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Sunbeam Lair Local Shrink (Trade!) - Printable Version

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Local Shrink (Trade!) - Bonnie - October 25, 2016

If anyone wants to come meet her, she'd be more than happy to spare some food for thought ;)
Within the confines of the lair stood life that Bonnie had never seen before. Despite the natural drapery towering above, the ecology of home seemed to thrive with the little light it was lucky enough to get. It inspired her; knowing that even the most exquisite scenes the world had to offer could often be found in the dark was hard-hitting for the young femme.
Having only been a part of her tribe for a day or so, she'd had yet to formally introduce herself to her fellow family members. Not only that, but Bonnie itched to share what wisdom she'd developed in her short existence. Perhaps her wandering would lead her to the wolf that needed her guidance the most.

RE: Local Shrink (Trade!) - Avannon - October 27, 2016

For about a day now Avannon had been smelling a new scent within the Lair. It belonged to a female, that much she knew. She had Awoken early this morning, way before the sun had spread its light across the land. Nightmares plagued her sleep, even more so now that Jolon had left on his mission. Worry,fear,loneliness, and rage were feelings she felt on a daily basis and it was wearing her down. She had felt more at peace when her lover had been near, the scent of him comforted her now still, even though he was nowwhere near the Lair anymore. As Ava wandered about she caught sight of a creamy white pelt, and huffed a sigh. This must be the new female. Approaching her, Avannon chuffed  softly, and wagged her tail, showing she was not a threat "Hello, How do you like Ryujin?" she asked.

RE: Local Shrink (Trade!) - Bonnie - October 29, 2016

Bonnie jumped up at the sound of another's presence, though she quickly played it off with a laugh. Goodness, ya scared me! It's beautiful here. I'm Caroline, but y'all can call me Bonnie. She smiled kindly to the other female before plopping down, her small frame even slighter, before continuing on. You are? What brings you here, stranger?

RE: Local Shrink (Trade!) - Avannon - November 01, 2016

Avannon smiled sheepishly as the female startled, and she ducked her head "My apologies Ma'am" she said kindly. Listening as the female introduced herself as Caroline, but then asked Ava to call her Bonnie, she got in a more comfortable position, laying on the ground. Bonnie had called Ryujin beautiful, to which Avannon nodded and smiled in agreement. "I am Avannon, but Ava is fine as well. I was wandering the Lair when i spotted you, i thought i would come say hello. I haven't socialized since...Since Jolon left.." she said, hesitating over her Lover's name, as if it would break her to speak it.

RE: Local Shrink (Trade!) - Bonnie - November 01, 2016

Now we're getting somewhere, Bonnie thought. Who was this Jolon character? A family member? A friend? A lover? A mate? She had to know more. She watched Ava lie back and smiled with giddy anticipation, though quickly masked it with a smooth look of solemn consideration. Please, Ava, tell me more. Maybe I can help.

RE: Local Shrink (Trade!) - Avannon - November 07, 2016

Noticing the girl's brief glee she flicked an ear but quickly chose to ignore it, resting her head on the ground once more. "Jolon is my lover, not yet my mate. He...he wronged Asterr by doing the same that was done to me...yet i love him so much. Asterr is giving hi9m a chance to redeem himself by sending him away to find my...my rapist and bring him here for punishment" She says, her eyes  filling with so many things. Fear,love,Anger they all flickered across her gaze lighting up her blue eyes.

RE: Local Shrink (Trade!) - Bonnie - November 07, 2016

As she listened, Bonnie's ears slowly lowered back against her head, her brow furrowed with concern. There were too many open doors here, but she wasn't sure if she knew Ava enough to ask for more, or if she'd be willing to share. She adjusted her stance so she was sitting on her rump, but tiny as she was, the height between them wasn't much. Well I, and pardon me for asking, but I'd like to know a bit more. What exactly did he do? Jolon, I mean. Maybe once she knew the offense, her guidance would flow better. Her voice was smooth, in a motherly coo, to try and calm the possible sense of invasion, but Bonnie was playing in dangerous terrain; the locked doors of a stranger's conscience.

RE: Local Shrink (Trade!) - Avannon - November 08, 2016

Avannon hesitated, for the female asked something she wasn't entirely sure was her right to share. "well,um..." she shuffled her paws in the dirt a bit " he.. He had lost his mind...let something take over him. He calls it vector. Asterr had come into heat, and despite her telling him off he tried to claim her." she admitted. Immediately she leapt to her lovers defense "Jolon was heartbroken that he did what he did...he wasn't himself I swear. He's not a monster like Judas" she growled softly at the beasts name.

RE: Local Shrink (Trade!) - Bonnie - November 08, 2016

Now that Bonnie had the facts, another problem arose -- how exactly could she help without hurting or offending Ava? Of course, what she'd told her would remain confidential (meaning Asterr would never have to know that she now knew of Jolon's crimes), but she couldn't just forget about what was said. How could she help? Bonnie's brow furrowed with frustration as she bit at her lips in thought. Well, and I don't know if it's my opinion that you want, she began, trying to keep her voice smooth and light, but I think that the distance between you two might be good. It'll give you some time to think about your situation and do what you feel is right.
Seeing as she herself was never in a situation such as this, Bonnie wasn't sure what she would have done, but she was sure she wouldn't still be messing around with a guy like that. Bonnie also hadn't met Jolon yet, so she tried her best to not pass judgement on the young male. After all, giving the benefit of the doubt was what she was best at.

RE: Local Shrink (Trade!) - Avannon - November 09, 2016

"well that's the thing..I already knew about what he did when I realized that I love him. Vector isn't Jolon. He...it is a complete different person. The distance is killing me because I am scared Judas will kill him" she said a tremor running through her body. Her eyes narrowed slightly and anger flashed through her face " I don't care if it offends anyone, if Judas harms one hair on Jolons pelt I'll kill him. I mean it in the literal sense. I will splatter the ground with his blood"  she snarled in a dark tone. She blinked once before looking at Bonnie "I have some serious issues huh doc?" she asked with a sad smile.

RE: Local Shrink (Trade!) - Bonnie - November 12, 2016

Admittedly, this was a bit above Bonnie's pay grade, but it was her duty to help her fellow packmates in whatever way she could. Well, she began, trying to choose each word carefully, I wouldn't say that you've got too many issues for me to handle. But can you handle 'em? This is obviously taking a toll on you, so I guess I'm asking if you are in touch enough with yourself to be able to talk with me regularly. I'd like to help ya work through this. How's that sound? 
Being just over a year old, Bonnie was still oblivious to the pains that the world had to offer, but to her, she could solve anything. Y'all can just call me Dr. Caroline from now on. I'm just a howl away, Bonnie said before flashing a reassuring smile and nudging Ava's shoulder gently. She was there for her and unlike most, she actually wanted to listen.

RE: Local Shrink (Trade!) - Avannon - November 12, 2016

As Bonnie - Dr...Dr. Caroline - asked if she was in touch with herself enough to come back she almost took offense, though for some reason she couldn't seem to get angry with the younger female. "ah...yes...I think I can come back"  she agreed slowly her ears flicking backward for a moment with doubt. "Am I...crazy? I feel like I'm losing grip on who I am. See...Jolon's presence keeps me...me Doc. And I seem to do that same thing for him. But he's not here and my..um..moments are more frequent" she heaved a weary sigh.

RE: Local Shrink (Trade!) - Bonnie - November 12, 2016

You're not crazy, I can tell ya that much, Bonnie assured her, but you do have quite a few things we'll have to work on. There was no mountain too high for two determined souls to conquer, and Bonnie knew that they could do it. Whatever it is that you're holding back on, Bonnie began, trying to choose each word with precision, you can tell me. I won't judge ya, no matter how raunchy your secrets may be. 
It was true. No matter what Ava felt she had to keep a secret, Bonnie wanted to let her know that it was okay to share. It was her job to listen, and she planned to do so without shedding a bias either way.

RE: Local Shrink (Trade!) - Avannon - November 12, 2016

Drawing in a deep breath and exhaling she opened her maw to speak only to let it hang open silently for a long moment and closing it again. "Similar to Jolon's episode with vector, I sometimes lose ...um..myself and tear at my ..my rear end. usually accompanied by harsh words directed at myself" she said and turned around, showing Bonnie her scarred and scabbed rear end. Her ears now flattened completely "It happens a lot when I get depressed"  she said softly, looking at the ground.

RE: Local Shrink (Trade!) - Bonnie - November 13, 2016

No, no! Bonnie quietly exclaimed as she used her snout to lift Ava's head back to a leveled position, you shouldn't feel ashamed. We all have our lil' ways of dealing when life gets hard. I talk to myself, and I mean full on conversations. Y'all should see me when I haven't eaten in a few days. Bonnie laughed at her own confession, but it was a soft sound, just to ease the growing tension.
It pained her to see a friend feeling so low. It was in that moment that Bonnie (otherwise known as Dr. Caroline, M.D.) vowed to herself that she would do whatever she could to help Ava begin to heal.

RE: Local Shrink (Trade!) - Avannon - November 13, 2016

Avannon cracked a smile and for a moment her eyes brightened along with her whole face. She gave a quick sway of her tail "I'll just make sure to keep you fed then" she laughed "I think you'll do well as a doctor...you are very welcoming" she said kindly.

RE: Local Shrink (Trade!) - Bonnie - November 14, 2016

I can wrap this one up since we have another!
Bonnie was pleased to hear that Ava enjoyed her company just as much as Bonnie was enjoying hers. I try to be, she conceded. Her heart was warmed by the praises, but that wasn't why she was there. It was for the friendship and affection that could come from such trust.