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Moonspear whimsical - Printable Version

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whimsical - Charon - October 19, 2016

His girls were always up to mischief, but Charon didn't mind. He adored @Alya , @Hydra and @Lyra , though he frequently had trouble keeping them apart. They look alike a lot, and though their personalities luckily differed bits and pieces, he couldn't always tell. He was also often goofy and allowed them to trick him, sort of using games and play as an excuse for his lack of ability in telling them apart. They seemed to adore him, though, so Charon didn't mind much; all he wanted was confident, proud children that respected and loved him. The fact they at times attacked some of his other friends and family only amused him. @Korei Julia was the odd one out. Her fur looked like him, but her face didn't entirely (she'd inherited that from her grandmother, but Charon'd never known her long enough to be able to tell) and Charon at times struggled, wondering if she could be Lazarus'. Of course, he never told anyone else that — but maybe the child felt it, because he was at times more strict with her than with the triplets.

@Amekaze was still beautiful and powerful to him (or beautiful again, after giving birth to the pups, he supposed) and Charon enjoyed the little moments that they spent together, with or without the children. Recently he had been gone a day or so, exploring the nearby territories but returning little of use. All in all, Charon was content with the state of the pack despite their relatively small stature (though not so small he worried; what they had was good stuff). The only thing he lacked at times was more time spent with his friends and more time exploring. But he had many scouts so the former had precedence for him right now. He'd taken up patrolling again now that the whole pack looked after the pups with the parents, too.

Today Charon was lazing around the rendezvous site. The air was crisp and there was a chill to the wind that promised colder days ahead, but all in all he was content. He was, for the moment, enjoying a moment of solitude in which his children were amusing themselves, knowing it would likely not be long before it was over and he'd be required to lavish them with more attention.

RE: whimsical - Hydra - October 19, 2016

Indeed, her father would not have his solitude for long.

Hydra had just awoken from a snooze, and roughly removed herself from the limbs of her twins. They did not like to be apart, even in dreams, it seemed. The tyrant of the trio likely would not disturb them in her maneuvering as it was nothing new--but in the distance, she noticed the prone form of her father.

The cub wasted no time.

She raced toward him, quietly enough though without her typical rallying cry to awaken Lyra and Alya to involve them in her shenanigans. And when she was near enough, she attempted to pounce upon him with a little squeal, a giddy expression on her features as she thought herself, for the moment, victorious in her 'surprise attack'.

RE: whimsical - Charon - October 19, 2016

His quietude was short-lived, for it didn't take long for one of the girls to join him. Charon didn't show signs of noticing her, though the wind was luckily in his favour and carried her scent towards him. He wasn't sure which one it was, but he felt giddy in a way, playful, while he considered his response.

With a smirk on his face he looked the other way than the one his daughter came from and said aloud, "Hmm, what a nice day. I sure hope my pesky daughters'll leave me alone." Just as he was about to let out a fake yawn one of the triplets came flailing at him with a little squeal that was adorable at best.

When the child hit Charon leaped to his feet, with or without child still attached somewhere or other to his body, and started to run in circles while he screamed, "Ahhhh, bear attack!"

RE: whimsical - Hydra - October 19, 2016

His words were heard, though not all of them were understood. 'Pesky' was a new one that she kept in her back pocket, and she kept on bounding forward. She, unlike Alya and Lyra, was by no means covert in her mission. She was the least stealthy of the bunch, but Hydra hadn't the need to be. Hydra was the head of the beast, the one that would perpetually strike for the kill. The guardian and the mercenary, certainly not the hunter or the scout.

She hit her mark, but released quickly as Charon shouted about a bear. Hydra danced around his legs to avoid being accidentally stepped on, and then copied his exact actions. Aaaaahhhh, air affack!!! T's were difficult for her, and at present she pronounced them utterly wrong. She ran in circles right with him, laughing all the while, and screaming at the top of her lungs to accomadate and accentuate his panic.

RE: whimsical - Charon - October 19, 2016

the mental image of this is just so funny

After her initial attack she was quick to let go, joining him in the panicked running around. At first he considered quitting the charade in case she'd get panicked for real, but he soon realised she was laughing in between her panicked screams. Of course, he should've known better than to think his child would be a scaredy cat. After having screamed about bears a few times he continued seamlessly into: "AHHHH, daughter attack!" while the pair ran in circles, trying not to step on, or getting stepped on. It was hard not to laugh at both the comical situation as well as his daughter accidentally saying "a fack".

When he stopped running Charon heaved a few strained breaths as though still scared by the pounce and looked at his child as he said: "You scared me! Pesky little brat, you're getting so good at stalking and pouncing maybe papa should punish you..." With a mischievous glint on his face he took a threatening step closer to her and followed up with, "... with death by tickles!"

RE: whimsical - Hydra - October 19, 2016


They continued to run around and avoid one anothers steps, each hollering. Hydra's goal was to holler louder than him, though if she acheived it, she wasn't sure. When his words changed, Hydra mimicked them: OTTER AFFACK!!! OTTER AFFFACCCKK!

She only stopped when he did, and mimicked him down to the T with the heavy breathing. Though admittedly, she was truly spent from all that running around and laughing and yelling. It was a talent, but she'd acquired it no doubt from her father. Pes-y bat, she repeated poorly. This was how she learned—mimicry. But she knew the word 'punish', and knew it was synonymous, now, with 'trouble'. She also knew 'tickle', and her face morphed into one of terror. NO!!! I GOOD! And, as to avoid punishment, Hydra turned and bolted from him impishly, and threw herself into the pile of her sisters, @Lyra and @Alya. Her heavy breathing betrayed her, but she buried herself beneath the pile so that they looked like one big blob. This was usually the most effective way to get out of trouble... or get someone else into it.

RE: whimsical - Lyra - October 19, 2016

Hydra untangling herself from the pile was not what woke Lyra, rather it was her sister's screams and cries and subsequent dive back into the mound of dark-furred bodies. With a startled grunt, the girl gave Hydra a general look of dismay over one shoulder before noticing the panic in her eyes. Sleepiness disappeared in an instant and Lyra sat up, wiggling into a standing position and licking her sister's ear protectively. "Wha' dere?" she whispered quietly in a panic, glancing up at the den with wide, fearful eyes. If it had scared Hydra of all her sisters, who knew what beast was outside!

RE: whimsical - Alya - October 19, 2016

Alya had been looking on with jealous eyes as her other self had played with the Great White. She knew this self to be Hydra through twintuition, and also because the Lyra-head of the Cerberus was right beside her. That made it a little better, since she always wanted Hydra to be happy, and Alya herself was always happiest with the Great White - but mostly, she was just upset that it wasn't her getting love and tickles.

So when Hydra hopped into the pile, Alya saw her chance. They'd grown quite adept at mimmicking each other already, and were now moving on to tougher objectives. Alya had been practicing mimmicking Korei earlier that day, and it seemed like Hydra had been practicing being the Great White.

Now, though, the young girl did what she did best. Hydra jumped into the puppy-pile and then, just as quickly, jumped back out.

"No!" Hydra went on, dashing away from her sisters in an attempt to draw their father away for some one-on-one time.

RE: whimsical - Charon - October 20, 2016

Charon laughed as he chased his daughter while stomping around with big, exaggerated movements while shouting, "I am the big bad tickle wolf, here to punish naughty daughters!" He gave chase but realised too late that she had dove back to the pile of black puppies she'd left behind moments earlier to play with him. He wasn't really sure how he'd find the right one except by very careful deduction, so maybe he should just dive in to tickle all three of them so it wouldn't show.

But then, almost as quickly as one had popped into the pile, another popped out. He was fairly sure it wasn't the same one — or was it...? — but he decided to just play the game. So he stomped after the pup that had dove from the pile and shouted 'no' in much the same way that his (other?) daughter had pleaded for tickles-excemption like. "The big bad tickle wolf has many tickles left to give to his naughty daughter, he won't stop until all the tickles are handed out!" he called out, using a funny voice this time as he dashed after his daughter with a faux maniacal laugh.

RE: whimsical - Hydra - October 20, 2016

Lyra was the first to respond, to which Hydra responded a quick: sh! So that she wouldn't be caught. It was then Alya lept free of them, her savior! Hydra grinned into Lyra's belly, burying her face there as she tried to calm herself down. Hydra experienced none of the jealousy Alya endured, if only because she had the personality of a cat. She wanted what she wanted when she wanted it, but once she was done with it, she was good. Hydra loved the attentions of her parents, but she didn't like tickles at all; her fathers company had swiftly lost its appeal to her, who was now either Lyra or Alya, she had not yet decided.

For now, she nuzzled her way beneath Lyra, tail thumping against the earth. The only thing that gave her a true fright was to be tickled when she did not want ]to be tickled, but now that Alya-turned-Hydra had taken that burden from her, she was content again.

RE: whimsical - Lyra - November 15, 2016

It was at Hydra's swift sh that she stilled, still not entirely sure what was happening but soothed somewhat by her sister's response and tummy nuzzles. In came the stomping form of their father and it clicked that that was what Alya had been screaming about, and Lyra almost felt a tinge of annoyance that she had been woken up just because of that. Although it quickly disappeared before it took hold, overtaken by her want to play!

She watched for a moment as Charon laughed oddly as he chased Alya around, threatening tickles. Unlike the sister that was forcing herself under Lyra's side, she herself was not at all opposed to being tickled. Awkwardly, she scrambled over the top of her sister, giving her a quick lick on the head before bounding toward the large white wolf. "NO," she called, aiming to attack Charon's tail.

RE: whimsical - Alya - November 17, 2016

The attention only stayed on Alya for a little bit before Lyra came running out of the den to grab onto Charon's tail. An angry, kittenish growl came from the angered princess - she wanted the Great White to herself and Lyra was ruining it.

Feeling as though she would now be lost in the herd, as it were, the girl slunk away from her family to watch from the sidelines, supposing that Charon wouldn't notice now that he had the goodquiet triplet attached to his tail.

RE: whimsical - Charon - November 22, 2016

Just as he caught up to his daughter and was about to try and bump her to the ground so he could tickle her tummy, he felt something tug at his tail and when he looked around, he saw another of his daughters at his tail. Somehow though, when he turned to face the first daughter, she was no longer there. With a quizzical expression Charon turned to look at the one on his tail, and he almost second-guessed himself; was it the same child?

But, nooo, because no kid was that fast, right? And he was pretty sure he'd brushed his daughter's fur when the other one... He glanced suspiciously to the side, to the pile-that-was-no-longer-a-pile, then to the child sitting there, and halted for a moment...

... And then decided to just continue, so with a "Raaaw, nobody touches the tail of the master of tickles!" and he turned round to try and grab his daughter — except, he obviously couldn't touch his tail, so unless she would let go it would likely result in his daughter flying through the air while Charon chased his own daughter-infested tail while cackling like an evil maniac.

RE: whimsical - Hydra - November 30, 2016

the imagery of this thread LMFAO

When Lyra went to run off, Hydra, as Lyra said it, echoed her NO!! with gusto. She watched Alya slink off to the side, and then watched her dad be confused for a couple of seconds before chasing his tail with Lyra attached. Hydra, not wanting anything to do with the tickles, bounded toward Alya. And then she swiped to touch her hindquarters, having never been really all that tired, bellowing a ALYA IT! before running away, moving to sprint around the madness that was Lyra and Charon. This game did not involve tickling, and also, she could use Lyra and Charon against Alya's attempt at chasing her, if she gave in.

RE: whimsical - Lyra - December 19, 2016

Sorry for the wait! Also lmao at Charon's confusion!

Puppy teeth sunk into the plush fur of Charon's tail, though her grip was not that strong yet. However, she tugged on it with as much might as she could as her father glanced around, oblivious that she and her sisters had caused him a moment of confusion. No doubt, if they kept to their mischievous ways, the three could use their identical looks to their advantage in the future.

He quickly seemed to shrug it off and turned back to his daughter, who wiggled her own tail with a challenging grin, still holding onto his tail. However, his sudden roar startled the girl, who quickly let go with a squeal — thankfully, just before he whipped around which would have sent her tumbling if she had still been attached. She skittered away from her loud father just as Hydra zipped past after tagging Alya. Having her attention on Charon, however, the girl had her head turned and stumbled right into the path of her dark sister. She let out another cry as the two collided, being sent crashing into the ground.

RE: whimsical - Alya - December 20, 2016

Although her pouting was a powerful thing, Hydra's will was more powerful still. When the dominant sister tagged her, Alya saw fit to respond by giving chase, her bad temper flying to the wind as she gave into the joy of playing with her sisters. All the better if Charon was there to play as well, but he was, for the moment, forgotten.

Especially when Lyra let out a yelp - Alya whipped her head around in time to see the girl crashing to the ground. With a summoning cry aimed at Hydra, Alya leapt to her sister's aide as much as she could, trying to help her up and lick at her bruised muzzle at the same time.

RE: whimsical - Charon - December 27, 2016

this thread is the best thing :')

Deciding not to let his girls show his confusion, Charon just went on to play with whoever was attached to his tail. She let go quickly to avoid being airplaned through the air by an over-enthusiastic father and everything happened so fast after that. He heard 'Alya it' and saw the other girl coming towards him, but the tail-biter collided with her head-on. The third — Alya, presumably, unless they were tricking him again — quickly came forward, though it was unclear to the father whether she joined in to comfort or tag her sister.

And he? Well, the whole bumping into each other thing looked so comical that he didn't realise up until now that for the past few seconds as this all unfolded, he had stood there laughing loudly and unashamed at his own kid being bowled over like an unrelated stranger laughing at home videos.