Wolf RPG
Sun Mote Copse mission #1.4 - Printable Version

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mission #1.4 - RIP Emélie - October 27, 2016

Her temper was in check and her temptations were voided, thus Emma set forth to the next borderline she could find. Though she still seethed with malice, she refused to allow her own feelings jeopardize a mission.
For now.
Once her snout picked up the putrid scent of others, she set forth at a constant pace until her paws stood just far enough from the border to keep their relations neutral. Immediately, her head turned to the sky and she howled for her audience, the vibrations running against her chest.

RE: mission #1.4 - Eshamun - October 27, 2016

the howl brought eshamun's head up from where she had been sorting the bones of a rabbit. she was no seer, but the res drunak had not attended the shrine in some days. the tasks of molech's tending had fallen then to eshamun. she pushed them to one side then, turning to answer the call of the stranger at her borders. viridian eyes appraised the stranger over the curve of her inviting smile; she extended her muzzle with a gentle "hello" emanating forth, though her stance remained guarded until the she-wolf proved she was no threat.

RE: mission #1.4 - RIP Emélie - October 29, 2016

I am so sorry to bother you Emma replied respectfully though the female couldn't have been half her size but I'm looking for lost members of my family. A woman, Althaia, and her children. I fear that they might be in danger or that they may have starved and I just...are they here? I only ask to be able to see them. Emèlie put on her most mournful face and waited for the she-wolf's reply.

RE: mission #1.4 - Eshamun - November 02, 2016

the woman seemed quite sad, speaking of a name eshamun had not heard. yet the canaanite grew withdrawn and mistrustful, though her outward appearance showed none of this. she was silent a long moment before she spoke, and though her words were gentle, they carried an unmistakable firmness. "what made her flee you?" had the woman come to her, eshamun would not give her away. such things were guarded by the malkaria.

RE: mission #1.4 - RIP Emélie - November 02, 2016

Emma had no answer, at least not before she managed to pull one from her ass. She was never...healthy. There was an accident and she only declined from there. I suspect that she left in the midst of one if her fits.

RE: mission #1.4 - Eshamun - November 11, 2016

eshamun nodded, but her trust remained withheld from the stranger. "i hope that you find her," the canaanite murmured gently, though her tone was firm; she wished for the other to move from her borders. eshamun no longer wished to bandy words with a wolf that seemed intrusive, despite her quiet voice and unassuming demeanour.

RE: mission #1.4 - RIP Emélie - November 11, 2016

A thank you, a nod, and Emma disappeared with haste. She didn't want to stay any longer than she had to and it was obvious that the other felt the same. It was onto the next border and the sooner she got there, the better.