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Swiftcurrent Creek vacancies - Printable Version

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vacancies - Bazi - April 19, 2014

For anyone that wants to talk about the recent split! :)

The split had hit the ranks hard. Only eight wolves remained after Jinx departed with Lecter, Ira, and (surprisingly) Tyrande. A fifth wolf had gone as well, but Bazi had barely detected Sitri's presence during his fleeting time at the Creek. On the plus side, it felt as though the rot had been cut out, but numbers always won - even if those numbers included a geriatric sociopath and an ogre.

A light rain pelted Bazi as she walked the borders, watching the distance for any sign of movement. Now more than ever, they had to be vigilant. The most vocal threat to the Vale had disappeared, but they were not to know that.

She mourned the lost of their medic the most, but only for his skills. As far as Bazi was concerned, Lecter could smolder in his imaginary hell. But he did know what he was doing when it came to herbs and healing. He would need to be replaced, and fast; several wolves were still feeling the effects of the cougar attack, and Ferdie was still suffering from his mysterious injury.

As promised, she had proved herself a worthy scout - Fox had awarded her the official co-rank for her efforts, and there was a sense that she had been elevated within the pack. As such, Bazi had no qualms about raising a friendly summoning howl; there was work to be done, and only a few wolves to do it.

RE: vacancies - RIP Fox - April 19, 2014

Bazi had shown amazing dedication to the creek, and Fox thought that ought to be rewarded. Just as she had said upon arriving, Bazi had proven herself to be an excellent scout. The girl was making waves within the pack, and Fox thought it fit that she should rank above Njal, despite his longevity here. He had been more absent lately, although she was certain he had good reason to be. Part of that had been his trip to the plateau, but she knew he had been back for some time now, and still she did not see him as often. It was quite likely he was off with Tuwawi, who had also been a bit of a recluse lately.

Perhaps it should have bothered Fox that her two of her most trusted friends seemed a bit on the down-low, but she knew everybody went through phases. Bazi was on an "up" phase, and her new rank reflected that. When the girl's howl rang out, Fox gave a short howl back to signify that she was on her way, and then the fireball headed toward her de facto second-in-command. It did feel rather strange here, now that Jinx and her lot were gone, but Fox knew they would push on.

Once she was within range, Fox woofed at Bazi and then quickly made a beeline to her Gamma, greeting her with a friendly body-rub. “Bazi,” she rumbled, “You are doing well here in the creek.” It was not a question, but a statement.

RE: vacancies - Bazi - April 19, 2014

It cheered the her immensely that the Creek alpha was the first to appear. She returned the greeting with a soft bark of her own, tucking her tail obediently when Fox brushed her small, red body against Bazi's own.

"I've tried very hard," she replied, grateful for the praise. It was hard to believe that she and Fox were nearly the same age; something about the latter's demeanor made her seem much older, even if it was just a very effective front (Bazi wasn't sure) - either way, it made it easier to look up (figuratively) to Fox, and respect her as a leader despite her youth.

"I have some news, and suggestions," Bazi announced, breaking away from the greeting to sit. "Jinx's pack has grown to 7 or 8 individuals already - I met Tyrande, the girl that Lecter took, in a forest south of the mountain. It was inhabited once, but there's no-one there now. She mentioned a few names that I hadn't heard before - and told me that she left the Creek voluntarily. Lecter.. he tortured her and took some of her blood to draw shapes on the ground, but she left with him anyway. She seems.. emotional, and sweet. I don't think she knows what she has gotten herself into." There was a brief pause. "I've been on a recruitment drive. There are a few potentials - some of them budding medics, to replace Lecter. If none of them work out, Jace knows a fair bit about herbs and could be encouraged to improve. He recognized the yarrow I was carrying from quite a distance. The Plateau healer seems very willing to teach in exchange for a few supplies - from neutral territory."

Was that everything? That was everything. Bazi punctuated with a firm nod, watching Fox for a reaction.

RE: vacancies - RIP Fox - April 19, 2014

Fox listened as Bazi rattled off news of Silvertip and a few other things about healers. Most of it went in one ear and out the other. Fox had never been a terribly attentive wolf, and that was not about to change now. Still, it was not as if Fox didn't hear anything that Bazi said, and she responded to a few points once the girl fell silent. “I told Lecter to take Tyrande with him,” she began, “The girl clearly lacks manners, and I didn’t want that kind of thing here. If she wants to come back, that’s not our decision to make.” Fox was not going to try and steal the girl away from Silvertip just because Lecter was treating her like he was. Tyrande was his, as far as Fox was concerned, and he was free to do with her what he pleased, so long as it sat well with Jinx. It was out of their paws now.

“I had put Jace in charge of keeping a close eye on our food reserves, since nobody can heal on an empty stomach. Perhaps if we find somebody to fill that position, he can shift his focus to taking care of others on a different level.” Tuwawi was, of course, one of their main gamekeepers, but she would soon be with child (if she wasn't already), and food was more important to the pack than a healer. Everybody needed food all the time, but healing was only necessary for those who got themselves hurt.

RE: vacancies - Bazi - April 19, 2014

Bazi breathed a quiet "Oh.". That made more sense. Tyrande was certainly unpredictable, pulled this way and that by whatever flood of emotion was prince that day. "She may cause trouble for Jinx, then," she murmured. "She pledged to serve us if we needed it - even showed extreme submission. It seemed very wrong. I don't think she quite understands what it means to belong to a pack. But - that's not our problem now, as you said.. I didn't accept, of course," she hurried to add.

Bazi wasn't particularly fond of Jinx - which was unfair, since 99% of what she had heard was hearsay, biased opinions, and very fleeting encounters. That said, she had no doubt that the Silvertip alpha was more than capable of dealing with her own. There was power in that woman, a force of personality that Bazi could not help but admire.

She nodded at Fox's assessment - pressure from the Vale wolves had waned, and no-one was in immediate physical danger. They were unlikely to suffer from a landslide, and floods were unlikely to have any lasting effect. "And pups?" she probed, struck quite suddenly by the thought. "Will there be any this year?"

RE: vacancies - RIP Fox - April 19, 2014

“Bizarre,” replied Fox upon hearing that Tyrande had somehow pledged herself to Swiftcurrent. She gave a hum of approval when Bazi relayed that she had declined the offer. Quickly, Bazi was becoming one of Fox's favorites, and she was yet again reminded that she was glad to have the other yearling around. If she knew Bazi's opinion of Jinx, she would not have been surprised. Bazi did not know the former Beta the way that Fox did, and any number of outsiders would have called Jinx a traitor. But Fox knew better. The split had been a logical one, and the creek had been strong enough to take it.

Bazi shifted the conversation to pups, and a wry smile surfaced on Fox. “Provided they get down to it, Njal and Tuwawi will be having a batch of pups this year,” she replied. Fox was both joyful and jealous of the pair, but she knew that she would have her chance next year. She was uncertain if she would allow any others to mate once she was able, but that would be handled when she got there. Fox was a supremely possessive and jealous creature, and if she had it her way, she'd be knocked up by now. Unfortunately, that wasn't possible for her at this point in time.

RE: vacancies - Jace - April 19, 2014

Jace heard the howl from a little bit away as he had been fishing and hunting to fill the stores for the limited amount in the pack. He had also found out there maybe pups so he was trying to make sure there was food for the expectant mother that he had met once.

Jace loped into view water dripping from numerous spots on his body and back. He tilted an ear to listen and spoke to both the females at once "Hello fox ma'm and Bazi. he submitted to the alpha and also slightly to bazi since she was higher rank than he and he spoke again "You howled?

RE: vacancies - Bazi - April 20, 2014

/rocks appropriately fluffy avatar

"I thought so," she agreed, and carried on - filling the air with a flurry of words where Fox left a space. "I don't think I'll be venturing that far again. Silvertip Mountain makes me..nervous. Jinx makes me nervous, to tell you the truth, and Lecter."

But this wasn't the time to dwell on unpleasantness that lived on the opposite end of the map. The mention of pups painted an enormous grin on Bazi's already sunny face. She wasn't entirely sure what get down to it entailed, but she knew it took a mated pair to produce puppies. "That's wonderful," she gushed just as Jace loped into view, and turned to greet her shadowy friend with a soft woof. "Did you hear that, Jace? The Creek might have puppies soon - isn't that great? Oh - I wanted to ask you..." She glanced between her two packmates. "Lecter's gone, and you recognized the yarrow I was holding... do you dabble in healing? Fox just told me that your main job is to see to the caches."

RE: vacancies - Ferdie Von Pelt - April 21, 2014

Ferdie Von Pelt was traveling by with yet another goose in his jaws he was going to gift it to the Red Tail hawk that had taken nest above the den he and Bazi shared but he came upon a more worthy reason to gift his kill. As he trotted up to he group he looked at jace and offered no emotion, he was still impartial to the male, knowing that if he had been given the task to teach another wolf he would have tried just as hard. His ears perked for the conversation and he nearly dropped the goose, he nodded to Bazi and then gazed at fox with stars in his eyes.

The brute circled around and placed the goose at Foxs paws and then sat on his haunches and grinned Pups!! I love pups I love pup-sitting! I had no idea there were plans for pups this year, Ferdie stooped forward and licked Foxs chin with glee, proving without a doubt he submitted and adored her. "May I be the official pup-sitter for the pack Mi'lady Now and forever??" He meant not this this littler but next years, and the years after no matter who the parents were. Ferdie forced the niggling thoughts of his past from his mind, he was getting better at that, not thinking about the pups of his own he desperately wanted, not thinking about his own lost pups....

Suddenly he became embarrassed at his over necessary exuberance, He leaned down, and nudged the goose; the skin below his pelt reddening; the thought of pups had him far to exited. He began plucking feathers from the goose in quick easy succession while he waited for his answer, practiced in the art of grooming he would have the bird picked clean in less then 5 minutes and back in front of Fox.

Then he would take a proper two steps backward to give his alpha a more comfortable personal space.

I hope he has met the criteria for it, pmed you

RE: vacancies - RIP Fox - April 22, 2014

“They’re a rare breed,” replied Fox ambiguously. Lecter and Jinx were unlike many of the wolves here, and it probably was best that they had split off to do their own thing. Fox enjoyed their company in her own way, but she knew they rubbed many the wrong way. It could not be helped, but hopefully things would be smooth-sailing for a little while now. With young ones on the way, it would almost have to be smooth-sailing. Anything else could massively disrupt that whole plan.

Jace then arrived, and Fox gave him a quick nod. He was perhaps the one she knew the least, and yet he seemed to always be around. Time would likely change that, and Fox knew that he had been keeping himself occupied with the usual pack duties. Bazi asked if he dabbled in healing, and Fox was curious about this as well.

Ferdie had arrived, placing and then plucking a goose. He seemed rather thrilled at the thought of pups, and Fox grinned widely at him. “I suppose if you can prove yourself a worthy caretaker,” she replied, “I don’t see any reason why not.” Pausing, Fox looked at the goose and an idea came to her. “Perhaps you could take that to Tuwawi? It would put you in her good graces, and she needs it more than anybody else here.”

RE: vacancies - Jace - April 23, 2014

Jace returned the nod being sure to keep himself lower than his leader and his eyes averted. He was always around because frankly he was trying to make a name for himself as a valued pack mate and he was trying to make new friends. He hoped that it did not annoy anyone, he was only trying to integrate himself.

Jace then turned to Bazi and her question and he smiled "yes I do dabble in herbs I am in no way a healer, but I know enough to take care of any wounds in battle or when out hunting. I also star gaze and know a bit about the weather and the seasons and such. My parents raised me with a wide set of skills. He tilted his head as he thought of his parents a sharp imaginary pain shooting into his heart as he realized how much he missed them.

He smiled at ferdie finding common ground. MY father loves pups as much as you Ferdie. He doted on any and all, he says they are the future and that their innocence knows no bounds. he also said that we should always do our best to make sure that the innocence is not crushed ever and to allow them to be innocent as long as possible. He wagged his tail as he thought of his dark scar ridden father with green eyes.

RE: vacancies - Bazi - April 23, 2014

"They’re a rare breed."

That's one way of putting it, Bazi thought, but kept it to herself. She had her suspicions about Jinx, but loathed Lecter outright for his religion. Her opinion had switched from cautious respect in an instant, as soon as the old shaman revealed himself to be rune-worshipping lunatic. It didn't matter what his motivations were - he was crazy, and that was that.

Bazi settled back to listen to Ferdie (who took on a starry-eyed look at the mere mention of babies) and Jace babble about pups and herbs and stars and seasons, meeting the latter's elaboration on his father's philosophy with a slow nod.

Her own childhood had been good but regimented, and pups were under no illusion of what the world was. The exact mechanics involved in the creation of pups had been missed out, but that was less because they valued innocence and more because the pack had been very distracted at around the age when such topics would be raised. "Sounds like dream," she told Jace, unsure how to comment. "Maybe we can gather some essentials together, you and I. Or you can give me orders for plants before I go on a scouting mission."

RE: vacancies - Ferdie Von Pelt - April 23, 2014

Ferdie turned and ear toward Jace and thought to himself, then nodded his approval his own father had not been so kind, but that no longer bothered him. With a nod to Bazi and Jace he scooped up the goose and bowed his front end to Fox

"Meh'ladesh' he spoke through the goose attempting to call her mi'lady and he promptly turned and trotted away as quickly as he had came, he had a gift to deliver. He hummed to himself as he traveled

RE: vacancies - RIP Fox - April 27, 2014

Fox recalled Jace saying that he had many talents, although she remained skeptical. Even she considered herself a fairly well-rounded individual, and she didn't have that kind of training. She did not think that Jace was too much older than herself, but perhaps she had been wrong about that. Still, she wanted to make sure each wolf was doing the thing they were the best at. There was no use in half-assing when they could whole-ass so much better. Jace went on to talk about how puppies had some sort of innate innocence. Fox wasn't quite so sure of this, thinking that pups were more like blobs of clay that would be molded by whatever was around them. Only time would tell.

It sounded as if Bazi and Jace would work well together if he could let her know which herbs they needed. Ferdie excused himself to take the game to Tuwawi, and Fox watched him with mild interest as he disappeared. Refocusing back on Bazi and Jace, she figured it would probably be good to take her leave, as well. There were borders that needed to be watched, and considering both Ferdie and Jace were hanging around here, that didn't leave a whole lot of options for those circling their land. “Take care, you two,” said Fox, giving each a friendly shoulder bump before she departed.

Exit Fox. :)

RE: vacancies - Jace - April 28, 2014

Jace watched Fox listening and watching them and he was a little wary, what if she decided one day that he was not a good fit for the pack anymore and booted him out. He would not like that, but he supposed he would persevere. She soon left after Ferdie and Jace bumped her back and then he tilted his head and said quietly "I think i'll take my leave too Bazi thank you for speaking with me. He smiled at her and tilted his head waiting for her to speak.

RE: vacancies - Bazi - April 29, 2014

The group dispersed, and suddenly Bazi was alone again at the borders. She watched her fellows go, then turned back to her work. Sitting still had made her cold and it felt good to be on the move again, moving at a relentless trot south.