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Ravensblood Forest the depths of depravity - Printable Version

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the depths of depravity - Hemlock - October 13, 2016

Isley ripped at the bark, tearing it and clawing it down, down, down until the world itself bended to her will. The bark itself would make a good deterrent for any illnesses that might settle. Winter frequently brought on illness; fevers that chilled, that turned the stomach. Isley was working steadily on her caches and with her wounds mostly healed she felt more alive and more of her usual vigor. With any luck she would find someone who might have been interested in her skills - she would have loved to have an apprentice to teach and educate. 

The pack could stand to have more people who were educated. Each one seemed to bring a skill to the table, but, she wanted to see more - more healers, more fighters, more hunters. They'd need a story teller or two to keep their history too. Perhaps once spring came....maybe they'd even consider children running about and they could have need of a proper caregiver. 

RE: the depths of depravity - Chusi - October 16, 2016

Chusi trotted through the forest, a bone clamped between her teeth. Again she had grown, but not as much as other times. With a bounce in her proud steps, she went exploring, trying to find a place to train. She took her lessons very seriously, wanting nothing else but become the best warrior Teaghlaigh will ever see. She wanted to impress, protect and most of all, be happy with her friends. She could feel in the air that it wouldn't be long anymore before they could officially claim the bleeding forest, and that thought excited her more than anything. Perhaps Big Sis would come to congratulate them, or Szymon. Maybe Darky even!

Her happy thoughts were interrupted by the sight of a peculiar small female, her striking red and tawny coat perfect for this season. Chusi raised an eyebrow. Was this another one of Teaghlaigh she hadn't met yet? She laid her bone down, and stared at the woman for a moment. 

RE: the depths of depravity - Estelle - October 16, 2016

She sat in the foliage with her ears perked high upon her head. Aster's eyes gave hint to two other bodies, but that was it. Her nose picked up streams of unfamiliar scents, so she stayed hidden, wondering who they could be. If they too were members of Teaghlaigh, she would expose herself and make introductions. If they weren't, however, she would make a silent escape.
For now, she hid in the warm foliage of autumn, tucked away in quiet.

RE: the depths of depravity - Hemlock - October 16, 2016

Isley was aware of the youth shortly after she approached, though for a moment the child said nothing and just stared. She knew little of her history, a wayward sibling, a mother who did not know how to love, handed from caretaker to caretaker with little regard for anything permanent. Isley had a mother by contrast who had suffocated her within the confines of their tribe. She had felt overwhelmed. Now she was free, learning on her own, and coming to conclusions that Tiva had never dreamed of herself. 

"Hello," Isley offered finally, since the child seemed unlikely to say anything herself. She could smell another, but, she did not actively seek them out. If they chose to hide, so be it. Isley wasn't going to coddle them, she wasn't the type. Palisander, perhaps, but it was hard to say. 

RE: the depths of depravity - Chusi - October 17, 2016

Helloh- are ya part of Teaghlaigh? She questioned, snapping out of her entranced state for now. The female did look nice, and she didn't seem like a threat. Besides, Arturo hadn't chased her out of here- that meant she was possibly supposed to be here. Perhaps if she knew what she was feeling for her caretaker she would've been jealous that such a pretty lady was part of The Family, but for now she knew only that friends were everywhere- all ready to meet her! But then the scent of another blew to her, and she sniffed the air constantly. Arturo had said this would happen- THEY WERE ATTACKING HER FROM BEHIND! Scampering slightly she turned and ran toward where she thought the scent came from. She had to find it before it found her- She had to! Otherwise Death would come and take her away from her beloved Arturo and home.

RE: the depths of depravity - Estelle - October 17, 2016

Though she was blinder than a mole, Aster still knew when she was being charged after. She naturally drew back as she greeted the other, though by Arturo's faint scent mark, it was known that her "attacker" was one of her packmates. A smooth laugh crept through her lips as she moved out of the way, though stayed careful to remain in the shade. Woah there tiger, she laughed, I don't want any trouble. This isn't a fair fight, either, being I can't see you. Aster smirked and opened her eyes a bit wider to expose the gray film that lay across them.
I'm Aster. Do you like stories? I happen to know a few. She turned her head in the other's direction, then spoke, making sure to be loud enough that she could be heard, Seriously. You have my word, I don't want any trouble with anyone. You are?

RE: the depths of depravity - Hemlock - October 18, 2016

Finally the girl spoke and Isley relaxed a fraction of an inch. "I am," She said with a small smile, tail waving briefly behind her. "I am Isley Kali, the healer." She offered her name but before they could exchange much more the girl turned - apparently catching the scent just as she had, but, the young wolf was more impulsive than she was. 

Isley followed after the child, putting herself between the younger wolf and the stranger. There was a defensive stance to her, Isley's tail curled over her back in a clear warning - no matter if the wolf was hard of seeing. "We are wolves of Teaghlaigh, and who are you?"

RE: the depths of depravity - Chusi - October 20, 2016

Isley... I'm Chusi! She chipped happily. A healer huh? There had been some at Donnelaith too, but plants didn't really interest the small warrior. She liked fighting and actually training, not chewing on some green stuff and make it all yecky. She knew that healers were indeed very useful, but it was just not her cup of tea. That's why she was happy to hear she wouldn't have to get into it now they already had someone to do the plant stuff. 

When they had found the one who had been so secretly spying on them, Chusi growled at first. If Isley had not been standing in between them, chances were Chusi would've attacked. When she laughed it made the young one's hackles rise in defense. No trouble, right, that's why she was creeping around. But the next part confused her a bit. Can't see her? But Chusi was right there! It was almost impossible to not spot the growing girl. Buht I'm right 'ere! She blurted out. Chusi was not interested in hearing stories now. No. She answered shortly.'

When the other asked for her name, Chusi kept quiet. Maybe Isley could handle this.

RE: the depths of depravity - Estelle - October 20, 2016

It seemed to Aster that this wasn't a situation that could be handled with only a bit of humor. Obviously, the others had gotten the wrong idea, and Aster didn't want it to stay that way.
I know that, but I'm blind. I really can't see when the sun is shining like this, which is why you caught me creeping in the shadows. She sighed, before continuing. I only asked if you like stories because that's what I do - I tell stories, compose poems, songs. I was hoping to make a couple new friends. I'm a Teaghlaigh wolf too, actually.
Hopefully her argument had been enough, as she knew that she didn't stand much of a chance against the others, nor did she want to be in a situation where she had to.

RE: the depths of depravity - Hemlock - November 01, 2016

Isley did not trust the advancing of a stranger, especially one that could just as easily be lying about an ailment. Isley had seen it before. It wasn't out of the question. Chusi pointed out that she was right there - the child had probably not encountered a wolf who couldn't see. "She has no sight, not like you or I, Chusi." Isley explained, her voice more quiet. She still did not relax, emerald eyes fixated on the stranger who claimed to be one of Arturo's wolves. 

"Announcing yourself would be the wiser move in the future." The red wolf stated, her voice even if not a bit dismissive. She looked to the young girl for a moment, wondering what she thought about it - the growing girl was old enough to have formed her own opinions after all about the entire ordeal. 

RE: the depths of depravity - Chusi - November 01, 2016

Chusi had no sympathy for the stranger - perhaps because she did not totally get the whole blind thing. She did not know how blessed she was with the ability to see - for one often did not appreciate what one had and craved for what one did not have. So this stranger did not see colors, or her. Then what did she see? Was it like closing your eyes without actually closing them? How did she hunt? How did she communicate? She frowned. And I fight - so ya better not be lyin' to us. She spat, perhaps a little rudely. All she did was recalling a lesson of Arturo whom this wolf claimed to be under the rule of. 

Ya can't see - so what CAN ya do, besides tellin' stories? She asked.

RE: the depths of depravity - Estelle - November 02, 2016

Well, Aster began, not a lot. But I'm training to become a mercenary. As you can imagine, I'm sure, it's not the easiest thing. She laughed gently at the young girl's questioning. Obviously, they'd all gotten off on the wrong foot.

RE: the depths of depravity - Hemlock - November 04, 2016

She cast a skeptical eye over the woman, turning to question Chusi as well - if she could not see she could not defend herself. There was no magic powers held, there was no capabilities to have such abilities to predict a hit if you could not read the cues of another wolf. "How do you expect to defend yourself if you cannot see?" Isley asked curiously. Call it just interest - she wouldn't deny the wolf if she actually could do as she said, but Isley did not see how it was possible. "Perhaps you could demonstrate your talents to us - I warn you though, I hear Chusi is quite the skilled warrior." It was a chance to let Chusi stretch her legs, so to say, and test what the wolf said. 

RE: the depths of depravity - Chusi - November 04, 2016

Chusi snorted. If the female could not see her, how was she supposed to even fight her? It made no sense, and it was against nature as a whole. Blind wolves, Chusi now realized, should either be kept to attend to herbs or they were completely useless. Perhaps they could do border work. Could this Aster even hunt? How would she provide for the pack? Her mind was asking questions she could not ask without being rude, and so she kept them for herself. She doubted her dearest Arturo would let in a blind wolf - and her hackles raised slightly. Never had they done this before, and she could not control them.

Isley asked a burning question, and Chusi smirked. It wasn't like the female could see her do it, now was it? Perhaps she was wrong - this blind wolf could indeed be useful; to mess around with. She proudly puffed her chest up when Isley said she had heard she was a skilled warrior, though a blush made her look more flattered than anything. 'Turo is still trainin' meh, buht I guess it'll be a fair fight. She chuckled, though it was not meant like an insult. She took some steps backwards, head lowered to protect her neck and her chest area slightly lowered but not in a playful bow.

RE: the depths of depravity - Estelle - November 08, 2016

Though she didn't want to seem like she was backing down, it was exactly what was happening. Aster shook her head kindly, before explaining why, I'm still training, and as you can imagine, it's gonna take me a bit longer than its probably taking you. Though Aster wanted to prove herself more than anything, she also had common sense, and knew that she would lose the battle. Even if it was to a child.

RE: the depths of depravity - Hemlock - November 28, 2016

Isley found herself distinctly disappointed by the blind wolf. "And it will take you longer still if you refuse any chance to learn." Isley countered, looking to Chusi. "Would you like to run the borders with me? At least you could get in some work since you will find none here." She offered so that the girl could still get some hands on practice and they could get to know one another better. 

RE: the depths of depravity - Chusi - December 04, 2016

Feel free to post again or archive :)

Chusi nodded at the comment of Isley. This blind one was a lost cause, and actually a burden for The Family. If she could not even fight a little girl, there was no hope she would ever be ready to fight anyone. O' course. Chusi nodded at the offer, feeling like they had wasted enough precious time here.