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Sleeping Dragon got so high off volcanoes, now the flow is so lava - Printable Version

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got so high off volcanoes, now the flow is so lava - Freyja - October 11, 2016

AW! I do need her to do something with tracking in this thread, so any help would be appreciated!

It was a misty morning for the mountain territory and Freyja had woken early to take it all in. Upon exiting the den, the child had carried herself from the den and towards began to climb. Though she was not an expert climber, or particularly enjoyed the strenuous work, she forewent all of these emotions in favor of the breathtaking views that awaited her.

Though there was much to do on her personal agenda, Freyja wanted to take this time to herself and simply enjoy it before the hustle of her day began.

She settled not too high up from the density, but high enough that she could see for miles around. The sun was just peaking from over the horizon as Freyja took a seat. The scenery was calming and Freyja almost felt intoxicated by it all as she simply observed the beauty before her.

RE: got so high off volcanoes, now the flow is so lava - Bullet - October 20, 2016

Lemme know if this isn't okay, but she can stalk Bullet here :3

Usually, Bullet slept in late - she found herself rising with the sun that morning, drifting lazily through the lands of the Tiaga. The scent of wolves were thick, and she did indeed know a border when she smelled one, but she was no dog. Their rules didn't apply to her! And so, striding forward, she didn't hesitate in crossing perhaps the very wrong one - she didn't come across anyone right away, but she was happy to prance around and sniff around for breakfast.

RE: got so high off volcanoes, now the flow is so lava - Freyja - October 21, 2016

Serenity was about the Feisripa, a calming sense of peace that she did not feel too often. She was often all too preoccupied by her own thoughts-- thoughts on what work needed to be done, what borders needed to be marked, what wolves needed to be fed. She had never had the quicential childhood that most had, but she wouldn’t have had it any other way. She was born to serve her Heda, her pack, and her family.

Such duty drove her to a stand suddenly, as her eyes fell upon the nearing form of a stranger. Though familiar, this creature was not any wolf that she knew. The hair upon her hackles raised and a growl pressed past her lips as she swiftly jumped down from her ledge and towards the general direction in which the other wandered. She was out for blood, for the individual that had been so careless in their actions and that had trespassed onto the Heda’s lands.

From afar the individual had looked like a malnourished child, one that she assumed would be out for Freyja’s precious cache. A cache that she had already protected ferociously.

Soon enough, she was upon the creature, her tail raising. “I suggest you turn around and get out of here while you still have the chance.” She forewarned darkly, her tail lashing as her eyes burned upon the other’s body. Without another thought, Freyja lifted her head and let out a call for @Hvitserk and @Eske.

As her call echoed through the mountain territory, Freyja returned to the other, holding back her attack and giving the other a chance to make the right decision.

RE: got so high off volcanoes, now the flow is so lava - Bullet - October 22, 2016

The vixen was not alone long. Soon, paws thundered her way, and Mayhem whipped around to send a glare the mutt's way. She didn't turn and run as she should have, but instead whipped around to face the girl with her own tail bushed out. Her lips curled up to show her fangs, and a low hiss left her mouth when she realized it was but a child to speak to her - how annoying. 

             "I don't follow the same laws as you mutts nor do I have any intention to obey the words of a child.

Her icy eyes bore into Freya's daringly, and a short, hysterical giggle bubbled up her throat. There was little Bullet had in the world, and the one thing she lived for was pissing others off - stirring the shit pot - and this was a pristine opportunity. So she did not run, no not yet, but she also wouldn't let harm come to herself. The girl's call for others didn't daunt her; more people to fuck with, even if it meant more teeth to dodge.

RE: got so high off volcanoes, now the flow is so lava - RIP Blodreina - October 22, 2016

Under normal circumstances Eske would have rolled her eyes and studiously ignored her sister's call but there was an underlying sense of urgency in it; a call to arms that had the grounder princess turning her head sharply in the silver sister's origin and racing towards her without hesitation. The closer she drew, her pace increased until her sister came in view. A rush of relief overtook Eske for a moment as she quickly assured herself that her sister was unharmed before her aggression rushed like the furious beat of a war drum as her fierce gaze flitted to the ...thing that was in their territory. It wasn't a wolf, that much Eske knew. Smaller than the growing Grounder girls and oddly colored. Contempt twisted Eske's muzzle, her lips curling back from her teeth as her hackles bristled at the ugly thing's insulting words spat at Freyja. Brazenly, the grounder princess slid up to her sister's side, her shoulder brushing the silver child's own.

Together they were stronger.

chil daun, splita! Eske demanded in a low growl, her own tail curling over her back. “Leave,” She commanded of the thing, snapping her teeth with her unspoken threat. “Before I eat you.” And then she smirked, as she contemplated if the insolent bitch trespassing would taste bad or surprise her and taste good.

RE: got so high off volcanoes, now the flow is so lava - Freyja - October 23, 2016

"I don't follow the same laws as you mutts nor do I have any intention to obey the words of a child."

Freyja stiffened at this, bringing herself to her full height as her burning eyes bore down on the mangy mutt. “Watch yourself,” Freyja forewarned, her teeth gritting together as the words slithered from her tightened jaw. “Us mutts will happily rip you to shreds given the opportunity.” At this point Freyja wanted nothing more than to rip apart this creature, to feel it’s blood fill her mouth, and for it’s sneer to be wiped from its face forever.

Freyja wanted vengeance.

As Freyja’s words began to fade another presence joined them. Turning quickly, Freyja found herself momentarily taken aback as her eyes fell to Eske. She hadn’t expected the sea-eyed princess to be the first to join her, but, regardless, she was thankful for her sister’s quick arrival. She dipped her head quickly, showcasing her appreciation before turning to the babbling mutt before them.

Freyja could feel herself growing angrier by the moment and it was taking a lot of willpower for her to not lurch herself forward. She could feel her claws dig into the earth and for a fierce snarl bubble in the back of her throat as she held her own ground. She would not be the first to shrike-- she would leave that honor to Eske who had more combatting experience. Freyja was merely here to defend the cache that she had spent so much time filling.

“Your presence is a threat to the cache that I spent so much time filling.” She informed the red-furred creature, her frown deepening. “So you can either turn around and leave or join the ranks of the deceased that I personally brought down.”

Without a pause, or giving the creature another chance, Freyja turned to her sister and ushered her command in their shared tongue.

“Go’m dan!”

RE: got so high off volcanoes, now the flow is so lava - Bullet - October 24, 2016

Bullet shifted lazily from paw to paw, ready to take off if the silver girl showed any other signs of attacking - even when another, darker pup of the same age thundered up beside her, the vixen only backed away a step; a coy grin was not shy in spreading across her maw, and her icy eyes rolled. The words of the second, however, bring her ears cupping forward - but as soon as they'd come, Eske was again speaking a common tongue. Her threats to eat her brought another louder laugh from her maw.

                             "Shame you won't be getting to. I think I'd taste pretty fuckin' good."

She didn't care or even think about how old they were, that she probably shouldn't be cursing before children, but as with most things in the world Bullet just didn't care.  It was the first child who spoke next, however, and these words were not as amusing. It wasn't even the threat - those she was very used to - it was the nerve for them to think she'd take from a MUTTS food. A snarl of anger burst through her lips, and she lashed her silky tail in annoyance. 

                                                            "I wouldn't even THINK about eating something one of you dumb-ass mutts so much as looked at! Vermin."

Both Freyja's claim of grandeur and her uttered command fell on deaf ears, for the moment the fiery pain-in-the-ass was done talking, the little vixen turned and tore off. 

Unfortunatley for the siblings, this was not a victory just yet- that they'd have to do a bit of running for - while Mayhem didn't go further into the lands, she didn't head for the borders either. She kicked up her heels and darted away, calling back a couple of very ironic words she'd have been thrilled to know about. She aimed to stay ahead of them by a longshot, but she also refused to get hurt - if they gained on her, she'd have no choice but to veer towards the borders and go for the sake of her pretty coat.

                                                                                                                     "Gotta catch me first, WARRIOR PRINCESS."

Not sure if chasing counts as tracking? *shrug*

RE: got so high off volcanoes, now the flow is so lava - RIP Blodreina - October 27, 2016

The swear words in the common tongue were harsh things, and Eske wondered why this thing felt it necessary to utter them? Perhaps to make herself seem more intimidating? Regardless, it didn't work. Eske simply eyed her, her contempt clear on her face. It wasn't even a wolf and it had the nerve to call them mutts? Their father was an outstanding Gona and their mother ...she'd been a queen. The snarl of the thing was answered with one of Eske's own, her lips wrinkling back to expose her sharp teeth. Seconds after the thing tore off Freyja's command sent Eske into motion. She tore off with a shrieking snarl — something of a war cry — a snarl ripping from her as she snapped her teeth, pushing herself faster, determined to catch the rodent-dog thing.

RE: got so high off volcanoes, now the flow is so lava - Freyja - October 29, 2016

Each word that the other spluttered caused the aspiring leader to cringe and for her anger to bubble to her once-calm surface. Despite being one of the youngest members of the pack, and in turn being exposed to such crude nature, she did not want any of her pack mates to be exposed to such a horrid creature. She wanted to do everything in her power to expel this thing from Sleeping Dragon’s packlands and ensure that it would never come back again.

Soon enough the creature gave the chase and Eske followed in suite. Feeling the excitement of the chase bubble within, Freyja called to Eske with a harshly command of, “Frag em op.” This thing had threatened her cache, her pack, and her home, and Freyja would do everything in her power to bring it down.

With the command given, Freyja pressed on after the pair, a snarl rippling from within.

RE: got so high off volcanoes, now the flow is so lava - Bullet - November 01, 2016

There weren't anymore words - at least not in her own language - and Bullet offered none as she sped away before the young princesses. Their snarls echoed in her backturned radar-ears, the one from Eske even sending a shiver down her spine - she'd done good, this time! They would seethe for a while, she hoped, and the fiery little creature hared her way forward still - not going further in, but playing her dangerous game far inside the borders, twisting and turning and darting this way and that. Mayhem allowed them close enough to see the hairs on her pelt, but not close enough to be in biting distance - one scar was enough for her. 

Eventually, though, she began to tire. Her energy sapped, her dainty paws slapping against the earth more heavily than they should and her tongue lolling out of her mouth as she focused on a clear line: this time, she was aiming for the borders. It was time to get out of here before she died - a drink couldn't hurt much either. The two girls were inching closer, she could hear, and this brought a flutter of nervousness in her very heart; it only caused more joy for the girl, inherentley addicted to the feeling this all gave her. This is why she was here!

RE: got so high off volcanoes, now the flow is so lava - RIP Blodreina - November 17, 2016

Eske didn't necessarily need Freyja's command to let loose but it was nice to be freed of the chains of morality that she knew others frowned upon. She lived for this. For the adrenaline, for the desire to protect her home from those that didn't belong, that weren't welcome. This whatever it was, was decidedly very, very unwelcome. The fox was quick and this frustrated Eske who kept her in sight but never reached biting distance. Eventually, she gave up on trying to kill her and settled, instead for trying to chase her out of Drageda's borders and into the free territories where the fox belonged. Her breath was labored from exertion but she didn't deign to stop until Drageda was free of the insulting beast.

RE: got so high off volcanoes, now the flow is so lava - Freyja - November 17, 2016

Once the two had gotten to the borders, Freyja paused and watched Eske chase after Bullet. She would wait for her sister until she returned and once that did happen, Freyja met her dark-furred sister with a warm welcome-- perhaps a little too warm for the girl’s liking. Driving both of them closer into the territory, Freyja showed the sea-eyed girl the cache that she had been protecting when the fox had strayed too close to.

Eventually, the conversation came to Freyja’s requesting that Eske keep an eye out for any threats to the cache-- both foreign and domestic. Eventually after their business and time together was done, the like-minded sisters parted ways to do their own thing.