Wolf RPG
Grouse Thicket horus draped me in golden dust - Printable Version

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horus draped me in golden dust - Ramsey - October 24, 2016

AW but @Bullet I know we need a thread? :D

Ramsey made her way up north into this new land, a colder land. Her short slick fur was used to warmer weather. The plains that she'd lived on and forests that she'd weaved her way through. Here there be mountains, which were much harder to conquer. But Ramsey was a conqueror. And there was no mountain that couldn't hold her back. For now however, she found herself in a forest, slipping past the trees like a ghost. It was early morning, the golden sun just beginning to rise and blanket her creamy coat with its colors.

Amun Ra, give me your blessing. She thought a small prayer, staring up at the horizon before continuing. She'd never been the most religious one, but a little something every now and then never hurt. After a while, she found a small sunny clearing, it was about mid morning and time for her nap. The pale blue eyes Coyote sat in the middle of the sunlit field and closed her eyes. She would rest here before she continued on, even a goddess like herself needs beauty sleep.

RE: horus draped me in golden dust - Bullet - October 24, 2016

The little vixen traveled a lot around these new lands, the ones teeming at the brim with those stupid mutts - there were a few she'd managed to stir up, but it wasn't ever more than a short chace. Nothing as fun as tormenting her brothers and mother and father.

One thing she hated was the cold - she'd been born in the cold, raised in the cold for her first months of life - and that it was here. The Tiaga was, perhaps, the coldest place she'd encountered here, so she followed the shoreline further down until it warmed a little. Mayhem knew it was a pointless move, considering no matter where she was Winter would soon hit, but the fiery woman rationalized that it was a new place to explore and stir at the pot more. 

Striding into a thicket of fall, Bullet caught sight of the beast before anything else - a tall figure loomed in the distance, and though she was admittedly beautiful, Bullet just didn't care. Stalking forward after her, she watched Ramsey place herself in a field to rest, closing her eyes - Bullets brow furrowed in confusion, and she made herself known from behind the bright beauty. What was this woman? She was tall, large like a wolf.... But not quite wolf. Grumbling to herself, she was not shy in calling out to Ramsey.

                            "Y'know, I thought your kind slept at night."

RE: horus draped me in golden dust - Ramsey - October 24, 2016

Ramsey turned her head slowly, pointed ears swiveling towards the voice. With a quick blink of her icy blue eyes, the regal Coyote scanned the smaller creature quickly, coming to the conclusion that her relaxation had been interrupted by a fox. Her angular features narrowed more than usual as she stood, though she was a small petite creature herself, her long legs held her above the fox by quite a bit. She didn't walk towards the fox, instead she stayed where she was. If the other creature dared to near her, then so be it.

I bask in Ra's gaze, I do not sleep. She said calmly, cocking her head to the side. Doesn't your kind have better things to do than bother me? She asked, not with a snippy voice but as if it were a genuine question.

RE: horus draped me in golden dust - Bullet - October 25, 2016

As most animals usually did, the reaction Bullet got was expected - the tall girl stood and turned her pretty, angled features to the vixen - but the words she was greeted with caught her by surprise. The first words burst through her muzzle in curiousity, with much less of her normal sneer.

                   "Who the fuck is Ra?"

Even the Ra girl didn't seem as snippy as she should of been, consitering. For this, perhaps, she kept the usual bite from her tongue. This didn't stop her answer, however.

                                                      "If I'm not bothering you, it'll be someone else."

RE: horus draped me in golden dust - Ramsey - October 27, 2016

Ramsey rolled her icy blue eyes at the comment. Of course this creature wouldn't know who Ra was! He was only her god. Her savior. The only one of her cultures many gods that she consistently prayed to. She would have to dumb it down for this girl. Speak in what as she had come to know as street slang. Ra is the guy who provides us all light. He gave us life. That's what I was taught as a young girl. She said, keeping in her normal calm and collected dialect, her words crisp yet flowing.

Her eyes narrowed at the next comment, but she wasn't going to be rude yet. At least not too rude. Why do you got to bother me anyway? Why do you bother anyone fox? She asked, taking a step forwards dominantly. Ramsey was never one to shy away. She was used to being in charge, and getting what she wanted. Back home she was the most beautiful child born out of 27 cubs. Her family said Hathor herself had blessed Ramsey with the gift of beauty and love. And those with beauty and a heart full of love, usually get what they want.

RE: horus draped me in golden dust - Bullet - November 01, 2016

Despite the fact that this coywolf clearly didn't want her there, she still gave her information about this "Ra". For once, Bullet listened with true curiosity. Her muzzle wrinkled, but her words came out less judgemental than she'd ever been. 

               "I thought the sun gave us light?"

The mood changed, however, when Ramsey took a step close. Mayhem's icy eyes glared over at her, fur puffing out and teeth curling to show her fangs. This time, her words were laced with venom, and even the much larger frame of the coywolf didn't daunt her. Bullet here, like everything else in life, didn't give a fuck about dominance. She didn't care about this little princess - she was a fiery princess herself, even if self-proclaimed.

                                        "I was just curious, no need to be a bitch."