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Stone Circle What did the bison say to its son? Bi son. - Printable Version

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What did the bison say to its son? Bi son. - RIP Valette - October 06, 2016

Hunting Thread! @Rickon @Adeline @Grayday? @Philos @Anita Anyone welcome! The thread will go pretty quick. Anyone welcome to join! :D

Valette was very motivated to get at least one of her hunter specialties. It was her first trade and she hadn't even specialized in it. She found it almost shameful. Alas, the scouting missions were priority at the time. She had hunted with Grayday the day previous to test his new skills and back at Silvertip Adeline told her that she was very keen on joining a deer hunt. This could fail with new wolves joining or ones that were inexperienced but it was about the fun and the things they would learn from it. Valette would practice to hunt large prey species and lead a hunt.

To her delight a small flock of bison moved into their meadow. She hoped for the winter that they would stay in this valley, and would be joined by more. Who knows! This group was about ten individuals strong and Valette wanted to test the waters. She howled for wolves that wanted to hurt with her, calling them to come to her at the Stone Circle, the central meeting space of their territory. It was a great point to meet, especially because the stones looked out over the meadow.

Once everyone arrived in her opinion she cleared her throat. "Bisons have moved into our meadow!," she announced. "I want to test the waters and chase them around a bit. See how they react and how they defend their young. The point of this hunt is not to kill but to test the endurance and protectiveness of the herd," she explained. "If we manage to separate one, perhaps by creating panic we could have a go at these huge beasts but if its gets too dangerous I call off the hunt. Lets see how far we get, yes?," she spoke, excited herself. Perhaps all wolves were.

RE: What did the bison say to its son? Bi son. - Philos - October 06, 2016

Philos approtched the stone cirlce where Valette stood. He dan't really meet her before but had seen her when they were claiming the territory. He assumed she was high ranking with how close she seemed to Steady. He sat down to listen to her talk of the bison and how we would be testing them on endurance and protectiveness. Philos thought it was a good idea, for the pack and himself. He knew how to hunt but he wasn't special at it. His emence size and strength would help if they did end up hunting one down. He might be able to help bring one down, with the help of others in the pack of cource. 

This would also give him a chance to be with other members of the pack he wasn't too aquainted with. So Philos replied saying a simple "I'm in." ready to move with the pack when there were.

RE: What did the bison say to its son? Bi son. - Rickon - October 06, 2016

Nerves instantly swallowed Rickon the moment he heard the howl and the invitation behind it. He knew he wasn't a very good hunter, and hadn't much practice— having survived mostly on already dead things his entire life— but it wouldn't look good if he ignored the need for another pair of teeth and claws. Shaking off his inhibitions, the dusky wolf picked himself up from the uncovered hovel in the ground he had dug as his den (read: sleep-pit), and he began a long-legged trot towards the rendezvous site.

Valette, whom had called, and Philos stood waiting, and after gathering who would be gathered, the former began to tell them the deal. Rickon took a deep, shaky breath, only nodding slowly when she met his eye to confirm that he would participate. He stood quite rigidly, very sure he was going to mess this up.

RE: What did the bison say to its son? Bi son. - Addie - October 10, 2016

Adeline's ears perked when Valette's call rang out, and she was quick to rise and be on her way towards her Beta. Her shoulder was fully healed, and well stretched, now, and she was eager to move on from it and start learning how to hunt. The injury had grossly put her behind, for she knew if it hadn't happen, she would have some hunting experience by now. But, she'd make up for it.

She came upon Valette, Philos, and a male she hadn't met yet, but assumed he was new. Her tail wagged in greeting as she took a spot next to Philos, attempting to playfully bump shoulders with him. She turned her attention to Valette when she started to speak, instructing them that this was a chase, and not a hunt. Adeline was fine with that, as it was good starting point for her to learn. Adeline yipped in excitement, showing she was in on this, too.

RE: What did the bison say to its son? Bi son. - RIP Valette - October 11, 2016

Valette was happy with the pair she got. She didn't know Philos that well but she liked to think she knew the other two members that came to help her. Valette had explained the whole ordeal and howled to get everyone pumped before the test drive. Valette didn't mind that they would hear the howl, after all it would be a test of endurance and to see how they could take down these magnificent beasts. She had been mesmerized.

The dark female pushed herself forward and started running. She let out loud barks and yelps to make them start running. It seemed to have an effect because the herd instantly went into a defense mode. Deer would run but these big animals did not run. This was what surprised Valette a bit. As she came closer one charged forward, meaning she had to dodge a heady head of horns. "Watch out!," she warned the others with a bark and tried to still rile those beasts up.

Hopefully with four others there would be chaos and confusion and they would make the bison start running. Once they would run they might be able to test who was injured and who would be perfect to grab. What Valette did know now that they were very protective of their herd. Damn. "Try to make them run. Create panic!"

RE: What did the bison say to its son? Bi son. - Philos - October 11, 2016

Rickon and joined them in the cirlce along with Adeline. She came towards him wagging her tail and bumped his shoulder. He gave a light bump back, as a full forced one might have knocked her over with surprise. Satisfied with her numbers Valette let out another howl to begin the start of the hunt, or chase, whichever it was. Philos stood up and joined in before following Valette and gesturing to Adeline for her to follow. 

Valette was in the lead and once the herd appeared she began to bark and make noises trying to startle the herd. They reacted but not as other animals would have. They stood their ground and formed almost a circle of defence. One charged at Valette. She dodged and called out to the others. Philos was close but not the bison's target. When it lunged he got in front of Adeline. He knew she wasn't still a pup but he couldn't help but be protective. It made Philos think.

The bison were big and strong similar to Philos, in a way. They knew that they wouldn't be able to attack them if they weren't fleeing. By doing this they were exposing themselves, instead they faced them with their horns and charges. They could easily trample them. The biggest of the bison faced the wolves shaking their heads and taunting them to come toward their horns. 

With this thought Philos went aound the herd. The strong ones could be protecting weaking ones in the front of the herd. Philos was circling around trying to find a weaker bison, one that might choose to flee rather then stand their ground. He barked as he ran staying a safe distance away, so if they lundged he could dodge.

RE: What did the bison say to its son? Bi son. - Rickon - October 11, 2016

The only other to arrive after himself was a foxish adolescent, all keen reds and greys, with eyes a hundred times more green than his own. She resembled most of the wolves from Castlerock, which earned her a fond smile, but he couldn't find out much about her before the four of them began to move in on the rumbling herd of ungulates he wasn't familiar with.

The bison were large, and ornery— and though both facts were clear understatements, both facts were measuring up to be equally as daunting. Valette danced forward bravely, streaking forward like a dark strike of lightning, but their targets were not to be so easily intimidated. The beta was forced back, as the brown, brutish creatures began to put their backs to their young and weak, and form a defensive circle with heads and horns jutting out towards the wolves threateningly. The commands of their leader was easier said than done.

Rickon dashed forward, snarling, and startling a more unsure beast, but before he could potentially attack the bellowing lumberer, another tossed its head his way. The clumsy bastard lunged backwards, falling on his side for a split second before clawing himself to his feet as he scrambled from beneath hooves seeking to crush his spine.

RE: What did the bison say to its son? Bi son. - Addie - October 11, 2016

Philos returned her nudge and she smiled, not knowing he was holding back on her. He was a much larger wolf than she, but she liked that since it never seemed like she could break him. They could rough house without much worry. Well, at least no worry on her part. Any on his was unknown to her. She eyed the other male, returning the smile she got from him. She wondered who he was, but introductions were not to be done at this moment. Right now, they were going to chase some bison!

In her head, the scene that played out was her family going after the bison, and the bison simply running away. But, the realities were much more frightening. The bison didn’t run at all and instead, turned and faced the four wolves. Adeline lowered her head, growling and baring her teeth at the adult bison that faced her. She heard Valette’s warning and knew she would need to do her best not to get hurt here. She didn’t want a repeat of the fox hunt.

Distracted by a bison to her side, Adeline didn’t see the other until Philos jumped between them. No time for thanks in the thick of the hunt, she quickly moved so that she wouldn’t be put into that position again. Philos moved on, and for a second, she watched as he circled the herd. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the other male go down. She reacted quickly, lunging at the bison who threatened him, her open jaws snapping at its face. She felt the contact, and tasted the blood, a split second before the bison shoved its massive head towards her and sent her flying back. Adeline yelped in surprise, and landed on her side, but, unfazed, she got quickly back up on her paws to face the herd once more.

RE: What did the bison say to its son? Bi son. - RIP Valette - October 12, 2016

It turned out that the bison proved harder to panic than a herd of deer. She watched how Philos protected Adeline and how Rickon almost got trampled but luckily Adeline helped him. They were being a back up for one another which was a good sign. But it was still rather complicated to get the bison to do what they wanted.

Philos moved around but the bison had made a strong ring. Valette got an idea while watching the others. "Distract one side!," she called out to the others. She decided to be bold and try and sneak into the inner circle. As soon a one or two would charge forward she would rush in amongst the legs to get to that inner circle, that would most definitely create chaos right?

"I'm going in!," she barked at the rest and made a dive for it. One of the adults tried to turn around and follow her which broke the circle. Exactly what they wanted! Valette was in trouble now though because she could get easily trampled if they would panic now. These beasts were not an easy catch....

RE: What did the bison say to its son? Bi son. - Philos - October 12, 2016

Philos heard a yip from Adeline and looked over to see her go flying through the air. He also saw Rickon who nearly got trampled my the bison's sharp hooves and emence weight. He rushed over to both of them. Both were back on their feet when he reached them. The bison continued to toss their thick heads and moving forward and back attepting to push them away. The outer ring of the herd was the strongest and it seemed the weaker were in the middle. But even the weak were strong build. With heavy heads and thick skin. 

Valette caled out to the three telling them to distract one side. All three of them were together now and much of the herd was focused on them. Philos passed back and forth infront of the herd trying to keep their attention on him. He heard Valette shout that she was going in. She entered the ring and even with Philo's distraction some turned towards her, and others that were facing outward still, began to kick their back hooves. 

A wolf in the midst of a bison herd, that would shake them up, but the hord of hooves seemed to be a place one couldn't emerg from unscaved, Philos thought. Philos began to bark louder and snap at the herd, hopfully drawing more attention towards him instead of Valette. The herd broke from their ring formation and evn though they stayed relatively together they were more disperced now.

RE: What did the bison say to its son? Bi son. - Rickon - October 26, 2016

Didn't mean to hold you guys up!

Rickon whirled when he didn't feel cold, clobbering hooves on his back, and watched in horror as the youngest of the troupe was thrown back in defense of his own backside. He dashed to her side— even as she seemed to instantly recover to her feet— and buried his muzzle thoughtlessly into her ruff, instinctively using the contact to make sure she truly hadn't been harmed. Valette's shouting tore him away, an apologetic whine just barely slipping through gritted teeth as he turned to the beta's command.

He leaped after Philos, bounding forward to add to the distraction their dark leader asked for, but this formation was useless with their numbers. It was three adults, one young lady, and two of these four were vastly inexperienced— Rickon being one. He put on a brave front, but there was no way to kill these massive beasts without the entire pack working towards the same goal. A successful bison hunt would take a lot more than just them; and in realizing this, Rickon felt a sudden stab of fear for Valette, who had just dove into the midst of them...

RE: What did the bison say to its son? Bi son. - Addie - November 01, 2016

She was quick to get up, fearing the bison would continue its attack on her, but it did not budge from its place in the group. Did it fear a fault in their ranks? How were they so damn smart? The male she had saved came over and shoved his nose in her scruff, and she gave him a brief smile of thanks. Philos came over, she assumed to make sure they were both okay. She gave him a smile, as well, before turning her eyes back on the beasts.

Valette's order rang out, and Adeline glanced to her, wondering what she had in mind. But, she didn't linger on that for too long. She turned to the massive beast in front of her, growling, and lunged at it so that its focus would be on her. The two males seemed to be doing the same. After every fake lunge, Adeline moved to the side, and the bison would turn to face her more fully. Her plan to get the bison's backs facing Valette was working. 

Suddenly, Valette exclaimed that she was going in! Adeline looked on in fear as the Beta did just that. Suddenly, the ranks were broken and it seemed the bison knew it, too. They bellowed in anger, turning this way and that, trying to get the group back into formation. Adeline knew that couldn't happen. Suddenly, seeing an opening, she darted through two bison, ending up several yards away from Valette, and set herself in a position where they couldn't return to their circle. They would either trample them, or begin running away in one direction.

RE: What did the bison say to its son? Bi son. - RIP Valette - November 02, 2016

It seemed that the panic of not having only one wolf in their midst but two that made the panic set in. Of course Valette was not just standing there in the middle while the others took action. She snapped her jaws at the calfs who cried in panic. Adeline joined her and with that added panic the bison started to run. Valette stayed close to Adeline as the bison ran around them. Valette was panting and let out a howl that she was okay. The bison ran off and the leader didn't follow. She had enough information right now.

She nudged Adeline. "How brave you are," she spoke. Valette smiled at the thought that the two females were brave enough to jump in a wild herd of bison. Perhaps Steady shouldn't know about their rather reckless moment. The bison kept running leaving the two wolves in their midst behind. The ground was lightly trampled. She howled to gather everyone. "Good hunt. It might have failed but we did get to know them better. I saw some great saving moments and good back ups. I am all proud of you. The next time we just have to get them to panic and split one up. Perhaps a younger calf."

RE: What did the bison say to its son? Bi son. - Philos - November 02, 2016

Rickon had joined him in distracting the herd as Valette jumped into the herd, but what Philos didn't expect was for little Adeline to follow her in. The bison were so much bigger then her, even bigger then Philos and the thought of her getting trample or hurt scared him. With her in the midth of the herd they began to scatter and run away. Philos ran after them for a bit, angrily niping and barking at them to keep them away. As the herd cleared her looked back to see Adeline and ran to her side. She seemed ok and he was relieved nuzzling his head against hers. Valette then began to speak thanking and telling the group about their job well done. She let out a howl and Philos joined in.

RE: What did the bison say to its son? Bi son. - Rickon - November 03, 2016

Much to his horror, Adeline disappeared among the sea of hooves and brown pelts, joining Valette in the middle of the fray, with Philos quickly on their heels. Rickon was significantly more reluctant to follow, though the sense of danger he felt for his packmates urged him to join them. By the time he was forcing himself to dart forward, the herd was dispersing, trampling the earth as they fled. Valette didn't follow, which signified to Rick that this terrifying hunt was over, and therefore he could relax.

He padded towards the group, converging as they all did, and panting in relief as Valette praised their teamwork. Rickon didn't feel very successful, which he may have still felt regardless of whether they had managed to fell a bison or not. She said they'd have a better strategy for next time, which made him think that they'd definitely need more of them in a group next time, but for now it was something he wouldn't worry about. Keeping (uncharacteristically) quiet, he hung around the recovering hunters until he felt dismissed.

RE: What did the bison say to its son? Bi son. - Addie - November 09, 2016

The herd panicked, and for a moment, Adeline feared they would be trampled under the weight of the beasts. But, they didn't seem interested in killing the wolves; they only wanted to get away. They scrambled, and then ran off, leaving the wolves in their wake. Her adrenaline was pumping, and she joined in on the howls of the group. They may not have killed one of the bison, but they had learned so much today. And, no one had gotten hurt in the process. In the life of a wolf, that was everything.

Her tail didn't seem like it would ever stop wagging as Valette praised her. I was only following your lead, she replied, praising the leader of this mock hunt. Adeline never seemed to cease learning from the head Hunter every time she was around her. Her gaze went to the males, smiling to both of them. She supposed the hunt was over and they could part ways, but Adeline was in no way ready to calm down. I'm gonna jump in the river! she exclaimed, then ran off to do exactly that. If anyone decided to join her, she would welcome the company. Otherwise, she was pretty good at having fun by herself.