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Horizon Ridge On a rush of angel wings - Printable Version

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On a rush of angel wings - Thistle Cloud - April 15, 2014

I'm going to set this for a day or so before the meeting so I can rp without giving anyfthing away

Thistle Cloud woke bleary eyed and exhausted. She was so tired of being tired, she just wanted to sleep all the time. She was sure she was just running herself ragged worrying about everyone else. Especially Kennedy, he was not himself he barely spoke, his fur was matted and stringy, he was losing weight and he didn't seem to care. The carefree air that he used to have was gone far far gone and she did not know what to do about it, but she was certain that she didn't like it and she felt helpless and she did not like that feeling at all.

Dragging herself from the den she had made she slowly made her way to a cache grabbing a small bird and gulping it down fairly quickly, before she began her day. She thought about perhaps visiting the meadow and looking for some plants, but she would need to take someone with her, as Pump had suggested who would she take though the ever quiet and stoic Bjorn or the friendly and outgoing Gavriil or neither should she go by herself.

She sat contemplating this before she went on her way staring off into space, content to not move for the time being as she thought. Her tail wrapped tightly around her paws, one ear slightly tilted and her blue eyes far away and vacant as she was lost in her own mind thinking of plants she could look for and who she would take.

RE: On a rush of angel wings - Ragnar - April 16, 2014

That's fine by me. :-)

Ragnar’s mornings often started early, earlier than the sunrise and ended typically past sunset. His patrols were taken like clockwork, deviating now and then to do an extra sweep if he found it to be necessary. From his morning patrol he usually ventured to spend some time within the catacombs of trees that encroached and created Ravensblood Forest, a territory he fully believed was sacred to Odinn. His activities there often varied ranging from hunting to merely a form of meditation, mental and physical preparation for what he felt was becoming more and more inevitable as the time worn on, though the Viking did not deign to worry about it all too much presently. There was still a long way to go before he took action upon what seemed impossible to avoid.

He had paused on his trek back to the Ridge from the Forest, craning his neck back to glimpse at the shrinking scab that still clung to his shoulder. The muscles beneath the fur there jumped with the inane urge to itch and skimming his teeth over it he chewed at it for a bit, confident that it was nothing but a scar now. The warm morning air rushed to kiss over the shiny, smooth and pink patch of skin that cut through the fur of his shoulder blade exactly as he had knew it would be: a scar. Smoothing his tongue over the fur in a manner that resembled a cat for a few moments he, feeling relatively better now, walked over the scent barriers, wondering if he should take a brief dip in the sea to let the salt water cleanse his fur a bit before he decided against it, heading instead to one of the caches to check it feeling like he needed to celebrate the healing of his previously infernal wound with a hunting spree.

Ragnar felt a small measure of surprised, with no real reason in truth, when his eyes fell upon the fawn colored Thistle sitting near the cache her eyes holding a vacant stare that alerted him to the fact that while she was seeing him she likely wasn’t as well. “Thistle?” Her name left his lips in his soft, heavily accented voice attempting to draw her wandering attention back to if not him than the situation. She seemed different, though something he would contribute to the likely factor that she was pregnant. For a dark moment there was a swell of jealousy within his breast, accompanied by the thought that it could have been his children she carried within her womb before he chased it away. It was likely his infatuation with the girl was only because she was pretty and he liked pretty things and then his interest would wan because that was how it always went.

RE: On a rush of angel wings - Thistle Cloud - April 16, 2014

Ragnar makes me laugh with his obvious lustful thoughts of Thistle if she only knew she'd be scandalized LMAO...not really but she wouldn't know what to do thats for sure.

Much like her pack mate Ragnar Thistle found solace in the forest with it's large trees and many plants and fungi. However, she had not ventured towards the forest since Crete had disappeared from view.

Thistle heard her name being called and blinking once twice and turned her twin blue orbs towards Ragnar and offered him a smile, happy to see him surprisingly she had not realized that she had been growing fond of the rough, gruff male, but she was. "Hello Ragnar. How are you today? I was just thinking of you She shifted and stretched slightly arching her neck and then arching it back down.

"Were you patrolling again today Ragnar? Is all safe on the home front?" She tilted her head and allowed her eyes to wash across his pelt seeking out his wound, she smiled softly to herself to see that it was pretty much all healed and was nothing more than a scar. I am pleased to see your wound is nothing but scar now. If only I could do such good work on others. She frowned again as she thought of Kennedy.

RE: On a rush of angel wings - Ragnar - April 16, 2014

Aha, he can't help himself apparently. xP

In all realms of possible honesty Ragnar had rather forgotten that Ravensblood Forest, his frequent haunt and the holy lands of his God was where Thistle had consummated her secret tryst with the faceless stranger. Not that, in truth, it really mattered much to Ragnar aside from his random boughs of jealousy of which were expected when he had his eye on a female he fancied. By this point, if he were still home in Odinn’s Cove he would have gotten what he wanted out of the ordeal, would have sought it with a single minded energy and would, likely, have lost interest by now. Perhaps that was what kept Ragnar strung along, likely to Thistle’s ultimate dismay; the chase. It wasn’t that she was intentionally playing hard to get with him, no, she was too innocent for that Ragnar had conclude; but she was providing a chase nevertheless.

Thistle seemed to be broken from her train of thought when his voice had reached in and breached whatever daydreaming barrier she had put up around herself to block out everything else. “Is that so?” Ragnar breathed in a light, curious tone, lips twitching into a charming, perhaps mischievous little grin. “Good thoughts, I hope,” A soft chuckle rumbled in his chest, as his tail flicked against his hind legs, scarred left ear swiveling back to catch the soft cry of a nearby robin as it flew overhead. “It is,” He confirmed, spurred into curiosity by the seemingly errant question. “Were you thinking of heading out?” He desired to ask her how she felt, she didn’t look bad per say but she didn’t look all that well, either.

“You are thinking of Kennedy again?” It wasn’t really a question though, more of a statement drawn by his remembrance of their last conversation. “Like I said, he needs time to come back emotionally. Not everyone likes scars, like me.” He spoke in slightly jesting tone before his expression darkened as his mood shifted back to seriousness. “You make miracles happen for physical wounds, Thistle, but there is no miracle for emotional wounds.” At least as far as Ragnar was concerned anyway. He desired to reach out and skim his muzzle against her cheek in a comforting gesture but resisted, holding himself back when his body made a funny lurching movement only to cover it as smoothly as he could by settling upon his haunches.

RE: On a rush of angel wings - Thistle Cloud - April 16, 2014

Thistle had not meant to start a game of catch and chase with the male, apparently she had without knowing it. She did not know and she would likely never figure it out, she was far to naive to the ways of a males mind especially one as profound as the male in front of her.

Thistle laughed softly "Of course they were good thoughts Ragnar. she teased him gently. She listened to his question and shook her head yes. I was thinking of it yes, though I am tired from running to and fro and helping everyone and Kennedy I have to check on him often, but if I were to go Pump cautioned me to take someone with me. There maybe some plants I can gather now as spring is upon us. and it she had lifted her eyes to look for the Robin that she too had heard, the world was full of new grass and warmer air and animals and birds scurrying and flying to and fro.

She nodded yes again to his statement she was indeed thinking of Kennedy again. yes I was I fear he may just throw himself from a ledge one of these days Ragnar. She smiled at his compliment Thank you Ragnar. Had he have skimmed her cheek it would have been a gesture she would have taken and been happy to receive. Though it would have surprised her greatly coming from the brute of a viking.

RE: On a rush of angel wings - Ragnar - April 16, 2014

I don't even know what's happening right now. xD

Ragnar gave a curt nod to her confirmation that they were good thoughts, though he wasn’t exactly sure what to make out of her thoughts lingering upon him. “You have been very busy,” Ragnar murmured in thought, having, of course, noticed her activeness for himself. “It is a heavy burden being the only medic,” It was an observation drawn exclusively from the brief study of her face and her words. “but most of us are healed now,” His oceanic gaze whisked from her face to glimpse for a brief moment at her sides though there was not much physical evidence of her pregnancy yet. “You are carrying, you should be resting more.” Of course it was hard for her to do that, he understood, when so many relied so heavily upon her. “If you exhaust yourself and don’t take care of yourself and the children growing within you, you run the risk of losing them as Dagmar did.” He did not mean to bring up his ex-mate (one of them anyway) to restart their bickering about how he had handled her miscarriage and terminated their marriage. Ragnar was no expert at pregnant women, having only been around a few but it seemed logical.

The Viking wasn’t certain why he was suddenly so concerned for Thistle and furthermore her children’s well being, but it was there, like a fist in his chest made of ice and iron refusing to lift it’s pressure. “I will accompany you, if you’d like to go and gather some. It’s a beautiful day, and I am more than capable of protecting you.” Pump could handle the borders while he was out with Thistle, of that Ragnar had no doubt. If anything their patrols had seemed to become something of a competition with one another, eluding to the fact that maybe Pump had came to the same conclusion as him: they would be eventual rivals. It occurred to him in that moment while he lingered upon the thought that perhaps that was why she had not yet given him the Beta rank he had been working diligently towards.

“I can’t tell you that I think he wouldn’t I don’t know him,” Ragnar spoke, sensing that the thought of the darkness that seemed to plague their pack-mate bothered Thistle, maybe more than she was willing to admit. “Do you care for him, this Kennedy?” Ragnar asked suddenly, Caribbean blue gaze unwavering as it lingered upon her own deep azure eyes. “As a wife would care for her husband, I mean? Love?” He corrected, selfishly hoping that she told him ‘no’ with a fierceness that would have surprised the savage if he had not known how he was and already ascertained his “feelings” as nothing more than lust because that was all he had come to expect of himself. The thought that she might have bothered Ragnar much more than he frankly cared to admit.

RE: On a rush of angel wings - Thistle Cloud - April 16, 2014

AHH LOLZ he's too cute he's so jealous. She doesn't even know she's pregnant yet so she's going to be all like what! hehe

Thistle's eyes snapped to him how could he tell that she didn't even know for sure yet...granted the thought had been there and she had certainly been watching for signs and she supposed her exhaustion could be part of it but honestly she wasn't sure. She looked at him a little longer than a beat of a minute and then spoke quietly "I don't even know if I am yet Ragnar...my knowledge of that is...limited. I've been watching for signs of course those that I know. She tilted her head and closed her eyes for a moment and imagined her pups and it made her sad that their father was absent from their life, but she could be both couldn't she she could do it.

Thistle smiled at him largely "I think I would like that very much. It will give me a chance to get from inside the borders I have not been out for some time. It will also give Kennedy a break from my ceaseless care that he does not seem to like. I think he maybe more difficult than you were. She would like that and she trusted Ragnar to take care of her he would let no harm befall her. Though he was a brute and a savage at times he took his duties seriously and as she was a duty at the moment he would take it seriously.

Thistle laughed outright at his question, not meaning to offend, but she did not think of Kennedy as more than a friend, never a lover. "Oh goodness gracious I'm sorry Ragnar, no not at all we are or i guess were merely friends. He was nice to me when I first came to Horizon Ridge he helped me to have fun. He was much different before the landslide very happy and carefree. It makes me sad to see him soo sad, as he never was before. She briefly wondered why the other would ask such a question of her. It seemed to bother him her brief encounters with other males and she wondered why, but did not dwell on it for long.

RE: On a rush of angel wings - Ragnar - April 16, 2014

He's selfish, aha. Her laugh and his smirk in this GIF seemed accurate. xD Also, I'm not even bothering to stop him because I'm truly interested in seeing what happens here. :p

It became apparent, rather quickly, to Ragnar that she had not been expecting his blunt approach to her pregnancy, or rather, she had not been aware of it. “I am no expert, Thistle, but you…it’s not that you don’t look good but you don’t look exactly well, either.” He was not trying to be rude, merely trying to explain what he saw. “Dagmar had the same sort of look at first, too. They always speak of a glow but at first it’s not so much of a glow as a dullness.” Probably from the exhaustion of it. He wasn’t a female so he did not know what kind of processes their bodies went through in preparation for the puppies’ growth. He watched stoic as she adopted a sort of forlorn expression that subconsciously made his eyes narrow in suspicion wondering if she was thinking of her one night lover.

“That is surprising to hear,” Ragnar commented on the knowledge that there was a “worse than him” in regards to patients. It didn’t get too much worse because Ragnar was insufferable when he was on “bed rest”. Floki had caught numerous of the bad moods and earned a few scars from them even back in Odinn’s Cove. Ragnar had to remind himself to be gentler with Thistle - she wasn’t Floki and would likely have taken such actions very different to how Floki had. Besides, Ragnar wasn’t trying to ruin his chance at the Beta rank. “Lead the way.” The Viking encouraged rising to follow close to her side when she began to walk to …where ever she was going for her herbs or flowers.

Thistle’s laugh caused the savage to peek at her in something resembling an un-amused glare as they walked, unsure if she was laughing at him. Her words, however, caused relief to swell within him like the rising tide. He remained silent when as she explained to him that she did not see Kennedy as a husband material, mulling her words over as they walked, adjusting his pace so he did not out stride her by accident. It had been a long time since he had taken a wife - long for his usual time period, at any rate, and there was a storm coming on the horizon. He sensed it.

Thistle was young, younger than him, pretty and while capable dainty; fitting what he usually looked for in his wives. But within that there was something that he had never felt before in the presence of a potential wife - he genuinely liked Thistle. Her innocence was new to him but it was also almost endearing in a way. Ragnar’s mind began working a million miles a minute as he took into consideration many things, namely her rejection to his advances before. She gave no indication that she thought anything of him beyond a pack mate, and yet Ragnar found that it wasn’t reason enough. He could make her a good husband, he was strong, loyal (in a sense), and he contemplated that she might need help with what was to come.

“I have a question to ask you, Thistle.” He broached suddenly, feeling something akin to nervous anticipation building within his stomach.

RE: On a rush of angel wings - Thistle Cloud - April 16, 2014

Ahh this thread....I am sitting here laughing in delight as both of our characters kind of take a life of their own and my kids are looking at me like WTH mom and yes I like that gif it fits and the female even kinda looks like what I imagine Thistle would look like as a human.

Another bubble of mirth burst from her maw at his attempt at being delicate about her looking terrible. "Let's face it Ragnar. SHe chuckled again "I look terribly beraggled. She opened her eyes to see him looking at her in a suspicious way she wondered why, but she merely shrugged it off it took too much energy to try and figure it out.

Thistle stood and placing her white paw forward she began to walk towards the outskirts of the pack lands. "Perhaps Ravensblood Forest or is there a meadow near there? I have not ventured from beyond the pack lands except but twice.

At his glare Thistle laughed all the harder. Finding enjoyment in twisting up the brute beside her. His facial expressions and his mind set were something she enjoyed, they made her laugh and she enjoyed teasing him as he was far to serious most of the time.

Thistle turned Azure eyes to Carribbean Blue "What is your question? And no I do not see Gavriil as potential husband material either if that is what you are asking. She teased at him gently.

RE: On a rush of angel wings - Ragnar - April 16, 2014

My mother gives me weird looks all the time because I'll laugh out loud or something so I understand, haha. Her name is Katheryn Winnick and she's very pretty/kickass. click tbh since Ragnar's human equivalent would be Travis Fimmel (the man in the GIF) I always just sort of pictured Thistle as Katheryn since I realized that Ragnar was more or less sort of falling for Thistle. Also I eluded a little without detail to their night in the forest.

Thistle laughed at his attempts to avoid being a right jerk about how she looked, and shrugged, giving a small nod of his head, a chuckle slipping forth from his own muzzle at her bluntness. “Ah, more or less,” He concurred giving her a slow, mischievous smirk. “It’s not a bad thing though,” Ragnar breathed in a low, conspiring voice to compliment said mischievous smirk. “You are still,” Still what? Still beautiful? He was no strange to administering flattery but there was a distinct difference between flattery and actually meaning it and in this instance the Viking realized that even as he spoke, “still beautiful.” that he actually meant it. Continuing his pace along side her as she headed towards the outskirts of the pack lands he contemplated his vague knowledge in regards to the layout of the land. In truth, he haunted Ravensblood so frequently that he realized rather abruptly, he had not explored much else. “There is a river not too far from Ravensblood that I have passed once on my way up North.” But he had only cut through the lands once, so he could not truly tell her if it would provide to be fruitful for whatever plants/flowers/herbs she was searching for. “We could always start there and double back to Ravensblood if need be,” He had nothing pressing going on that required his immediate attention so for the day he was all hers.

His glare sent her into another fit of laughter, until Ragnar, for a brief moment wondered if she might pee herself from how hard her body seemed to shake with her laughter. It was hard enough to for her to sway close enough to brush against his side a few times, until he could feel the vibration of her mirth through the contact against his hardened muscles sleek and strong under his icy silver kissed coat. She inquired about his question but then added quickly, taking the savage off guard for a brief moment before he collected himself, that she did not find the other male - and the last leg of his competition (so to speak) as husband material either. Her need to feel like she needed to add it - though perhaps cruelly he had not been worried about Gavriil as potential competition - made him reconsider how he wished to go about this. His previous proposals had all be spontaneous and usually after copulation - there was nothing, really, for him to go off of with Thistle because everything had been….gradual; and while Ragnar could not claim that he was in love with her, something was definitely different about how he felt about her - something so unlike what he had felt around any female, ever. It had been easier to see once she had came out of her heat season, when his mind was jumbled with the burning desire to claim and impregnate as her hormones intoxicated him ravenously.

Though, as for matters of love, he supposed he had the image of his parents - who had been rather madly in love with one another - as a template of sorts which left him with the helpless and foreign conclusion that he was at least falling for her.

“And what of me, Thistle?” Ragnar asked her feeling anticipation clench his stomach in a manner that was not very comfortable. “I know you pine for the stranger that stole your maidenhood,” And it dug under his skin to no visible end. “but he has not returned, has made no appearance. He is not worthy of you. And maybe I am not either but that night that we spent together in Odinn’s forest, I cannot forget it. I don’t want to ever forget it,” He was exceedingly bad at these things, for there was not much that was gentlemanly or romantic about Ragnar Lothbrok. “I cannot get you out of my mind, everything reminds me of you,” This was going badly and for the fear that he might start talking in his native tongue out of nerves - of which he felt certain she would not understand he said bluntly, “I want to be your husband, I want to be yours in every way a man can be a woman’s.” He had not came to these posh summer land with the intention of taking another wife - or frankly to fall in love (because lets be honest that’s what was happening) - but it was fate, and Odinn’s approval stated as much to him.

RE: On a rush of angel wings - Thistle Cloud - April 16, 2014

Oh i like her I watch most of her movies! I did not realize that was her she looks very different as a shield maiden. Ahh i kind want to dance around like crazy this thread = <3 Do we have to get permission to be mates too? or can anyone do that?

To say she had warmed under his comment of beautiful would have been a woefully slight inconsistency as it was more of a burning flame akin to catching fire than a simple warm of heat. She also found his smirk oddly endearing as of late and to be truthful she would not know Ragnar without it. It suited him as his scars and his rough and tumble self did, to say he still scared her though would not be entirely untrue. "That sounds good I like the river as well and there are always some water plants I can use.

Thistle was completely taken off guard and promptly stopped midstep and turned azure eyes towards him as she studied his face and his mannerisms. Fearing that her legs would give away at his words she sat down swiftly. And what of me. His words swirled and shimmied around in her head as she stared at the undemonstrative Ragnar. If she could have blushed his eluding to the night in the forest would have caused her to do so. Though it would have been good as she would not like to forget it or him either. And he continued to steal her breath until she feared that she would die right then and there from either lack of oxygen or her heart bursting up and out as hard as it was beating. What was she to say, she certainly thought of him fondly, and though she cared for Crete of the Plateau she did not spend enough time with him to be ensnared and in love with him. She took a breath to calm the dizzying words in her head and then looked again at Ragnar.

He was certainly a strong male and he would care for her and the pups of that she was sure if there were any, which a nagging in the back of her mind she knew there were, but chose to wait for more signs before completely admitting it to herself. But did she love him, she had grown to care for him and the male was very good looking of that it was certain and the eyes that could look right through you cut her to the quick everytime, but she was not sure if she was in love with him, though she knew she could grow to love him, but what if her were to tire of her as he did of at least one female that she knew of though she was sure there were others.

Taking another deep breath she asked a question "Before I give you an answer Ragnar and believe me I will though you have caught me off guard as I had no idea you cared for me. I must ask you a question that will probably stick in your craw. but I am the forever kind Ragnar and what if you tire of me? You push me to the side as you did Dagmar or any others that you have had? I will not settle for that and I very honestly may kill you if you do so. Though she was usually quiet and demure she did have a spitfire buried beneath her breast for times when she needed it. I also must tell you that I do not love you yet, though I do care deeply for you and I would not want to forget Ravenblood or you for that matter either. With that she sat down and waited her blue eyes not leaving his face.

RE: On a rush of angel wings - Ragnar - April 16, 2014

It is very unexpected but adorable I'm grinning like an idiot right now. I'm pretty sure they can just be mates and that we don't need permission for that (just the pups/breeding stuff) we just need to PM Pump so they can get the official titles and all though they probably won't announce it until after the meeting I guess since this so unexpected, lol.

With Thistle having decided on the river, Ragnar began to take a subconscious lead then assuming that she was unsure of where the River was since she had asked his opinion on the matter and he had suggested it as a starting point for her flower hunting. “There’s a strong undercurrent that’s tricky to navigate,” He warned having no intentions of allowing her to go anywhere near the trick turn in the river that he had discovered and nearly been pulled under on his journey back from Swiftcurrent Creek. It took Ragnar a moment to realize that Thistle was no longer keeping pace with him and when he did notice her absence a glimpse over his shoulder allowed him to see that he was now a good couple of feet ahead of her. Slowly he turned and double backed stopping where there was still distance between them but so that they were facing one another. Her breathing seemed to have taken a more rapid pace and for a moment, quizzical, the Viking wondered if she were perhaps feeling dizzy because of her pregnancy never stopping to consider that it was him and his words that were making her feel that way (nor that it was not necessarily a bad thing).

It didn’t occur to him because he wasn’t a romantic, he wasn’t a gentleman, and he was not in any illusion, shape or form Prince Charming. He wouldn’t even go as far as to fancy himself her knight in shining armor because he wasn’t a gallant knight either. He was a Viking. Dangerous. Cunning. Ruthless. But she knew that. “It was not intended,” He told her honestly. He had not came here to find another wife, neither had he really had any intentions of staying but it seemed that fate and Odinn had other plans for him, even throwing in the seedlings of what was most foreign to the savage Viking. Love, and while it was not fully blossomed and at the point not on the table (for he was at least honest with her) it was rooting within him deeply, snagging in his brain and black heart like fish hooks. Her question was, of course, expected for not but weeks earlier he had confessed his treatment of his previous wife to her which had led to them fighting about it, and yet here he was asking her to brave the title and be his, nevertheless. He wanted to tell her that he wouldn’t, that things felt vastly different from any other time he had “proposed” but because he was still so unsure (and albeit confused) he could not. “If I do then you have mine and Odinn’s permission to take my life,” So long as she didn’t curse him from going to Valhalla (which was the worst thing anyone anywhere could ever do, ever). As far as Ragnar was concerned it was a fair deal.

She told him that she did not love him - which was expected he had no illusions of anything of the sort. “I do not expect you to love me, I cannot stand the thought of someone else calling you theirs. Not now, not ever,” Perhaps it was his own jealous tendencies, coupled with the fact that she was always haunting him and their elusive night shared in the tangent of magic moonlight and darkened shadows. “Then don’t forget me,” The Viking’s soft voice was husky, breathless as he lurched forth to brush his muzzle against hers, gliding his tongue across her jaw line in a sultry kiss, teeth raking through the warm fur of her cheek as his muzzle found her ear which he nibbled teasingly. “Be my wife.” He breathed in her ear, unable to help the sexy sultry smirk that was tugging once more at his lips.

RE: On a rush of angel wings - Thistle Cloud - April 16, 2014

it was unexpected lol I was even a little blindsided, but I am a strong advocate of the fact that these charries always write themselves at least mine do. Would you like to send Pump this message lol?

She heard his words about the river and had to chuckle at him as he kept walking not realizing she had stopped. She shook her downy head and couldn't help but smile. The man was oddly endearingly clueless about his effect sometimes.

She watched him for a moment thinking things over and mulling on them. She had to chuckle a little at that, to get permission to take his life goodness gracious and she would do it, for she knew how though it would tear her apart to do so as she told him she was the forever kind. and she could do it silently, she shook her head to dispell such terrible thoughts and from deep within her she knew what her answer would be.

She tilted her head as he spoke and then she shivered slightly when he slid across her jaw line and turned her head to bury her own muzzle near his neck fur. She sighed a little raggedly as was she not only a little scared she was also a little excited and she nipped at his ear a little harder than he had and said quietly "Very well Ragnar I will be your's but mind you I will kill you if you stray and you will not even know it's coming. With that she stood and nipped at his shoulder blade and glided past him.

RE: On a rush of angel wings - Ragnar - April 16, 2014

Mine definitely do, they always have. :3

It was inherently true, a fact that he acknowledged as the way he would more than likely find himself in the grand hall of Valhalla if he strayed to find pleasure with another woman, that she could kill him with supple grace and ease. The silent death of poison. No one would be of the wiser and it would avoid the mess of his lifeblood spilling from his body, in fact it might even be a painless death. There was very little doubt in Ragnar’s mind that she would stick to her word, and he had given her permission knowing that she would do it if he strayed. Death in and of itself wasn’t a deterrent if only because he didn’t fear it. In a way, the Viking and his ilk looked forward to it. It was a celebration not a mourning. But there was Odinn’s promise deep in the back of his mind, never fading and ever present, that he would not die until he was an elderly man and if the Allfather’s promise held true that was a long time from now. He was still young at three years of age - still had a long life to live yet.

Ragnar felt Thistle shiver beneath his touch, feeling the touch of her muzzle as it buried into the fur of his neck and suppressed his own shudder of the sensual moment and touches. The Viking felt her nip - harder than he had nipped at her’s - at his scarred ear, the sensation of pain coming across as sickening pleasure instead with his nerves being messed up in his scars causing him to rumble his pleasure into the crook of her neck so she might hear it as he put it a gruff sound. “Spoken like a true shield maiden.” The Viking grinned at his new víf after she nipped at this shoulder and glided past him in a manner he could only describe as elegant before he smirked and followed after her, determined not to be the one to be left behind this time.

RE: On a rush of angel wings - Thistle Cloud - April 16, 2014

There were so many ways that Thistle Cloud could take a life though she never practiced any of them and she hoped to never have to. Though she boasted to him that she would do it if needed, the thought itself caused a sickening feeling in her belly at even the thought of hurting another in that way. Thistle had learned as a young pup that life was fleeting so she did not wander to much when she would die or how, she just knew it would come when it was time and that was all that mattered.

Thistle found coy delight in his rumble and realized that she was very much a woman and could make this male err the day he met her if she wanted too. It was a strange thought that popped into her mind and a strange delight and she was entirely unsure if she liked it, but it did make her smile. "Is that a fact? she teased gently as she kept walking towards the river a small smile on her face. Today was a good day and she realized she was inherently happy and she wanted to howl, but she kept her voice quiet and instead allowed her insides to jump and sing for joy instead.

RE: On a rush of angel wings - Ragnar - April 16, 2014

In a manner of speaking, Thistle was probably more deadly than Ragnar himself with her skill set for there was a fine line between healer and murderer. What could heal in small doses could also kill in larger ones. This concept did not go unknown by Ragnar who had spent much time in Floki’s presence who had shadowed the Berserker and later Jarl for nearly all of his life, even when they had been but two awkward pups. A soft snort left the Viking’s nostrils as he compared Floki and Thistle in his mind, “You are a much more attractive healer than Floki,” It was a seemingly random declaration to her, but proved true to the savage nevertheless. “I think you would like him. He’s a trickster and jester like Loki but he is smart and a good man.” And just as stubborn as Ragnar himself which as Thistle had - and would - find was a good thing to be. “I think you would like Odinn’s Cove, it is a shame I cannot take you there for a visit.” Ragnar informed her, knowing that their home was here where, hopefully, their family would start (because he was hoping that his seed took that night even if it was a big secret between them).

It was a funny but intensely satisfying thing to group them together as a cohesive unit instead of individuals. “May Thor strike me dead if I am lying,” Ragnar said to her teasing. “It is a good thing to be likened to a shield maiden. It takes a special kind of woman to be a Viking’s wife.” He spoke, following after her at a leisurely pace, enjoying the view with unbridled smugness and satisfaction. "Will you take the Loðbrók name?" He asked her after a few seconds, figuring he could atone for his past marriage failures by giving her something he hadn't given the others: his last name.

RE: On a rush of angel wings - Thistle Cloud - April 16, 2014

Thistle turned her head towards him Who is Floki? Was he your former healer? who is Loki? she was confused by these names that he was throwing at her, but if she were to gain insight into his life she needed to get ot know him and his former life. "That was your former home? It sounds like I would like it.

She warmed under his praise she was happy to be the special type of woman that he likened her too and she liked the shield Maiden idea much better than a regular woman though she was not a violent female. She stopped moving again and spoke "Of course I will If you would like me to have it. She turned her head to look at him with a smile. "Thistle Cloud Loðbrók I like that.

RE: On a rush of angel wings - Ragnar - April 16, 2014

“Floki is a …madman, but very good healer,” Ragnar spoke fondly of the Viking medic, smiling slightly to himself. Loki is a very greedy God,” And not one that Ragnar ever felt the need to pay any sort of homage too. He was a trickster and the Viking found himself weary of the mischievous God. “He was…is Floki’s favorite for reasons,” Ragnar paused to lick his lips. “We all have our favorite Gods.” He would teach Thistle to be a Viking yet, he was determined. “Yes. It is a very old pack, my great, great, great grandfather was one of it’s founders. The leadership varied, unlike most packs I know it is not automatically granted by having come from the Jarl’s loins. It is a position hard earned and always well fought to the death,” Ragnar spoke having no intention of stopping figuring she deserved to know all the in and outs of his past life to understand how he thought and lived now, as his wife. “My father won it shortly before I was born, my older brother Björn took our father’s life for it out of greed and I took it from him,” It had not been one of Ragnar’s proudest moments for it had been not greed but lust that had bathed him in the warm blood of his brother as he lay dying at Ragnar’s paws, yet he had no choice but to step up regardless. In part, it had also been done in vengeance of their father.

“It is harsh but we are a ruthless people and it has been our way for many years and packs.” The Lothbrok name was not a name that anyone else had given him, it was his and only his to give to her, therefore making it meaningful. “I do. None of my previous wives bore it.” He told her hoping that it made up some for his treatment of them, knowing that she was not fond of how easily he had disregarded them. Yet, if he had not let them go he might not have been here, with her now. “It is quite a mouthful.” He teased her lightly with a soft chuckle and a mischievous grin.

RE: On a rush of angel wings - Thistle Cloud - April 16, 2014

Thistle looked back at him and made a confused expression A madman as a healer. I would be afraid he would mix up the herbs unpurpose. Thistle looked at him strangely "You had to kill someone to be a Jarl? Do you shield maiden's have to kill to be the mate to the Jarl? She would allow him to teach her about his ways and she would do her best to follow them at least a little or be more tolerant of them. It was the least she could do for her husband.

She looked at him and said quietly "I do not know if I can be ruthless Ragnar. She gave him a soft smile as his admission spoke volumes. She was indeed special to the viking warrior and it made her feel warm and cared for. Though she knew he was ruthless it was obvious that the male had a soft spot at least a little one some where. She laughed again and nodded "yes it is, but my name has always been a mouthful so mouthful's i am used too She shook her head in mirth at his smirk.

RE: On a rush of angel wings - Ragnar - April 16, 2014

“No,” Ragnar shook his head, speaking in his old friends’ defense. “He is very intelligent. The only time he would mix up herbs was if he was intending too, never accidental.” This was something that Ragnar believed very vehemently to his core. “He’s not the type to kill by poison,” Ragnar’s grin grew wide then, giving her a sneaky look. “Poison is a silent death and we Viking men like it rather messy and bloody.” It was true that Floki would rather tear out someone’s throat than kill subtly. “It is the easiest way,” Ragnar began, having never had to really explain the ways of his people to another before. “You could wait for them to die of old age in theory but no one waits that long,” Ragnar squinted against the onslaught of sunlight as the they left behind the Ridge and crossed the threshold into “no man’s land”. “Then there are the Jarls, like me, that go into battle,” He glimpsed down at her to make sure she was still following along, that he hadn’t lost her or that his accent hadn’t deterred her, despite that she was probably used to his accent by that point. “If I was to die in battle my wife - that would be you,” He grinned at her, bumping his shoulder against hers. “Would take over as Earl in my stead. If and when you no longer wanted the title or responsibilities you would pass it to my named Second in Command. I don’t think any man can challenge an Earl which is the female title of Jarl.” Though plenty of woman could take any number of men down it wasn’t exactly a fair fight.

“Are you worried?” He asked her teasingly, but shook his head. “No, you do not have to kill anyone. Wives aren’t property we don’t inherit them with the death of their husband,” Not typically, anyway, Ragnar had taken Tyra at Björn’s death but that had been different. “For instance I am still reigning Jarl of Odinn’s Cove because I gave my brother only temporary rule of it, so as my wife you are second under me just by being my wife and my brother while is my Second in Command is under you, even so. Does it make sense?” Of course it made perfect sense to him but he had grown up there, and had lived and breathed it for all of his life. “You don’t have to be ruthless, you just have to be strong.” And Ragnar knew she was strong, that wasn’t a question. “If you want I can hold a rite of passage for you to make you a tiny Viking,” He offered his voice teasing on the ‘tiny Viking’ but otherwise quite serious.

The decision was hers, but she was his wife whether the Gods recognized her as a Viking or not.

“Thistle Cloud is too much to say it’s like everyone running around calling me Ragnar Lothbrok all the time. I like just Thistle better.” He murmured to her, smirking again.

RE: On a rush of angel wings - Thistle Cloud - April 16, 2014

Thistle Cloud shook her head as his defense of his friend, if he only knew that he was not as ruthless as he tried to be, but she knew he would deny it vehmently and she was certain that he could be very ruthless and cruel and it scared her a little, but she believed that he would not ever turn those to her unless of course she stepped out on him then perhaps he would, not that she ever would. her eyes got wide at that small nugget of knowledge of their ways. "Oh my I have no desire to rule at anytime anywhere so therefore if you get another such position dear heart then you cannot die i repeat you cannot die. Not too mention she would be greatly saddened if he were to die.

She listened and she had to go through what he said in her own head twice, but she thought she understood. So you are saying that you are Jarl or king as your wife I am second in command and your brother who is second in command is under me yes? She hoped she got it right as she wanted to understand him and his ways. She gave him a mock glare, I maybe tiny Ragnar but I am mighty, and if you think I am tiny you should see my mother she is even smaller than me. I would like that, though I cannot promise to completly follow your gods as I do not know them."

She shook her head and laughed at his smirk "You may call me Thistle of course Ragnar. She chuckled again and gently nipped his shoulder as that was where she could easily reach.

RE: On a rush of angel wings - Ragnar - April 16, 2014

She spoke that she had no desire to rule which was so very different from his own desires in regards to leadership and he smirked slightly, mostly to himself at the use of what he thought was an endearment. Dearheart, he kind of liked it even if it was a little strange to him. “Things are not the same here at the Ridge as they are in Odinn’s Cove,” The Viking attempted to reassure his wife, eluding subtly that he did have deigns to rule again. Something that Ragnar realized he should probably share with her now that they were “married”. “That is our way. I do not think that is Pump’s way. I made a deal with her some time ago about becoming the Beta Male, shortly after the landslide. I think I have kept up my end of the bargain though I do not know if or when she will promote me.” And it wasn’t as if he could challenge for the rank since it was currently unoccupied. He could only challenge the rank above him which if his grasp on their hierarchy was well enough was likely the crippled Kennedy and no matter how ambitious or ruthless Ragnar was there was no victory in challenging a cripple.

“You don’t have to worry so much,” Ragnar smiled down at her. “Odinn has promised me a long life and I plan to live it.” He told her in hopes of easing her apparently sudden worry about having to lead. “Yes. You are my Queen and everyone beneath you has to listen to you.” That was the simplest way Ragnar could explain it to her. “I said you would be a tiny Viking, not a weak Viking. Don’t twist my words,” He teasingly defended himself, giving her a mock offended look. “That is what is best about my Gods, Thistle. They only desire your respect not your devotion.” In any rate it was likely that Ragnar was devout enough for both of them.

He felt her nip at his shoulder once more, and Ragnar took it to mean that it was her favorite place to plant love bites on his body. “Mmm,” The Viking breathed in a soft groan. “I have missed your body.” He admitted to her in a cheeky, entirely way too suggestive manner with a sexy, mischievous grin to accompany his words.

RE: On a rush of angel wings - Thistle Cloud - April 16, 2014

Thistle cloud did not mind if he wished to rule and she would support him if that is what he wanted, but she would not want to rule all on her own. Thistle raised an eyebrow and spoke again and asked quietly "But are you able to be just second in command Ragnar? You would not want the alpha position? She may not know him 100 percent perfectly, but she had guessed enough to know that he was extremely ambitious and belonged in leadership positions.

Thistle Cloud shook her head "That ease's my worries somewhat I am glad you will live long. Thistle smirked at him and said quietly " I can twist more than words Ragnar. She teased him gently, the bright sunlight, the beautiful day and her new found position made her brazen and carefree for the time being. Respect I can do easily.

Thistle Cloud laughed and brushed her tail across his muzzle as she ran ahead of him with her laughter floating back to him.

RE: On a rush of angel wings - Ragnar - April 16, 2014

Thistle’s question was warranted Ragnar agreed, and even so expected. The Viking did not answer her right away, instead silently playing with the question and the inevitable answer that seemed to be the only answer no matter how many times he tucked it away and revisited it. It was like a broken magic eight ball stuck on a single triangle that would not budge and give you a different answer no matter how furiously you shook it or how far you threw it out the window. “I do not know,” Ragnar admitted after a few more silent moments. “On one side I respect Pump as a leader, I do,” He did not always agree with her but that did not diminish his respect for her any - besides nobody agreed every single time on every thing. “but I could not let someone who is not one of us - a Viking,” Because he fully intended on making Thistle a recognized Viking, “take command of our ways. It will not work.” And Ragnar himself would want to take the absolute lead something he could not do while sitting in the Beta position, admittedly. There was a small part of Ragnar that suspected that Pump could see what would likely come down the road, too, just as he and even Thistle could. “One thing at a time. For now I will wait to see if I am granted the rank I desire and if I am we will see what happens.” That was all that really could be done.

Her words were teasing and seductive, catching the Viking momentarily off of guard, wondering when his innocent little maiden healer had blossomed into a woman worthy of the title shieldmaiden, shining at her place by his side as his wife as opposed to being intimidated and afraid by it. Her innocence was endearing but he rather liked this newly blossomed Thistle, too. Perhaps something had changed in her after their night of passion in the presence of Odinn in his forest even though it had been fueled, likely on both sides, by the hormones her heat season had produced and flaunted until neither could stand it anymore. His nose twitched when her tail dragged across it, inviting him to chase, and to claim if he could catch her. Of which he had every intentions of doing.

RE: On a rush of angel wings - Thistle Cloud - April 16, 2014

Thistle noticed that he waited to answer and she wondered if her silent, viking warrior and king was still trying to decide what he wanted to do when the time came or did not come. perhaps he was guilt ridden at the fact of wanting to unsurp the leader. or perhaps it was that he did not wish to upset her, for her knew very well her gentle ways. She was not ruthless and she was not ambitious for a leader position anyway healing yes that she was ambitious towards. the two of them they were a two sided coin he was all the blood and guts and gore and she was all the sweet, and innocent and healing. She listened to him and with a small gentle brush of her muzzle across his face she whispered. "Well ragnar I will support you anyway I can though I do like Pump very much.

To says he was completely brazen and no more innocent was an outright lie. She was still very naive to the ways of the world and still very much entirely too trusting of many. Though she was learning as situations unfolded in front of her and she indeed felt as if she could be more brazen with her husband though there would be times she would not know what to do or say, as she was certain would happen when he caught her as he would it was inevitable. Though she did not mind.