Wolf RPG
Emberflame Ridge They say before you start a war, you better know what you're fighting for - Printable Version

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They say before you start a war, you better know what you're fighting for - Rhys - October 12, 2016

From the East he had come- left it all behind for, hopefully, something better. Rhys was not one to travel a lot, and so it had to be a good reason for him to leave "home" so suddenly, right? Wrong. His feet had just felt like moving, and so he had done- him not being one to question why he did something. It wasn't like he left much behind anyway; an old den isolated in a quiet forest that he had called his own. Not that there was much to claim there, and it took little to no effort to do so. But it took him 6 whole months to realize the quiet and peaceful was not his style.

Soft footfalls were the only sound he made as he went for the mountains- having never been to one ever before. Now was a better time than ever, he found. Or perhaps he only went there to see if there were wolves crazy enough to claim the dangerous ridges and peaks. Once there, he dragged himself up, not sure what awaited him on the fiery orange ridge, the ground littered with autumn leafs.

RE: They say before you start a war, you better know what you're fighting for - Vixen - October 13, 2016

Dead leaves creaked and cracked beneath her feet. But wasn't it for the revealing noise she was making she would have been invisible. Her coat of fire blended perfectly with the autumn scenery, reds, oranges, browns and tans hiding her as though she'd been designed for it. But the truth was that Vixen didn't know how to behave so far from shore, and the moves she made, poorly calculated, were betraying her position.

That was until she gave up. She realized she was driving the prey away and dropped herself to the autumn-carpeted floor, moving but her breathing chest and allowing the trees to coat her with more fallen leaves.

It was later rather than sooner that her plan proved fruitful. She had passed out, lost the track of time, but she opened her eyes at the sound of an approaching something. Her face had been covered by leaves that blocked her line of sight, but she didn't dare move until the sound grew closer, close enough for Vixen to feel it's warmth on her face. And WHAM! She jumped out of cover, taking hold of the closest thing to her mouth, which turned out to be no less than the ashen heel of a wolf.

RE: They say before you start a war, you better know what you're fighting for - Rhys - October 13, 2016

Bit of pp in your post- but I'm okay with it as long as Vixen doesn't draw blood :)

The scent of female entered his nose- one he breathed in with a wide smirk. Finally some luck. he knew that the mountains held treasures not earlier seen by his pools of light obsidian, but a girl he hadn't expected. He followed the scent, but as far as his eyes could look all he saw were the autumn colors of the leafs and the trees that were slowly beginning to prepare for winter. His mouth shut, eyes focused on whatever was in front of him he barely noticed the pile of leaves that was just a little bigger than most others he had seen. But, he realized too late that this pile was exactly the woman he had been stalking.

OW!- What the fuck?! He let out in a hiss, his voice harsh from lack of use. He gave an angry glare at the head that was now attached to his heel- luckily not as hard as she probably could bite. The fuck are you doing?! He asked her rudely, his glare trying to kill more than anything.

RE: They say before you start a war, you better know what you're fighting for - Vixen - October 18, 2016

She'd been expecting something edible, like a fawn perhaps, but she'd bitten the absolute opposite. And when she realized it her immediate reaction was to let go and jump back, putting some space between her and the wolf in case he showed signs of aggression. Vixen was in no shape to confront another wolf and she knew it, so she saw no shame in running if it came to that.

But for now the male only seemed shocked —which was understandable— so Vixen stayed saw no reason to flee just yet. They just needed a moment to chill, both of them. Sorry, mate! I wasn't expectin' a wolf! she assured, pulling her ears down to the back of her head in embarrassment.

RE: They say before you start a war, you better know what you're fighting for - Rhys - October 20, 2016

Why the autumn lady, if one could call her that, had aimed for him was a mystery. It was not a hunting tactic that he had seen before, but, then again, he had spent 6 months on his own. Perhaps the world around him had changed without him. Oh well, that did not excuse her behavior, now did it? He deserved more than a mere sorry... 

When she retreated, revealing quite a pretty face, Rhys shook his leg to get the feeling back into it. It could've hurt more than it did, but perhaps if the other had used her nose none of this would've happened. He returned his muzzle to her with a small frown, but it soon turned a little playful. Perhaps he could get something out of this all. Well, you caught me alright. He hissed, eyes rolling jokingly. Usssually it'sss me catching all the ladiesss. He hissed.

RE: They say before you start a war, you better know what you're fighting for - Vixen - November 20, 2016

Her eyes rolled at the grey one's comment, but it was so cynical, so crude, that it almost made her cringe instead. Vixen was fed up with guys like this, who thought so greatly of themselves, who thought 'girls' existed with the only purpose of pleasing men and keeping them company, or acted towards them as though they were some kind of collectible.

"Is that so?" she barked displeased, "'n tell me, do they usually swoon afore or aft ye sssssssssspit at thar faces like that?" she mocked, rather angrily as she stared down at the male. She could just read through him.

RE: They say before you start a war, you better know what you're fighting for - Rhys - November 22, 2016

He squinted at her, but nothing she said could truly hurt his feelings. He knew he was amazing and that not everyone could accept that. Still, mocking something he had gotten from birth was low, very low - some would say below the belt. He was still a kid, even if he didn't act like it, and he chuckled sinister.

Firssst you bite me, now you fuck with my feelingsss- truly, lady, I don't ssee your problem. It isss me who sshould be angry. He said with a high head and a proud smirk, getting ready to get his shit together and leave to go further on his journey.

RE: They say before you start a war, you better know what you're fighting for - Vixen - December 12, 2016

Whinny was the last thing Vixen expected the sizzling man to be, but whinny he became as soon as Vixen responded to his lame pick-up line. Truly, it was pitiful the way he even tried to flirt with Vixen, for he was nowhere near her stature. Sure, he was handsome... Maybe handsome enough, but he was just a stupid kid next to the woman Vixen was.

"Go ahead, then... get as angry as ye wants," she spat with a scornful glare as she turned around, lashing her tail at him to leave at a tauntingly slow pace.

RE: They say before you start a war, you better know what you're fighting for - Rhys - December 16, 2016

Whinny he wasn't - he was just immature and horny. Surely he would get over it at some point, even though he saw nothing wrong with it for now. He never really had to converse with anyone, and now that wolves could pop up left and right, he felt slightly nervous too. Hell, this woman was grinding his gears.

Not my sstyle... He hissed lowly before straightening himself and turning to leave this for what it was.