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Swiftcurrent Creek Ain't no thinking thing - Printable Version

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Ain't no thinking thing - Jace - April 14, 2014

Jace woke up at dawn as usual and today rather than patrol the borders and do some hunting he decided to do some fishing. He had gotten a taste for it all over again from the little competition with Bazi the other day. He was hoping to turn her into a friend, he was lonely as it was here in this land far from home. He lifted his head to look at the sunrise as he traveled towards the river to find a spot that was lazy and not so rapid.

He knew that water's could be treacherous, he had seen many animals swept away in the currents near his former home. His mother had always taught him to be mindful and respectful of the wild for mother nature could take you swiftly and without mercy. He had not met many other pack mates thus far. He had even tried to seek out the elusive Ferdie as his alpha had suggested and he hadn't been able to yet. It bothered him that there were so many smells of other wolves, but so few that he could find. It was as if they were all alone, yet in a group. It did not sit well with him who was from a very close knit family and pack.

RE: Ain't no thinking thing - Ferdie Von Pelt - April 14, 2014

@Bazi, Join us here won't you? set after the thread Playing house

Ferdie Von Pelt lay upon a rock out side his shared den and stared into the water, it was rare that he ate fish, not that he didn't like them it was just he really couldn't fish to save his life. His ear twitched as another wolf drew up, and he thought it would be Bazi since it was she whom was in the den behind him. He would not ask her to hunt fish for him no he'd have to eventually go get something for himself, he was to proud to admit he sucked at fishing nor would he ever eat food that he felt a female should.

So when he glanced over at the wolf that came up to the river bank he reared his head up in surprise that the other was black not white. It was a wolf he did not recognize, So his hackles lifted a little as he stood using his large body to intimidate the male as he stared down at the other wolf, ready to defend the pack lands from an invader, his lips curled slightly but he scented the air, not only did he smell Bazi upon him but Fox as well.

Ferdie huffed loudly and relaxed, jumping down from the rock, "Sorry about that, I didn't recognize you." He circled the male his tail lifted higher then the younger males, like he was expecting something. Ferdie was quite friendly to females, males were altogether a different story, and only when a female was present would his temperament change. Knowing that this male had spent enough time with Bazi that her scent was upon him he calmed a little more and pro-offered his name hoping for one in return "I am Ferdie Von Pelt, who are you?" The brute was prepared to be attacked however, in case the male didn't like his initiation.

RE: Ain't no thinking thing - Jace - April 15, 2014

I'll answer and @Bazi can just jump in when gets on.

Jace had not found Ferdie as of yet, but he decided to try again today before he went to the river and see if he was near the den that he could smell Bazi in. He traveled swiftly to try and find the elusive male. Jace was told to teach the other to fish, something he would do gladly.

Jace saw the male laying on a rock, at least he assumed he was the male Ferdie as he was not yet close enough to smell him. However, this was the den he supposedly shared with Bazi. As he got closer and the male rose up to his full height with his hackles raised. Jace stopped midstep but did not become intimidated. He could use his size just as easily as the other could and his father had taught him many of the moves for warriors so he was not afraid, however he was a little irked that the other was first to assume he was a trespasser.

Jace sighed and averted his eyes showing submission, but he did not get on his belly completely though he did go a little lower than the other. Jace said quietly "No problem sir, and my name is Jace. He offered up his name in return. "Pleasure to meet you Ferdie Von Pelt. I was actually looking for you Fox had asked me to teach you to fish as part of my duties for the pack. Jace was sure that the older male would not take lightly to having a younger male teach him as he could tell from the others persona. He seemed to be a bit uncomfortable in males company.

RE: Ain't no thinking thing - Bazi - April 15, 2014

Hello! Long day at work. :D

Their shared den still had that new home smell about it. Bazi was reluctant to leave, but curiosity had taken her on a trip to Wapun Meadow that day - after her caving adventure with Blue Willow, she was keen to track down some yarrow. The Plateau healer had armed her with three key facts - it was a flower, it grew in fields, and it could be either white or purple. Being a novice, she returned with a 50/50 mix of her true target and cow parsley, which bore a close resemblance. Close enough.

She wanted to coax Ferdie into accompanying her on a second trip to the saltrock caves, but found him otherwise occupied. Bazi grinned at the display of male posturing through a mouthful of vegetation. The older wolf had been an alpha once and was ill-accustomed to life in the middling ranks - especially when it came to interacting with other males. Bazi dropped her little bundle and raised her plume of a tail into the air, closing the remaining distance at a gallop. Age differences aside, she was technically the most settled of the three, and intended to use her position to diffuse tension.

"Ahoy!" she greeted them both, nipping playfully at Jace's ruff before circling round the back of Ferdie to stand beside him, small and impossibly white next to her self-appointed guardian. "Am I invited to this party?"

RE: Ain't no thinking thing - Ferdie Von Pelt - April 15, 2014

Ferdie was bound to protect the pack and a good way to do that he felt anyway, was aggressively defend first ask questions later. That would get the job done. The brute was not happy with the news the other wolf had to share and his lip curled slightly in distaste. He had fished for Fox before, caught a big one too, it didn’t matter that had been the one and only single fish he had ever caught in his entire life, he had caught one. That to him was an accomplishment and now others knew his short fallings, he’d have to ask Fox to keep that information to herself, one of these days he’d get around to teaching himself how to fish.

Bazi drew closer and Ferdie relaxed more as his a as he gaze settled upon her, his anger began to Ebb away, Jace seemingly forgotten. When Bazi stopped beside him, Ferdie immediately stopped circling Jace and settled beside her ”Ahoy? isn’t that Bones’ thing...” Ferdie inquired. The way Bones spoke sometimes made him stop and pause, while he tried to figure out her wording, though in truth he had only met her the once, the fact that Bazi liked her was enough to make him want to get to know Bones more.

Ferdie then returned his attention to Jace, the male was only as submissive as he had to be, though it struck a nerve with Ferdie it also made him respect the black spot a tiny bit more too.

To ease his ego a little he’d find away out of Jace’s task and perhaps get some rest he sorely needed too he turned and jumped upon the big flat rock, he had been attempting to sun himself on, which made him taller then Jace and spoke keeping his tone light-hearted though he felt anything but. ”I am a lost cause when it comes to fishing, to set in my ways, but perchance if I watch others do it, I might pick up a thing or too” In saying this he invited Jace to look like he was doing his job and Ferdie got what he wanted which was -not to fish-... He wondered quietly to himself how this might have turned out if Bazi had not come along.

Though their den was close to the water, wet was the furthest thing from what Ferdie wanted to be, he hated grooming water from his pelt. It was then Ferdie noticed what Bazi had been carrying, "Are you planing on becoming the new pack healer Mi'dear" If she was then Ferdie wouldn't mind being tended too that Lecter was a strange and odorous fellow.

RE: Ain't no thinking thing - Jace - April 15, 2014

Jace felt that the other wolf was right to protect the pack to be aggressive, but he would have to have been ten times the fool to walk this deeply into another packs territory and the older male should have thought of that.

Jace saw Bazi and gave her a playful nip back as she nipped at his scruff. "Of course you are Bazi. He smiled at her his mood lightening at the sight of the only friend he had ever made so far in his life. He was momentarily confused "Is bones another pack mate? he had not met this bones he hoped he or she was not as insufferably annoying as Ira.

Jace watched as the older male jumped to the rock and he smirked he knew those words well. "I'm sorry sir, but I don't believe that for a second, I used that tactic with my sister a time or two myself. You always learn better by being paws on not by watching trust me. You can learn a thing or two from watching and listening yes, but you learn the most by acting and doing. he would not settle for less than that. Not only was he a huges believer in being hands on learning he also was not about to shirk the only duty that Fox had spoken to him to do 100% he wanted to make a good impression not disappoint.

He looked at the bundle Bazi had settled down and smiled "Thats Yarrow that is, whose in pain?

RE: Ain't no thinking thing - Bazi - April 17, 2014

"Yes - I like 'ahoy', so I am borrowing it." She nodded at Jace's question - Bones was a social wolf, and would no doubt make herself known to him soon.

When the conversation drifted back to fishing, Bazi went to retrieve her little parcel, trotting past Ferdie to deposit it on the slab of stone he had cleared for her use. She emerged to two questions and 4 eyes on her, and smiled mildly at the sudden interest in what she was doing.

Jace recognized the yarrow immediately - and he knew what it was used for, which irritated her somewhat. They were the same age, a similar size, and there was considerable overlap between their interests and skill-sets. She fished - he fished. Blue Willow had sparked her interest in the healing arts - he was already well-versed, by the sounds of it. Bazi let both of their questions evaporate, and filled the space with her own, keeping her voice light. "What's this about fishing?"

RE: Ain't no thinking thing - Ferdie Von Pelt - April 17, 2014

Ferdie shifted upon the warm rock wincing slightly then readjusting himself so he wasn't laying directly upon his chest. He wished he had more of what ever it was that Lecter had given him, but be darned if he was going to go back to Lecter if the wolf was even still around.

Ferdie chuffed as Bazi ignored the questions, he knew what she was doing and he used that tactic himself a lot, so he let it slide and nor would he ask her again, if she wanted to tell him she would. If she was becoming a healer though he wondered if she would take up of some of those crazy beliefs wolfs of that ilk seemed to be taken with. If she did he might just run away, who was he kidding he'd never be able to run from her, Bazi was now one of the wolves whom had his unyielding loyalty.

Setting those thoughts aside, Ferdie Yawned and answered Bazi's question purposely putting Jace on the spot. "This fellow here was about to go get some fish, whilst an old timer like me watched, I learn best by watching you know" Ferdie couldn't help but smile slyly, "Besides, Mi'dear You know how I hate to get wet, I'd have to spend the rest of the day grooming" Ferdie turned his head hiding his face from Bazi as he glared at Jace, but Jace was facing Bazi so if he made a face back she was sure to see him. If Bazi moved to see Ferdie's expression the brute would turn his glare into a pleasant smile. He swayed his tail back and forth along the rock, as he asked her to join in, he did not want to be left with this male and no excuse to leave. Will you help Mr. Jace 'teach' me to fish. He tried to remove the distaste from his voice in his last sentence, but it would be up to the wolfs whom listened to decide whether he succeeded in his endeavor.

Ferdie placed one paw ontop of his other front paw and chuckled to himself, yep, he knew for sure now, he needed not soul search anymore.... His soft chuckle would be short and mysterious only his soul would know what he found out about himself, even if it were obvious to others

RE: Ain't no thinking thing - Jace - April 17, 2014

Jace turned to her and answered her kindly "Fox asked me to help teach Sir Ferdie here to fish. He was not being insulting his father had always told him use sir and ma'm when talking to your elders no matter what. Show respect for those older than you they have seen more life than you have and they just may very well have something to teach you so listen whenever they speak.

yet again it seemed that Jace had irritated the female again. He was not sure why he always irked her, he tried to agreeable and respectful, but he always seemed to be irritating someone with his mannerisms and his ways. Granted he was not the most social wolf he had been sheltered truthfully, by his own doing. His parents did not reprimand them for exploring he just put exploring to the side in return of other pursuits such as star gazing with his mother, training with his father, fishing with his sister. Maybe that was it, maybe he just wasn't picking up on the correct social ques he was not sure, but he vowed to work on it.

Jace stared at the wolf in front of him knowing exactly what he was doing and it irked him almost as much as Ira did. He chuffed quietly and said softly "And I already told you sir you may learn a little by watching, but not near as much as you would by doing. Jace blinked back at the wolf and raised an eyebrow glaring why on earth was he glaring. Jace was merely doing what he was told by his alpha that was what they were supposed to do. "I am sorry if you find fishing distasteful, but that is what Fox asked me to do and I was taught to obey my leaders so I am trying too and yes Bazi won't you help I know you enjoy fishing as much as I do. He offered her a kind smile swishing his tail gently as he waited.

RE: Ain't no thinking thing - Bazi - April 19, 2014

Tension was rising on several fronts - most notably between the two men, but also between herself and the fisherman she had gotten along with so well only days prior. Bazi vowed to show less of what she felt so plainly on her face, though that would have to be something she practiced at daily from now on.

"Well, hey," she intervened, smiling with full force at them both. "Why don't we do it like this. Jace and I will demonstrate first - and Ferdie can copy it later? I kind of tired him out earlier with games," she half-lied - Ferdie still moved in a way that suggested something inside him was tender, but she wasn't sure if that was something he wished to share with anyone but her and (out of necessity) the witch-doctor.

Bazi moved towards the creek, stretching her head over the rushing water. "In exchange, maybe you'll tell us a story," she suggested casually to Ferdie.

RE: Ain't no thinking thing - Ferdie Von Pelt - April 21, 2014

Ferdie waited for them to start to fish, he wondered briefly if they would go into the water or stand at the riverside; he had been instructed by Njal not to go in.
Seems like fishing was way to important around here for his taste. "You are kind mi'dear, I will watch and learn I promise and then I will bring to Fox the biggest fish I can." He did intend to watch them and he definitely intended on gifting Fox a fish one day, just not today.

added a sentence here.
Ferdie had been invited to entertain the young wolves and so he shall share his story err.. a story. He cleared his throat and began. "There was once a land a the base of beautiful mountains, but it was divided.

There were wolves with light hearts and there were wolves with dark hearts, the Light hearted wolves had a Queen. She was a seductive wolf, the Queen, Alpha over all the packs in the light land, she was Alpha of the alpha’s and the alpha’s were to all follow her command, and by extension their packs.

The Dark hearted wolves had a king, but the king was seldom seen, so the dark hearted wolves did all run amuck causing stress and disaster.

Now it came to be that many wolves sought the Light Queens heart and she was willing to give it but to only one. The Dark King wolf was rejected as a suitor very quickly and the king became more recluse. That alone should have been cause for worry, but so engrossed in courting the queen none noticed not the dark hearted or the light hearted wolves.

There were a few wolves whom held the queens heart, most of them were wolves in her kingdom but one 'wolf'
Ferdie spit out the last word with such distaste that it would make any listener wonder the origin of the story
"This one wolf claimed to be a neutral wolf, though the neutrals had no kingdom to claim or packs to offer.

As time went past the queen rejected all but two suitors a light hearted wolf alpha of a vibrant pack and the neutral wolf. Then one day with the light hearted wolf came to her and told her of his love she told him she loved him too but she had decided to mate with the neutral wolf, and so the light hearted wolf too was turned away, the queen had forsaken all her light-wolves in her kingdom in-favor of the 'pretender' neutral.

This paragraph was not cohesive and needed re-wording
It soon came to light that the neutral wolf was not a wolf at all; but a fae, a shape shifter, if you will, who's natural form was most 'human' like and finding this out she still did not reject him. The light wolf, her last suitor came forth and challenged the neutral 'non-wolf' for the right to be the queen wolfs mate. The neutral non-wolf laughed and refused the fight, he didn't' need to accept the challenge for he was not a wolf and so; not bound by wolf honor. The queen instead of rejecting the pretender claimed him her mate in wolf form before all her kingdom.

The neutral wolf then in private revealed a second wolf form to the light hearted suitor; he was none other then the dark wolf king and he had succeeded in bringing down the light kingdom.

The queen refused to listen enthralled by this neutral wolf, she allowed herself to be turned into a different form and married him as a human. They had a human child together and she forgot all about the wolves in her light kingdom.

It was not long after that, that a great famine and drought hit the land,

Everyone left, even she did.

The suitor waited the longest of all, hoping for the queen to return for she did promise she would. So he held on until he could not any longer, for he could not wait where there is no food or life."

Falling silent Ferdie lay his head upon the rock and watched the pair

edit: Wholly crap the spelling errors

RE: Ain't no thinking thing - Jace - April 21, 2014

Jace always went into the water, it was how he was taught and it was how he would continue to do so. He could fish at the edge as well he just preferred not to. With a small step and a shake of his head he settled in the water, hunching his shoulders a little upset with both wolves at the moment, his eyes were a little fiery. He had been given a task and both had denied him that task and he was not one to take this lightly. He was duty bound wolf and they had not let him do his duty it made him a little irate to say the least.

He looked down at the fish in the water and with a swift bend of his head and a snatch of his jaws he went after the fish with a vengeance determined to alleviate his bad mood and aggression with fishing. His father had taught him that anger could destroy a man, and he refused to let the anger rule him as the blood lust had ruled his father for years.

He flicked one ear backwards so he could listen to the story and it just made his mood worse as he got mad at the queen, for treating her subordinates so badly. She had no right to do so and it irritated him to no end, but he had to admit grudingly that the older male could definitely tell a good story.

I did this in case we were doing it this way or if not i can edit :D (Attack - 6)

RE: Ain't no thinking thing - Bazi - April 23, 2014

Bazi fished quietly, waiting a long time between each attempt. Jace clearly did not appreciate being fobbed off with stories, and attacked the water with aggressive strikes of his dark paws. Bazi thought it a somewhat dramatic response to a refusal to fish, but neither said that out loud nor gave any physical indication that she was thinking it.

"That queen sounds horrible," she told Ferdie when his story was complete, unwittingly voicing what Jace was already thinking, "But I liked your story." Seven fish lay on the bank beside her, and of those she kept 4. Ferdie might like something to eat in the evening, too.

Fish caught: 7

RE: Ain't no thinking thing - Ferdie Von Pelt - April 23, 2014

Ferdie forced a smile, "I don't believe the queen was all that bad, until she became enthralled she had been a fair and wise queen."

Ferdie lifted a fore paw and slapped it upon the rock. The fish see you coming how can you get them so quick he decided to change the subject, the story was beginning to get to him and perhaps he could lift Jace's mood if he at least showed interest in the fishing

fixed bold tag,

RE: Ain't no thinking thing - Jace - April 23, 2014

Jace chuckled quietly and said "they try and swim away but instead of the fish you go for their shadows the water plays tricks on your eyes you see. So the shadow is really the fish. It's the way the light hits the water and such that makes the shadow there. WIth that he moved once and pushed a paw down in caught another fish and then let it go.

You tel la very good story Ferdie. he did not offer an opinion on the queen as he too thought she was rather harsh and unfeeling.

RE: Ain't no thinking thing - Bazi - April 28, 2014

"I don't believe the queen was all that bad, until she became enthralled she had been a fair and wise queen."

Bazi kept schtum. Until she became enthralled did not sit well with her at all. How was it not 'all that bad' that the queen had forsaken everything she had ever stood for and everyone that had ever loved her on a selfish whim? That was an utterly horrendous betrayal, the likes of which Bazi could not imagine herself forgiving. But she was young and full of ideals; the idea that her existence would be but a brief fraction of a split second in the greater scheme of things had not yet crossed her mind.

Talk turned to fish again, and that made Bazi's stomach grumble noisily. She gathered her catch by the tails and walked towards the den, head outstretched to avoid having scales smeared all over her chest. "Gon' go eat, guish" she told them, aiming an amicable wink at Jace: "Shee ya."

Exiting Bazi here!

RE: Ain't no thinking thing - Ferdie Von Pelt - April 28, 2014

Ferdie switched paws setting the left paw on top of the right paw, he frowned at the fish at the water and at his memories. This enough fishing for today, I don't think my dreams will let me see anything other then fish Ferdie muttered under his breath hopefully...

Ferdie could feel nothing wrong for the queen she was his ... wait ... had been his... well .. she was someone whom held his loyalty and love someone he could never betray no matter how much she hurt him. His core had been shattered by her betrayal of him, and this wolf was having a hard time recovering, years later.

Jace... Ferdie spoke honestly I'm cooked for today. I promise to let you teach me for real one day soon. I'll get in the water with you, but today just isn't it Ferdie sighed and lay has head on the warm sun beaten rock, his was tired and depressed, his hunger ached in his belly yet the desire to eat was just not there. The brute huffed a few coughs and closed his eyes. Finding it hard to endure what ever it was he was going through.

We could leave it here since after this post they were still not close

RE: Ain't no thinking thing - Jace - April 28, 2014

Jace nodded his head "Okay Ferdie I will take you up on that at a later time. Now Sir I think you need some rest have a good day.and here if you get hungry. He dug a small hole near ferdie and buried the fish he had caught and nodded his head and then with a swift turn he loped away not looking back.