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Sun Mote Copse The Fruit of the Womb Is a Reward - Printable Version

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The Fruit of the Womb Is a Reward - Asherah - October 24, 2016

At first, she was sure that it was the brew that had unsettled her stomach so thoroughly. She wondered if this was a sign that she was unworthy. As her vomiting continued, however, she began to suspect a different possibility entirely. She had never before been pregnant, but she knew that many females would become very ill during their time. As days went by and she began to notice her body change, slowly and slightly, she began to accept the truth. 

She was not shunned, but blessed! She was not unworthy, but rewarded for her faith in the form of children. She had not yet told anyone, not Khalba, Arunik'ra nor Eshamun. She would, soon, she knew, but so far she kept the secret with her. It would be obvious before long, and she wouldn't wait that long to tell them...but she held it for a while as a secret between her and Molech, sacred and adored in her heart. If either asked her outright she would confirm their thoughts, but so far no one had.

The morning sickness continued to ravage her, and so she began to morning early, drinking and flushing her mouth in the stream. She was toying with the idea of telling her sister's or Ar-Khalba today, but did not have any stone-set plans.

RE: The Fruit of the Womb Is a Reward - Giana - October 26, 2016

Unlike the other pregnant woman of The Malkaria, Giana didn't doubt for a moment that she was pregnant - even before it was even possible to be sure. Each twinge of her stomach, each slight ache of her legs - she all thought them pains of pregnancy, and was confident that she would bear young for her family. 

This morning, she had thrown up - there was no real telling if she was pregnant or not, but she sure did seem proud of herself - and after running down a hare and gobbling down every scrap of it, the ivory woman headed to the closest stream to drink. She wasn't the only one, though: this is where she came across Asherah, a woman she had yet to truly get to know. A small smile spread across her ivory maw, and she chuffed a good morning as she, too, dipped her head to drink and cleanse her mouth.

RE: The Fruit of the Womb Is a Reward - Asherah - October 26, 2016

Asherah is involved in a ritual with Eshamun, so I'm going to be extremely vague on anything concerning that.

The chuff of another drew her head up, and her eyes landed on the newer female within the pack. They had not, as yet, truly spoken more than passing pleasantries. The other bent to drink and Asherah followed her motion, taking in more of the cold, sweet water. After a moment she lifted her head, chin dripping and addressed the other. "You are called Giana, aren't you?" She said, a soft smile on her face. She knew the female's name, but she thought it more polite to start with introductions since they hadn't truly gotten to know each other. "We haven't really had much time to speak so far, and for that I apologize. I wish to know all of my sister's in the Malkaria, but your face is still a new one to me. I am Asherah."

She paused there, waiting to see the other's greeting and reaction to her words.

RE: The Fruit of the Womb Is a Reward - Giana - October 27, 2016

The other woman looked at her curiously, but neither of them spoke until both had taken a drink - it was Asherah who spoke first, asking knowingly of her name. Gia nodded, smile widening, and shrugged off the apology.

                    "I'm equally to blame for our lack of communication - I was a little bit busy earning myself children to raise for Molech."

She declared her possible state proudly, chest puffing slightly in a sliver of her old pride, and glanced wonderingly at the stomach of the other woman - was her scent different?

RE: The Fruit of the Womb Is a Reward - Asherah - October 27, 2016

Asherah smiled back at the other, happy to see that she had taken no offense to their lack of communication. As Giana spoke, her eyes dropped to the female's belly and her mouth split into a smile. "A mighty blessing indeed!" She cried, her joy evident. She moved forward slowly to brush against Giana in a friendly embrace, though she gave the female plenty of time to signal she did not wish to receive it. 

She thought to ask if Ar-Khalba had sired the young, but truly it did not matter. All that mattered were the children, that they lived and would serve Molech. She herself had not been born to the Malkaria, so what did it matter the parentage of the young? Molech accepted all.

For a moment, she considered her own state, her own announcement. She did not miss the way the other female's eyes slid to her belly. Her scent had changed to be sure, she had noticed it herself. She had wanted to keep it quiet a little longer, but now she felt so full of pride and joy, both for herself and her new sister. A sly smile slid across her lips and she lowered her voice to a whisper. "I haven't told anyone else yet...but I too bear Molech's blessing." She smiled widely, tail waving behind her. "Please, don't tell anyone. I want to tell Eshamun and Ar-Khalba myself. I couldn't contain myself though, not with you sharing your equally good news. We have pleased Molech with the illidu-dam, and these lands. We have much cause to rejoice!"

"Have you told Eshamun yet? Or Arunik'ra?" Both females would be excited to know. "Will this be your first litter, as well?" With a shared interest, Asherah found her voice did not stop. Finally she reigned herself in to let the other get a chance to answer.

RE: The Fruit of the Womb Is a Reward - Giana - October 29, 2016

Despite Gia's feelings about the outside world - heathens, she'd taken to calling them - those of The Malkaria were the only ones in the world right now she felt she could trust, other than the first litter of children she'd raised. The ivory woman watched Asherah approach, her legs stiff, but upon touch she relaxed - not everyone was out to get her, she reminded herself for the millionth time - and even returned affections. This also gave her the unknown oppurtunity to better identifiy the scent of changing hormones, but it went unmentioned. 

She didn't ask anything of the father, or their consumption -  Giana knew this was because they, as women, had a job to reproduce, and could pick any male they wanted to father, Malkaria or not. There was no judgement, and it was amazing. 

Her attention was drawn from her thoughts to Asherah as the red woman smiled - she too, revealed her own blessings. Giana could not help grinning, herself, and nodded at her request - she could understand wanting to tell them! 

                            "My lips are sealed! Molech has smiled upon us, I could not take away the excitement of telling them yourself. Congradulations to both of us, then!"

At the younger womans questions, Gia shook her head. She only had one litter of pups before this, all grown and gone. 

                                                                    "I've only just started showing symptoms, but I called to Eshamun when I left letting her know I was off to find a male. This is my second litter, actually - the first were sired by my previous mate, who abandoned me not long after rooting up the Family and leaving us on a mountain. They eventually wandered off, I guess - dunno where to, but I hope their okay."                               

RE: The Fruit of the Womb Is a Reward - Asherah - November 02, 2016

The two females shared a smile of knowing, of knowledge of something that was as ancient and natural as the ground they stood upon, as the God they worshiped. Asherah smiled thankfully and nodded. "Truly! Our lands are to be blessed twicefold! Congratulations indeed!"

"I'm sorry to hear that." Asherah said softly about her mate leaving her. "Perhaps it is for the best, though, for a such a lowly male to be out of your life. Molech had other plans for you, it seemed. I am sure your children walk within the light as well. Even if they themselves do not know it yet." It had been this way for her. There was no other way to explain how her life had lead her here, with her name. Molech watched all and a blessed few would be found again and pulled from the dark.

"You know what to expect then, with your pregnancy. Already you are a step ahead of myself! I know of birthing, and the changes and all, but I've never experienced it myself. I am excited, though, so very excited. I can't wait until I can feel them moving within me, Molech's light in flesh. And now our young shall play and learn together, safe and protected." She wished that her childhood had been the same. Raised all along under Molech, safe from humans and hunters and the wrath incurred by walking in darkness. She paused a moment in silent contemplation, and then suddenly lifted her head.

"Do you know any plants to help with the sickness? I know that it's one of the things that a mother must suffer through, a burden for this great blessing. Still, to even curb it a little would be a delight." Not a single morning had passed without her emptying her belly onto the ground. Sometimes in the afternoon or evening as well.

RE: The Fruit of the Womb Is a Reward - Giana - November 04, 2016

Gia found she liked the peppy woman -- whether this was because the only good relationships she'd ever had were with Giancarlo and her father or because she was vain and loved the attention was up for debate -- and her helpful words. She was right, though: as much as she'd loved Giancarlo, loved the power he gave her, he was not worthy of her. She should have kept on traveling with her father. 

Asherah was also right in saying Giana knew what to expect -- even in her slight frame and weakened body, she was confident that her pregnancy and birth would be okay -- and at this the rust-brushed woman nodded, smile never fading. 

                      "Pregnancy itself is its own twisting journey -- for every up there is a down, trust me -- but when you finally get to meet them.... Perfezione.... You know it was all worth it. I'm glad they'll get to grow up together, too -- competition is the best way to learn, and they'll never be out of others to play with."

The next question, however, Giana had to shake her head. She was a starwatcher, a warrior; she knew nothing of plants. 

                                                                 "'Fraid not. I never was good with plants, much as my Padre tried to teach me."

RE: The Fruit of the Womb Is a Reward - Asherah - November 08, 2016

Asherah's ears cupped forward to catch the woman's words on pregnancy. She nodded as the other spoke, though more as a social cue to demonstrate she was listening than any true agreement. She didn't know pregnancy well enough, and so would take Giana's word for it. The female spoke a word she'd never heard before, from a language she didn't know.

"Competition, friends, brothers and sisters under Molech. They will want for nothing." Her tone was still beaming, still full of expectations and happiness. She wasn't sure what a Padre was, but assumed it was something to do with family. "It was worth asking, if I learn of anything I'll share it with you for future blessings." It was sad for her to realize she'd missed out on learning so many professions. Her parents hadn't had much time to teach them things in detail. Not when they were always running. Her children would learn all that she could teach them, all that all the Malkaria could teach them.

"What was that word you said earlier? Perf...something? What language is that?" Asherah found all new information interesting, she loved to learn, but she specifically had an interest in languages. It seemed so dazzling that another's mouth could make such different sounds than her own.