 2016

Thank you for your patience for this thread.. want to end? Trying t tie up loose ends.

The wolf's tune changed -- something the worried father could be grateful for, given the timing and his own frustrations. With a keen look to the other, he released an inward sigh, his features remaining stoical and guarded for now. "Rannoch and Lucy." He paused then, knowing it to be almost fruitless to put one's trust in to a wolf he did not know.
"Thank you for your time -- but I must continue looking for them." With that, the large wolf began to skirt away, placing the conversation as almost irrelevant. Little did he know that the stranger would soon be connected to a pack that was very much connected to his son.