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Been Thinking too Much - Printable Version

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Been Thinking too Much - Xinuata - April 15, 2014


This was a day that was rarely afforded to the Vale warden; she awoke without immediately having a task to fulfill. Beyond the usual routine of border marking and checking the caches, there was not much to complete that could not have been done by her brethren. As often as she wanted to fulfill all tasks on her own, she knew that for growth, she needed to allow her fellow wolves to assume responsibility for themselves. It was a learning process, one she assumed she could need to get used to and quickly.

Before the day reached its afternoon peak, the aimless warden found herself walking through the sparse pines of the woodlands. Her nose was not pressed to the ground in search of prey, nor were her eyes constantly shifting between the towering spires for signs of foreign life. She was simply… walking with ease, feeling the earth beneath her heavy paws til again she found peace in the serenity of nature… in a rather desperate attempt to keep her mind off any and all.

RE: Been Thinking too Much - Ayvo - April 16, 2014

It had been a few days since he had last had the chance to glance at any of his pack mates. Many of his self appointed tasks took a lot of his daylight hours. He hunted for ungulates and hares most of the day, slowly filling up the pack's prey cache. At dawn he would track down whatever scents he could find. By the time the sun rose high he had normall caught at least some morsel of prey. 

On this day by the time afternoon danced unto the vale he had only caught two rabbits. One he ate for himself and the other he placed into the cache. After he had his full of the hare the pale male just simply trotted around the territory. Not look for anything particular.  When the male came across his alpha, Xi'nuata: the cream colored extremely fit female, his eyes brightened. Giving a small greeting bark he cantered over to the female. With a bow of his head Ayvo spoke softly. "Hello my alpha, how's your day going?"

RE: Been Thinking too Much - Xinuata - April 16, 2014

The friendly call of her fellow warrior brought a smile to the female’s muzzle as well as a little wag to her tail. It was always a pleasure to see a face of the pack doing well, especially in light of the misfortune that had fallen onto the Vale. Each smile seen after was precious and cherished. It greeting was kindly received, for all she knew, nature could fall upon them as relentlessly as before.

“Good day Ayvo,” the warden smiled as she walked towards him, receiving him kindly with a soft nudge of her muzzle behind his ear. “This day is slow turning, I’m afraid,” she chuckled lightly, taking a short step back to recline to her rear. Her nose quivered with notice for the light tinge of blood that came from her company, sorting quickly that it was not his but from small game found in their woodlands. “I take it hunting has been good for you?” she inquired lightly, more so as a means to carry on a conversation than to test whether or not he was assuming his tasks. She had enough trust in the faction to believe all took care of their duties of their own volition.

RE: Been Thinking too Much - Ayvo - April 16, 2014

Ayvo was polite. Wagging his tail in turn when the female did. When she pushed her muzzle kindly against his head in greeting the pale male licked her muzzle in submission. The cream colored she wolf then sat on the ground and replied to his question. Ayvo listened intently and smiled when she chuckled. She then proceed to take notice that his hunting patterns. "Hunting has been better. I found two hares today, later tonight I will test my hand again and see what else I can find." He was glad she took notice of his feat. This made him proud. This pride shown brightly through his mossy eyes.

RE: Been Thinking too Much - Xinuata - April 16, 2014

She was quite glad to hear of his successful hunt, for that meant he was showing promise in seeing to the well-being of his brethren. Food was a staple just as much as the defense projected by the pack’s warriors, but it was not the only concern of the Alpha female. The overall moral of the pack was just as important to consider. Though by Ayvo’s disposition, she could only conclude that he was rather content. At least enough to fulfill his tasks without the nudge of obligation.

“And your training?” she asked lightly as her ears swiveled forward in interest to hear. “Have you done much more since our session with the group?”

RE: Been Thinking too Much - Ayvo - April 16, 2014

Ayvo was one to keep to himself. While he enjoyed talking to other wolves he hardly went put of his way to organize hunting parties or training sessions. He had no problem joining one, but he just would rather try and do things by himself. "No i haven't. Ive been keeping to myself lately." The male spoke honestly. 

The pale male decided he would try and at least now organize an event with one of his warrior pack-mates. "One of these days ill try to get a hunting party together." Ayvo added in. He would try, he just needed the courage to ask one of his fellow warriors to join him.

RE: Been Thinking too Much - Xinuata - April 16, 2014

The Alpha applauded the male for his honesty, even if it did lessen her smile somewhat to hear his truth. She did not mind that Ayvo was keeping to himself, only that she had not known of his personal decision sooner. Perhaps she had been too withdrawn from the moral of the pack that she hadn’t taken notice. Or simply he took care to keep this to himself. Either way, she was not pleased about this, though her careful countenance did not display a frown. Only a subtle knit of her brows as she tilted her muzzle with concern.

“It would be nice to see a hunt get organized,” she admitted. “…but is everything alright? A warrior should not got without his training.” Gently her tail pat the ground in thought. “Have none come to you to spar or assist?” She would not have been surprised if this was the case. After all, most were assisting with the recovery of the pack as a whole. Yet even so, the able needed their brethren’s attention as well.

RE: Been Thinking too Much - Ayvo - April 17, 2014

Ayvo smiled as the female asked if he was alright. In all honesty he was more than alright. He was healthy, he had shelter, food, and water whenever he wanted it. Everything was perfectly fine. Even after the natural disaster that struck he pack he still felt safe here, in the vale. "I am just fine my lady."

He did feel like he needed more training. It had been months since he last sparred with a wolf. The snowy pelted male surely could use more practice on his fighting techniques. "I have sparred with no one since I have joined I'm afraid." Ayvo replied in a monotone fashion. It would be nice to spar with someone before fighting actually becomes a necessity Ayvo admitted to himself.

RE: Been Thinking too Much - Xinuata - April 17, 2014

Her tail pat the air gently as he spoke of his wellness, then stroked the ground faster still when he implied his lack of sparring. While perhaps her mate might have considered this a terrible thing, the autumn wolf of the mountain looked to this as an opportunity. Smiling, she immediately pulled herself to stand, minding her stance to ensure its stability before stepping boldly forward.

If there was a means to supply a distraction for the mind, sparring was certainly an able outlet.

“Well then,” she piped, much like a pup would exclaim at the prospects of a game. “We shall have to change that, won’t we?” Lowering her head to rest between her shoulders, she pushed the broad guard forward to protect her neck with the healthy folds. Her tail remained low, at ease by her ankles, but ready to move should she need the extra limb for balance. Her eyes narrowed to Ayvo she her throat shook with a purposeful yet nonthreatening growl.

RE: Been Thinking too Much - Ayvo - April 17, 2014

When the female rose from her sitting position Ayvo took the hints as a wanted to fight. Soon after the female spoke saying she wanted to change the fact he hasn't sparred Ayvo was prepared for a friendly battle. "Great the first female i meet and have a conversation with wants to fight me!" Ayvo was always the lady killer. 

His mossy eyes watched as she narrowed her eyes and sent out a growl. While it was friendly in nature he still took it seriously. Lowering his head to match the females he let out a little growl from his throat escape, as it ran though his mouth a snarl became clear. Quickly as to step to the side he lunged for the females back left leg trying to knock her off balance with a ram of his side. If he succeeded the she wolf's underbelly would be exposed, and if he failed his right side would be exposed. It was a risky move but it could pay off. 

RE: Been Thinking too Much - Xinuata - April 17, 2014

OOC: Attack of the short posts!

As the male moved swiftly forward, Xi’nuata was ready with a tactic of her own. As he lunged for her side, she bound forward with a quick step keeping her tail resting against her inner thigh for protection, knowing that before her turn she would brandish her back. Swiftly, she turned, catching the graze of his shoulder against her thigh but managed to keep herself upright to face him again.

Again, she reset her defenses, dropping her head between her shoulders and squaring her stance. Her eyes followed her fellow warrior’s movements, but she did not advance. Rather she waited to see how Ayvo would follow through.

RE: Been Thinking too Much - Ayvo - April 17, 2014

His attempt to knock her off her rockers fell flat. The makes confidence still reigned high. The female made it obvious that she wasn't going to attack him any time soon. While Ayvo enjoyed defense playing offense was also enjoyable.

Making a second attempt to attack the female he jolted forward like a rhino and made an attempt to slam his entire body into the female's chest. If he hit her, he would start from the ground and rise up while pushing the females body up with him. This move would expose both their flanks allowing for ether wolf to propose a counter attack on the others belly.

RE: Been Thinking too Much - Xinuata - April 17, 2014

Turning around to face him, the warden was met with the stampeded force of bulk and fur. Knowing her agility due to size was lacking, she braced to take the frontal brunt of his attack; their chests clashing, then rising as Ayvo pushed up from the ground against her. Granted their larger sizes made for a possible balance between them, the female too pushed against the ground with her backlegs firmly planted, and raised her forelegs higher by reflex.

Her kept her ears pinned back and held her mouth agape should his teeth seek her face, but attempted a teeter of sorts, hoping to use her weight against her opponent to force him down to either side. Hopefully such a tactic would come in handy should either of them confront a beast of relative proportions and weight.

RE: Been Thinking too Much - Ayvo - April 18, 2014

The male wasn't expecting the female to rock her body weight in attempt to throw him off balance. While they were the same height Ayvo was built to be slender and lean and the female was strong and daunting. This shift of weight back and forth caused the male to fall on his side exposing his right side to attack. Quickly before she could inflict too much damage to him he rose and prepared to play defense. The male would now wait until she attacked. It was time for him to be more comfortable.

RE: Been Thinking too Much - Xinuata - April 18, 2014

Shifting her weight had been successful, and to follow, she quickly dropped to stomp her feet near his belly. Her intention was to make him aware of the danger posed by his exposed side, in instinctive lesson that all of their kind were aware of in one form or another. Yet the lesson proved unnecessary as he swiftly rose to regain his footing. To this, the female gave a short bark of praise before resuming her attack.

With him on the defensive, she spared little of her strength, barreling not fully from the front, but angled to the side in an attempt to force her shoulder into his chest. She kept her ears back to protect them from too great of harm, and lowered her brows to cover her eyes without fully closing them. She realized their difference in build and hoped to inspire a ‘wounding’ form of retaliation in him should he come across an enemy of her size and build.

RE: Been Thinking too Much - Ayvo - April 21, 2014

Ayvo wasnt thinking clearing during the spar. He hadn't been using his speed to his advantage and stupidly left his belly unguarded for a few seconds. Now he was forced to try and out wrestle a female that was stronger than him. When her shoulder slammed against his chest he haphazardly opened his muzzle and searched for an object to nip. Barely swimming his teeth across the females ears he didn't do much damage.

Shifting his weight to the left the male attempted to try and once against knock the female off balance, or at least get her off of his chest. He couldn't hold up for much longer with the female pushing against his pale chest.

RE: Been Thinking too Much - Xinuata - April 21, 2014

The will to succeed was present, this much she could tell, but it was also apparent that her partner’s technique was lacking. The Alpha made a note of his retaliation, though not in the negative. Rather she paid attention to his angle as fast as she was able without jeopardizing her own footing in turn.

Feeling him push against her, she cantered back and quickly but with a slight teetering to her stance as she tried to keep herself upright. Instead of continuing the motion, she squared her paws and uttered a sound bark for his attention, calling a pause to their spar to address what she had noticed. “You are large,” she stated pointedly but without malice. “But quick. Why do you not use your size to the advantage? Smaller creatures require more care, but larger enemies like us can be downed with precise strikes. You know this,” she assured him. “And with practice you will be reminded. Look at me; what is vulnerable on me that you can reach?”

RE: Been Thinking too Much - Ayvo - April 22, 2014

Ayvo knew it was blatantly obvious he hadn't sparred in a while. Even in his old pack he had been an average fighter, nothing above average. Ayvo gazed at the female as she gave him friendly pointers. He wasn't offended at all even though he knew most of the things she was pointing out, he just forgot to apply them in this current spar.

Ayvo looked at the female and tried to find vulnerable spots on her. "I could attack your muzzle with a quick strike. Or if I was fast enough get behind you and attack you from there?" Ayvo spoke in a doubtful tone. He was still questioning his abilities. Which he needed to stop doing.

RE: Been Thinking too Much - Xinuata - April 22, 2014

OOC: If you'd like, we could have a fade out :3

“It is not a matter of ‘if’,” she countered gently, her tail waving kindly as she spoke. Though her expression remained hard and steady, the voice was her tell of a more understanding disposition. “You know you are fast enough,” she pointed, agreeing with his choice of vulnerable points. “Now you must prove that you are, and do what you must to see this through.”

The female lowered her head once more to be at the ready, letting her legs square to hold her stature as her tail slipped protectively between her ankles. “Now prove it,” she announced, before charging toward the white male once again.