Wolf RPG
Gilded Bay One too many - Printable Version

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One too many - Chip - October 15, 2016

After her run-in with Skelly, Chip continued along the coast. She didn't have any set plans on where she wanted to end up, though she knew she would eventually have to settle down somewhere. The instinct to find a pack to take her through the winter was only growing stronger, and she was well-aware that she wouldn't last the winter by herself. She was still a yearling, after all, and this would be her first winter.

Having grown bored with chasing the waves, Chip was currently playing catch with a seashell. By herself. In reality, it was pretty pathetic. She'd pick up the shell, toss it as far as she could, then chase after it. Rinse. Repeat. The girl was covered in sand, salt water, and probably looked more like a giant rat than a wolf at this point.

RE: One too many - Brontide - October 15, 2016


Odd creatures, always angry and hostile, and therefore deserving of Brontide's attention. He'd purposefully step on the plaited armour of their back, avoiding those painful pincers and squish them into the soft sand repeatedly until they either cracked under the pressure or stopped fighting back, earning his disinterest and their own freedom. 

He dawdled haphazardly along the beach, aimlessly drifting this way and that, allowing the waves to wash over his paws occasionally, and side-stepping to avoid sharp shells that stuck up out of the sand. The water smelled odd, but not unpleasant. He'd tried to drink it earlier and had turned away in disgust. Something was wrong with it. 

Eventually, he saw a tan form in the distance and stubbornly refused to give up his path to avoid her. His yellow eyes flickered when he caught her scent and found himself smirking lightly. The intensity of his gaze increased as the two drew closer, and his eyes roved over her body selfishly. He snorted, once she was within earshot. 

"Yer Ma get screwed by a chipmunk er wha?" he called, gesturing to the lines down either side of her spine. He laughed. "At least he wouldn'a lasted long!" he said, followed by more laughter, harsh and brittle at the same time.

RE: One too many - Chip - October 15, 2016

She'd been so engrossed in her "game," and the smell of salt was so overwhelming, she hadn't noticed him approach. Chip jumped at least two feet straight up off the sand when he began, and it took her a few seconds to comprehend what he had said. She had some options here, and she cycled through them in a matter of a few more seconds. She could roll her eyes and tell him off. She could send another insult flying back at him. But really she felt like doing the least-expected thing possible.

"My love! I've waited all my life to find you, and now here you are, standing right in front of me," she swooned in a southern drawl, batting her eyelashes and swaying her hips. (Yes, she does this to every boy she meets.) "I never thought I'd see the day I'd lay eyes upon your handsome face, but I reckon the powers above have granted me this great gift." And now to see how he reacted to that.

RE: One too many - Brontide - October 15, 2016

He snickered when she jumped, but quieted immediately when she began to swoon over him. Love? Really? His ears turned back and he stiffened slightly as she approached, but couldn't help but be somewhat drawn in too. For a few moments, he was repulsed by this girl who seemed to idolize him...But then again, that was a good thing, wasn't it? It was like taking candy from a baby, or so he thought. 

He smiled slyly and was swept toward her with smoothe, confident steps, the handsomest grin he could muster which was still a bit too toothy to have been considered refined. "S'me, babe," he crooned, reaching out to try and run his teeth through the fur behind one of her ears. " I never'd thought I'd find your lovely piece either; cozy that thing up to me, willya?" Insisted the boy, doing his best to seduce the girl who was so willingly feeding his ego.

RE: One too many - Chip - October 15, 2016

He seemed hesitant at first. Or at least confused. Then, he was in on the joke. Yeah... totally a joke, dude. "Man," she thought, "He's really playing into it!" It wasn't like Chip had never seduced a boy, having been awfully curious as soon as she was old enough to learn "what adults did." When he leaned in to rake his teeth through her fur, she felt that all-too-familiar tingle.

Feeding into this one true love story she had built for them, she licked his ear, nibbling on the end of it with surprising finesse for a girl so wild. As far as she was aware, he was connected to no pack. Not to mention the fact that she was too young to bear children. What harm could they really do except use and emotionally wreck each other? "Oh my love, I've yearned for you," she whispered into his ear.

RE: One too many - Brontide - October 15, 2016

Alright, so this was going better than expected. This girl was smitten with him- must have been his wild and dashing looks that drew her in, this becoming little creature with unusual markings...But now they made her look cute. Not hot, maybe, but cute enough. And she was all over him, or so he imagined. How could she not be? The fact that she was joking was completely lost on the boy who only saw what he chose to see. 

He melted a bit when she licked his ears and moaned softly, the gentle noise turning into a possessive growl when he turned his head to comb his teeth through the fur at the nape of her neck. His heart raced; he could use this compliant little wench and then be on his way. She was way too easy to keep around- or so he thought- but perfect for a one time fling. 

"Yeh?" he murmured quietly into her fur, and pressed his chest against her shoulder before he lined his body up alongside hers and preened the fur juat behind her nearest ear. "Tell me how much you want me." he growled, teeth gently pulling at the fur along the back of her neck, as though to warn her should she try and pull away.

RE: One too many - Chip - October 15, 2016

Well, this was far easier than anything else she'd ever done (hah!) before. She hadn't even had to talk to him like a normo. He took her "love" at face-value. All the other guys had wanted to "settle down" and "have kids" and "be in love." What a bunch of garbage. Chipmunk liked her freedom, thankyouverymuch. Even if she could pretend that she wanted those things (which she had done), it always ended in being disappointed with the outcome, and she'd move on to the next. Even if this one wasn't any different, she'd take advantage of him while she could. Maybe he was just as looney as she was.

"Well, my love, I've only been waiting for you--do not stop doing that," Chip replied, dropping the accent all together. He seemed to know what he was doing. Maybe he'd done this before, too. She had him in her grasp figuratively, and she had a good feeling she'd have him in her grasp literally quite soon.

RE: One too many - Brontide - October 15, 2016

She didn't try to move away, or stop him. Something in the back of Brontide's mind raised a red flag- this was too easy. Sure, he'd had fantasies of meeting someone like this- someone wit no purpose but to please him in whatever way he chose- but it was almost too insane, too close to what he'd imagined, a witless female who didn't even know his name- nor did he know or care to know hers- but simply wanted him. But that little voice was terribly little and feeble, and thus went ignored.

He didn't wait a moment to throw one foreleg over her shoulder, bringing his chest above her though their bodies were slightly perpendicular to one another. He simply wanted to test her out and see if she would stop him- and he grasped for the fur at her ruff, having decided then that she would not get away from him. He'd be damned if he let her go now.

"I won't stop." He growled. "You're mine," He said into her striped fur.

RE: One too many - Chip - October 15, 2016

"His." Yeah, ok buddy. You go ahead and believe that. She was already planning her post-coitus escape. Chip adored her freedom, and what he was talking about was anything but. Aware of this, and knowing what he would more than likely try to do, she didn't attempt to stop him. Anything but, in fact. "And you mine, suga' bee," she replied, the drawl back in full-force. Maybe that would help? Haha, yeah right.

Chip rocked her hips beneath him, urging him to get down to business. She was done with the pillow talk and ready for the good stuff. Idly, she wondered if all the guys around here were this easy. That would make her life here a helluva lot more interesting, at least.

RE: One too many - Brontide - October 15, 2016

All girls wanted to think they belinged to someone, didn't they? He was a bit put off by being hers, especially if she called him honeybee or sugarbee or whatever it was, and the little voice spoke up again. What if she stalked him? How could he get rid of her? But he shut that voice up. He'd just have to hurt her feelings, that was all, and he could do that well enough. 

She moved beneath him in a provocative way so he swung his hindquarters around to put himself in line and moaned as she moved against him. His moan turned into a dark laugh, though, and he leaned forward to tease the fur behind one of her ears with his breath. "Take it, chipmunk," he said, unknowingly giving her the nickname that was actually her name, and brought his hips flush with hers, though in his inexperience, his current movements were little other than thrusting movements without being able to hit his mark.

RE: One too many - Chip - October 15, 2016

Okay, so he could definitely work on his dirty talk, because that was hella lame. In fact, he could also work on the physical part. This guy was royally sucking at this. In fact, he was so bad that Chipmunk was beginning to be over the whole thing. Maybe it would have been worth it if he could actually do what he was supposed to do. "Uh, do you even know what you're doing back there?" she asked.

If that didn't hurt his pride, she wasn't sure what was. Then again, Chip wasn't here to be a lifeboat for his pride. She was here for one thing, and one thing only. If he couldn't even provide that, what good was he?

RE: One too many - Brontide - October 15, 2016

Inexperience led to insecurity and insecurity led naturally to irritation and anger, especially when she turned her head to comment. He growled, and rather than say he was just teasing her, he reached to bury his teeth into the fur of her ruff, squeezing his jaws together as though to inflict punishment upon her for speaking out. His movements frenzied for a moment until he found what he was looking for, and paused for a moment. 

Brontide was young yet, inexperienced and incapable of reproducing so this act, albeit natural, was foreign to him but delicious in its newness. Selfishness gripped him and he remained still no longer, fulfilling the fantasies he'd dreamt, holding onto her ruff and growling possessively.

RE: One too many - Chip - October 15, 2016

Oh, there we go. Despite the pinch on her nape, she was glad she had managed to spur him into actual action. Finally Chip had gotten what she wanted from him. With him on top of her, she reveled in the sensations, happy that he wasn't a total loss, even if there had been a briefly awkward moment there. Her own hips rocked back against his, eager to get what was hers.

He may have been a selfish lover, but she was one, too. How about a taste of your own medicine, Chip? The growl in her ear only heightened her awareness of him, though it was nothing she hadn't experienced before. Boys always got all "manly" when they were doing the deed. No, that wasn't a complaint. Chip was into it.

RE: One too many - Brontide - October 17, 2016

Apart from being mildly aware that the striped fur he'd buried his teeth into belonged to the female he'd only been teasing for her markings not so long ago, Brontide couldn't have cared less about who he was with at the moment; and knew she wouldn't mean much if anything to him after he finished. This was almost too good to be true, as long as he could ditch her easily enough, afterwards. He already had a plan in mind- one he'd used once before, and it had worked perfectly well then, so he couldn't imagine why it wouldn't work now. 

The movements of her hips sped him toward his zenith, but as his body reveled in that moment of ultimate pleasure, he felt an all-too-familiar sensation creep into his jaw and legs. He gasped and then moaned as he reached his climax, but the sound was cut short as something in his brain flipped a switch, and caused complete muscle atonia in his legs. His hips gave one final buck, more of a twitch than anything as his hind legs gave out, and he shrieked in pain at the resistance he was met with in his tenderest areas. He did his best to grab at her scruff, but Brontide's jaw had gone slack so he simply slumped, mouth agape, relying on her completely for support as he panted and stared at the ground, waiting for his body to regain the ability to move.

RE: One too many - Chip - October 18, 2016

omg cataplexy lol. also yay to both planning their escape. :P

Chip too felt a familiar tingle, but it was the good kind, and her nails dug into the earth as she, too, experienced a similar sensation. Chip moaned, panting heavily. It was only then that he slumped on top of her. And, not being a particularly strong wolf, she crumpled under his weight. "Dude, what the hell?!" she growled from beneath him, clearly annoyed by this... development. If it could even be called that. Somehow, this wasn't seeming worth the D.

Even if she could have rolled him off of her, they were still–er–*connected*, so she wouldn't be able to get away. Exasperated, but unable to do much with the situation, Chip fumed and scowled.

RE: One too many - Brontide - October 31, 2016

As annoyed as Brontide was with himself, he couldn't let himself get too angry, or he'd set himself off again. His ride crumbled to the ground and he lay more or less motionless for a few moments until he was able to move his legs again, and jaw as well. He licked his chops, working his jaw to make sure it was all over, and dragged himself off her back so they could lay a bit more comfortably until they were able to separate. 

"That happens." He said, defensively. "Every time." Whenever he got too frustrated it'd happen, or if something funny happened, or if he was overwhelmed in any way. Frustration seemed to be the worst, but it happened more often with laughter or excitement. He didn't feel particularly ashamed; he'd got what he wanted, and didn't care if she hated him for collapsing like that. He'd done her good, or so he thought, and now just had to wait long enough for them to be able to separate so he could get as far away from her as possible.

RE: One too many - Chip - November 01, 2016

"Well you should probably fuckin' warn whoever you're fuckin' about that," Chip huffed, the scowl still present on her face. This was totally not normal protocol, and he was going to have a lot of upset ladies if he didn't at least tell them what they were getting into. Not that Chip had always been upfront about herself. In any case, she would not be doing a repeat of this with him.

Chip waited in fuming silence until they were finally able to get free of one another, and she eased herself onto her feet. She rolled her eyes at him, feeling he wasn't worth wasting her breath with more scolding. Something told her he wasn't going to take her advice, anyway. Chip sauntered off, still annoyed that he'd ruined the whole thing for her.