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Sleeping Dragon the end of a bloodline - Printable Version

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the end of a bloodline - Antumbra - October 16, 2016

It had been with hesitation that she lets Tanja rest for the night after Eske's vigorous test she put him through. It had been late and the man had traveled far to get to where he is, it would only have been cruel to keep him a luxury he has long deserved. It was with a silent prayer that he not run into another before she got the chance to intercept him in the morning before his talents were put to use.

She is up early and takes little time to prepare herself as she weaves through the wooded rendezvous and down a familiar slope that she left her friend for the night. His scent isn't hard to track, leaving only the freshest direction she's able to follow as his core hadn't been yet set into their perfume. It is only when she finds him that she realizes she'd been holding her breath, rushing out in a sudden gust as if she'd been winded from travel.

Thuringwethil attempts to shake it off before she's noticed, straightening out her spine and adjusting her posture as she chuffs the announcement of her arrival.

RE: the end of a bloodline - Tanja - October 17, 2016

The man was grateful for Heda's hospitality and allowed himself to rest threw the night, his muscles weak from travel. He would forget at times that he was not as young as he used to be and even now the signs of old age were beginning to spout upon his maw, reminding him that youth was not infinite.

He gave a sigh, ears jerking forward at the sound of a chuff. The man's iron orbs easily found the voice's owner and the corner's of his lips were quick to pull into a smile. "Heda" he greeted with a dip of his crown, silently wondering what had drew her to him on this fair morning.

RE: the end of a bloodline - Antumbra - October 22, 2016

Tanja takes note of her presence and she dips her head once in greeting in a similar fashion. Not to drop it too far, she closes the rest of the distance between them. There is an ease she feels around him, as she often feels around Gavriel and those few that have come by and made the dragon their home, however temporary. Eli's loyalty had run short, as had Snacha, but the few she has kept around have kept by her side regardless. Their objections to the changes, if any, have been quiet, though she'd seen the conflict in their eyes.

"I am glad you are here, I hope the travel was not too hard on you," she tells him with a swish of her flagged tail. She then tilts her head forward and motions for him. Walk with me? There is no particular location she has in mind for their trek but in order to keep herself from fidgeting, she keeps her legs moving and busy. "There are some things I need to tell you. That Drageda. There are some differences."

RE: the end of a bloodline - Tanja - October 25, 2016

His smile widens as Heda explains her joy for him being here, and even more so when she invites him to walk. He eagerly accepts her invitation and as he drew alongside her, she was quick to get to the point of her visit. Differences she claimed there to be, which was something the older male was well prepared for. Drageda was not the home in which he grew up in so surely there would be a few changes, he expected nothing less.

But just how drastic those differences were was something the muddied gray male would never be able to dream up. So with his mind clear and his ears open, he left it to his commander to explain these new changes. He wouldn't speak until she was finished and only after he absorbed every last drop of information would he voice his opinion. There was a time to listen and a time to speak, and at the moment he was all ears.

RE: the end of a bloodline - Antumbra - October 29, 2016

While Tanja’s arrival had caught her off guard, she knew she needed to prepare herself should others actually arrive. They will be accepted in a world not like their home, despite that they are all the same. Life in the Wilds is far different than it had been in Seageda and as much as Thuringwethil tries to keep things in line, things continue to change.

“The Wilds here are not the same as where we are from and we have only adapted to fit our new home. There was a pack southwest of us that threatened us with war and then deserted when we brought it to them,” she tells him with an indifferent shrug. A win is a win is a win and while blood had not been shed and lives had not been lost, they won the war against the Phoenix wolves. It is their luck that they found a safe haven away from them, without a trail left behind. “And the pack northwest of here, they are not welcome close and we do not go near them. They’ve had one warning and if they are found close, kill them.”

She licks her lips, glancing toward Tanja. In their walk, Thuringwethil will later lead him to the glacier to find their scent for memory. In the meantime, she only veers toward the western side of the lands.

“As you know, Seageda’s Hedonakru sacrificed their lives and rebuilding here, I have found followers, new and old, and they have become as much Drageda as anyone else. Dio, who you will meet soon, has taken role of Wocha and Wildfire is my Bandrona. Fleimkepa has not been taken but one of the children, a sibling of Eske, is being groomed to take that position when she is old enough.”

RE: the end of a bloodline - Tanja - October 29, 2016

Their walk had sent a certain peace to wash over him, and while his Heda spoke of war, Tanja remained as emotionless as ever. Any pack that couldn't  take what they dished out would surely fall with due time, so to hear that this troublesome pack had gone fleeing with their tails between their legs, well, it didn't surprise him. Drageda was a force to be reckoned with, this he was certain and just like the rest of his brethren, Tanja would have no qualms with ending a life that threatened Drageda's claim. 

It is only when the Hedonakru are mentioned does any emotion reveal itself on the man's face. Memories of how his commander's most trusted advisors had betrayed and abandoned her came rushing back and a snarl tore from the man's lips. "How can you trust these outsiders with our secrets?" he asked, eyes desperately searching for any answer among her features.

RE: the end of a bloodline - Antumbra - October 29, 2016

It is not a surprise that she get a question from Tanja and only her ears twitch upon the words. Even as Seageda had been given their absolution, she imagines it a sore spot for those that have lost their home and are only coming to terms with their loss. Heda has a new home and new reign, where they are all welcome, and she has moved on to keep them all alive.

She remains streamlined in her steps, focusing on where they are going as she leaves a moment of silence between his question and her answer. It has taken time to gather the wolves she has and those that are here have proven themselves time and time again in the same way any natural born Seageda wolf would have.

“Because I do trust them. I would not have given them the position if I did not. They have been here for a long time and through the war and fights and conflict. They have stuck by me and their loyalty has not wavered, making them the best candidates for the position.” Thuringwethil takes a long breath and nods her head, satisfied with her answer. “Seageda wolves are a minority here but we are still Drageda and my reign has been strong since I have taken this mountain. I do not wish to see that you do not trust me.”

RE: the end of a bloodline - Tanja - October 29, 2016

He listens as she speaks, taking in every words as she explains her reasoning for trusting these wolves. Her answer should have swayed him, should have brought him to trust these strangers he would come to know and take commands from. But Tanja could not bring himself to accept her decision, for any wolf that did not have the blood of Seageda flowing through their veins was unworthy to follow under Heda's reign. This he believed with all his heart. 

He took a deep breath as her last words reached his ears. "I trust you...but I do not trust them" he admits, allowing a second to slip by before adding "not yet." It would think take time for Tanja to ever grow to trust the wolves his commander has come to believe are loyal to her. And even time might not be enough to bring the male to have faith in the wolves of this land, for they were strangers to him and any stranger was considered a threat.

RE: the end of a bloodline - Antumbra - October 29, 2016

It is not the first time one has struggled with the wolves that make up Drageda and as long as Tanja doesn’t cause problems, his stay will remain, and his loyalty is welcome. He’d never been much to start trouble but with Seageda’s disbandment, Thuringwethil knows she can’t be too careful. Those with her now have more than passed their tests and while still some are underway, she doesn’t doubt the decisions she makes.

“There have been wolves that have not been able to live up to what Drageda needs and they are no longer here. If, once you have adjusted, you still do not feel they are not doing their job, you may challenge for the position,” she explains with an idle, indifferent shrug. His skills will only lead him to Wocha and if he comes to terms with the man holding the position, he can easily find himself somewhere else with purpose.

“Drageda did not start traditionally to our ways but without any of my wolves here, I had to do what I had to in order to establish my reign. Gyda, whom led Odin’s Cove—the pack south of us on the coast, the viking wolves?” she begins, reminding him of the wolves a ways travel from Seageda but in close proximity enough to be known. “She led with me here for a while and decided to step down to raise her children. We were strong enough by then that Drageda was able to really grow and we’ve done well for ourselves. We have children, too, and Gavriel is their father. Eske, the one you met last night, is one of their children,” she further explains, perhaps to help Tanja feel settle as Seageda blood runs through into their next generation already.

RE: the end of a bloodline - Tanja - November 02, 2016

He listened closely, ears flickering at how he may challenge for his skill set's respected position if he found the current holder to be unfit. Tanja thought himself to be a rather fair man, and he refused to challenge this Dio without ever getting the chance to properly assess him. And although the muddied male thought a simply conversation would not be enough to sway him from his original thought, he was willing to listen and hear what the current Wocha had to say.

Heda went on to explain the history of Drageda, how she had formed it with the Viking queen Gyda, and Tanja couldn't help but be interested. So she was the mother of the girl he had met along the borders, and most fascinating of all, Gavriel was her father. "Gavriel" he repeated after her, eyes asking if he was truly here. Tanja would be grateful to have a familiar face around, especially after all the information he had just taken in.

RE: the end of a bloodline - Antumbra - November 04, 2016

Tanja doesn’t say anything at first but, eventually, he speaks one name. Gavriel. Her ears cup forward as she turns toward him, wondering if there is a follow up to the statement or he wanted confirmation. Either way, Heda nods her head. “He has been here for a while. He visited Trigeda a few months ago when he escorted Seregrýn back,” she explains though she doesn’t know how much time Gavriel spent in Trigeda and whom he had seen. The main business had been returning the fos goufa for training and to give Gyda a little peace of mind. 

“There is another thing,” she says and this time she hesitant, a lump in her throat she struggles to breathe around. Perhaps Drageda’s leadership could be forgive, in the long run, but this weighs far heavier than she anticipated. He has to know, though, for finding out from another might cause more chaos than she needs. “I have taken a mate,” she finally says, her words rushing out of her mouth as if she might suck them back up but there they are, out in the open for another lashing.

RE: the end of a bloodline - Tanja - November 09, 2016

It was interesting to hear that at least one former companion still remained by Heda, and a relieved sigh came from the man. His ears flickered at the mention of Seregryn, and Tanja wonders how the fos goufa does with her training. There was a chance she could become the next Heda and the man was curious to know how one of their possible leaders was faring, but he does not voice his interest. "Are there any others that have come?" he instead asks, wondering if there were more names he could perhaps be familiar with. 

He turns to her then when she speaks about there being something else and the man couldn't help but wonder what she could possibly say next. Though the words she spoke were not was he was expecting and Tanja found himself no longer moving by her side. He stopped and shook his head thinking he must have heard her wrong. That had to be it, he had simply misunderstood, but the look on her face confirmed that he had in fact heard perfectly clear. He opened his mouth to speak but found himself lost for words. 

After a moment the only thing he could muster out between gritted teeth was a furious "what?" She knew the dangers of having a mate, she knew it was not accustomed and yet she had taken one anyway. These wolves she had counseling her had changed Heda. No, they had corrupted her, and Tanja couldn't help but have a feeling they would be the death of her.

RE: the end of a bloodline - Antumbra - November 16, 2016

The answer to Tanja’s question may be tricky as she thinks back to the beginning of their days. There has been a few, but those that have remained faithful and loyal? She would rather sooner forget about them for they mean nothing. However, if any of them were to return, Tanja would need to know they are to be met with nothing short of teeth. “A few have been here but some did not stay. Their loyalty had been tested. Rebekka kom Triku is here too” she explains. She briefly tells him of Eli and Snacha and Semet, all whom had been here before turning their back on Heda.

It is when the conversation turns that she she can’t but wonder if Tanja’s name might be added to that list. When he stops, so does she, and she turns her words registered in his mind. His disbelief is apparent across his face whereas those in Trigeda have been silent about their objection, despite Gavriel rejecting Wildfire, but she stiffens and squares her shoulders easily. Even if he has been a long time companion of hers, his place need not be reminded even in a land foreign to him.

She lifts one brow, testing, as she gives him another moment to let everything sink so that he may recompose himself.

RE: the end of a bloodline - Tanja - November 21, 2016

It was unsettling to hear how those he used to fight with side by side would make the tiring journey down here only to turn around and leave. Tanja wondered if perhaps they had a difficult time accepting these other wolves that Heda had come to trust. Tanja himself would struggle with accepting these strangers and only time would tell if he ever grew to trust them. He gave a nod when she mentioned Rebekka but the man could not remember her well enough without a face to go with the name. 

He pays no attention to Heda as she stops and turns to him, his mind already had so much swimming through it. After a few moments of recollecting himself, the man looked up to meet his commander's gaze as a sigh spilled from his lips. "Others may come, and I fear they may not accept what you've done here." He did not wish for her to worry or believe that Tanja himself would not accept what she's done. However he thought Heda should be reminded that there were others that would never be convinced enough to live amoung these outsiders.

RE: the end of a bloodline - Antumbra - November 24, 2016

The situation had never been ideal. She came here alone to scout for their new cleansing and finding Gyda, a longtime friend, had been laid out in front of her, even if Seageda had been left to pick up the pieces for themselves without her there. They have been put through hell and back, she is sure, and she hasn’t even considered the possibility she may return one day soon to see the damage done. Wolves have come and they have gone and, so far, those that have remained in Drageda have earned their own spot. Heda’s followers that do not come out on the other side dig their own graves, shedding everything they’ve built over generations, and for that she cannot be blamed. She has done what has been asked and with success. If her wolves wish to question her, she will hear them, and they will hear her answers, but for now she waits for that day.

Instead, she decides quickly, “do you?”

RE: the end of a bloodline - Tanja - November 29, 2016

Her question came at him like a bullet, fast and deadly if he made the wrong move. Tanja was unsure what to do in that moment, but he quickly ruled out that lying was not an option. She had been lied to enough as her time as Heda and the last thing he wished for her was to be given false information. "I do not accept everything" he said truthfully, letting the words sink in before adding "but that does not mean I can not grow to accept it"

He would need time, and lots of it if he ever wished to trust the one's that his Heda seemed so fond of. Still, his heart remained cold and unwelcoming to those he did not know well and it would be difficult for him to ever fully understand why she had been trusting of them in the first place.

RE: the end of a bloodline - Antumbra - December 04, 2016

Thuringwethil resists a snort when he answers but he does not close himself completely off. He does what only she can ask for, as she has asked of her current wolves, and she no longer has to question his loyalty. The concern had been there for a flicker of a moment but she’d tucked away the worry that he may turn against her. He’ll get the chance to meet each once and see what they bring to the Drageda just as much as any of them do. Heda does not add anything else, though his questions will be answered if asked, but she directs them elsewhere as she shows him the specifics of their claim and what belongs to them before she lets him go.