Wolf RPG
Broken Antler Fen Go Run, Run, Run, Yeah Its A Long Way Down. - Printable Version

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Go Run, Run, Run, Yeah Its A Long Way Down. - Ambrosia - November 05, 2016

Potential Caregiver/Medic thread or just anyone who wants to spend time with a sick girl! Brandy dug her a den in the glade that Brandy/@Aduin said they'd raise their future family.

The past month since her meeting with Seb had been no better -- she'd eaten herbs, done exercises, ben confined to her den across from Brandy and Aduin's for rest of her muscles -- and despite some of the symptoms helping ease the process, the tawny woman was descending slowly but steadily into her unknown disease. Nobody could tell her what was wrong, and every day came new challenges. Yesterday, she'd taken a full day -- yes, from dawn till sunset -- to fully go around the borders. Between her random and frequent muscle twitches that caused her to stumble and fall, pausing, and her attention always being unfocused, drawing her sometimes yards from the borders before she could again turn her paws back to her goal. Random memories flashed in her mind more than anything: whether this was just her life beginning to flash before her eyes or a part of the disease, she didn't know.

Today found her trying to hunt. No matter what anybody told her, she would not fall into ruin; she would not be a burden. Sometimes, this was an easy task, the low stalk of her body could usually contain the worst of her spasms. She had to stalk things much, much longer than normally, but the warriors bursts of a normal gait, even running, had drastically reduced. This, she found from experience: last week, she'd tried to run even feeling the telltale tingle of her muscles beginning to clamp down. Her front leg had kicked back, sending her tumbling into the thankfully soft earth of the fen. The rabbit had gotten away, of course, and Ammie had to sit there for a near hour cleaning the peat and moss from her nose, eyes, and mouth. Halfway failing, she'd had to make her way back to the grove of her den

The worst part of it was, she was again feeling the need to travel. It wasn't the Winter that kept her from asking Sebastian, but her fear that he would say no. Hearing the no would make it worse, would frustrate her -- to not ask left her at least feeling she could go whenever she wanted, and the false sense of freedom would hold her off. Hopefully, it would also keep away the mania she felt building, the depression that battled for control every moment of the day. For now, as she threw herself into pack life and duties, she could feel useful. She could be okay.