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Iktome Plains Psalms 127:3 - Printable Version

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Psalms 127:3 - Estelle - October 23, 2016

Midday. The sun was lower than it had been just hours before, and with the dim landscape came a cool breeze. As Aster stepped out of hiding and into the open, she flinched, feeling the sting of sunlight against her eyes. She would have to learn to deal with it - her blindness - and she figured now that she had the protection of a family, she could afford to expose herself.
With a deep inhale and a rough shake of her fur, Aster swept her head around and peered at her surroundings through squinted eyes. Despite the lack of color (lack of anything, really) Aster was proud of herself for bearing the pain. It was a step forward, as far as she was concerned. One of many.

RE: Psalms 127:3 - Rhys - October 24, 2016

Away from the mountains he went, setting his goal on the coast. Another day had risen hours ago, but only now did he actually reach the shimmering waters and cold, wet breezes of the ocean. From the place of the sun he could read that it was around midday- time enough to find another pretty girl to spend some time with. It had truly been too long since fucking Liri dizzy, and he was hungry for something fresh to feast upon. He stuck his nose in the salty air, smelling only one individually that scented female. No packs nearby, no threats nearby, just him, the ocean and this lost girl. 

His ash black legs took him toward where he could smell her, though spotting her took longer. Once he did he noticed nothing off, but as he got closer the white coats of a blind wolf lay upon the female's eyes. A smirk painted his somewhat handsome face.

Good day, misss. He hissed.

RE: Psalms 127:3 - Estelle - October 24, 2016

Aster had heard the male's steps as he approached, thus his introduction didn't get much more than a quick turn in his direction. Her eyes were still maladjusted to the bright light, so her usual method of assuming a silhouette didn't seem like it would work with him. She was riding purely on assumptions.
Hey there, stranger. Just wandering?
She used his scent as a track as she slowly treaded toward him. Should he prove to be a threat, Aster would have to be as close as possible to get the clearest view she could if she wanted to do any damage. As of then, however, she simply chose to assume this wouldn't be much of a dangerous matter.

RE: Psalms 127:3 - Rhys - October 27, 2016

She noticed him, but his smirk did not disappear. It was obvious the female was either blind  or could just not see very well. She didn't seem to look at him, but through him, and he refrained from chuckling. Was he truly going to seduce a blind girl? Well, at least he didn't have to worry about how he looked then. I'd like to think of it asss unplanned dessstiny. He answered her question.'

She stepped closer to him, but he stayed in place. And you, misss... What do othersss call you? He hissed in a low tone.

RE: Psalms 127:3 - Estelle - October 29, 2016

Aster turned away from the other and rolled her eyes. Unplanned destiny he called it. I'm Aster she said, now looking back in his direction. And you? She cracked a coy smile, though instinct told her to go. So far, his vibe hadn't been much of a help to his case, and Aster was on gaurd in response. Though she now sat, her hackles raised defensively in case her gut turned out to be right.

RE: Psalms 127:3 - Rhys - November 01, 2016

His smirk became a line. How dare she turn away like that. He could even swear he saw her eyes roll when he made his way to the front of her. He was trying to be nice, but if she liked badboys- ooohoo, boy, could she get it. She revealed her name, but because she had so ungratefully turned away from him, he was not planning to give his own. He snickered for a moment. You sshould not give strangersss your name like that. He hissed, padding around to see if she truly did not see him or if it was all an act. It can be dangerousss if you don't know who the other really isss. He explained in a "know-it-all" way. He had his ways of pissing others off, and this was one of them. If she did not take him seriously, she could fuck the hell off.

RE: Psalms 127:3 - Estelle - November 01, 2016

Hackles still raised, Aster made her response: That's smart; you never know what someone is capable of. She lifted herself and turned to go, ready to escape his odd presence. Aster felt that he was a threat, and without proper training, she wasn't one for a fight. Not even when the sun was away. I'm leaving now, snake boy. Maybe we'll meet again. With that, she pushed past him and made her escape, not wanting to waste anymore time.