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Coconut Grove Pleasing The God [M] - Printable Version

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Pleasing The God [M] - Giana - October 16, 2016

Giana felt the rise of her hormones before it hit her - she struck from the borders of the Copse the afternoon beforehand with but an excited howl to @Eshamun telling her she'd be back soon. Why she struck North, she didn't know - maybe she hoped to see the witch who'd saved her, but she drifted too far down the wrong end of the shore for that. She reached a grove of palms as the sun was rising, and after the ivory woman watched the sunrise, she rested. 

When she woke, the scent wreathed around her in waves as violent as the waves crashing before her - a grin split her jaws before she'd even opened her stormy eyes. The last time she'd been in heat, Giancarlo had been her mate - and he hadn't done anything about it. She'd went another season without puppies, but this time there was no man to hold her back! This time, she could mate with whoever, whenever - and even her alphas would not be upset. This was encouraged, and maybe she would be able to bring back another male for The Malkaria. 

Stretching out and eventually rolling onto her back, Gia wriggled about in the sand with a grin on her face and her tail wagging - spreading her scent, luring whoever came to her. 
For @Hadraniel :3

RE: Pleasing The God - Hadraniel - October 16, 2016

The sandy male had become quite fond of the shoreline and discovered he rather enjoyed the soothing melody of waves crashing in the background. There was an abundance of food, and shelter didn't prove much of an issue so as far as Hadraniel was concerned he could survive the winter here in peace and quiet. Though peace never seemed to be an option for the troublesome male.

A scent so tempting and captivating drew the man from where he lay, and lured him to the woman who teased him along the beach. This would not be his first rodeo with a lady such as she, for he had come across a witch in his younger days and in his inexperience was seduced by her. Yet he was a boy no longer, the man knew what he wanted and it was his for the taking.

A low lustful growl rumbled deep within his chest as he approached the bewitching beauty, his tail swaying anxiously behind him. Acidic orbs glowed hungrily with wicked intent while the distance between the two strangers closed. They were alone, both longing for the same pleasure and relief, and as far as Hadraniel was concerned nothing would keep her from him now.

RE: Pleasing The God - Giana - October 18, 2016

She was not alone long - at first, however, Gia thought it to be another female. Flipping onto her belly and standing clumsily, her teeth bore at once: when her eyes finally fell on him, however, they once again were hidden, replaced by one of vague amusement. Even after his growl echoed across the grove, wanting and lustful, the woman couldn't help a cocky laugh.

               "Anyone ever tell you you look like a chick from far away?"

Nonetheless, she took a step forward, hips swaying and stormy eyes boring into his own. A coy grin split her jaws, and her tail waved to further entice - They both knew well what would go on this day, but Gia was not going to let this be easy. 

                                           "Whatcha looking for here on the shore?"

RE: Pleasing The God - Hadraniel - October 20, 2016

Her comment caused his ears to fall back a bit, the shocked of being told he looked like a chick hit him hard. However after a moment of thinking, he didn't really see what the downsides of looking like a female were. They had luscious curves and irresistible hips, so obliviously he too must appear desirable. "I'll take that as a compliment" he said with a wide grin.

Those same hips he just fantasized about came swaying his way and a lustful growl came flowing between gritted teeth. She was teasing him, and Hadraniel was never one to be patient. He moved to her side, letting his mangled fur brush and tangle with hers. "Entertainment" he answered with a lick of his lips.

RE: Pleasing The God - Giana - October 20, 2016

She had tested his temper, and instead of taking it as a bad thing, the man twisted it to fit him even if his inital surprise was evident. His grin only served to widen her own, and this time when he growled her way, Giana returned it with fervor - she allowed him to close in, the fur of their sides mingling. It burned to have someone so close, a stranger and a MAN above all, but her hormones demanded this closeness; Molech demanded it. If she wanted her puppies, she would have to allow the man close. 

Licking his chops, the man claimed to be here for entertainment - a pleased hum came from the iory woman. 

                          "I can provide entertainment if you're worthy of it."

With that she turned, trotting further into the grove but not stopping there. Tail waving and high, Gia led him right to the salty water of the ocean. The rust sprinkled Malkaria Baakar strode forward until her knees were submerged - it was only then did she turn her face, sending her stormy eyes back to her playmate in a dare to follow if he already hadn't entered the froth.

RE: Pleasing The God - Hadraniel - October 21, 2016

He trailed along her side, breathing in her intoxicating scent. Her words caused his ears to flicker towards her, and his eyes snapped to her own. He needed to be worthy of her? Usually he would have some comment to throw at her but he was drunk off her scent and his mind was only on one thing. She slipped away and like a lost puppy Hadraniel followed after. 

She threw herself into the ocean and without waiting for permission the sandy male plunged himself into the crashing waves and towards his prize. Whatever this was it had ignited a spark of irritation within him. He simply wished to do the deed and be on his way, but it seemed his partner had other plans.

RE: Pleasing The God - Giana - October 22, 2016

The male stayed close to her, and she could feel his irritation even though the waves of lust - this only made her smile more, debating whether or not she would continue to play with her toy before delving into the deed. They were silent - there were no words needed in their dance, and perhaps there would be little after, but the one thing she would get before was his name. The ivory woman muttered the half-assed greeting under her breath, curling her tail over her back to tempt him further. 

                 "I'm Giana."

Her own needs grew, the itch in her core growing and expanding until the warmth had consumed her. Even the proud woman could not hold back the breathy whine of need that escaped her throat, and she could only cover it with a lustful, demanding growl.

RE: Pleasing The God - Hadraniel - October 26, 2016

He slide along her side, leaving tiny nips upon her spine that trailed straight down to her tail. Despite his anxiousness, he would play this game with her as long as she was pleased. So when she introduced herself, the man was quick to respond as well. "Hadraniel. Hadraniel Abernathy." He spoke his name as if he were a king, proudly with his head held high.

She was his for the taking, so when the whine escaped her the sandy man refused to wait any longer. He slithered a leg upon her back, testing the waters. And when he received permission, he quickly hooked both forelegs around her waist and roughly grabbed her scruff. This was all too familiar for him, and Hadraniel hit his mark with ease. He began at a steady pace, a lustful growl came spilling from his lips only to be muffled by the fur in his jaws. He released her scruff and whispered a sloppy "tell me what you want" before leaving a nip along the sensitive tissue tucked behind her ear. She had made him play her game, it was only fair if she played his.

RE: Pleasing The God - Giana - October 26, 2016

His nibbles along her spine made her shudder at each movement, each brush of his lips, each breath that ruffled her fur - his proud name brought a rumble of joy to her throat. The ivory woman turned to lavish her own nips and licks to his chest and neck - he slipped behind her then, and Giana growled in pleasure as he wrapped around her waist, bending her front down to better balance the two of them. He was experienced, obviously, for he wasn't shy in snatching her scruff roughly and was presice with his mark - this only served to make it all the better, and a louder growl of lust was muffled against the waves that lapped against their legs.

His steady pace sent waves of sharp pleasure echoing to each little nerve in her body, and the growl only served to send a ripple through her spine - she let out a whine as he let go of her scruff, but was silenced but his demanding, soft words breathing in her ear. 


Her breathing was ragged, labored, and each moment brought their dance closer to the edge.

                                                                 "Your pups."

Gritting her teeth, she whimpered and melted in his embrace - her face turned to nip at whatever she could reach of his, needy, wanting.

RE: Pleasing The God [M] - Hadraniel - October 30, 2016

He never broke from his rhythm, keeping the pace steady as they went on, only increasing when he felt himself inching closer and closer to that oh so lovely peak. Her whines beckoned him on and her words only added to the pull he felt. Moans of pleasure escaped him as he felt himself slipping over the edge, and with one last thrust he collapsed on her back as satisfaction and pleasure came rushing from his lips.

He remained limp on her back for only a moment before he repositioned himself so that she need not hold all his weight. There he left little nips along the edge of her ears before pulling away gently to test if the two were still intertwined.

RE: Pleasing The God [M] - Giana - November 01, 2016

They didn't settle, didn't cease, not until both rocked on the edge of their pleasure - his moan and last thrust pushed her over, and a hiss of joy came through her gritted teeth. His weight pressed harder on her back, but right now she just didnt care - their dance over, Giana whined in joy. 

                  "Thank you."

The whispered words slipped from her mouth without thought, but she meant them - she would be able to bear young, please Molech and raise her own children. In the next moment, he moved as to give her room, placing a series of nips that wracked her already sensitive body - his movement brought a violent shiver and another moan, and a smile came over Gia's ivory face.

RE: Pleasing The God [M] - Hadraniel - November 04, 2016

He slipped off her back carefully and moved to her side before placing one last kiss on her cheek. She thanked him, and while he was truthfully just here for his own selfish reasons, Hadraniel managed to muster up a smile. "See ya around" he said awkwardly before trotting off, leaving behind the pale female. He had finished what he came to do and seeing no reason to stick around the sandy male was quick to dart off. 

He assumed she would be with others, especially considering how she mentioned wanting children. And in no way what so ever would Hadraniel expect any offspring to come from this encounter. She was a female in heat with many suitors that would surely gather around to try and win her favor, so if she happened to bear children, he was certain they would not be his.

RE: Pleasing The God [M] - Giana - November 11, 2016

He'd no sooner slipped free of her before he was kissing her cheek with a half-assed goodbye. She called out after his quickly retreating form half-heartedly:

               "Will I see you again?"

She didn't expect him to stop, and with a shake of her ivory fur, she stopped to watch the waves and let them rock against her legs. The Angelo didn't want anything more from him than he'd already probably provided, but it would've been nice to do that a couple more times.... For breeding purposes, of course. She didn't, however, plan to be with anyone else, despite missing the general attention that came from the act; she felt weird about crossing men when she was trying to make pups. Maybe that was from already having had pups with a man who was once her mate, but another part of it was that she simply wanted to know who the father was. 

Eventually, as the adrenaline faded from her veins, the cold reached her bones. Shivering and fluffing out her coat, the woman decided she would still spend the night here beneath the coconut trees. Settling beneath one of the palms so that she could still watch the stars flicker to life above the waves, Giana thought to herself a long while. Names, hopes of what they would look like with her beautiful fur and the handsome Abernathy male she'd coupled with.

RE: Pleasing The God [M] - Hadraniel - November 14, 2016

While it was instinctual for him and her to go at it again, the sandy male often restrained himself to only one time with any female he did not know well or wanted nothing to do with after the actual fucking itself. The female before him now happened to be one of those women and Hadraniel wanted as little the chances of producing offspring as possible. He was a delinquent with no intentions of being tied down by responsibility of raising children he didn't even want. "Perhaps" he called out to her as he faded away in the direction whence he came from. 

He shook his fur letting droplets of water spray everywhere as he made his way down the beach, back towards the area where he would stay the night. He hoped she would not come searching for him, but if the man knew one thing it was that hormonal women were insane and unpredictable.