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Swiftcurrent Creek elephants with lights - Printable Version

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elephants with lights - RIP Fox - April 14, 2014

For @Lecter!

It had been long enough. Jinx was no longer welcome in the creek, and Fox was determined to find out who would be staying and who would be leaving. There were few among them that Fox considered friends. Njal, Tuwawi, and Haunter were among the top contenders. She would be hurt if they chose to leave, and no matter how mature she felt now, she knew that she would lash out at them if they abandoned her at this hour. She would be less-surprised if Lecter, Ira, and Sitri abandoned ship. Those three seemed closer to Jinx, and considering Ira was Jinx's charge, Fox would have found it strange if the youngling had stuck around rather than following his guardian. She was also aware that Lecter was close with Jinx, though she still misunderstood the depths of their relationship.

A question needed to be answered, and Fox took off into the damp undergrowth of the creek to seek out their healer (official title or not, it was what Fox associated him with). It was a shame they would lose him, but she had a feeling that another would come along to replace him. Perhaps somebody less off-putting. It was always amusing to see how the newcomers reacted. Fox was sure his first impression of her was quite a hoot. She lingered around his den, the thick smell of Jinx and the shaman present, though Fox knew that they would fade in time.

RE: elephants with lights - Lecter - April 14, 2014

Jinx had gone, thrown out of the Creek to be upon her Mountain, and shortly Lecter would follow suit, once he had tied up his ends with the Vale. The day found him sorting his piles of herbs into those that had moldered into dust and those still fresh enough to bring with him. Coupled with his constant access to Xi'nuata's lands, for that was how he thought of them, the shaman would have enough herbs to replenish the Mountain's new caches several times over.

Fox's presence was expected, and he welcomed her with a low chuff. Her red fur glowed in the gloom surrounded his den; he rose from where he had been sorting his sacred bones into various groups. Icewater eyes met her own briefly, but the shaman said nothing, knowing fully why she had come.

RE: elephants with lights - RIP Fox - April 15, 2014

I'll try to keep this thread a priority, since it's time-sensitive. :)

"I take it you are leaving with Jinx," she said. It would be a surprise if he was not leaving. The same went for Ira, and although Fox had little interaction with Sitri, the male seemed far closer to Jinx than Fox. "You have had ample time to tie up any loose ends, and so I must ask that you leave." No hint of anger laced her voice. Fox was calm, collected, and cool. There was no reason to resist this change, for it had already happened in some ways.

Before he had a chance to turn away, Fox spoke again. "I do not believe I ever properly thanked you for helping me after the cougar," she said. Gratitude was not something that Fox gave out often, and she wondered if Lecter knew this. "You served Swiftcurrent well, and I know you will continue to serve Jinx well, too." The shaman was an old man, and Fox was unsure how long he would survive, but she assumed that he would do Jinx well. It was a shame the creek would lose its only qualified healer.

RE: elephants with lights - Lecter - April 16, 2014

<3 ty

Lecter listened quietly, paws caressing the yellowed bones he had gathered over the years. It would take him at least two trips to carry what he had accumulated to the Mountain, but he doubted that Fox would allow such leniency. The redwolf then thanked the shaman; he acknowledged the gentle praise with a dip of his muzzle. If it pleases you, Fox, let me ask but one thing of you. The woman, Tyrande; that I may use her binding one last time to help me transport materials to the Mount.

He had not released the shadow from her oath, so he felt his request was only fitting. Icy eyes watched Fox closely, to see if she would agree to his offer. She knows nothing of my departure. I would like her to speak with you, at least, and decide what she will do.

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RE: elephants with lights - RIP Fox - April 18, 2014

Internet is finally working, and I don't feel like complete shit today, yahoo!

Fox tipped her ears forward when he asked a favor of her, and although she pondered on it a moment, it did not take her long to come to a clear decision. “No, take her with you,” she replied, “She is a stupid girl, and I think she would be better off with you teaching her some manners. If it is her desire to return once she’s wizened up, she’s more than welcome to do so.”

The yearling did not have time to teach such manners, especially now that Jinx would be leaving the creek to her alone (yet again). The thought of Haunter doing such things was a bit amusing, but Fox was selfish and possessive of the one-eared beast, so she did not allow her mind to flirt with that idea long. The fireball flicked her tail, awaiting the shaman's response.

RE: elephants with lights - Lecter - April 19, 2014

always a plus! <33

He nodded. Then I shall call her, and we shall depart, Lecter murmured to Fox. Icewater eyes met her own for a moment; though he stood upon the ground she had claimed, he was not hers any longer, but the shaman did not intend to insult Fox. In turn, I thank you for how you have led here. Long years to you.

Standing firm, he awaited her dismissal, so that he might raise his voice for Tyrande and depart Swiftcurrent as quickly as possible.

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RE: elephants with lights - RIP Fox - April 19, 2014

Despite their first encounter, Fox found herself a little bit sad to see him go. After he thanked her, the little fireball uncharacteristically found herself sweeping toward Lecter and giving him a wolfish embrace. He still stank like the dickens, but she could not help feeling like she wanted to keep him around. And not only due to his skills. She actually liked how odd he was, and she would miss watching him not-so-innocently torture the newcomers and long-time residents alike.

The girl withdrew, a goofy smile spread across her face, and, feeling a bit embarrassed, bit her lip. Not willing to stick around and explain her actions, she turned tail and fled the scene, taking deep breaths as she did so to calm her nerves. Much of their pack would be leaving, but it was a natural separation that was bound to happen at one point or another.

Exit Fox! I am going to miss Lecter-poo.

RE: elephants with lights - Lecter - April 22, 2014

<333 and i will miss fox and the creek!!

Though he stiffened as the fiery wolf flickered near to him, Lecter returned the gesture with a brief nudge of his muzzle against her own. Though she was young, and though he thought her somewhat foolish in not bringing down a hammerfall upon the insolent Vale wolves, the shaman harboured a fair amount of respect and grudging affection toward her feisty existence.

He watched her depart with little regret, then raised his voice in a call for Tyrande, to aid him with his vessels and herbs, that the two of them might depart swiftly.

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