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Dragoncrest Cliffs look what you've done - Printable Version

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look what you've done - Muses - November 03, 2016

It had taken her a day and a half of swift traveling to reach the northernmost section of the coast. The steep rises of the cliffs, hazy from the mist, had lured Muses from the valley she sought temporary refuge in. They were not the geological form she had hoped to find, however. Her nostrils flared against the humid air which hung over her like a heavy cloak. No matter how much she shook, blown out fur flying every which way, she could not make the air feel any lighter. Wrinkling her nose in distaste, she padded up the steep slopes, opting to take a route that did not lead her directly up to the cliff's topmost point, but just off to the side, where her vision of what lay ahead would not be obscured, yet she would still be beneath the towering bluffs.

What stretched out before her was surreal. Muses had never seen a lake so large. The water stretched out beyond the horizon to the north and west, a blue far deeper than any she had ever known. Birds circled the sky, dropping down to the rippled waters before wheeling back up, occasionally with their next meal caught between their beaks. Muses simply stared out, jaws parted and tongue lolling out to the side. She was awestruck, a marble statue facing the misty breeze. Below, she could see the faint line of a beach - although she did not know what it was called - running along the base of the nearest cliff, and tucking away neatly around a bend. It was pale, more pebbles than sand, but inviting under the glow of the afternoo  sun.

She had not found mountains, but she wondered if this strange place was similar, in a way. Her heart leapt with joy at the prospect of a new adventure. With wide, pale eyes, she scanned the area, wondering where to start, and which was the safest way to begin her explorations.


RE: look what you've done - Deirdre - November 03, 2016

deirdre was returning home from her journey to the creek, eager to be within the forest of donnelaith once again. she yearned for its trees and their whispers, for its streams and its songs, for her wolves and for the herbs she grew within the autumn-turned soil. on her journey she had healed many a wolf as she passed through the area, and she wished to see the things that she had cultivated. she was sure that emaleth had been active in her stead; the ritual, she felt, had reminded emaleth of purpose again.

she would be home, soon. she knew these cliffs well, and moved along them with an inspective eye. the waters were calm, and she thought of skellige, of rannoch, of doe and szymon--had she brought their children into this world, yet...? and then she thought of her own subordinates. she wondered if cas and winchester had found home in the forest yet. she wondered if starbuck had returned yet--she had not been home for their samhain ritual, to deirdre's chagrin (though truly, her chagrin was wholly distress). she wondered also of eilidh, if she was still donnelaith's ghost or if she, too, had found some purpose in donnelaith. her heart ached to think that she might not have... but deirdre was patient for her. even still, deirdre grieved for the loss of lasher. deirdre did not think it something she would ever fully recover from. she wondered about lotte and laerke--how did they fair, in her absence?--and of the lovely flaris, who deirdre thought of with a little smile. and of marcello, the handsome newcomer... how had he been, too? ah, she would see soon!

her step seemed to lighten at the thought. even from here, she could see the towering sentinels. they were impressive, their height foretelling of their ancient age. she nearly broke into a trot when the outline of another caught her eye, and this gave her pause. the peach furs were unique to the witch, who admired them in what little proximity was between them. this admiration was unabashed--deirdre had never been ashamed, or taught to be ashamed, of her love for others beauty. she did not appear to leer, and her gaze was warm. deirdre chuffed quietly to let the other know of her presence, not wanting to frighten her, near to the cliffs as they were!

RE: look what you've done - Muses - November 03, 2016

A gentle chuff brought the young wolf back to the world of reality. She turned in a most serene manner, neither startled nor afraid. It was not that Muses was brave, but rather ignorant of the greater dangers in the world. Nonetheless, she thought she would have nothing to fear, faced with an ivory maiden who stood a polite distance away. Immediately, her masked face lit up, a tender smile settling over inky lips. Cocking an ear in a quizzical manner, she allowed her tail to wag freely, her emotions set upon her sleeve.

"Another winter wolf!" She exclaimed in delight, happy to see a wolf who looked so much like herself. The only oddity Muses could detect was the emerald eyes that sparkled like gemstones under a show light. "Hello! Are you from the mountains as well? What is this place? I've never seen such flat faced mountains in my life! And I've ever seen a lake as big as that one either." She indicated towards the azure waters with a grand sweep of her tail, allowing her words to bubble forth, uninhibited like a flowing stream. She was just so happy to see someone else, so happy to cling to familiarity, that it felt impossible to be cautious or hesitant.

RE: look what you've done - Deirdre - November 03, 2016

the others immediate openness warmed deirdre to her core, and she waited no longer to step alongside her, nose moving toward the others nape to innocently sniff at it to know the other better. scents told deirdre that the other had seen many, but ran with none that she knew; she wondered if this perfect stranger ran alone, or if she had found others to hunt with.

to be greeted as a winter wolf was not wrong to deirdre, who had been born late-december and so could be considered such a thing. that she was stark snow-white in complexion was not something deirdre was entirely aware of; she had never admired herself by way of reflection, and she would be shocked to know of her own exquisite beauty. deirdre was humble and soft, having no ideas of the beauty she possessed. even if she were to know, it would matter little to her.

i am not, she admitted, her voice gentle as she admitted this, these are the cliffs that border the forest not so far from us--donnelaith, she gestured toward the land that she had inherited, a great measure of love in her voice as she spoke of the trees she had indicated toward the other she-wolf. at the others mention of this being a lake, deirdre smiled kindly, her tail waving. she was not at all condescending when she corrected the others train of thought: i have heard that these waters are called the ocean. it cannot be drank from, or you may fall ill, she forewarned. there are also mysterious creatures in its depths--fish like those i have never seen in riverwater, or lakes, she was happy to share this knowledge with the other, always keen to help when others were in need... and even when they were not.

RE: look what you've done - Muses - November 03, 2016

It was revealed to Muses that she had discovered cliffs that bordered an ocean. She pondered the information for a moment, having never encountered cliffs like the ones that towered above her, stretching out to the west. "Donnelaith." Muses hummed, repeating the name softly to herself. She liked the way the word was coloured when the white wolf spoke it; already, she could tell it was held in the highest regard.

It was further explained to her that the giant lake - the ocean - had poisoned waters in which mysterious fish survived. Muses looked out into the waters with renewed interest, although she could not entirely grasp a concept to abstract. "I appreciate you telling me," There was a brief pause as the young wolf realized that she had no name to match the alabaster beauty. "Forgive me! I never introduced myself, and didn't even think to ask for your name." Her sweet tones were earnest and apologetic, tail curving sharply downward in a display of disgrace.

"My name is Muses. I've traveled a long way from the north. I'm indebted to you, for I would have surely tried to quench my thirst with the ocean water." She was formal and courteous, her demeanor reflective of her upbringing. Since it was already later in the afternoon, she had planned to spend the night in the area, and would undoubtedly have gone to seek out the closest source of water.

Realizing that she knew very little about the strange new world she had entered, and hardly enough to live on her own, made Muses feel inadequate. There she was, a year and a half old, and she was relying on the help of kind strangers for survival. Truthfully, she was well equipped to thrive in her native land, but setting out on her own had been a steep learning curve that she had yet to master. A little embarrassed, she lowered her gaze, scuffing a front paw shyly against the ground.

RE: look what you've done - Deirdre - November 03, 2016

deirdre so enjoyed to hear others say the name of her own natal lands! even when they could not pronounce it so well as one borne to it, hearing the tongue of another play at its syllables was like listening to the most beautiful of songs sang in a way she did not yet know, but loved all the same!

the others appreciation was met with a genuine smile, and as the other apologized deirdre blinked worriedly. she had seen the other do no wrong before her eyes, and so she wondered what ever was the matter. the stranger provided clarification swiftly, and she could not help the small laugh that seemed to bubble forth from her lips. there is nothing to forgive! deirdre breathed, hoping to alleviate the worry of the other as she introduced herself. muses. it was a lovely name, unique to deirdre who had not heard such a name before.

you owe me no debt--i am sure you would share with me the same knowledge, were you to have known it, deirdre hummed, and these words she truly believed! she shared much the same worldview as muses herself held, naive, perhaps, to think this of others. i am deirdre stella mayfair, she introduced at last, and then, she breathed with wonder, what do you seek to gain from these travels? what do you search for? after speaking the words, she was bashful for a moment. i do not mean to pry! i only wonder... i have lived within donnelaith all of my life, and this, she would not change for the world. you need not answer my questions, she clarified, her ears falling flat upon her head during her moment of uncertainty. they were quick to prick upward, though, hopeful to hear of the others story.

RE: look what you've done - Muses - November 03, 2016

Muses shrugged sheepishly, as if to protest, but thought better of it. She seemed to dance upon a fine line between familiarity and politeness; the last thing she wanted to do was offend anyone who was capable of helping her. "It's only right to return the favour! It would be something that makes me happy." She insisted firmly, leaving no room for compromise. It was not a large debt that she owed, but she believed firmly in returning kindness. Grinning in hopeful reassurance, she hoped her new friend would understand. Muses was a giver, continually searching to assist and please.

"It's no bother, I'm more than happy to oblidge!" She tried her best to soothe the female's worries, now realizing that they were kindred spirits. "Deirdre, can you try to imagine what you would do if Donnelaith was made to become suddenly uninhabitable?" Her tone, though sombre, implied no thread. "Where would you go if you could not return to your home, and if you were, through violent means, separated from your family?" Surely someone who had only ever known one home, one family, would understand what drove her across such great distances. With a soft, weary sigh, Muses lowered onto her haunches, as if thinking about the ordeal was enough to steal her breath away.

"I don't really know what I'm looking for, or where to go next." The way of life she had known had been uprooted, leaving her a solitary, wandering wolf to fend for herself. "I know that sometimes, young wolves hunger for exploration, and set out. I never imagined such would be my fate." It had happened to her mother, she knew that much, but she had never given it much thought. "I'm just looking for the closest place to home." Muses concluded with a small smile, wishing not that the other would take pity on her. It really was not so bad - she rarely dwelled on the negativities within her life - but it was lonesome, and she was prepared to acknowledge that sometines she did feel a little sad and a little lost.

RE: look what you've done - Deirdre - November 03, 2016

deirdre mutely accepted the others words, a subtle smile playing at her lips. fine, then, her shifting ears and her slight nod were so that the other to see that deirdre would oblige her this. the girl would not force the other to insist more than once; if it made her happy, then, well, there was nothing she could do, was there?! deirdre took a step nearer to the other, always one who reveled in nearness to her companions. on her own brief journey, deirdre yearned for that; she received ample affection when at the creek, but time had gone by since then. it was apparently quite important in her own love languages; she displayed her affections physically, more oft than not.

deirdre listened to the other and held her breath at the others words. a sadness entered her heart at the very thought, and she exuded it--why, her eyes, they even were wet with tears! oh, donnelaith, twas the one thing that lasher had left her! if it were to burst into flame, what would she do? it was not something she had ever considered, and to think it felt like a curse. i do not know, she admitted quietly, but then realized that what the other spoke was the answer to deirdre's very own question. she gasped, pained to have put the other through such memories, and floundered for a moment. this is why you wander so! oh! i am so sorry, to have made you think of such things again! to say it! she anguished for the other, wholeheartedly!

muses words rang like bells in her heart, chiming one after the other. how she understood what the other was saying! deirdre did not wish to dream of being uprooted from donnelaith--she felt she might die if such a thing were to happen, as the trees surely would! she was rooted, as any other plant within her domain was. such dramatic thoughts, but then, deirdre was a teenager whose thoughts erred on violent tragedies and exquisite romances! poetry, all of it! when one lived through a plague, a famine, and outlived their own mother and father, such shakespearean ideals were easy to plant there! her mind was a vivid thing, and she saw, tasted, felt, smelled, and hurt and heard with others!

muses, my lamb, she crooned, no pity at all in her voice, only love and care, and some sadness--for she did hurt for the other! i would not wish such a thing on my most terrible of enemies, and to hear it has happened to you! she pressed her eyes roughly together, pushing a bead of water from them. she was overwhelmed with emotion! donnelaith is no mountain, but these cliffs... they run high, not so high as your once-home, perhaps... what i mean to say is... donnelaith can offer you a home, if home is what you are looking for. it is sanctuary--it is for those whom are pacifists, and believe in caring for one another, deirdre sighed a little, knowing well her offer could be refused, but needing to express it to the other. i am here for you,

RE: look what you've done - Muses - November 03, 2016

Muses was happy to stand her ground, for it was unbecoming for a priestess to reach out to others, as had been her role in a past life. Those of holy status were allowed to deny or accept nearness, but the pale youth had always been one to accept; how could she ever turn someone away? It was only until after she finished speaking did she search Deirdre's face for any indication of understanding. She had not prepared herself for what might happen if her audience became invested in her story. Pale eyes widening in horror, she recoiled a step, horrified that she had managed to elicit such a strong reaction, when she had only meant to explain something that had no concrete description.

"Please," Muses pleaded, a low whine slipping from her throat as she stepped foward again, reaching out with her muzzle to gently try and place her leathery nose against Deirdre's cheek. "Do not think of my story as a mere tragedy." Her tone was hushed, quiet strength pushing through her voice. "Not a day goes by where I do not mourn my loss, but I cannot - I will not! - allow sorrow to consume me." If anything, she had to be strong. That was the reason why she carried the memory of her sisters with her.

She chose to carry their strength within her, to live for them if they could no longer live. Her littermates, she knew for certain were gone. The rest, she could not be certain. All she knew was that she was unlikely to return; her fate was sealed. "Because this has happened to me, I can now truly know both sorrow and happiness." It was a small blessing, but Muses clinged to it as though it was her very lifeforce. Those she loved would live on within her, and she would cherish even the smallest gifts life provided to her, for even a fleting moment of joy was a thousand times better than the losing something forever.

Although she had anticipated several different outcomes, Muses did not think that her young companion would offer her a home. "Oh, t-that's..." She stammered, clearly caught off guard. "That's a very kind offer." Her cheeks grew hot as she considered the opportunity. "It would be foolish of me to decline," She spoke shyly, suddenly uncertain of her wording. "Would it be ok?" Muses thought that finding a way into a pack would be far more difficult, yet it seemed that she was granted the opportunity on a silver platter. "Wouldn't that be the decision of your father, er, alpha?" Was it customary for such young wolves to offer strangers a home? Even Muses, who had been highly regarded within her family, had no authority within the pack. Everything was decided by her father, without question, and often without consideration for the opinion of others.

RE: look what you've done - Deirdre - November 03, 2016

no, deirdre agreed, sharing the others sentiment. sadness, torment, all things caused by tragedies--those had not defined deirdre, either. she did not wish to define the other by her tragedy, and thus never would! the young girl only sought to keep her newfound friend safe from the terror already wrought upon her by fates hand, which could often be too cruel. the other put a truly pleasant twist upon her own situation, and yet to know sorrow deirdre still did not wish upon her, though she knew it, and there was no taking that from her. the mayfair girl could only seek to make her life better, from here, and to give her brighter memories to add to her future. 

deirdre turned her muzzle toward the others touch, nosing her softly in a gesture of comfort. you are very strong, muses, deirdre breathed, amazed. it was one thing to lose ones home, but to lose their family as well! i do not know what it is you believe in, and i am uncertain as to what your family was like... but if they are half the wolf that you appear to be before me, this day, i am certain they are watching over you, and are proud, this she felt must be true. as she knew her own father looked after her when he could, she felt the family of muses would always look after her! 

the others tentative acceptance brought deirdre to smile, and her tail waved behind her. and yet the question caused her joy to falter for but a moment. she withheld the sharp intake of breath that usually came with the inquiry--for, by now, deirdre was used to those asking of her father, and it was this question that wounded her the most. not for it being asked, but for her consistent wish that he could be alive himself. that he could be the one to bring muses into their fold. 

i have inherited donnelaith from the man you speak of, deirdre informed, i am donnelaith's málóid banríon. it is what the creatures of the wood have called me. witch queen, she smiled, at that, but spoke the words with an equal measure of pride, and humility. my father passed when i was young, though his spirit and dreams both have told me that donnelaith was meant to be my own. my sister, emaleth, leads as my second, her eyes were bright as she informed muses of this. i am young, yes, but i am capable. to rule is within my blood, passed unto me from my missing mother and my late father both. it was instinct, now, and she invited any to test her mettle. her devotion to donnelaith and those she kept in its sanctuary would be found to be unmatched. i have the authority to accept you into its ranks, if this is something you would wish,

RE: look what you've done - Muses - November 03, 2016

"Th-thank you." Muses stammered, her ears pushing out in modest display. She could feel her cheeks burn, her heart thrumming, as she processed the compliment. No one had ever called her strong, although it had always been one of her greatest aspirations. She thought it over very carefully, even went as far as to analyse Deirdre's words, but could see no tint of dishonesty. Hopefully, she would be able to continue to live up to those expectations.

The ivory wolf spoke so earnestly, painting such a glorious painting of her, Muses thought she might faint simply from being so overwhelmed. She wanted to protest, to try and remain humble, to allude to the dark secrets that she had begun to uncover, but she stopped herself. Her maw hung open, prepared to deny what her friend had said, yet she could not bring herself to shame her dead family. Proud was not the word she would have used, not for all of them, but certainly her sisters. That was all that mattered.

"Yes, you're right." Finally agreeing, she allowed the topic to close naturally. It was impossible for Muses to be alone; not when she carried the memories, the names of her sisters; she had not always been known by the name Muses. It was her burden and her joy, but she was not yet ready to explain it. The very thought made her feel exhausted, aged beyond her years.

Her ears swivled back to face Deirdre, tail drooping as she explained her situation. As if the northern traveller had been the only one to experience tragedy! This time, Muses snuffed, a puff of warm breath aimed for white fur. "I'm the one who should be admiring you for your strength!" She chuckled, shaking her head in disbelief. "You've taken on a large responsibility for one so young, but I have no doubt you are a fine leader." The care she had for others was truly remarkable.

Then, Muses hesitated, drawing back a step. "Deirdre, would you still allow me to join you if I brought along someone else? He's still very young..." She had not meant to keep him a secret, but she feares that something terrible would happen if she let anyone know before she had found some sort of sanctuary. "I feel like I can trust you." The path ahead was not very clear, but Muses knew that she would find her way, especially now that she had found a friend in this lovely white wolf before her.

RE: look what you've done - Deirdre - November 04, 2016

deirdre smiled at the others encouragement. it was the first time someone looked at her beyond her own age, which was a blessed thing to the witch queen. so many only saw her for her youth! twas true she had more to experience, but most of lifes cruelest devastations she had endured. her father died of famine; her mother disappeared in the brightest hour of the day and had never returned. perhaps her mother, too, had died of famine--she had left seeking green.

i am sure it would be fine, so long as he holds no desire to harm another, for deirdre did not wish to harbor wolves with utter hate in their heart that would poison the purity of donnelaith's drive--to help, to aid, to provide a home that one could always feel safe in. would you tell me of him? and, as to muses other sentiment, deirdre looked at her with a radiant smile. how she appreciated this! she had never, she did not think, given another a reason to not trust her. she would never actively try to destroy the trust in her life she had built. i feel much the same, the pale queen responded at length, and twas true! she did feel as though she could trust her, and considered her, and this, as she awaited the response to her question.

RE: look what you've done - Muses - November 05, 2016

Muses nodded, wondering what harm Ingram coud possibly do. "I haven't known him very long. Found him wandering deep in the north woods, and kept him nearby ever since. Didn't feel right to leave the boy alone; he can't have seen more than two seasons pass." She explained, hoping that Deirdre would understand. He was almost old enough to be independent, but as Muses had learned in the last six months, living alone was not easy. "His name is Ingram." She added, figuring that there would be no point in waiting to introduce the youth. In all honesty, she could not say that she knew him well, but she chalked it up to him being shy, for having been left on his own. Perhaps she too would have been jaded in his situation.

"He is waiting for me back in the northern territories, where I asked him to wait. I didn't think it would be safe for us to travel openly until I knew the area a bit better." After all, what kind of a guardian would she be if she couldn't keep him safe? "I'd like to fetch him before going to Donnelaithe, if you don't mind." She added sheepishly, although her point was likely assumed.

RE: look what you've done - Deirdre - November 05, 2016

no, deirdre agreed wholeheartedly. were she to find a child alone, would she leave it be if there were no others to aid it? certainly not! by all accounts, muses was a good woman; her words but amplified the train of thought she had! ingram, deirdre repeated slowly, enunciating the syllables. he, too, is welcome--we have no other young, and i do not expect there to be any this season. though there are cubs i believe near that age, in our neighboring territories, she thought of the wolf that lotte had aided, and of rannoch, too. at six months, an age she had been at not too long ago, you were capable of much. her mentality was certainly different, but deirdre did not forget herself. 

of course! deirdre breathed, her tail waving slowly between her hocks. i am sorry, if i have stopped you from this, deirdre's ears flattened--she was unsure if she had interrupted the others progress in finding him, and her eyes cast downward with guilt.

RE: look what you've done - Muses - November 09, 2016

Her tail quivered in a tentative display of relief. She could not simply leave Ingram, and so she was glad to hear that he was welcome too. "I'm sure having friends his age will brighten his mood!" Muses chirped, remembering how much she had enjoyed being surrounded by relatives close in age.

"Please, think nothing of it." Offering a sweet smile, she leaned in towards Deirdre to give a comforting bump with her shoulder. "I had left him to scout the area, so he isn't expecting me back right away. You're welcome to join me. Otherwise, if you tell me how to return to Donnelaithe, we'll go straight back there." Her tone was easy, for she was not pressed for time, nor had she any immediate plans to fulfill.

RE: look what you've done - Deirdre - November 09, 2016

she was thrilled to think of her friends young companions happiness, as she sought to bring happiness to all she knew. already her heart had made room for muses, and sought to see her happiness, too! muses had extended faith toward her, and deirdre was devoted to those that she kept. 

the others invitation truly warmed her, and though deirdre wished to take it so she could spend more time in the fair femme's company, she knew she could not. i have been away from donnelaith for too long, deirdre admitted worriedly, i had needed to travel, to inform my family, fellow mayfairs!, of my reign, deirdre had assimilated into the rank, and only when she felt emaleth was prepared to lead without her for a time did deirdre depart the forest. she left it in capable paws, she knew--and the depths, too, would protect her home. i must return  to see to the pack swiftly--i could not help but stop when i saw you, deirdre admitted with a smile. do you see those sequoia's in the distance...? deirdre gestured to the behemoth trees that reached well over the fog! they were mighty and fierce sentinels, and their age was written in their great heights. they are the beginning of donnelaith. you need only trail the ridge to arrive, and call to me--i will come, she promised.

RE: look what you've done - Muses - November 10, 2016

With solemn understanding, the young wolf nodded. "Don't let me keep you from your responsibilities." She teased, although would have felt guilty had she kept the young sovereign any longer. Although she had never been a leader, she understood the importance of presence. The whole pack would be on Deirdre's shoulders, looking to her for guidance, young as she was.

"Those very tall trees out yonder?" She tried to confirm, knowing that it was imperative that she understood the directions perfectly. It would not be difficult to miss the distant pack in lands as strange as this one. Deirdre went on to explain that they marked the fringe of Donnelaith, and that to get there, she had only to follow the ridge that meandered alongside the coast. Once again, Muses nodded, taking in the vast distance between the trees and where she stood. "I'll come find you soon." She promised with a shy smile, before turning tail in a dainty manner. With a parting wave of her tail, she dashed off, headed North East to return to Ingram and tell him the good news.