Wolf RPG
Broken Antler Fen mission #1.2 - Printable Version

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mission #1.2 - RIP Emélie - October 18, 2016

The first stop on her journey hadn't been successful, thus Emma's patience had begun to wane. That is, until she came across another border to another possible house of refuge for her target. Whatever she'd done to Nemesis was enough to sufficiently piss her off, and the pure lack of respect for authority sent the same offense to Emèlie. Though she didn't know Althaia the same way Nemesis did, the insult was mutual. 
She shook the bristles from her fur in a wild show of darkness before assuming her alias position and calling for an audience. Emma stood submissive and waited for her company with a look of sorrow and discontent, or at least as close to it as she could get.

RE: mission #1.2 - Sebastian - October 19, 2016

Sebastian was quick to approach the borders, normally he was quite friendly and open but the scent of swamp she was carrying was all to familiar with him. Sebastian's open demeanor changed when he sniffed her out. He raised his hackles a bit. He knew his father came through here, leaving the blackfeather woods pack. Perhaps they were looking for him. The stench of those woods he could never forget.

"You are from Blackfeather," he spoke, he was on alert because he knew these wolves could not be trusted. He didn't want them close while Pearl could have their babies every moment. "What is it you want?," he asked.

RE: mission #1.2 - RIP Emélie - October 19, 2016

Obviously her pack had a reputation, but that was something she knew. Emma wasn't a fan of disrespect, and yet still she kept face despite the rage bubbling within her. I'm looking for a family member of mine. Her have is Althaia. She has pups with her. Please is she here? I'm so worried. She began a short show of gasps and tears, trying to portray one of the emotions she lacked most: grief.

RE: mission #1.2 - Sebastian - October 19, 2016

Sebastian watched her with a wary expression. To his believe he didn't have to show her any respect, he was the one that ruled this place, not she. Yet the male also didn't feel like instigating a whole war. Though when she said that she was looking for another member and not his father he raised his brows a bit.

The female seemed caught up about it. Sebastian mellowed a bit but his expression did stay a bit grim. So many wolves were missing lately! "I'm afraid I have not seen her. I do not allow other young in my pack except for my own," he spoke, which was true. His tone was clear and without hesitation. It was common for males to not accept other pups.

Though, he did accept Odette in his ranks but with his own mate so close to giving birth Sebastian would not let any female with young in his pack. Then they would have too many mouths to feed, when they adopted Odette they had no pups. "I'm curious, how did she get lost?" Sebastian had the feeling she ran away from a pack so horrible as them, he had ran away too.

RE: mission #1.2 - RIP Emélie - October 19, 2016

With Emma's mission, there were certain difficulties that were guaranteed - having to search out a stranger, take their life, orphan their children. That was nothing. But something Emma wasn't prepared for was to be questioned in her search. Nemesis hadn't told her many details, so Emma's story had to be completely built based on nothing.
She disappeared in the night. She may be unstable, and I don't want her or the children getting hurt. Emma released a sigh before continuing on, I appreciate your audience. And with a swift bow of her head, she was gone, back into neutral ground.
You can archive if you'd like!

RE: mission #1.2 - Sebastian - October 20, 2016

Sebastian blinked when the female spoke her last words and then vanished before he even got to say anything in return. At least he didn't have to worry about her lingering and asking any personal questions. Or questions about his father. Sebastian stayed around the border in case she would return, but it seemed she wasn't.

Curious story. She slipped away in the night, and a female being unstable. It did sound like someone form black feather though, in his eyes they were all very unstable there.

- end -