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Blacktail Deer Plateau sea legs - Printable Version

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sea legs - Pura - April 17, 2014

Pura is nearly two weeks! :) His eyes are open and he can wobble around. Anyone that's permitted near the den, but I wouldn't mind a passing member of the pack scooting him back into the den if no family is about.

Pura Virtúte was alive, and now he had some inkling of the fact. Unlocking the sight achievement had gone a long way toward changing him from dormant seed to sapling, and the rest of his little body had begun to follow suit. Saēna may have beaten him to functioning eyeballs, but her brother was a clear winner in the size category. He stomped around on stocky, quivering legs, and slowly, carefully, his silky little ears were unfolding.

The acquisition of new skills had increased his liability factor ten-fold. Well before dawn, little Pura was on his feet in the balmy den, staggering on fat little paws in the direction of the only break in the blackness - out. His baby-blues weren't equipped for detail, but he was already adept at spotting variation in colour. Thus far, his catalogue of experiences told him that darker colours meant a world of dull and their lighter counterparts promised every manner of awesomeness.

RE: sea legs - Blue Willow - April 17, 2014

Blue willow came by again with food for the alphas and their family though they could hunt by themselves now she still brought them at least a small offering if she could a rabbit or a bird or anything really. She felt the need to help them nurture them since they were taking care of pups and she did not want them to neglect themselves which some parents were very prone to doing. And she got enjoyment out of seeing the pups grow up before her eyes, all 4 were adorable and she loved to interact with them, though so far she only got to play with Osprey Junior the most.

As she dropped the rabbit near the den she happened to see Little Pura the only boy venturing on wobbly stocky legs towards the outside world and he had gotten pretty far for a little one. She chuffed softly and gently bent and retrieved him speaking quietly "Now now little man you should not be out and about without your parents. She placed him gently at the beginning of the den mouth and chuffed softly to let the alphas know she then gently nuzzled the boy and stood waiting to see what he would do and to hear if any of the adults said anything.

RE: sea legs - Pura - April 19, 2014

A dark blur halted his progress - Hawkeye would no doubt be pleased about that, but Pura Virtúte squalled unhappily. He wanted to play, but each one of his siblings had chosen this moment to take a collective nap. The soft snores emanating from the den sounded like a threat to the very name of fun, and it made his little paws itch with pent-up energy. When the age of opposites hit him, Pura promised to be an utter nightmare.

"Fuu," the little whelp half growl, half whimpered, turning sad little face up at what was presumably another wolf. This specific scent was new, but there was an undercurrent of Plateau wolf that he recognized. That meant she was obliged to play with him. Right?

RE: sea legs - Blue Willow - April 19, 2014

blue willow chuckled at him and gently prodded him with her paw, to let him have at her paw. Junior had had fun with her paw earlier this week, so why not let little Pura do it as well.

She did not feel obliged at all she would gladly play with the puppies at anytime anywhere. She chuckled to herself as he looked up at her all dejected. "I'm sorry little one, but you can't be outside without one of the adults. Blue willlow wasn't about to take him outside without permission so he would have to make do with playing in the den entrance.

RE: sea legs - Pura - April 20, 2014

A heavy weight swung at Pura Virtúte, knocking him off-balance (the whelp was only small, and even the slightest nudge felt like being whacked with a house). He stumbled back but managed to stay on all fours, wide-eyed with surprise. "Nunu?" he blabbered questioningly. Was this a game? It must be a game. He had to win at the game.

The pint-sized wolf dropped to his elbow, rump in the air, and tried to growl at Countess Paw and her fearsome Toe Minions - but his balance was still far from perfect, and the stress of attempting to make a fearsome noise caused his raised bum to tumble sideways. The rest of the little upstart followed, and Pura landed with an "Oof!" on his back.

RE: sea legs - Blue Willow - April 20, 2014

Blue Willow chuckled as he slid backward and her chuckle grew a little louder as the pup babbled at her. She assumed he was trying to figure out what was going on. He had gone back pretty far from her nudging him, being so much smaller than her.

Blue Willow leaned forward and picked up the pup and helped to right him. Nudging him gently with her nose to make sure he was okay. She didn't want him to get hurt while he was playing with her. She slid her paw across the floor for him to chase if he wanted too.

RE: sea legs - Pura - April 21, 2014

Before Pura could protest or roll, a dark shadow darkened the skies above him. The little whelp made saucer eyes at the strange alien, catching sight of something bright green before whoever it was scooped him up by scruff of the neck and set him down on all fours again.

The big, black paw reappeared, moving slower this time. Predatory instinct whispered softly in Pura Virtúte's ears, telling him things that didn't quite make sense yet. Crouch. Bum in the air. Keep silent. He obeyed, but struggled to combine all three instinctive commands with any grace. The dark lure came closer.. and POUNCE! He threw himself, belly-flop style (a method that would come to represent his general approach to life) at Blue Willow's padded toes.

RE: sea legs - Blue Willow - April 21, 2014

Blue Willow laughed and she bent down as he came tried to adjust himself to pounce. She helped him to right his stance pushing his paws a little closer together and pushing his rump a little higher in the air. Then she began moving the paw again.

He came at her with a belly flop and she chuckled "Be careful doing that little one You might hurt your belly. She knew that her pack mates were going to have their paws full with at least two of their pups Pura and Junior were both proving to be extremely adventurous pups.

RE: sea legs - Pura - April 21, 2014

Blue Willow adjusted him for flight, and Pura Virtúte did his utmost to maintain the stance she had arranged him into. When his fat little belly made contact with his sitter's paw, the boisterous whelp clutched at it to avoid being bounced back into the air. His happy, gasping little pants said 'victory!', but the joy was soon replaced by a perplexed little look - what were you supposed to do with something you caught? Lick it? Chew? Pura opened his mouth as wide as it would go, closed it over the smallest of Blue Willow's toes, and om-nom-nom-ed quietly.

The very act of chewing sent a message to his stomach. Very soon, little Pura's belly began to whine and gurgle - a dangerous sound; all three of his primary guardians would attest to that. At this point, even Pura knew what was about to happen. He turned a sad little face up at Blue Willow.

"Ooo, oo!" he informed her urgently, a split second before his bowels let go.

RE: sea legs - Blue Willow - April 21, 2014

Blue Willow laughed deeply at his perplexed looks at the paw. It was obvious that he did not know what to do with what he caught, but soon he got it and began to chew on her toes. She tried very hard not to giggle as it tickled pretty badly.

She heard the gurgle of his belly and remembering what had happened to Peregrine she gently backed her paws up, she knew that she would get some on her, it was inevitable but she could at least lessen it if possible. She lifted her head and kept her eyes and nose away from the little one and then she smiled at him "It's okay little one, I can clean my paws if it gets on them, though I think I will be far enough away from your rear there, but you and I will definitely have to move. After he defecated all over the ground and a little splashed on her paws she lifted him gently away from the puddle of brown goo and wiped her paws in the dirt as she moved and made sure to cover his mess then she settled down and let him continue his torment of her toes if he wanted.

RE: sea legs - Pura - April 25, 2014

Exiting Pura here. :D Thanks for the thread!

There was poo everywhere. Blue Willow dealt with the situation like only a woman could, cooing sweetly over Pura Virtúte whilst she cleared away his leavings and wiped both the soiled pup and her own paws. Soon enough, everyone was clean again, and Pura had been relocated.

The exertion had tired the pup out, and without an exciting pile of his own crap to root around in (his sitter had seen to that), there was nothing to distract him from sleep. His lids became heavy, drooping over cornflower blue eyes, and he dropped to the ground where he stood. Within seconds, tiny snores were drifting from the freckled pup pancake on the ground - having the courtesy to fall asleep somewhere sensible was not yet part of Pura's box of tricks.

RE: sea legs - Blue Willow - April 25, 2014

Blue Willow laughed out loud when she saw the little boy fall fast asleep in the most awkward position and she continued to chortle softly to herself as she stepped forwards and picked him up gently in her mouth to carry closer to his sisters and parents. She lay him down gently gave a gentle chuff to the adults and then went on her way towards some new gathering and some hunting a goofy smile on her face.