Wolf RPG
Wapun Meadow Back out in the world! - Printable Version

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Back out in the world! - Gray - October 17, 2016

Looking for a 1 or 2 people to run this thread with. No real plot for it as of yet.

It had taken Gray a lot longer then he would have liked before he had finally left Ryūjin, he was a little sad to go but knew it had to be done.  But even more of a hindrance had been discovering a way across arrow lake. Gray was not much of a swimmer preferring water in its frozen state more than its others. He ended up following the lake for quite some time before he had found an area in which he felt confident in his ability to cross. After he had done so he continue south and it wasn’t long before a meadow off in the distance came into view. With him not having any real place to be, he decided to head off for some exploration.
Entering the meadow Gray couldn’t help but to imagine how this place must have looked in the heat of summer, when everything would be in full bloom. Still many of the flowers where colourful in this cooling fall, but it was obvious the meadow was only a shell of its full beauty. He could hardly even tell how many types of flowers might grow there, never the less he occupied his mind with spotting ones he thought he had seen in other places.  As the sun moved off from its peak in the sky and towards the horizon, Gray spotted the black cottonwood trees across the field. picking up his pace in hopes to reach them and find some form of shelter before dusk came.

RE: Back out in the world! - Bonnie - October 20, 2016

Hope Bonnie is okay!
Basking in the sun wasn't quite as fun when the sky had become a playground of clouds. Bonnie lay in the meadow, taking in the what was left of the summer, as autumn was leaving as soon as it had come and winter would be here before she knew it. She sighed, and on inhaling, she caught the scent of another loner. This might not have necessarily seemed like a threat to many others - others who tended to be much larger than she - but Bonnie was tiny in comparison to the majority of her peers.
That being said, she could still defend herself should the need arise.
This spot is occupied, thank you!
Once she'd chuffed her presence and made her initial case, Bonnie stood as high as she could. After all, kindness was always the answer, and she'd rather avoid violence at whatever costs necessary.

RE: Back out in the world! - Gray - October 24, 2016

Sorry, for a late reply. (Never got a notifacation -_-)

Gray a little surprised at the sudden appearance of the other wolf took a step back dipping his head slightly as a show of respect to the smaller wolf. Though Gray was not vary much bigger, he noticed the tense and straight stance she held, trying to make herself look as tall as possible.
“I am very sorry to have disturbed you; I was just passing through, and do not want any trouble if it can be avoided.” He stated in a kind and warmhearted voice. “Though I was planning on stopping for the night fairly soon.” He added as an afterthought mumbling it more to him then as a statement.

RE: Back out in the world! - Bonnie - October 24, 2016

Almost immediately Bonnie felt bad for her blunt dismissal of the male. She whined quietly, just about loud enough for herself to hear, before speaking once again.
Wait, I'm sorry. Y'all are welcome to stay for a bit. I'm Caroline, but feel free to call me Bonnie. You are?
She approached him, slowly at first, but kept a nice distance between the two of them. Though Bonnie knew the she very well could've been taking a seat the danger's lap, the guilt of acting rudely was beginning to creep up her throat. Perhaps a small conversation would make it better.

RE: Back out in the world! - Gray - October 25, 2016

He stopped and watched as the other wolf spoke again, this time much less tense, instead with a slight edge of guilt. Gray feeling no real danger in his situation, slid down in to a poised sitting position as Bonnie approached. Gray knew he was not very good at social interaction, and so decided to take more of a passive role, he had been the one to intrude after all.
“I am… Gray.” He said self-consciously, his voice coming out weaker than he had expected. Not sure if the name got across he repeated more confidently. “My name is Gray.” Not wanting to just leave the conversation there he started up again with the first topic he could think of. “I just left the Ryujin pack, and am now traveling east.” When he finished he mentally chastised himself at the blandness of his statement. But the words had already left his mouth, and there was nothing he could do about it now.

RE: Back out in the world! - Bonnie - October 25, 2016

Now Bonnie was never one to judge, but something about Gray seemed a bit off. Whether is was nervousness or an ill-tempered belly, she wasn't sure. But if he came with a story, she'd want to hear it regardless.
Well pardon me for asking, but why'd y'all leave?
She sat back on her haunches, ready to hear l'histoire d'un écureuil as her mother would've called it. With her tail wagging excitedly behind her, Bonnie awaited the young man's story.

RE: Back out in the world! - Gray - October 27, 2016

Had to format it like this as it was unreadable when in 1 big paragraph.

Gray looked off to the sky for several seconds before showing any sign of talking. Finally he lowered his head looking to Bonnie and began simply by saying.

“I don’t know.”  After another couple seconds to organise his thoughts he elaborated.

“The pack was nice, and the area was beautiful… But it’s just I wasn’t there by choice. I intruded upon their land, and so was made a kegare of the pack. Although most of the wolfs there treated  me well, I still always felt as though there was a stigma.” Gray stopped for a second to let out a deep sigh, then continued.

“I have spent quite some time thinking about what the future could have been if I had not blindly intruded, but instead was welcomed into the pack and not forced to stay by my honor. But even when the opportunity for me to enter as a proper member of the pack arose, I decided to leave… Even now I still don’t know why I did it, and I can’t go back till I understand.” As his story came to an end he blushed a little sheepishly before saying.

“Sorry, guess I got a little carried away. Thanks for listening.” He finished with a short quick bow of his head.

RE: Back out in the world! - Bonnie - October 29, 2016

Bonnie smiled impishly in response to Gray's blush. She was fond of his humility, and even more intrigued by his tellings of a past life. Well, do you want my advice? 'Cause I think I can help if you'd like. She took a step closer and plopped down once again, this time fairly closer to the male. He was no threat, and she doubted that thought of herself as one, so she figured closing the span would be alright.
I don't think that anyone should be forced to stay where they aren't welcome, and if something felt wrong then maybe it was just meant to be. Don't beat yourself up about it.

RE: Back out in the world! - Gray - November 04, 2016

Gray, felt quite happy at the response Bonnie had given him. He had been so lost in thought since leaving, and just hearing that someone else agreed with his decision did a great deal in helping himself come to terms with it. “Hay, Thanks a lot Bonnie that really helps. Honestly.” He said sweetly and looking over to the other wolf, who was sitting closer then Gray remembered… never the less he was happy for the company.
As the sun started to edge its way to the horizon, Gray spoke up again a little out of topic from there former conversation. “Soo, you don’t mind if I spend the night in this area do you? I mean you were here first, and I can move on…” he rambled off not really out of any real reason, but more so just to break the silence.

RE: Back out in the world! - Bonnie - November 05, 2016

Bonnie smiled at Gray's resurrection of their original conversation. I don't mind. But only if it's okay that I lay my keep here too. She liked this Gray guy, or she at least respected him enough to let him stay. It's not like she could do anything to run him off anyway.
And I'd like to get to know you a bit better, if that's alright. You're pretty interesting, ya know? She flashed him a courteous smile before patiently awaiting his response.
If you wanna make the last response with a fade out and then we can archive...it's up to you!

RE: Back out in the world! - Gray - November 14, 2016

Gray smiled, blushing a little at Bonnie's comment of 'wanting to know him better’. Thinking for a moment, and deciding on a modest reply he said “Honestly, I am not really interesting at all. I just ramble a lot.” He finished flashing a hint of a smile. After a moment Gray then leaned forward stretching with a yawn before sitting himself back down. “I can’t stick around here for too long, though I don’t have a place to go, I feel I need to keep moving."  As he finished he then laid down before adding one finally comment. “But, then again, a day or two wouldn’t hurt.