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Swiftcurrent Creek the black lips - Printable Version

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the black lips - Bones - April 15, 2014

The day started off pleasant enough: sprawling blue skies with cottony white clouds drifting slowly overhead. By late afternoon, however, storm clouds began to clot the horizon and thunder grumbled distantly. The afternoon's skipping breeze lost its flirtatious edge and became much more pushy, shaking tree limbs and scattering baby blossoms all over the grass before gusting them away to destinations unknown.

Bones padded along the creek, unaffected by the moody weather patterns. She enjoyed storms and would likely seek out a good seat once the show really started. For now, she enjoyed the sensation of the forceful wind kicking up every few minutes to wind its cool fingers through her silvered nape. She also savored the heaviness of the air, the shift in pressure that foreshadowed all spring thunderstorms. Bones could practically taste the ozone as electricity veritably crackled at the tips of her whiskers.

With a quiet woof, the youth suddenly threw her hindquarters to the ground, balancing on her left hip and staring off at the gloomy, darkening sky with its ominous mushroom clouds growing in size by the minute.

RE: the black lips - Ferdie Von Pelt - April 17, 2014

Ferdie Von Pelt was very concerned for the change of weather, if not for any reason but that rain made him wet and he hated grooming water from his pelt. He was making a beeline toward his shared den, hoping desperately to get there before the sky’s loosed the torrent it was threatening.

Eyes on his prize he very nearly stumbled on top of Bones, saving himself was an agile leap and then turning around to stare at her. ”Bones, shouldn’t you take shelter before the rain hits?” He made absolutely no move to leave her here but he did wish to usher her inside the den if there were room.

RE: the black lips - Bones - April 18, 2014

The storm approached from the northeast and because the land remained level in that direction, Bones could see the curtains of rain in the distance moving steadily nearer. She could smell it on the wind that patted against her face with increasing force. She sucked in a deep breath, filling her lungs with the fresh, rainy scent. She went to release it slowly through pursed lips when someone flung himself over her, her surprise forcing the air out of her in a ragged whoosh.

Her head turned and her spring green eyes clapped upon the familiar figure of Ferdie. Before she could say anything, he asked her about taking shelter. Young Bones grinned at him, her gray head shaking. "No, I love a good storm. I don't mind getting wet. I'm a sea dog!" she told him, her pale eyes glimmering as the gloom deepened suddenly and significantly.

RE: the black lips - Ferdie Von Pelt - April 18, 2014

With the wind kicking up a notch Ferdie looked around for shelter; he was not going to make it to the den at this rate. Nope, not at all, the sky opened up then, Rain didn't just drizzle that's not what the dark clouds had planned. The sound of the rain hitting the earth became deafening for a few moments before their hearing could adjust, and even then they would have to talk louder just to heard each other.

"Eraagh!!!" Ferdie yelled at the sky in disgust and then flopped down next to Bones. A little wet, a lot wet, it didn't matter the grooming would have to be done. So that's how it came to be, two wolves laying down in the rain getting soaked.

In his annoyance his Canadian accent came out in full force as he spoke above the torrent of sky water Eh, well, I'm wet now. Sea dog eh? Where do you come from?" He hoped to learn more about her, without having to share to much of his own painful past.

edited *Chases after the typo demon with a rusty spork*

RE: the black lips - Bones - April 19, 2014

The curtain of rain arrived, sweeping and billowing. Bones closed her eyes against the initial onslaught, then carefully opened them as she adjusted to the pummeling rainfall. It felt cold but refreshing. Her fur would be clean and glossy after all was said and done, not that the juvenile particularly cared for that sort of thing.

For all her enjoyment, Ferdie did not seem to like the rain at all. She felt sorry for him and thought about suggesting they find shelter after all, but then she decided she could maybe talk him into enjoying the rainstorm. He was already wet anyway.

"It's not that bad!" she said cajolingly. "Have you ever danced in the rain, Ferdie? C'mon!" She jumped to all fours and began to chase her tail, whirling and twirling as the water fell from the sky. It was dizzying but invigorating. When she finally stopped, she stumbled sideways, laughing when one paw slipped into the creek's swelling shallows.

"I'm from Tortuga," she shouted above the storm, "a place of pirates, pillaging and plundering!" She left it at that, pausing to wipe some clinging water from her eyelashes and then looking to Ferdie to see if he'd join her in her rain-shower ballet.

RE: the black lips - Ferdie Von Pelt - April 21, 2014

Bones reminded him of how he acted around Ame, young and child-like but then Ferdie loved pups and she was young enough that Ferdie couldn't help but laugh and Jin though the large brute would look very silly in comparison to a young girl dancing, he'd see to it that the young wolf remained and happy as she was.

The brute stood with a chuckle from deep down in his belly and spun around and then leapt up in the air and attempted to spin and land in a different direction that what he had first jumped from, perhaps this was good battle practice. Eyeing his tail he chased it a few times around before righting himself and looking down at Bones in the shallows of the creek.

Ferdie licked her face clean though the rain immediately made it just as wet, he cocked his head to the right and inquired "What sorts of thing got plundered?" Ferdie was not used to this concept and he wondered how much the youngling would share. but his interest was piqued.

RE: the black lips - Bones - April 22, 2014

Ferdie humored her. He did look humorous, though Bones was the last wolf on earth who'd judge someone for that. Her eyes sparkled as she watched him frolic, displaying a surprising amount of natural grace. Truth be told, the juvenile was actually quite impressed and hoped she looked half as elegant.

"Caches, mostly," she replied, "including food and herbs and the like. Sometimes..." She hesitated, wondering what Ferdie (or anyone else, for that matter) would think before admitting, "Sometimes, they'd kidnap younger or weaker wolves and make 'em slaves of sorts. Not in Blackflag, though!" she said loudly and hastily. "We went by the pirate code on our crew."

RE: the black lips - Ferdie Von Pelt - April 22, 2014

Ferdie now had more questions then answers. humm.. he responded Slaves was a new concept to him too. He just couldn't imagine what the use of slaves would be. but instead he asked her a different question for he doubted she understood the concept of slaves either "You'll have to forgive my ignorance, but what exactly is the Pirate code, if you are allowed to share it?"

RE: the black lips - Bones - April 23, 2014

It was a bit difficult to conduct a conversation in the pouring rain, yet Bones persisted, blinking rapidly to keep the water out of her eyes (for the most part). "It's basically an honor code. Aye, even pirates have rules to govern 'em," she shouted over the whoosh of the rainfall. "Its details are privy to pirates," she fibbed because she didn't want to get into a long, boring explanation, lest she drown.

"Fancy a swim?" she invited in the next beat. They were soaked already, so why not? Plopping her hindquarters down on the slick grass, Bones grinned at Ferdie, then rolled right into the water with a muted splash. She held her head above the surface, sipping at the soupy oxygen left in the rain-washed air.

RE: the black lips - Ferdie Von Pelt - April 23, 2014

Ferdie rolled his eyes at the thought of swimming he hated swimming, glancing up and the sky, he realized he was swimming now, just on dry land for once. The brute closed his eyes and shrugged.

Backing up a foot or two he grinned wickedly at Bones then charging forward he laps up much higher then he needed to and splashed down into the river a wolf version of a cannonball he supposed. spending a torrent of water away from him in every direction. Paddling around he looked to make eye contact with the young wolf his tail trailing behind him in the water just upon the water surface.

A crack of thunder filled the air, perhaps the pair would have to take shelter somewhere, mother nature seemed hell bent on releasing her furry

RE: the black lips - Bones - April 24, 2014

Ferdie pulled a face but, nonetheless, leaped into the water with such force and enthusiasm that it sent a wave crashing over Bones's head. She laughed and sputtered, shaking it out of her ears as she sought the shallows. She planted her feet and peered at him as he paddled around, his tail trailing behind him.

A boom of thunder caused young Bones's ears to press flat. A second later, the first flash of lightning lit up the sky. Bones motioned for Ferdie to get out of the water, then wordlessly loped toward shelter. She purposefully strode past several trees and instead chose a drippy thicket.

"Time for shelter after all," she mused with a toothy smile. The thicket quivered with the force of wind and rain and some water came through the snarl of branches, yet it was a significant improvement from standing out in the open. "If it was just me, I'd've stayed out there... but I don't want you to get zapped," she informed Ferdie cheekily.

RE: the black lips - Ferdie Von Pelt - April 25, 2014

Ferdie followed Bones swiftly, keeping in pack just behind her. He managed to shove all his mass into the thicket but it'd still be a tight fit. Ferdie chuffed softly at Bones' words
"Knowing my luck with water I'd be the first one to get Zapped for sure. Thanks for thinking about my protection"

Ferdie grinned down at bones lifting a paw to hopefully give her more room. Ferdie licked bones face clean but the rest of the grooming would have to wait for a drier time where do you sleep Bones? do you have a den? Ferdie wondered if he was intruding on her den wrecking the thicket with his brutish size.

He considered asking Bones about helping with a new arrival to the pack, the other pup was about the same age as bones, but Ferdie was worried if they sparked a friendship and the Pup failed it's test Bones would be crushed. Ferdie knew he would but absolutely crushed if he failed this other young pup, He trembled just thinking about it. Growing silent he listening to the thunder as it picked up it choirs.

RE: the black lips - Bones - April 25, 2014

When he began to lap the water off her face, Bones blinked and squirmed away, though not because it was awkward but because it tickled! "Staaahp," she begged with a girlish laugh, batting at his face with a damp silver paw.

He asked her about a den and the youth shook her head, sending water dripping. "I like to sleep out in the open. Dens are for sprogs," she scoffed with a gentle smile, knowing full well that several of the wolves here—possibly including Ferdie—chose to keep dens.

Although the thicket was cramped, Bones dropped to the ground and curled into a ball, hoping it would help her warm up her cold, wet body. She even tucked her nose under her tail, though her green eyes remained open, flicking between Ferdie's shadowy face and the stormy weather beyond the thicket.

RE: the black lips - Ferdie Von Pelt - April 28, 2014

"Sprogs... really?" Ferdie chuckled Bazi and I may be offended if we knew what sprogs were, She and I share a den you know. Although until recently I never used a den either, I never had the time to make one. Bazi made me make time.

Ferdie yawned and lay down curling around bones doing his best not to crowd her, wet or not he provided warmth that the rain seemed to sap from the air. Soon thereafter he fell asleep knowing full well that Bones was likely going to leave him when it suited her, as all younglings were likely to do. Unable to sit still like the older wolves

RE: the black lips - Bones - April 28, 2014

"Pups," she informed him brightly. "It's not that I don't have time, I just really like sleeping under the stars and whatnot," she added, her voice partially muffled by her damp tail.

Ferdie also made himself comfortable and he eventually drifted off to sleep, whereas Bones remained wide awake. She watched and listened to the storm, which eventually began to taper. Rising and stepping carefully over the male's sleeping form, she trotted off along the creek, enjoying her storm-cleansed surroundings.

RE: the black lips - Ferdie Von Pelt - April 30, 2014

Ferdie yawned and stretched not surprised to find Bones gone, he pulled himself from the thicket and moved off to find a dry place to groom himself from top to bottom. To bad she got away he should have groomed her too, perhaps one day he'd pin her down for that. everyone needed a good grooming now and then