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Sleeping Dragon they wanna make me their queen - Printable Version

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they wanna make me their queen - RIP Blodreina - October 07, 2016

Eske had waded through the shallows of the nearest water source she could find (Tori isn't sure how far that is, exactly), having taken advantage of the warm, albeit rare afternoon to let the waters rid her coat of the dirt and grime and old blood of prey it had accumulated. She was not so careless about her appearance that there was no limit but Eske was not a girl overly concerned with her appearance nor sucked into needless vanity, either. In battle there was no time for vanity. Part of her was inspired to prove to Gyda that she was not entirely ready to disregard to her appearance and prove that she was perfectly capable of maintaining her own baths without her mother's fussing regulations. It felt good, though, admittedly. And she had enjoyed lazily allowing her coat to dry beneath the warmth of the sun.

Eske had begun to make her way towards the borders, pausing to give her coat another shake. Her fur was still damp, curling in places, but to her immense pleasure was drying with quickness. Contented that her bathe would appease Gyda she was ready to return to her daily routines: border patrol, practice fighting with Gyda and back to a border patrol. This was where Eske felt the most comfortable — when she was fighting. When she was protecting. Both suited her aggressive and domineering personality well and she was oh so eager to prove herself. To Freyja. To Gyda. To Heda. To them all.

RE: they wanna make me their queen - Freyja - October 07, 2016

She had spotted her sister bathing herself in the river from a distance. Frejya, fresh from breakfast, had gone towards the river in need of a drink but upon the discovery of her sister she no longer felt the need to drink due to the filth that had come from the Goufa’s pelt. Instead of approaching, Freyja watched on curiously and followed once her sister retreated back to the borders. She often saw her sister there without a guard, despite their Heda’s warnings, and she wondered just how Eske was pulling this off. If Freyja had been caught without an adult then why not Eske?

She stalked her sister much like her prey-- silently and from a distance. The pair had gone a good distance since Freyja had caught sight of the sea-eyed wolf and soon enough she make her presence know. “Sis,” she called as she heightened her posture and revealed herself. The last few moments had been spent behind a boulder and now that she had spoken she rounded about it so that she could be seen. “Where are you going?”

RE: they wanna make me their queen - RIP Blodreina - October 07, 2016

Eske's steps faltered for a second at the sound of Freyja's voice. She looked over his shoulder at her pale sibling, green-blue sea glass eyes surveying her with indifference and a slight clench of her jaw. Was that question meant to sound so impudent or had she just imagined it to be scolding? Since Eske wasn't overly sure she drew in a deep breath and let it out. Freyja might be the eldest of the litter but Eske had long since determined that she was the boss bitch and she didn't take orders from anyone. Except Heda of course. The rivalry she felt towards the smaller girl was organic, natural in their struggle for hierarchy and with time and maturity it would pass. For now, it was the fuel to Eske's fire and she planned to use it to her complete and utter advantage. Hakom? Eske inquired of her sister. Why did it matter to her where she was going?

Eske turned her attention back to her path and kept going knowing Freyja would either follow or she wouldn't. A small huff left the Grounder Princess' lips, her tail giving a slight lash behind her haunches. “Patrolling.” The common tongue felt strange to fall from betwixt her lips, and she made a soft “bleh” noise, scraping her tongue against her teeth as if the common tongue words had developed a taste — and one she did not like. It was useful to know it, to be fluent in it as she was Grounder; the wolves of the Wilds outside did not speak her native tongue. It made her want to say too bad for them but a useful skill was a useful skill.

She peeked behind her to see if Freyja was following. It wasn't that she hated the eldest Lodbrok because she didn't. Eske loved Freyja as fiercely as she loved Thyri and Hvitserk; and anyone that harmed her would have to deal with the consequence of Eske. It was only Eske's competitve nature and the fact that she was, truly, a sore loser.

RE: they wanna make me their queen - Freyja - October 07, 2016


The other’s rebuttal sent flared something within the young Feisripa. Much like Eske, Freyja felt a sharp sense of rivalry towards the sea-eyed princess. It was not as severe of an instinct that Thyri felt, but it was certainly a motivational force that drove her succeed. Chuffing at her sister’s response, she rolled her eyes and lifted her chin even higher. “Kos.” That was all she felt that she needed to say.

When an answer was finally given a response, the one that she had expected, Freyja smiled. “Mafta op.” Her tail swayed in a definite manner, as if establishing that nothing that Eske did would sway her. After all, it wasn’t fair that Eske was having all the fun at the borders. She wanted in on it.

As Eske moved away, Freyja was quick to follow. Making eye contact with her sister, Freyja galloped forward until she was alongside the other princess. Grinning widely, Freyja reached towards her sister and nudged her affectionately as she kept pace.

RE: they wanna make me their queen - RIP Blodreina - October 07, 2016

Freyja's display went unnoticed by Eske who had stubbornly turned her back to her sister, more interested in getting back to her mission. Kos wasn't an answer, Eske wanted to argue back but let out another, louder, more theatrical huff turned sigh. She marched on, steps slowing only when the scent of Drageda's borders became much more pronounced. Good. It meant they were close enough to actually begin their patrol, since it was apparent that Freyja wasn't going anywhere soon. In part, this annoyed Eske who very much liked to do things on her own; thus making her rounds without an adult. Though the Grounder Princess thought herself the ferocity of Drageda she was still (irritatingly) a child. Yet, that did not dampen her ardent spirit nor did it shatter her confidence.

Kep in, Freyja.” Eske offered Freyja when she felt the other girl nudge her shoulder affectionately, a toothy grin tugging at the edges of her lips as she reminded herself to keep her pace even. This wasn't a race, after all. They were patrolling to make sure there wasn't anyone lurking that shouldn't have been. Eske had yet to come across an outsider but the prospect excited her (much more than it probably should have).

RE: they wanna make me their queen - Freyja - October 07, 2016

Though she didn’t usually patrol, Freyja enjoyed the change in pace. It was an added bonus that she got to spend time with Eske. Despite them living under the same roof the two did not get to see eachother much due to their different interests. Where Eske’s passions drove her to the borders, Freyja’s drove her deeper into the territory to wherever the prey roamed.

The allowed them to walk in silence as she kept up with her darker siblings. But, eventually, she broke the silence. “Shopta?” It had been long since they had even caught up. Despite her interest in her sister’s words, she kept her eyes out towards the borderline as she kept a lookout.

RE: they wanna make me their queen - RIP Blodreina - October 08, 2016

They did not spend much time together. In fact, Eske was rather distanced from her other siblings, which was of her own accord. She loved them but she didn't want to spend every waking moment in their presence, either. While she divided her time between the borders and warrior lessons with Gyda she found plenty of ways to be occupied with that alone. She took time to hunt, of course, because her belly would not magically feed itself, after all. She fought the urge to cringe as she realized that despite her theatrics she didn't...particularly...mind Freyja's presence. The rivalry was largely of her own design, and she used it to push her forward. Of course, it was always the urge to out-do her siblings. As the youngest of the litter she felt that pressure greatly. Eske did what she did best: she fought. Battle was her blood and she enjoyed it. Perhaps more than a young child should have. No one appeared to discourage it and Eske continued to latch onto her passion, intending to make it hers.

Ai laik os, Eske spoke in response to Freyja's question. Shopta?” Eske returned the question, truly curious herself. Her willingness to not just simply ignore her pale silver sister (which, horribly, she'd spent a long moment contemplating) was a truce of sorts. In this moment, their rivalry was set aside. It was sort of exhausting to maintain at all times, after all, and like any siblings they would have their good days and their bad days. Today, Eske decided, would be a good day. Spechou.” Eske offered her a beat later, referring to her trade and rank. She figured since she hadn't said it at the meeting that it might be more special here and now, after the fact when it spoken just for her to hear. Eske had an image to maintain, after all. She couldn't let just anyone know that just because she was envious didn't mean that she wasn't proud of Freyja.

RE: they wanna make me their queen - Freyja - October 08, 2016

She was genuinely surprised that her sister responded, despite the long pause she had been offered. Despite her previous fears that Eske would simply ignore her, Freyja smiled in response and offered a wag of her tail. “Ai laik os,” she replied easily, unable to unearth any personal unpleasenties. All had been well in her life and she had no room to complain. Though, the matter of their sister still weighed heavily upon her shoulders.

She was furthered surprised when Eske offered her personal congratulations. Picking herself up a little higher in that moment, Freyja looked to her sister. “Mochof. Yu don's mou sisfou kom yu na vout in.” Just as she motivated Eske, Eske had motivated Freyja to push herself further than she could have ever imagined. Turning back to their patrol, Freyja added an afterthought to the conversation: “Yu nes.” She was confident in this.

RE: they wanna make me their queen - RIP Blodreina - October 15, 2016

Eske offered her silver sister a genuine smile when she replied that she, too, was well. Though Eske had not intended to be Freyja's drive there was a small measure of warmth and pride to know that she had played her own part in her sister's accomplishments. For a moment, Freyja's admittance caused Eske to re-evaluate her own view of their rivalry, contemplating it in a different way than she had before. Though it could have easily torn them apart it would appear that it hadn't done so. Was it possible that their rivalry could bring them together? If they fed off one another's competitive drive only to accomplish good things well ...was it so bad? Did that mean that her and Freyja simply proved to make one another stronger?

This was an unusual revelation for the Grounder Princess, though not one she would forget. She did not deign to focus upon it now and thus tucked it away to examine and question later. Perhaps Gyda would be able to offer some insight upon it, or perhaps, for now Eske would keep this to herself. Freyja's confidence that Eske would be next was a nice gesture. In truth, Eske had wanted to be first but this time it had not played out to be so. Thus, she would settle for second and truly, it wasn't like she had any choice in the matter. Ai get in.” Eske responded with a small smirk but as she was grateful for Freyja's confidence in her she offered, Mochof, sis.

RE: they wanna make me their queen - Freyja - October 15, 2016

There was a sense of companionship between the two sisters that rarely showed. Cherishing this moment, Freyja smiled at her sister’s confidence and nodded. She wanted nothing more to see her siblings succeed and she would do everything in her power to help lift them to their full potentials. “Oso na sis choda au, nami?” She offered, bringing her own shoulder to her sister’s so that they could bump briefly.

Freyja was not the best fighter around, she was always up to sparr. “Fostaim, gon raun en lev op,” she offered. “Den homplei?” She left it at that, looking to her dark-haired sibling to see how she would react to the idea.

RE: they wanna make me their queen - RIP Blodreina - October 30, 2016

Eske considered her sister's offer for a few moments but she had already been won over the moment fight and train had been uttered by her silver sister. sha Eske agreed with a sage nod as her sister's shoulder bumped with her own. taim no bants Eske encouraged with a gesture of her muzzle. Despite herself she found that she was looking forward to testing her skills out against her sister even if it was just a friendly spar.

RE: they wanna make me their queen - Freyja - October 30, 2016

“Sha.” Freyja’s heart soared in that instance, feeling a sense of joy that she had not felt in quite some time. She and Eske had never been the closest and it was because of this that Freyja had assumed that Ekse felt for the Feisripa as Thyri did. She had assumed that Eske thought that Freyja was weak and unworthy.

If Eske felt such things, she was doing quite a good job hiding it.

Grinning, Freyja turned to the Goufa and bumped her shoulder to hers and nodded before pulling away a few steps. Her tail lashed as she paused, and she looked to Eske with a look that seemed to suggest, “show me what you’ve got”.

RE: they wanna make me their queen - RIP Blodreina - December 04, 2016

this is the worst wrap up post ever. >_>

Never once had Eske ever saw Freyja as weak or unworthy ...just an annoyance. A perfect princess that she had to rival. But that was (probably) a normal, sibling reaction (tori is an only child and has no idea). Eske offered her silver sister a toothy grin, her own tail lashing in response to Freyja's own before she accepted the silent challenge before she lunged for her sister to tussle with her and then afterwards shared their meal they had hunted together, the rare feeling that she had managed to bond with Freyja despite their rivalry a warm feeling settling in Eske's heart.