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Sleeping Dragon sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc - Printable Version

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sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc - Antumbra - October 15, 2016

With things being hectic in the last few days, Thuringwethil put some time in between seeing Freyja after the meeting and searching for her sister. The concern that something might be wrong had grown and she had spent a little time with her since, when she could, to better even out her time. Without a fleimkepa and the proper time management and direction, she feels she has too much on her plate to try and solve herself. No one is behind her to delegate things to. There has always been a number of advisors should they lose one, someone would be able to step up. Perhaps with Tanja here now, others will come and fill their spaces they need.

For now, she follows the scent of @Thyri toward the geyser field and around the lagoon. It becomes muddied and difficult to follow but if she sticks to one side, she can find herself getting close. The scent is strong and so her head lifts to search the surface of the geyser before taking another step forward.

RE: sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc - Thyri - October 22, 2016

The stormchaser was not a princess.  
It had not been evident how drastically different she and Freyja would have been when they were born. At first, the thunder child had been quite fond of the slate-coated sister. There had been a comradery that was difficult to beat, but somehow the world had pulled them apart. Thyri did not imagine she would ever feel the same way about Freyja as she had when they were whelps. She had come to accept the changes in the world, though, and she embraced them for what they were. The entitled nature of her silver sister had left a vile taste in the back of her throat, for Thyri knew that she was stronger and more fierce, but she would not demonstrate that until the time was right.  
The feral child moved like a serpent around the geysers; her head was held low and her ears were drawn forward. When the scent of Heda crossed her, she drew her crown upward and peered with pale eyes into the rising steam. The shadow was certain to be near.  

RE: sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc - Antumbra - October 22, 2016

Thuringwethil's nose wrinkles the closer she gets but there is a steady distance between them. The geysers peculiar activity separate them for a while longer but in one quiet moment, the steam parting just enough for translucency, she sees the outline of a child. With the girl in her direct line of sight, she hovers in the background for a moment longer before she begins again.

Her ears fall back upon her head and her steady trot turns into a sprint, rushing forward between the remaining geysers that puts her on the heels of the child. The closer she gets, she does not slow, as as the distance between them reduces, she kicks her heels a little harder to run by the stormy girl. When she is just close enough, she reaches out to nudge the back of her head with a growl but continues on anyway to incite the chase.

RE: sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc - Thyri - November 05, 2016

The shadow that approached was not seen, but only heard a moment before the great Heda intended to make her presence known. Thyri's ears flattened to her skull and the fur along her neck and shoulders stood on end in a defensive state. It was not until she recognized the slate-eyed leader that the child relaxed, but by that moment, the game was afoot.  
The chaser of the storm was quick to recover from her startled state. Her ears darted forward and she narrowed her brows on the prize that loped ahead of her. The young dragon did not feel as though she would fail if she were to use any amount of tact. With a chuff, Thyri pushed forward and her legs carried her quickly toward her goal: the shadow-furred Heda.   

RE: sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc - Antumbra - November 06, 2016

There is little Thuringwethil knows about Thyri, as much as she hates to admit it, and whether or not she'll play along is taken to gamble. She rushes by and after a few seconds throws her head back to see the playful smirk that launches her into motion. She swings her head back around and weaves in and out of the geysers, carefully avoiding the wetter ground to keep from slipping. There is no destination in her mind as she runs but the opening to the valley looks promising. While her legs may not be revving at full speed, she keeps ahead of the girl with even and long strides.