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do you know why he's called buffalo bill? - Printable Version

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do you know why he's called buffalo bill? - Lecter - April 16, 2014

He had settled quickly into the ways of the Mountain, led comfortably by Jinx. Secured — for now — in his rank upon the hierarchy, the shaman had begun his search for a den almost immediately. Whilst the others were welcome to den together, that was not an option for the reclusive and often snappish man, though the thought of denning down with Ira as well as Jinx irritated him to no end; he had figured that the insolent whelp would follow at her heels like a lovestruck badger.

The crags were not kind to him, and so Lecter scaled them carefully, refusing to move too high upon the Mount lest he be unable to retrieve himself back to safer ground. Presently his icewater eyes alighted upon a small depression in the rock face, and a worn deerpath winding its way toward the mouth. Upon further inspection, Lecter chuffed in contentment. The cave would do, for now; he slid into its depths, appraising the rock shelves and hanging stones for his purposes.

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RE: do you know why he's called buffalo bill? - Sitri - April 16, 2014

You will have to bear with me as I am still getting the hang of this character. I haven't had a lecter thread since spotted_fawn and shearwater baby....fun fun :D

Sitri knew the white furred one that always wore gore was close to the queen. He did not know why this time she had chosen to only keep one, but he did not really care. He knew his place it was to obey and listen. Since the queen saw this one in a bright light, that made him king, so he would have to listen to him too he imagined.

He watched with red eyes as the other scaled the mountain's side looking for something always looking. He had noticed the white one was always looking. The voices began to speak "Always looking always looking for what for what. He knew it was not his place to ask or even question but he stood watching to see if the other would call on him for help. He would do what was asked of him. He spoke in a growl low and raspy as little as possible. Need sitri?

RE: do you know why he's called buffalo bill? - Lecter - April 16, 2014

yay sitri! thanks for joining! i did love spottedfawn and i've been stalking all your characters.

Teeth flashed in the gloom as a raspy voice floated into his hearing; with a quickness for one so old, Lecter darted from the denmouth. His eyes fell upon a red-eyed beast, caked in filth and blood, with a true demonic countenance, and a low sound of approval presently emanated from the healer. You are Sitri, he observed, having heard the other's words.

Why have you come here? the shaman demanded, neither challenging nor approaching the other. I do not need help, unless you have thought of something that I have not, he jested coldly.

<style type="text/css">.lecter {width:400px; margin:0px auto; padding:20px 25px 200px 20px; background-image:url('http://i61.tinypic.com/2r6nywh.png'); background-position: bottom; background-color:#0e0000; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-align:justify;} .lecter-in {width: 380px; border:3px double #888888; padding: 10px; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.65); text-align: justify;} .lecter q {color:#eb0303;} .lecter p {text-indent:30px; color:#888888; font:12px/1.75 Georgia; margin:0px;}</style>

RE: do you know why he's called buffalo bill? - Sitri - April 16, 2014

My characters are vastly different this time around lol. I stalk Lecter all the time :D

Sitri stared blankly though he kept his eyes averted as the other was higher rank than he. Sitri just watching. Watching sitri watching the voices mocked in his head and they jeered and he shook his head hard trying to dispell them from the dark depths of his mind.

He looked back up at the witch and spoke again. You demon King so I ask. Not many knew of the two's love affair, but Sitri could smell both the pale furred male and the demon queen on each other it was obvious they were more than pack mates.

RE: do you know why he's called buffalo bill? - Lecter - April 17, 2014

Demon King? Lecter inquired curiously, with a catlike lash of his tail. I am no demon; I am a shaman. The realm of demonic activity was one that Lecter kept himself from; the Loa could be harsh enough. Therefore he was coldly perplexed at the title, and the other's odd method of speaking.

Did Jinx bring you among us? Lecter demanded, remembering Ferdie's summons of a creature to learn the shamanic arts. If this was he, then he seemed even more mad than Lecter, and the bloodstained elder doubted Sitri could be taught.

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RE: do you know why he's called buffalo bill? - Sitri - April 17, 2014

Sitri titled his head tattered ears tilting forward to catch the other's words. "Belong to Demon queen, makes you King. What Shaman? The brute thought it was obvious that the other was the king since he belonged to the queen why did the other not realize this too. he also had no idea what a shaman was being taught to fight, die, or survive most of his life he did not know many basic things like that herb lore he had no idea about, he could hunt one of the skills he was taught. His skills had been chosen for him, and had he been given the chance to learn he probably would have become cunning and dangerous but as it were he was just dangerous.

Sitri nodded his head yes "yes Demon Queen Jinx. Sitri found the queen you see found her followed her obeys. Obey obey follow follow found A never ending cycle of voices transcended throughout his mind he wanted to lie on the ground and cover his ears and whine, but he stood stoic and stalwart as he had been taught. "Listen to the voices his mother had cooed listen they will teach you.

RE: do you know why he's called buffalo bill? - Lecter - April 19, 2014

Lecter narrowed his eyes. The nature of his relationship with Jinx was not made public, though in a small group as was assembled upon Silvertip, word would travel swiftly. This was the first it had been pointedly addressed to him, however, and he watched Sitri for a moment before responding. I commune with the spirits around us, the Loa, and our Gods, he said simply.

Demon Queen, he purled. He did not see his wife as a demon, but perhaps those who did not know her with the same type of intimacy as he would mistake the fires of her fierce eyes as some otherwordly verve. And what are you? Lecter asked; what role did the odd wolf play in his service to the Demon Pair?

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RE: do you know why he's called buffalo bill? - Sitri - April 19, 2014

Sitri tilted his head and sighed Commune? Who are your gods? He had never been around any type of religion the one that they had followed the queen that was who they worshipped and revered. He knew of them some of the other slaves had practiced a religion and they were killed for it. So he had never done anything like that.

Sitri shrugged and spoke quietly "Just sitri, Slave Servant. whatever is told. He did what was needed, he did what they told him to do.

RE: do you know why he's called buffalo bill? - Lecter - April 22, 2014

Sos. He is the Dark Bear, the Black God. He rules death in the land, and we please Him with blood, Lecter muttered, indicating the gore that splashed him from muzzle to tailtip. Eyes appraised the blood staining Sitri's mouth; it was pleasing to him that one another should follow the same rites, albeit somewhat differently.

Then do this for me: tell me what you wish with the Demon Queen. Your place here is not as slave, but as servant to her. Serve her well, and you shall be rewarded; fail, and I shall cut your heart out of your ribs in offering to Sos.

<style type="text/css">.lecter {width:400px; margin:0px auto; padding:20px 25px 200px 20px; background-image:url('http://i61.tinypic.com/2r6nywh.png'); background-position: bottom; background-color:#0e0000; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-align:justify;} .lecter-in {width: 380px; border:3px double #888888; padding: 10px; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.65); text-align: justify;} .lecter q {color:#eb0303;} .lecter p {text-indent:30px; color:#888888; font:12px/1.75 Georgia; margin:0px;}</style>

RE: do you know why he's called buffalo bill? - Sitri - April 23, 2014

Sitri listened his red eyes gleaming he thought he could worship this black bear named sos. He fit in with his former life style well. Sitri alway had blood somewhere on him usually around his muzzle whether it was prey or foe it depended but it was always there. " i follow sos too? He was curious is that what he was to do or was it his choice and if it was he would do it anyway because the dark one he liked him maybe he was the voices always in his head "is he the voices in my head?

Sitri bowed his head "I just wish to serve the demon queen. You may cut my heart out if it pleases you if I disobey. Sitri will not challenge this. Do I serve you too you are demon king?

RE: do you know why he's called buffalo bill? - Lecter - May 03, 2014

Perhaps, the shaman murmured, offering a smirk toward the bloodstained man. Do you listen? To the rest of Sitri's words, the shaman mused, pacing forward upon the path and inviting the other to follow with a jerk of his muzzle.

In serving her, you serve me. I know not of this Demon King — I am not he. I am Lecter, chosen of Sos, and his spokespiece, and I believe you shall be the same, in time.

<style type="text/css">.lecter {width:400px; margin:0px auto; padding:20px 25px 200px 20px; background-image:url('http://i61.tinypic.com/2r6nywh.png'); background-position: bottom; background-color:#0e0000; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-align:justify;} .lecter-in {width: 380px; border:3px double #888888; padding: 10px; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.65); text-align: justify;} .lecter q {color:#eb0303;} .lecter p {text-indent:30px; color:#888888; font:12px/1.75 Georgia; margin:0px;}</style>

RE: do you know why he's called buffalo bill? - Sitri - May 04, 2014

Sitri nodded Yes green eyed demon mother told me listen they teach me. His mother had indeed been a demon but he had both loathed and loved her (in his own way). His father had been a pale furred, red eyed healer and he had liked him the only wolf besides those here and now to even treat him as his own being.

How Sitri be this? Only know what is taught sitri does. Sitri had been taught his place and his duties years ago he was unsure if he could be taught again. He was not a smart wolf.

RE: do you know why he's called buffalo bill? - Lecter - May 09, 2014

wanna wrap up after another round? we need another i'm sorry i suck ;__;

He did not know of whom Sitri spoke — Jinx had flame-coloured eyes, at least to his worshipful eyes — but listened nevertheless to the brute. It seemed his companion did not believe that he could be taught such things; Lecter disagreed with a wide flare of his nostrils. That is nonsense. The Dark One has taught me only what He desires to be given in His service; I know little else.

A gentler creature might have formed a parallel betwixt himself and Sitri, but the Gamma was no such man, and leveled icewater eyes at the man, coldly awaiting any further questions.

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RE: do you know why he's called buffalo bill? - Sitri - May 12, 2014

yes and don't feel bad i suck too lol

Sitri listened and for the first time in his life he felt a sense of something unfurl in his chest a little kernel of hope if you will that he could be something more than what he was. That perhaps just perhaps he could be something more than a slave child born to slaves, taught nothing but servitude. Sitri learn of Sos then if Lecter will teach him. Should probably learn talk better first though. he nodded his words did not sound like most others they were stilted and awkward.

RE: do you know why he's called buffalo bill? - Lecter - May 13, 2014

Lecter nodded. Yes. But that will come with time. Already he liked the beast, unassuming, yet curious, a plant that drank in the rain of knowledge. He could do no better than to learn from Jinx and from himself, and in turn he would become something formidable.

Perhaps a creature to train in worship of Sos, to carry on the rites after he passed. A gentle incline of his head invited Sitri to accompany him, on a hunt, to speak - he did not yet know.

<style type="text/css">.lecter {width:400px; margin:0px auto; padding:20px 25px 200px 20px; background-image:url('http://i61.tinypic.com/2r6nywh.png'); background-position: bottom; background-color:#0e0000; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-align:justify;} .lecter-in {width: 380px; border:3px double #888888; padding: 10px; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.65); text-align: justify;} .lecter q {color:#eb0303;} .lecter p {text-indent:30px; color:#888888; font:12px/1.75 Georgia; margin:0px;}</style>

RE: do you know why he's called buffalo bill? - Sitri - May 16, 2014

Heres my last post here another soon <3

Sitri dipped his head in respect. He found that he was fast respecting perhaps even liking the witch of Silvertip Mountain. that was an all together knew feeling for the brute, having grown with no one to like. He would look through those thoughts another day. He was finding that as he found his own spot in this pack many of his thoughts and opinions were forming and they were odd and exhausting for him. The voices still spoke to him whispered of dark dirty things, but he found he could almost ignore them at times and in away that made him desperate and sad as ifa piece of him was failing and dying. he stepped into formation behind the male allowing him to lead the way to whatever it was that he wanted him to do.