Wolf RPG
QQ regarding today's breeding addendum - Printable Version

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QQ regarding today's breeding addendum - Saēna - November 12, 2016

Prior to addendum:
Quote:You aren't required to seek IC or OOC permission for your pack character to breed but be aware that only Alphas have the true right to breed and may freely kill any pups born in their pack without their permission, no ifs, ands or buts! It is therefore in your character's best interest to ask first!

Today's change:
Quote:Addendum, Nov. 12, 2016: You are now required to seek OOC permission from your pack's management in order to breed. (IC permission is still optional!) Lone wolves must still seek permission from the administration (see below). OOC permission must be obtained prior to conception IC.

Quotes for reference!

Are Alphas still IC allowed to kill pups born in their pack without their explicit permission, per the original rule, even if OOC permission isn't an issue? I liked seeing that as an option. I don't think it's been used thus far, since most of the characters here aren't that type, but it was cool knowing that it was an option, especially for Alphas who would be far stricter about that sort of thing. I liked it as a fun, if ruthless, curveball that gave leaders an IC modicum of authority without crossing over into OOC, so I'm just curious if that sort of thing is still allowed to happen, or if OOC permission automatically means the pups get to survive and Alphas no longer have that right?

Obviously, most people would be like, "hey I'm cool with your character having pups but be aware my character would kill them if they don't ask permission," but I'm also generally a fan of the element of surprise and not having reactions hashed out before they have a chance to happen, which is also why I ask.

RE: QQ regarding today's breeding addendum - Wildfire - November 12, 2016

Since players are now required to seek OOC permission, an OOC conversation has to happen one way or the other. You're still more than welcome to go with the scenario you described, e.g., "My character would say no and/or kill the pups if permission isn't sought/given IC."

Sorry to force an OOC element into it. Nearly nobody exercised that right and we've had nearly 100 pups born this year, so we decided to change the policy for the time-being.

RE: QQ regarding today's breeding addendum - Saēna - November 12, 2016

Oh, it's totally fair that you changed it (and why)! I was just curious, but understand the need to make it known under this addendum that a character would kill them IC so OOC permission can't be given. :)