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Golden Glade semper fidelis - Printable Version

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semper fidelis - Estelle - November 08, 2016

Trying to get Aster's final mercenary trade out of the way. Marking borders or some friendly sparring, either one is fine!
As she'd done at Teaghlaigh, Aster was occupying herself with the business of border maintenance. Not exactly the most attractive of jobs, and yet she enjoyed the solutude that came with it. The sun was beginning to set so she set out for the borderline, ready to mark their claim. Although in her mind it made more sense for the alpha to mark their land, Aster was awake and capable so she figured she'd take the liberty of such an important duty.
Perhaps @Alder would join her or even @Sylvas Streiter, the father of her developing family members. If not, then maybe another would find her in the night and take the long trip around the territory.