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Sleeping Dragon things which have never yet been done - Printable Version

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things which have never yet been done - Gavriel - October 24, 2016

Tanja tag for visibility!

Gavriel hadn’t been given much time to properly address the changes of Drageda. After the meeting, the expedition occurred where Wildfire laid a question on him that caught him off guard but the longer it went on, the more it made sense. Thuringwethil would give Wildfire the same conditions as Gyda—or so he assumed—to have children only of Drageda which limited their choices. Of course, as things continued to change, he is never really sure of what’s going to happen.

It’d been a few days since he’d seen Wildfire and turned her down and while part of him felt guilty for doing something to further ties to Sleeping Dragon, the fact they were going against their way didn’t exactly feel right. There were no wolves for him to turn to (though rumors of @Tanja being here have caught his attention) but he sets them aside and searches for someone that has been constant since his arrival to the volcano.

While @Gyda has her own way of life and is still teaching their children, she is more Drageda than any of them. Even if she isn’t directly involved in the changes, she is a solid root clutching to the mountain and he knows she’ll never give it up. She is still royalty, in a way, but perhaps he can search some insight from her.

RE: things which have never yet been done - Gyda - October 24, 2016

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With her children no longer dependent upon her in the way they had been for so long Gyda fell back into her role of shield-maiden feeling renewed. Watching them grow was such a delight for the valkyrie but it brought with it a stab of sadness in her heart, as well. Already, they were four months old — to the very day. They were growing so fast, they were becoming their own and it was beautiful and for a nostalgic moment she wished very much that Ragnar could see them: his grandchildren. She wished that Thistle would have remained in the Wilds, would have at least came to see her before she left. The sting of her mother's absence was felt like a wound to her chest but in the thrill of watching her children grow into who they would be she found it easy to put aside.

Patrolling the borders was a familiar routine and she gave her mind over to the focus of them. Yet, her mind was not so easily singular these days. With her children she found it much easier to multi-task and from her children did her thoughts go to their father. It was hard for Gyda not to think of him: despite his hesitations he had not distanced himself from them and Gyda was glad she had changed her mind, further more glad that he had changed his. Whether Gavriel knew it or not he was a constant in her life and in some ways Gyda had allowed herself to glean an unexpected comfort from it.

She was surprised to when he came into view, if only because she had not necessarily sought him out, though she could not say why his presence surprised her. They were both Gona's which put them in the same proximity as one another on a daily basis without the additive of sharing a home together. The shield-maiden masks it with a smile and moves forward to greet him. “Hello Gavriel.”

RE: things which have never yet been done - Gavriel - October 24, 2016

When he finds Gyda’s scent, he follows it and he is not led astray and instead directly into her path. He sees her form and he offers a similar smile in return, waving his tail a few times behind him as he trots the distance to a close. He’d grown fond of her in the last several months but that does not surprise him, as any two wolves raising children together and spending the amount of time together, does bring them closer.

Their styles in parenting aren’t entirely different but it is obvious where the children have favored and he can’t deny it. Their strength and health prospered and he couldn’t fault Thuringwethil and Wildfire for seeking out his aide, even though he’d denied the chance.

“Gyda,” he says quietly and reaches forward to bump his nose against her cheek. “I was looking for you.”

RE: things which have never yet been done - Gyda - October 24, 2016

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As far as Gyda could recall there was never a time when she was not happy to see Gavriel. His presence was one that she always welcomed and the valkyrie queen did so with fondness. She had not intended to grow as fond of him as she had but it was a path unavoidable. Easily explained that it was only natural but Gyda who believed that everything happened because the Gods willed it so held faith that it had been destined long before either of them had even been born. The shield-maiden welcomes the bump of his nose to her cheek with a smile that has taken a slightly coy edge to it for a few moments as she is greeted by her fellow Gona. Somehow that does not seem an intimate enough way to think of Gavriel. They were not mates but he is the father of her children and beyond the fondness she had grown to feel for him there is undeniable respect. Certainly Gyda has allowed him more than any man before in all respects.

“You were?” Gyda asks him, unable to mask her curiosity as it colors her lilting, accented voice. Now that did surprise her. Her first thought was that something had happened with one of the children but she reassures herself quickly before her mother!panic mode can set in. If one of the children were hurt or in danger no doubt his steps would have been much more urgent and he would have not paused to greet her. Though she worried particularly over Freyja, Thyri and Eske — admittedly more of the first two's relationship then Freyja and Eske's she trusted that they would work it out among themselves and she deigned not to interfere lest it became urgent. She had never fought with her brothers ...but then again she had been very young when she had stolen away with a pregnant Nerian in the dark of night.

“Is something the matter?” She asks him softly, studying him openly as she awaited his response.

RE: things which have never yet been done - Gavriel - October 24, 2016

Gavriel bobs his head once to the first question as he slides up next to her, encouraging her to continue walking. Now that they didn’t have to be as hovering over the children, time alone is comforting. They did often sit in the back of his mind, wondering what they are up to when he isn’t around but the mystery remains unresolved.

“I don’t know,” he says with a slight shrug. “Wildfire came up to me after the expedition with Freyja and ask if I’d father… their children.”

The relationship he and Gyda have never really got an answer, or a label, but he feels weird nonetheless bringing it up. He’d never denied something from his Heda, former or present, and here he stood, next to his non-mate, confessing something not commonly done. You simply didn’t say no.

“I told her I didn’t think it was a good idea and I… I don’t know. I could tell it hurt her but,” he adds with a slight shrug, swinging his head to catch his expression with his own formulation, am I wrong?

RE: things which have never yet been done - Gyda - October 25, 2016

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She continued on her patrol as he slides next to her, encouraging for them to walk as they talk. His response to her question left her unsatisfied but it was what had followed that caused a flurry of emotions within her that left her surprisingly conflicted. Wildfire had asked him to sire her and Thuringwethil's children. Her canted to the side, as if she had not heard him properly and something very hot bubbled in her chest, threatening to burn her throat if she dared to speak. And Gyda did not understand it. She had no qualms with Thuringwethil and Wildfire's relationship, and in all fairness Gavriel was a free man to sire whom ever's children he pleased and as she was not his wife there was no reason to feel this ire at Wildfire's audacity and yet she did. Though she knew deep inside it was an irrational reaction to something that by all rights the queen of valkyrja's had no say in and yet she couldn't help but feel that Wildfire had overstepped a boundary.

Any children she bore were direct threats to Gyda's own, though the hierarchy of the Grounders did not work in that way. Yet, by Gyda's culture having Gavriel father her children would have put Gyda's own children in a direct threat for their claim. Though Gyda had not truly given thought to bearing more children in the future she knew that if she did she wanted Gavriel to be their father, so long as he was willing, of course. The clench in her throat as she tried to assess through and analyze the violent rise of emotions within her was soothed as he spoke that he had refused. Relief flooded through her, soothing the flames of her ire and confusion before they could burn her.

He sounded...unsure. Conflicted, perhaps; but by what she struggled to deduce. “You are not her husband, so why should it hurt her?” Gyda asked coolly, realizing that it was a question meant for herself, as well. Gavriel was not her husband so why did the knowledge that Wildfire had propositioned him burn her so? “She will get over her disappointment and hurt feelings. And if she does not,” Gyda's slender shoulders rose and fell. Wildfire had stolen Thuringwethil's attention and her heart and the thought that the fire-kissed girl might steal Gavriel's too cut Gyda to the bone. They had never defined their relationship but by all rights they might as well have been mates. She was ...gods, she was jealous and she spoke harshly because of it. Not that Gyda had any idea on what to do what that knowledge now that she had it. “So, why did you really refuse her?” Gyda asked out of her morbid curiosity. She knew enough to know that Heda having a family was not something that (typically?) happened but a selfish part of the shield-maiden wondered if that was his only reason or if there had been other factors.

RE: things which have never yet been done - Gavriel - October 30, 2016

Gavriel watches Gyda’s reaction, which causes some interest, but he doesn’t speak about it. Instead, he’s given a chance to really think about it and why. His disapproval in Heda’s decision has not been vocal but his demeanor has changed in the last week or so since the meeting. He’s grown close to Wildfire since their time on the missions out of the pack and he’s been loyal to Heda from the beginning. Why his trust wanes now is uncertain, other than it simply being a change that wouldn’t have happened if they were in Seageda.

Perhaps, instead, he should be flattered he’d been asked but it still didn’t feel right. All the changes, most of which can be excused due to the change in location, have been accepted this far, but what can their new place say in lieu of Thuringwethil taking a mate? He knew, without a doubt, if Wildfire had been mated to anyone else, he’d have said yes without a second thought. Gavriel sighs and slumps his shoulders as he tries to finds the words to explain.

“We serve our Heda unconditionally and they are to uphold our ways. Our ways have been set for generations and we have survived, without much struggle, for as long as we have and with plenty, because we kept to our ways. There are stories of the Heda’s that failed and there is always something, some… deviation from the way we do things, that cause their reign to be short,” he explains with a frown, turning toward the woman. “We are in no place to lose ours and… I know you don’t want to see Seregrýn at the helm any time soon.” he adds.

RE: things which have never yet been done - Gyda - October 30, 2016

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She is unhappy still that Wildfire dared to ask such a thing of Gavriel when Gyda believed that she had no right. Perhaps it is unfair of her but Gyda did not find it within herself to care. She had half a mind to talk to the girl herself. Perhaps she would. What was the worse that could happen? Thuringwethil would kick her out and yet the viking queen thought for a wild moment that perhaps it would be better. At least then, should Gavriel change his mind, she would not have to see the after math of a union she did not want him to have. It was not her place to say but she would not have to feel the pain that she knew it would cause her to see Wildfire grow round with his children. Gyda had not meant to care for Gavriel as she has come to. In fact, things had not gone how she had planned them back then at all. Yet the change was not unpleasant. Up until this moment. For a second something catches in her throat and it is hard for the shield-maiden to breathe. Hard for her to process.

She would take no other man but Gavriel. She knew this. Had known it from the start. And Gyda knew sure as hell that she did not want Wildfire to have him to. Who does she think she is? A thought — and not the first time she had considered it — rose to the forefront of her mind. She listens to him speak, unsure if she found an answer in his words or not. “No, I do not want her at the helm.” Gyda spoke sourly, though if it was because she was still stewing over the whole Wildfire thing (probably) and because she was reminded of the Fos Goufa she would rather forget she could not say. Both, perhaps.

She inhaled deeply and let it out. It did not help. Among the anger that bubbled within her, the rise of a potential threat not just to her but to her children she felt anxiety. “Gavriel,” Gyda reached out for him a second before she pulled back, hesitant. “As you were honest with me, I must be honest with you,” Gyda began, steeling her shoulders. This wasn't easy but she found it wasn't easy for her because she was afraid of his rejection. She, who had never thought she would ever care about what a male thought of her, now cared greatly about Gavriel's opinion. “I do not want you to father Wildfire's children.” She told him point blank. It was brazen of her, she knew. She had no right, she knew. But she wanted to be honest and she would tell him her reasons. “Before you say anything, please let me explain, I have grown to care for a great deal over the months,” Did she love him? Very possible. Did she know for sure? Harder to say. Ragnar and Thistle's relationship, and even Ragnar and Nerian's relationship were not typical love stories and it was all that Gyda had to pull from. “You are a constant presence in my life, both as the father of our children and as a companion to me. I understand if you do not feel the same,” She paused, taking a deep breath. Again, it did not help. Her lungs filled with crisp air that did not soothe her. “but I was hoping that, perhaps, you might be my mate.” Gods she was nervous. It was likely the worst time, but then again, what better time than to explain. It was the truth.

He could do with it what he would. He did not have to accept. She would not force him. He was his own man and would do as he wanted. They could go back to being parents to their children and fellow Gona's. At least, if she was met with rejection she could process everything and move on.

RE: things which have never yet been done - Gavriel - October 30, 2016

Gavriel can’t stop the smirk that briefly appears on his features, remembering Gyda’s distaste of the young fos goufa. He knew the girl was troubling at times and her time in Trigeda will hopefully reshape her for leadership when the time comes, or another will be born, as loathe as he is to admit it. He brushes off the topic and his features wipe the amusement away. 

It is when Gyda admits her own honesty and he looks away for a moment to decide how it makes him feel. It surprises him that it doesn’t bother him as much as he expected but he isn’t given a chance yet to speak but she ends with a question that catches him off guard, far more than anything. 

It shouldn’t, though, should it? He’s created a family with Gyda, four beautiful children he never really expected and a home that he fights for. He’d die for each and every one of them—he’d die for Drageda, but that is without question. This somehow feels different and he can’t deny it. It does cause a little pull of his lips, turning into a smirk as his tail lashes a few times. “Yes, I would like that.”

RE: things which have never yet been done - Gyda - October 30, 2016

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Gavriel allows her to speak without interruption and for that Gyda is grateful. For if he would have she would have no doubt lost her nerve and that was a bizarre thing for her to realize about herself. She spoke her mind often, as Ragnar had taught her to do. She is not meek as the mother she remembers having been. Battle and death she can face without hesitation and yet ...the thought of Gavriel rejecting her has reduced her to being nervous. To hesitation. Though perhaps it is simply because she sees competition in Wildfire that she had never seen before. A meaner part of Gyda (perhaps were Eske got it from) could not help but think if she wanted children that bad that she should not have taken Heda as her mate. Perhaps more than anything Gyda is riled that Wildfire didn't even come to ask how Gyda would feel about it. How was she to have children and live with a man and not develop feelings for him? The courtesy was not extended to her and that prickled beneath Gyda's skin like a festering wound.

In her worrying she almost misses Gavriel's response. It is his smirk that draws her from her chaotic thoughts and the fact that she had asked him a very important question. Gyda wants his smirk to infuriate her but it does not. In a way that she cannot explain she finds it charming instead. His words of acceptance, coupled by his smirk and the lashes of his tail change Gyda's mood quickly. Her heart flutters inside her chest for a moment, wishing that she'd said something a while ago to him. It had not been a new consideration for the shield-maiden but it had taken her fear of losing him and her unwillingness to share him for her to come forth with it. Her smile turns coy, her gaze sly as she reaches for him, this time, intending to make contact — a brush of her muzzle against his own if he allowed it.

“Would you?” She nearly purrs in a tease at him, a soft chuckle spilling from betwixt her lips.

RE: things which have never yet been done - Gavriel - October 30, 2016

His tail moves back and forth and he closes the distance when she steps forward, brushing her nose against his cheek. He pushes lightly against her only to invite her back in, licking at her chin gently to confirm his answer. He always knew there has been, especially since the children have been born, something that kept him close. It was inevitable, he supposes, that they would have come together anyway with their close proximity but he never minded and grew to enjoy her company.

"Of course," he murmurs then and leans in, nipping behind her ear once before bumping her shoulder. "Do you think it'll change much?" he asks, curious about the new title they share. For their family? Perhaps not. A little more affection and declaration but for their unit as a whole, he doesn't expect much to be different.

RE: things which have never yet been done - Gyda - October 30, 2016

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Gyda smiles as she feels his nose brush against her cheek and gives her chins a few licks. She ducks her head and rubs her muzzle against his shoulder for a moment, inhaling his scent subtly. It is as if it is new to her though it was a scent she knew as well as her own, as well as their children's. Though she had never intended for it to be so, Gavriel had become apart of her and she couldn't be happier with that knowledge. He was not a Viking but her Gods did not abolish such unions, and obviously Gyda did not hold it against him. Freyja and Frigga had blessed her with four beautiful, healthy children, and the Gods had given her Gavriel. Besides, their cultures are similar enough. A soft laugh escapes the valkyrie's lips as he nipped behind her ear. It twitched once, as if he were a fly that the twitch of her ear could bat away. Not that she wanted him to go away, of course. Gavriel speaks his inquiry after his shoulder bumps with her's and she lifts her chin slightly to ponder it. “No, I do not think so.” Gyda finally muses after a few moments. “I do wonder what the children will say,” But perhaps the four of them had not even given it much thought. Maybe they had already assumed they were mated to one another. Gyda could not ever remember being asked and knew she had not specified on her own. Besides, it wasn't like Gyda had brought any other man home. There had been no desire for any other man but Gavriel. Not to mention a lack of desire, Gyda would have never wanted to put her children through the stress that Ragnar had put them through with Nerian.

“Speaking of our children,” She drew with a sly smile upon her lips and a side glance to her husband. “Is it too early to tell you that I've thought of a name I liked?” Perhaps it was unprecedented given that pups had been the whole topic of this conversation, but Gyda, for the moment, had all but forgotten about Wildfire. Gyda had no intention of letting further thoughts of the flame kissed girl ruin her moment of happiness with Gavriel, nor the talk of the future.

RE: things which have never yet been done - Gavriel - November 03, 2016

She confirms that there isn’t likely to be anything different. A title, perhaps. An announcement they will need to make. Though she does bring up their children and how they will take it though he can’t help but wonder that they won’t really think much of it at all. Gavriel and Gyda will still come home to the same den but now, when their children depart and embark out on their own, Gavriel won’t be going anywhere. He won’t continue his life without Gyda by his side and that is comforting enough. He does not voice his answer or concerns and instead gives her a gentle lick upon her cheek. 

“Is that so?” he asks coyly, lifting a brow and peering in her direction. “Can’t stand the thought of an empty nest, can you?” he teases and bumps his shoulder instead hers. “What is it?”

RE: things which have never yet been done - Gyda - November 04, 2016

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The touch of his tongue upon her cheek in a gentle lick warms her skin beneath the fur. Though she had never thought she would enjoy small gestures of affection and it was true that before her path to motherhood she had been a warrior queen with only the desire of leading her people to the greatness and to the thrill of the fight. The Gods had thrown her quite the curve ball. Gavriel's small gestures filled Gyda with happiness and she cherished them as did the gestures of affection from her children. As he teases her she smiled, a little bit demure and a little bit devilish. “No,” Now that she had a taste for motherhood she found that she enjoyed it immensely. There was no greater purpose to her than to bear and raise the next generation. “I was thinking Wardruna, in the tongue of my people it means keeper of secrets.” Gyda told him with a soft hum. Though she could not place why she was particularly drawn to the name and though she had considered a fair amount of others the name Wardruna kept circling back, insistent.

RE: things which have never yet been done - Gavriel - November 07, 2016

Gavriel wonders if his family life will change but he can't think of a reason it would. A little more affection, perhaps, as he's never been particularly open about it. He'd been fond of a wolf before but their advancement had ended well before it begun. Now, he has a mate and children to look after and while it hadn't been in his intentions, he won't change it for the world. The rest of the pack weighs heavily upon him but as he's given answers and comfort with his chosen path, he thinks everything will be okay in the long run.

"Wardruna," he repeats in contemplation but he looks upon her face to see if he's even pronouncing it correctly. It reminds him vaguely of his own language and perhaps it can translate but she gives him the meaning behind it. "I like it." Of course, there probably isn't much she'd offer that he'd dislike. Winky face.

RE: things which have never yet been done - Gyda - November 24, 2016

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Gyda gives him a nod of encouragement when he repeats the name back to her. Wardruna. She has yet to decide whether it will be for a girl or a boy but does not spend too much time contemplating it. She harbored faith that when the time came she would know which child would be her Wardruna. Past that, she had no other ideas of names to offer him. It wasn't as if she spent much time thinking about it. The name had come to her one day, as if it had always been there, lingering, waiting to present itself to her. She did not know what the Gods had in store for her and that was the beautiful part of life. The mystery. They had been unkind, it was true, but as much as they had stolen from her they had given back to her tenfold and this she does not dare deny or be ungrateful for. Her children were strong, beautiful. More than she could have ever hoped for. She had her friendship with Thuringwethil which had seen this kingdom rise from mere ideal. And she had Gavriel — perhaps the most unexpected gift but by far one of her favorites (don't tell the kids). “I am glad,” She offers him with a charming smile, and should he let her, a kiss to his cheek. “Walk a patrol with me?” She inquires of him, hungry after months spent cooped up in the den and within the general proximity of their children to be able to don her proverbial shieldmaiden armor and keep her home and her family safe.

RE: things which have never yet been done - Gavriel - November 24, 2016

A smirk appears on his features and she leans over, giving him a kiss upon his cheek. While things are exactly the same, they still feel different. The affection comes freely and naturally for which he is grateful, and he turns his nose in to try and return the kiss. Her proposal catches his attention and he bobs his head a few times. They’ve spent time upon the borders but now that the children are older and able to do their own thing, he’s hoping they’ll have a little more time to one another. Without them really depending on either of them, the relationship will be put to the test and he can’t help but feel they’ll end up on the other side, stronger than ever.