Wolf RPG
The Sentinels up from perdition - Printable Version

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up from perdition - Cas - October 15, 2016

Castiel had a thick rabbit hanging from his jaws, coming back to his small burrow to find @Winchester. He wondered what the male was thinking, given the recent abandonment of the pack by it's former leaders and the rise of two whelps to take the helm. The girls were well enough on their own, sure, but it didn't leave him feeling confident by the arrangement. The neighboring pack seemed to not realize that borders were just that - borders and instead did as they pleased in the pack. He wasn't pleased with the arrangement, but still, he combed the borders just as if they were his own. 

Castiel laid the rabbit down in front of his smaller companion, just barely holding back the urge to lick him and tend to him. He told himself it was just because Winchester had been wounded and he felt somewhat responsible. Nothing more there. "How are you feeling?"