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Silvertip Mountain You think that it's funny when I'm mad - Printable Version

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You think that it's funny when I'm mad - Jinx - April 13, 2014

Jinx will be acting like Silvertip Mountain is hers. This is an awesome opportunity for pending Outriders to learn about a new pack forming and bring news back to your Alphas. :D

She had returned to Swiftcurrent Creek for a few days, but a build up of negative energy regarding both the Northstar Vale bitch and Njal's defence of her compelled her to leave abruptly once more. She could not face the Gamma without spewing aggressive words, and in paranoia she thought it possible that Fox would side with the Gamma and defend this Xi'nuata, as well. Before leaving, she had given word to the collective pack of the maple woman's intent to hunt as she pleased wherever she pleased, and had suggested they remove her from the vicinity should they spot her.

But the Warrior had not remained to be part of the party that kept an eye out for her enemy. Her paws had taken her beyond the borders once more, and her hidden purpose found her on Silvertip's angular sides. She stalked them now not with the curiosity of a wolf scouting out a new place, but with the possessive air of a homeowner. Where before she had left her scent in only one or two places, Jinx strode now in a very typical border drawing fashion, squatting every half mile or so to spray urine on stones, mosses, and trees alike.

She was no longer secretive about her motive. She was making it clear this was hers. Soon, very soon, she would summon the wolves who had pledged themselves to her and escape the suffocating atmosphere of the Vale's arrogance and the Creek's apathy both.

RE: You think that it's funny when I'm mad - Blue Willow - April 13, 2014

Once more the day found Blue Willow away from home hunting for some herbs to collect. Realizing that she was traveling more and more, but always returning home made her smile. She smiled because she had a home to return too. It was a nice change from sleeping on the cold hard ground away from others every night. Now she enjoyed the companionship and the friendship of a few.

She made her way towards the Great Bear Wilderness, but something was different today. Today she smelled a strong smell as if scent borders were put in place. Was there a new pack forming? Could it be? This could be news that her alpha would need. She strode forward her former mission forgotten.

She found a place where the strongest scent was and she howled for whomever it was that was marking these borders as her own, just a small inquiry. she was not here tocause any trouble just gather some information if she could.

RE: You think that it's funny when I'm mad - Jinx - April 13, 2014

It would take hours to cover the entirety of the mountain in her scent, so Jinx focused on the face that bordered the Teekon Wilds. Wolves existed outside the Wilds, of course, but they were fewer in number and no doubt easier to deal with. Her closest neighbours now would be Horizon Ridge and Blacktail Deer Plateau. Although the Ridge had never given her cause for concern, the Plateau certainly had. She would be certain any wolves from those directions would be able to smell the claim long before reaching the first markers.

She was interrupted midstream by a howl. Perturbed, the prospective Alpha of the mountain lifted herself from her squat, stretched out her legs and scratched the turf with backward kicks, then shook herself before heading in the direction of the summons. Though her expression was clearly irritated, Jinx would not show strong signs of territoriality until the rest of the wolves had arrived on the mountainside. Blatant intrusion past her fledgling borders wouldn't be tolerated, and any proximity when Silvertip Mountain fully formed would be rudely reacted to, but grumpiness aside, the Kesuk could abide a polite summoner... For now.

The wolf she located was, at least to her with her family of black and white wolves, unremarkable. Her paws seemed faded in comparison with the rest of her, and she had an honest face with honest green eyes. None of this served to cut through Jinx's cold exterior as she moved stiffly toward the woman, lifting her nose to sniff the air as she approached. It had been so long since she'd been anywhere near Hawkeye or Peregrine that the scent of Blue Willow's Alpha, and subsequently her pack, went unnoticed for the time being. "Yes?" she questioned gruffly in a manner that was irate about the interruption yet tolerant of the woman's proximity.

RE: You think that it's funny when I'm mad - Blue Willow - April 13, 2014

Blue Willow had never helped to claim territory but she knew that covering territory and maintaining borders took a while. So she was surprised when a form materialized fairly quickly. The other must have been close, and not fully around the mountain as of yet, if that is what they were going to claim, which she assumed being that it was so near the mountain now.

As blue Willow waited patiently she took in the other's appearance an alpha persona through and through. She felt that the other was rigid and hard nosed and left little room for wiggle room. Depending on how she spoke and what she said could very well cause some serious undoing and pain if she was not careful. The wolf in front of her held a coat of pale ivory, but her paws her paws were black as if they had been painted.

As the other came closer Blue Willow lowered her body into submissive position more so than she was in, making sure that she was as respectful as could be, not wishing to anger her. "I am Blue Willow from the Plateau, I often travel through here for herbs as I am a healer and today I smelled you're newly marked borders. I was just hoping to inquire if you were making a new pack? She then averted her eyes more and kept quiet waiting for the other to answer.

RE: You think that it's funny when I'm mad - Jinx - April 13, 2014

I had a derp moment when I posted and didn't realize Blue Willow gave her name sooo edited it slightly!

She was pleased by the submission. Jinx was used to being submitted to, being the Beta of Swiftcurrent Creek, but there was something altogether more satisfying about being submitted to as an Alpha. There was, after all, no reason for Blue Willow to show her any respect. Had the roles been reversed, the pale Kesuk wouldn't have been polite enough to treat Blue Willow the way she was being treated. But she took little note of this aside from the submission, not being the sort of wolf to care much whether others found her pleasant or not. Once she had been, but not for a while.

The conclusion Blue Willow drew was the correct one, but instead of answering simply, Jinx cocked her ears and quirked up the left corner of her lip. "It would seem that way," she said quietly, tone touched with sarcasm, though she kept it from being excessive. "Unless you know some other use for borders. Who's asking?" By which she meant, what made Blue Willow interested? The woman had given her name and pack already, but that meant nothing. The mount proper offered few herbs so it couldn't be concern. Was she a spy? As always, she kept these thoughts to herself but exuded an impolite and direct air, but was not outright mean. Jinx was rarely outright mean. Much like her mother before her, she could be rude and inconsiderate, and put in a leadership role, she was even less kind.

RE: You think that it's funny when I'm mad - Blue Willow - April 13, 2014

Blue Willow was not about to go to the borderland of a pack or a blossoming pack and not submit. She was no fool, she wanted to make good relations so that she could carry news back to her alpha not make enemies and cause problems for her own pack. All it took was one wolf to go off on a tangent and it could jeopardize the entire pack.

Blue Willow was a bit flustered at the sarcasm that colored the other's words though she did not show it. It was only mannerly to be at least semi kind at your borders unless you planned on not forging any relations with other packs and planned to cause problems well then that there was a reason for sarcasm she supposed. Blue Willow dipped her muzzle and spoke again quietly "i am inquiring for my own curiosity and to carry the news back to my alphas if I may.

RE: You think that it's funny when I'm mad - Jinx - April 13, 2014

A glimpse into Blue Willow's mind would have revealed Jinx in her adolescence. She had once thought much the same way about good relations and neighbourly attitudes. That had changed when Tartok had settled on Neverwinter's arse, and when wolves from other packs had berated her for leaving her own for reasons she considered legitimate. It had especially changed with the hostility between Swiftcurrent Creek and Northstar Vale. Jinx was now a misanthropist in wolf terms, with no interest in her neighbours and nothing but ill wishes for all of them.

Naturally, she couldn't tell Blue Willow this, not while the healer was being so polite. Though she did not let up her cold exterior, she nevertheless proved herself to be a lot more tolerant than she let on by allowing the continued presence of the black-haired female. Speaking to her only made her seem warmer, though any onlooker would be quick to argue that she was incredibly rude about it all.

"I see," Jinx muttered, casting her gaze over Blue Willow's shoulder and across the valley. After a pregnant pause, the Kesuk launched into a classically suspicious interrogation session, beginning with, "why should they want to know?" It was a simply stated question, and an obvious one at that, but there was something very accusatory about the way she said it... As if she imagined they wanted to try to annihilate her and her wolves before they settled. If that was true, then she had to wonder what the Alphas held against her.

Of course, all this was paranoid speculation sparked by Blue Willow's curiosity. It was harmless curiosity, but in the hands of a naturally suspicious woman, it grew like wildfire into something much more sinister. "Are your Alphas suspecting something? Do you mean to tell them of my claim so they can come and overthrow me? Do you believe I am a threat to your pack?" I very much assure you, I am, she mentally added. She couldn't have blamed them if that was the reality of it. She had staked her claim pretty close, after all... But then again, there was a whole flatland separating them.

"I assume Hawkeye is still your leader. If you are so keen to report to your leaders when I have done nothing to incite your suspicion about myself, then you can also tell Hawkeye that no mercy will be given to any wolf who comes near my mountain. That goes for all." It spoke volumes that Jinx hadn't outright chased Blue Willow away for her curiosity... But, of course, there was an undercurrent of cowardice. She had nobody to back her up way out here until she summoned the others. Warrior or not, Jinx was not honourable enough to engage in single combat with Blue Willow's pack within literal howling distance.

RE: You think that it's funny when I'm mad - Blue Willow - April 14, 2014

I would take my leave but I need 10 posts in the thread for exp sake."
Blue Willow was doing her best to be as friendly and mannerly as possible, but the other was making it increasingly difficult with her paranoia and her short answers and her sarcasm. Blue Willow was never quick to anger, but she was becoming agitated, though as she was taught she kept that show of emotion close to her vest so no one would see.

Blue Willow blinked her eyes "I would think that any pack would want to know who their neighbors are, and whether they are on good footing. She was surprised at the quick fire way that the other female was firing questions and her paranoia began to show more paramount.

Blue Willow answered the questions calmly and without speculation. " My alpha's suspect nothing they do not even know you are here yet. My alphas are not violent and would not come to overthrow you. They would not bother you unless you meant them harm and attacked first. And no I do not believe you to be a threat. She was baffled at the way the white furred wolf was so keen on shooting questions at her as if she were in trouble for inquiring about a simple pack move.

"yes Hawkeye and Peregrine are my alphas. I do not have any suspicion of you, i was merely curious. As i said I have been through here before and had never smelled your scent and then suddenly it sprang up seemingly overnight and me being the curious wolf that I am I decided to be neighborly and inquire about it that is simply all. I Will tell Hawkeye this and if it pleases you I will take my leave of you now?" She waited to have the other tell her to leave, she was wary of turning her back on the other for fear that she may find fang or claw in it. This female was extremely paranoid and suspicious and it did not sit well with Blue Willow.

RE: You think that it's funny when I'm mad - Jinx - April 14, 2014

One last post from you brings it to 10. :D

Jinx listened. She listened to all that Blue Willow had to say, for she wasn't terribly talkative. If she thought about it, she would realize that lately she had been loquacious, but ordinarily Jinx spoke directly and succinctly. In contrast to this, Blue Willow's reassurance that Blacktail Deer Plateau did not intend to rise to the occasion of war was long-winded, no doubt to settle her incredible paranoia. It worked, but only enough to assure her that she would not have to deal with Hawkeye stomping on her borders, nor the necessity of ripping out the black woman's throat.

All hostility aside, she didn't mind Hawkeye. She thought the other's flippant disregard for the Gods, and addled belief that one of Them would consider her important when she was so ignorant of Them, was disgusting, but she didn't dislike her so much. Likewise, she did not dislike Blue Willow, for she had never met her, but Jinx was much like her Alpha in that regard. Neighbours did not interest her in the slightest, alliances were detrimental, and a stranger's presence on "neighbourly" terms irritated her.

"You are mistaken," she rumbled, tilting back her ears to listen to the stone behind her. "I do not care for neighbours. I do not care if I speak with any wolf from a rival pack. All neighbours are adversaries who hunt the prey that could feed myself and my wolves. Surely you understand this." She was reminded of Xi'nuata, and the notion proposed that there was more than enough prey to sustain them all, but of that she was unconvinced. There may have been abundant prey, but too many wolves hunting them for the sake of hunting would force them to seek safer ground, and there would be famine. "Tell your Alphas whatever you like, but remember my message. Any stepping foot near this mountain will answer to my sentries. Any who cross my boundaries will die."

With that, the female gestured with her muzzle, sending Blue Willow off with that threat in mind. It was nothing more than typical border defence, but her cold manner seemed to amplify the severity of it. It sounded murderous and irresponsible, but it was nothing less than she thought Hawkeye or Fox would do if given the chance.

RE: You think that it's funny when I'm mad - Blue Willow - April 14, 2014

Blue Willow found that she did not much care for the wolf in front of her. Not that she did not like her nor did she like her, it was just a neutral air. She found the other to be paranoid, and perhaps slightly neurotic and it did not bode well for relations or for Blue willows current proximity. She knew she would be leaving soon and the only reason she hadn't yet was to be polite.

Blue Willow listened closely to the threat and read between the lines. This was not a pack to cross and she did not intend to be near here much longer nor in the future much. With a small dip of her muzzle she stood swiftly, "It's been a pleasure. With those closing words she bounded off quickly her long strides taking her away from the paranoid neurotic wolf as fast as she could go and she would deliver the message to her leaders and she would make sure they knew that this wolf meant business and she would and could get violent if they were not careful.