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Blacktail Deer Plateau mischief managed - Printable Version

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mischief managed - Junior - April 15, 2014

I'm going to set this around the 20th. I'd love for trusted wolves (like @Blue Willow, @Atticus or @Yerpso, just to name a few) to pop in here. I'm going to power-play Peregrine in the background (we'll pretend Hawkeye's out getting her hair did or something?! She's welcome to pop in, though). Also, any of the other pups are welcome! :)

Osprey was smack dab in the middle of a transitional phase, not that she knew it. She could see relatively clearly now and she made quick work of the secondhand offerings given to her by the three adults. She could stand and walk, though her motor skills left a lot to be desired. Her ears were nothing more than small black flaps, yet they'd unplugged and she could make out various sounds. Speaking of which, she loved to make noises, especially in tandem with the other puppies.

It wouldn't be long before they began to foray into the wild, yet for now their guardians confined them to the den and its entryway. Osprey Jr. frolicked there now, repeatedly attempting to pounce a spot of light on the dusty den floor. Once she eventually grew bored of that, she craned her neck forward and sniffed at the den's mouth before glancing over her shoulder. Her father caught her baby blue gaze and shook his head no, which she'd just begun to understand.

Jaws working, the black tyke sent up a little yowl of protest, then daringly began to creep toward the great outdoors anyway. Every half an inch or so, she peeked over her should to find Peregrine watching her much like his namesake. He had yet to move, so Junior kept pushing the limits, wriggling and worming her way toward full daylight. With every inch, her progress slowed self-consciously until she was creeping along on her tubby belly like an overgrown snail.

And, suddenly, she found herself outside, perhaps six inches beyond the overhanging den ceiling. Osprey Jr. commemorated this moment by squatting and peeing in excitement, effectively marking the foyer as her territory.

RE: mischief managed - Blue Willow - April 15, 2014

Blue willow had been out for a run. She was enjoying, the alone time, but she also was wishing to see some friends. She smiled as she caught a rabbit, perhaps she would go see the pups, yes that was a wonderful idea.

carrying the rabbit feet dangling from her mouth a slow loping gait towards Peregrine and Hawkeye's den. She smiled softly as she saw one of the little ones outside, she was sure one of the parents were near, but she decided to come forward before Osprey Jr, skeedaddled to far from home.

She lay the rabbit down and stepped into the clearing. She walked softly up to the little, but made sure to make some noise so the little one did not get scared. She made it to the lip of the den and bent down and touched her nose to the little ones head. "Where are you off too wee one? Grand adventures perhaps She smiled down at her, her eyes twinkling, with a small chuckle she got down on her belly so she was nose to eyes with the pup and chuffed gently at her.

RE: mischief managed - Junior - April 16, 2014

When a girlish black figure approached, Osprey Jr.'s rump began to wiggle. She mistook the approaching wolf to be her mother (which she likely would have done even if Hawkeye had been sitting directly behind her). Only when the she-wolf came close enough to sniff noses did Osprey Jr. realize the truth. The youngster froze, momentarily puzzled, then her little jaws parted in a wolfish smile. She couldn't place the visitor, yet the scent was vaguely familiar. A glance at her onlooking father confirmed that the guest was welcome.

The little inkblot did not remember Blue Willow on a fully cognizant level, nor did she remember biting her nose during their previous encounter. Without realizing she was repeating history, she went to do the same now, her tiny teeth aiming for the supple flesh at the tip of the Healer's muzzle. Unbeknownst to her, it even bore the slight impressions of her earlier "love bite."

Fortunately for the medic, Osprey's rear left paw slipped in her own puddle of urine and she stumbled forward, missing Blue Willow's leathery nose and crashing to the ground. Her chin impacted with a small but audible thud and the young girl bit her tongue. Rather than cry out predictably, she blinked a few times, then slowly found her feet again. Used to tripping and falling, she brushed off the accident with little more than a sneeze before swiping out a small paw to bat at Blue Willow's snout.

RE: mischief managed - Blue Willow - April 16, 2014

Blue Willow chuckled at the young ones happy tail wagging. "it is good to see you too little one. She brushed a muzzle across the wee one's head. Blue willow saw Peregrine in the background and gave him a greeting as well "hello there Perry.

Blue willow saw the little one going for her nose and moved back a bit. "not this time little one I still bear the marks of your little nippers. her nose still stung a bit too, unfortunately for her nose there was not much she could do for a sore honker.

A gasp escaped Blue Willows maw as the little girl slipped in front of her, but she brushed it off without a single cry. "aren't we a tough little lass. she whispered to Junior. Blue Willow gently batted the little one's paw back, just easy she was very careful not to hurt her or knock her off balance which let's face it a little wind could easily knock the black pup over.

RE: mischief managed - Junior - April 16, 2014

The Alpha male rumbled a greeting, causing Osprey to glance back at him. Then Blue Willow's paw waved in her peripheral vision and the tot faced forward again. Her little nose wrinkled and her black lips peeled back from her tiny teeth. What sounded like a burp erupted from her mouth, a continuous rumbling clearly meant to be a savage snarl. All the while, a babyish smile upturned the corners of her mouth and danced in her twinkling blue eyes.

Once more, her tiny paw clawed at the air, aiming now for Blur Willow's left foreleg. She realized suddenly that the paw that had swiped at her a moment ago now rested on the ground, so Osprey Jr. sprang at it, hoping to put it in its place.

RE: mischief managed - Blue Willow - April 17, 2014

Blue Willow shook with silent laughter at the young one's growl. It was so very cute and it made her want to laugh out loud, but for fear that she would upset the other ones or even little Junior she laughed silently her eyes dancing with mischief and mirth.

Blue willow gently shifted her paw so that the wee one had to follow it. She then very very gently upturned the little one to her side, to see if she would continue her attack. Gently as she could she played with the little girl before her, laughing and chuckling as the little one pawed and growled at her own paws.

RE: mischief managed - Junior - April 17, 2014

The paw whisked away even as Osprey Jr. pounced, earning the space where it had been a nonplussed look and an indignant huff. Her ears pulled backward as she spotted it again just a few inches away and made to renew her attack, even more forcefully... only to find herself abruptly overturned by an unseen force.

Taken by surprise, little Junior blinked for a moment, then began to struggle and kick violently, all while growling and baring her tiny teeth. When her squirming proved ineffectual, she grew still for a moment, drew in a deep breath, then let loose a sharp bark, the message crystal clear: Lemme go!

RE: mischief managed - Blue Willow - April 17, 2014

Blue Willow laughed again at Juniors huff of indignation. It was far too cute, if it was possible to die from adorable she would have done so at this point. She was very happy for her alphas their babies were adorable even the adopted ones. Pied and Kisu did well too.

Blue Willow chuffed gently back at the little girl and turned her back over so that she could renew her attack on her paws. She held her paw up a little farther, but this time she would let the little one get it. "Going to try again Little girl?


RE: mischief managed - Junior - April 17, 2014

The unseen pressure released her just as swiftly as it had trapped her. Osprey Jr. flipped over onto her belly, then hopped onto all fours. She didn't miss a beat, rearing up onto her hind legs to swat at the black paw now dangling inches above her head. Two of her little toes made contact but she toppled backward, the impact knocking the breath out of her.

This time, Junior let out a thin wail of discomfort before slowly flipping over again. Her eyes found her dad and she felt an immense urge to run to him to be comforted. He said something to her ("You okay, little predator?") and she cocked her head, listening to his voice without understanding his words.

She overcame the impulse to run to him. Osprey Jr. swung around again to face her nemesis. Once more, she bared her little teeth and sprang at the woman's forepaw, relentless in her determination to fell the offending foot.

RE: mischief managed - Blue Willow - April 18, 2014

A small gasp left Willow's lips as the little one let out a wail of discomfort, but before she could reach her the little one was up again and rearing to go. She felt incredibly bad for causing the little one to get her, and she thought about stopping playing, but Junior was not having it.

Blue Chuckled and moved her paw around batting gently with the little girl, she allowed her to catch it this time. "you are a determined independent little one aren't you. she smiled and wiggled her nose at the little girl her eyes shining with laughter. It was a good day.

RE: mischief managed - Junior - April 18, 2014

The paw fluttered like a bird (not that Osprey could make the comparison just yet), always just out of reach. The pup's jaw worked and she let out a yowl of frustration that eventually tapered into a small but mighty growl. Coiling her tiny, fat-padded haunches beneath herself, she made a flying leap... and finally caught the damn thing.

After dragging it to the ground, Osprey Jr. squashed all of her weight against the paw to keep it there, then applied her teeth to wring the life from her "prey." She managed to wrap her jaws partly around Blue Willow's ankle. She growled against the fur and flesh in her mouth, then tried to worry it back and forth. But the she-wolf's leg didn't move in the least, no matter how hard she tried to shake her head.

Undeterred but no more willing to let go of her catch, Osprey Jr. held on tightly and waddled sideways, turning herself around so that she now stood partially in the Healer's shadow. She shifted her grip but maintained it, her eyes flicking up and crinkling at the corners when she saw her dad watching her from within the den. Her tail waved and she attempted to tug the paw forward in the hopes of presenting her "kill" to her father.

RE: mischief managed - Blue Willow - April 18, 2014

Blue Willow's eyes crinkled at the corners in silent mirth as the little one got frustrated and yowled in frustration. "Quite a voice you have little one. Blue Willow couldn't believe how adorable the tiny girl was when she leaped her little baby fat haunches coiling under her.

Blue Willow wrinkled her nose at the tiny pinpricks the milk teeth were worrying on her ankle and paw. Luckily it didn't hurt all that bad from the padding of fur, at least not as bad as her nose had hurt.

Blue Willow decided to appease Junior so she hopped behind with three legs as the little one drug her veritable kill into her father's vision, chuckling quietly the whole while.

RE: mischief managed - Junior - April 18, 2014

Osprey squeaked excitedly when she began to move forward, dragging the paw (and all of Blue Willow) behind her, not unlike a tiny tugboat towing a larger ship. She waddled over to her father and looked up at him, eyes shining and rump swaying. Finally, she unlatched, leaving a crescent-shaped patch of sticky drool on the medic's ankle joint.

"Good going, little hunter! Are you gonna be my apprentice?" Peregrine said to his little girl, his voice full of pride and affection, which Osprey Jr. could recognize and interpret even if she didn't understand the words themselves. She yapped happily in reply, then pounced toward him.

Peregrine ran his tongue over her head a few times before turning her around with his muzzle and nudging her back toward her larger playmate. Still full of energy, Osprey Jr. gave Blue Willow a passing glance, then galloped awkwardly toward the den's mouth again, bounding over the puddle drying there and grinding to a halt just outside, her nose quivering as she sniffed the April air.

RE: mischief managed - Blue Willow - April 18, 2014

Blue Willow was snickering quietly at the little one's obvious excitement and enthusiasm. She did not mind playing quietly with the little one, at all. It actually made her day in truth.

Blue Willow shifted and turned towards the entrance to the den as well she followed behind the little girl to make sure she did not get into too much mischief, though she was unsure how far she was allowed out. "Is she allowed outside Peregrine? She did not want to get the little girl in trouble or herself for that matter.

RE: mischief managed - Junior - April 18, 2014

Behind her, Blue Willow turned to Peregrine to ask whether the youngster was allowed to go outside. "Yes, but not much farther, at least for now. I'll join you two," was his reply. Osprey's ears twitched in response to his deep timbre and she glanced backward at him, then smiled a cherubic smile when he rose and padded out behind her, the medic flanking him.

With the two adults keeping an eye on her, little Junior crept further out of doors, though she didn't venture much further than about a yard beyond the lair's mouth. Fully exposed to the elements, she stared up at the vast sprawl of the sky for a moment before her blue eyes dropped to watch the swaying treetops. As she took in her surroundings, she turned in a half-circle, breathing a little hard at the overwhelming enormity of everything.

RE: mischief managed - Blue Willow - April 18, 2014

Blue Willow followed the two her heart melting a little bit when Osprey Jr. gave a cherubic smile. The little girl was undeniable cute.

Blue Willow chuckled softly at the pups heavy breathing and circling. She sat down at the edge of the lair's mouth ,but to the side so Peregrine could still see the other pups and she watched as OJ learned about her new surroundings. "It's a big world isn't it little girl.

RE: mischief managed - Junior - April 18, 2014

She could have found herself humbled by the hugeness of the wilderness, yet instead the little puppy drew in a breath, held it a few seconds, then let out an explosive round of barking, as if to say, Bring it on, world! The tip of her tail waving, she looked over her shoulder for the adults' approval, accidentally tripping herself and lurching forward. Luckily, she managed to strike out a paw and find her balance before face-planting again.

Peregrine looked on without comment, yet Blue Willow spoke to her in soft, friendly tones, so Osprey smiled and pranced over to her, sniffing idly at the same foreleg she'd "killed" earlier but making no effort to bite it. Instead, she slung herself into a seated position, balancing her weight on one pudgy thigh and leaning against the Healer's foreleg as she continued to peer at the great, big world beyond the den.

RE: mischief managed - Blue Willow - April 18, 2014

Blue Willow smiled at the little girl as she let the world know she was mighty and she was in charge. She knew without a doubt that her father would have her hands full with her of that the healer was sure. She chuckled at the little one's cheeky grin. She shook her head as yet again Junior almost hit the dirt.

Blue Willow settled into a seated position without jarring the pup leaning on her and gave her a gentle lick on the head and spoke softly "It's beautiful isn't it Osprey Junior.

RE: mischief managed - Junior - April 19, 2014

This will be my last post; you're welcome to post again and archive. Thanks for the great thread! :)

When the warm tongue brushed the top of her head, Osprey Jr. tilted it backward to gaze up at the Healer. The pup appeared content and relaxed, possibly even a tad sleepy. After peering up at Blue Willow for a few seconds, her blue gaze dropped back to ground level. She watched sunlight and shadows shift over the trees, the wind tousling the grass, making it ripple...

Classically, a butterfly suddenly entered her field of vision. Junior sat bolt upright and found her feet with surprising alacrity and grace. Instinctual impulses from descendants a thousand generations back raced through her and she ran toward the butterfly, teeth bared and a small, thick growl rumbling in her throat.

Peregrine had not noticed the butterfly but he did see Osprey Jr. making a beeline away from the den. Swiftly, he rose onto all fours and ran after her, planning to grab her by the scruff and take her back to the den. His teeth very nearly clipped her when he saw the butterfly and, despite his parental instincts, backed off to watch.

Little Osprey leaped at the butterfly with puppyish ferocity, her little paws swiping it out of the air and dragging it to the ground. Its wings fluttered madly, exciting the dark puppy into lashing into it with both teeth and claws. Soon, the insect was nothing but a colorful, shredded mess, its hemolymph glistening on the pup's black muzzle and toes.

Unfortunately, it did not taste very good. Osprey Jr. backpedaled away from her kill, pugged nose wrinkled and tongue flapping out of her mouth in rapid strokes. She made a noise somewhere between a whine and a grunt, then spun around to see Peregrine standing behind her. She bounded toward him, licking at his leg and leaving drool and a broken insect leg clinging to his fur.

The Alpha male reached down to lick at Osprey's face, thought about picking her up, then nudged her instead. "You're a big girl now, huh?" he quipped lightly, escorting her back to the den's mouth. "I think I'd better put her down for a nap before she gets it in her head to try running away. She gave me a minor heart attack before I realized what she was doing," he said to Blue Willow, allowing the medic a moment to say goodbye to Osprey Jr. before he ushered her into the den.

She went cooperatively, for the most part, though she kept peeking backward at the great wilderness beyond her home, a longing taking root in her chest. She'd gotten a very brief preview of what it was like to run free out there, even what it was like to kill. And, pretty soon, personal liberty and the freedom to kill at will would become the pup's greatest aspirations.

RE: mischief managed - Blue Willow - April 19, 2014

Unlike Peregrine Blue Willow was able to see the butterfly and she was taken off guard when Peregrine went after Junior quickly realizing that he had not seen the butterfly. She chuckled good naturedly at his suprised expression.

Blue Willow gave the pup a brief Nuzzle before she too departed for another area. She had to hide a smile at the way the little girl kept looking back at the great unknown and she knew. A love for adventure had awoken in the little one's breast and her father would soon have his hands full especially if all 4 were like that.