Wolf RPG
Swiftcurrent Creek [m] Atlantic - Printable Version

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[m] Atlantic - Tuwawi RIP - April 19, 2014

No signs of winter remained, and the creek's territory had become lush with blooms of every kind. It was a place that needed protecting; and so, in her mate's absence, Tuwawi had taken up his patrol in lieu of her usual hunting. It was a draining task, and one she found rather uninteresting, but it was all the young wife could do to keep her mind preoccupied. Njal was only away on business, she knew, but his leave had left her unsettled. She felt like a waif, with few things anchoring her in this state. Yet, like an ever burning flame, she endured these sentiments. However, a distinct lack of participation in pack affairs was apparent. Tuwawi had withdrawn herself, preferring to wander the days and nights alone as she waited for her other half's return.

This lack of presence wasn't preformed strictly on purpose. Certain chemicals and conditions boiled beneath her surface — an enticing mix nature had crafted too well — and a particular sensitivity to others left the dame with the penchant to remain undiscovered. In her spare time Tuwawi shuttled small treasure from the meadow to their copse of young beechs: wild flowers flowers, stems of heather, and other trinkets she found. Nesting was only a small part of her womanly... affliction... as instinct told her to prepare a suitable home for the coming season.

That morning, rays of light crept into the den at an unreasonable hour as the sun began to rise earlier and earlier. The day was long, and by dusk the phoenix found herself retreating to their den dug from the Earth's loam, tired from her long patrol. She had circled the entirety of the Southeastern border thrice, not wanting to venture too far; and it was enough to make her weary. Now, but a small puff of fur in the recesses of their home, Tuwawi waited for sleep to take her.

RE: Atlantic - RIP Njal - April 19, 2014

Sleep would not be so kind - for another beast waited just outside of the well perfumed den, eager to have it's way with the woman. With the sky drawn and overcast with grey clouds, the stars were hidden - but he could feel them there, watching. Looming from the heavens. Njal imagined that a great red streak was cavorting between them - in his newly awakened imagination, the northblood thought he saw a red glow take to the sky. Ominous but warm. He did not realize it was the onset of a blood moon, whose strength was so strong that even the clouds could not mask it in entirety.

The man had returned to the territory that morning and spend the day on a hunt. Tuwawi held a distinct scent which propelled him, but each turn proved to be in error. She had become a slick creature in his absence, able to meld in to the trees where they rooted and remain hidden. But he could smell her and his need was great - his lust unhindered by propriety any longer, as Fox had long ago given them the go-ahead. In his time away Njal had grown hungry for her, and now that he had returned, nothing would stop him.

And she was there. Hidden behind the bitter scent of green and the bright aroma of freshly picked flowers. The man sought her out with his head held high, watching the drifting red which came to sit above their den, as if to bless their oncoming union. Where Njal had once been nervous and awkward, the excursion across the territory had left him starved for his wife's attention - he did not care about how things worked, nor was he afraid that things would go wrong. He beset his gaze upon the mouth of the den and launched himself towards it, sliding his beryl-streaked body in to the shadows. She was curled in the dark, most likely not expecting him to return. With a murmuring rumble and a loving nudge to her ruddy fur, Njal tried to rouse her.

RE: Atlantic - Tuwawi RIP - April 19, 2014

Dreams had almost claimed the cardinal wolf as her lids fluttered to a close, comforted by the earthy aromas of the southern fields. It was a familiar scent which had been woven into her memories of a time long ago; however a cold rush of mountain air and white pine severed them as a dusky figure slunk to her bedside. Njal's chilled leather ruffled her fur, immediately rousing his partner from slumber. Her stormy eyes snapped awake to regard her mate's well-cut figure crouched at the heart of their den, a wet specular highlighting her moon-sized pupils as a strange light pooled into the entrance of their home.

Tuwawi purred, pleased to see him there, as she leaned to press wantonly into his touch. Finally, Njal had returned from Fox's mission which had sent him away to farther reaches near the sea. Time had trickled slowly since his departure, but a sudden rush reinvigorated her now. The firewife shifted closer as they became reacquainted, Tuwawi's branded muzzle sinking greedily into his dense mane to root about. Perhaps any other night Njal would have curled besides her to share sleep, but a distinct tension had strung his sinew taught. Although this sense was alien, Tuwawi identified it... shared it... coveted it. She could feel her own desire mounting, now, wanting him to draw him nearer in a different way.

Their eyes met, and a knowing look was shared. Her gaze was sharp and perceptive, however wild and wanting, as it traced along the broad muzzle of her partner. How handsome he was; a fine piece of granite chiseled from a northern kingdom. An exotic creature not suited for this valley life, but drawn to it because of intangibles like loyalty and love. Tuwawi kissed his cheek as her heart hammered, struggling in a void between compassion and desire. However, like Njal, fear or apprehension no longer possessed any ground in that moment, and so the ember was unabashed as she pushed against her mate, urging him to exit the den into the crisp air of the damp spring night.

RE: Atlantic - RIP Njal - April 19, 2014

They were close in the first time in at least a week - and the proximity was something Njal wished for, deeply, intimately. The woman woke and was swiftly up, roused by his presence - only to usher him out of the den. While this would have confused him any other night, Njal knew with a strange certainty that they would need more room than what the den provided; he fell away from her in reverse, sliding from the depths of the earth with fire in tow - a comparable Prometheus, eager to hoard the flame of her body.

Above them the sky's chilled curtain of cloud had slipped - exposing a boastful moon that mirrored Tuwawi's own colours. There was no religious significance to this, however, Njal could not help but feel a presence as he basked in the glow. His platinum fur was lent a bare crimson tone, an orange that was unnerving in the same manner as it was charming. His eyes remained upon Tuwawi as she too came forth, refusing to look elsewhere.

Tuwawi was perfection. Bathed in the bloodlight, the fire that usually cast her body in such a palatable glow was now a menacing thing; bestial and triumphant. The man advanced upon her swiftly, unable to contain himself. He slid against her in passing, rough, crooning to her with a great need. Prior to this Njal had thought he would wait for her to approach him - to give her the power, the control over their future - but he found himself unable to stop himself. The man lifted and slid forth to grasp her, naturally folding her body close to his own. His chin rested atop her back and he rumbled greedily, shuffling with his rear legs so that he could perch himself across her and be ready for the plunge.

It was here that he waited, giving her a moment to reconsider if it was not the right time - but he knew, somehow, that they were of similar minds in these carnal moments.

RE: Atlantic - Tuwawi RIP - April 19, 2014

As Njal backpedaled, Tuwawi hurriedly followed. She slipped from their den into the scarlet evening, the moon large and omnipotent against its velvet canvas. The color it cast shifted the earth's mood; and even the soft creams and tan's of her own hair blended to become a singular flame. No longer was she a demure wife, but a primal animal visceral in nature, standing before her blood-bonded mate. Even though the pair were secular creatures, Tuwawi could not help but feel her senses heightened by the red midnight hour. The dewy taste of air... the pungent musk of virile man and fertile woman... and the sound of her husband's beating heart coursing with lust.

Her mate's svelte figure caressed her starboard side, growling voice rippling with promiscuous whispers. Despite his past injuries, Njal felt more robust and powerful than ever before; hungry for her entirety in every way. Tuwawi became completely entranced, aroused by his dominant display and wanting to be taken by a man so bold. Her voice growled, tone bubbling, as her stiff tail waved with an even cadence. She would not deny him these desires, for Tuwawi was voracious as well, and so her feet remained fixed as his weight was set upon her, the tip of his chin planted onto the small of her back.

A wild rush of a new sensation, mixed with copious adrenaline, spiked in her bloodstream as Njal rested above her. For a moment she considered dancing away to perpetuate her emotional high, wanting this intense feeling to remain but too desirous to do it. Instead, Tuwawi's hair spiked as her narrow face turned slightly to look behind, only a sliver of grey eyes catching Njal's grizzled shoulder. Their size difference was apparent now, with her petite figure dwarfed beneath her mountainesque partner. Yet, the smaller flame endured his weight well, able limbs spreading to more evenly accept his hold.

RE: Atlantic - RIP Njal - April 19, 2014

He clutched her close. Arms tucked neatly around her, holding the two of them together; the moment passed that would grant her freedom should she want it. It was brief, and she allowed it to slip on by - so he slipped on closer, the man's pale face sliding up her neck and stoking the flame that sat there upon her nape. Red mingled with silver and cream; instinct burned in him now. While the mountain did not wish to crush the fire, he knew he had to be nearer - so he gave a rumbled warning before plunging forward, taking the last shred of true youth from Tuwawi and making his wife a woman.

Njal did not wish to hurt her. He was overtaken by the heat of his loins and the desperate wanting of a lustful, loving man. A great noise sprang from him as he pulled her hips close, over and over, feeling himself become one with the woman he so admired; naturally he fell upon her and his gaping, panting muzzle lay open - his tongue tasting her fur for a few moments before a savagery took him over. Njal reached and grabbed at Tuwawi's scruff and pulled himself higher on her back, bringing her hips as close as possible. He held her like this, as if to take with force, mindful of his teeth upon her neck. It was rougher than he had imagined it would be, but the wildness of the moment had possessed him.

RE: [m] Atlantic - Tuwawi RIP - April 19, 2014

The earth had designed a woman's body to fulfill this purpose. Her waist was slim to be easily fastened, limbs spry to coil ably beneath the heft of her partner, and back straight to provide a platform on which to lean. Likewise, her husband had this blueprint committed to natural memory, and so his instincts, fueled by their shared erotic intimacy, ran rampant. A moment passed before two parts became whole as Njal pulled Tuwawi into the crook of his loins, sending his wife onto her toes as she experienced her first coupling.

Tuwawi's breath quivered as she inhaled. She felt alive. Electrified. The sensation was new and foreign, but the ember knew she wanted more of it. Her crown tipped backwards, voice humming with sensual bliss as her eyes closed to savor the moment. Njal's pulled away, only to come close yet again... and each time the feeling spiked anew. She leaned back onto him as he bucked, aiding his passion and encouraging his movements; wanting to convey that her own hot pleasure was building rapidly in a ventral place she had barely known existed before this night.

Their union was savage — hardly what one would expect from first timers, but it enchanted them all the same. Njal's jaws clamped around his lover's nape as he invaded her deeper than before, front end rearing up higher along his partner's flame-licked spine. Pain was only secondary to pleasure, and Tuwawi almost wished for her husband to bite harder into her flesh, to prick at the skin and bring about small beads of blood to match the moonlight they had been cast into. She did not fight him, but the roll of her eyes implied she relished it, and all at once Tuwawi became aware of a dam-breaking feeling growing within her own groin.

RE: [m] Atlantic - RIP Njal - April 19, 2014

He could feel her from the inside out and the knowledge of this served to bring more hostility to his actions; indeed, Njal held her firm with every inch of his own body, his teeth sinking in to the soft pulp of her flesh, in unison with the grind of his hips. The man pulled at her greedily as he went, feeling a great pressure begin in his belly - and then deeper, in his core. Through his teeth the man began to rumble with his passion, and eventually was forced to give up his grip upon her - only to tighten his limbs around her waist. Due to the size of his love, the mountain could snare her tightly. He could very nearly let her go and stand on all four paws, if the need came to it. Njal's breathing became heavy and he gasped, thirsty for her musk, for oxygen, for everything. His breath slipped out of him and, feeling the elation of the oncoming end, the man's body arched - his head lifting to catch the baleful light of the moon overhead, which watched the two beasts as if to scrutinize the carnal quality of their meeting. Njal gave a grunt of near-satisfaction, which curdled upon the air; the beast released a triumphant call to the moon that could probably be heard for miles - and then, with his energy waning, he lurched in to a fresh position against Tuwawi's spine. Despite having thoroughly seeded her Njal did not dismount. He felt the warmth inside of her and was not eager for it to end, even with the exhaustion creeping upon his muscles. They had a full night ahead of them, and the beast within would make the most of it.

RE: [m] Atlantic - Tuwawi RIP - April 20, 2014

Njal's hips rolled with a heightening frequency, becoming more and more aggressive as he claimed his wife in the way only a husband could. Beneath the carnal desires laid a foundation of love, a partnership that had endured more than a third of Tuwawi 's life. She didn't think of it now, too distracted by the passion fire and mountain factured, but it was this love that allowed their desires to see fruition, and would walk them through a prosperous spring and summer if Njal's blessing was to take hold in her womb.

However, any consequences from their union was a thought far off. Njal's fangs pressed hard into his ember's skin as hot air seethed between his fangs. A wanton groan eeked from Tuwawi's throat, pressure continuing to build. Their cadence became more rapid and violent as they moved in tandem with one another. Eventually, Njal's grip loosed on her scruff, his body refocusing, as his limbs clasped her waist with a tightening urgency. His thrusts became shorter and more rapid as his muscles tensed. A gruff noise rippled from his chords before Njal called to the air when he reached capacity. Tuwawi's back dipped as the lovers pressed together for the final time, euphoria overwhelming her body and mind in ways she never knew possible. The sounds of Njal's lovemaking, and his undulating touch, was enough to send her over the edge. Like cup filled to the brim, she spilled over as a climax wracked her figure, body twitching and convulsing as she struggled to stay up on jellied legs. A satisfied sound slipped from her maw as she experienced this new thrill, heart pounding as she was possessed by it.

Slowly, they descended from the high. The two lovers remained tied at the sex as Njal draped atop her, spent. Warm puffs of air brushed against the back of her saliva-covered nape. Tuwawi's head swam as she tried to absorb exactly what just happened, a certain amount of shock mixed into the potent brew. It was not enough to dissuade the thought that she wanted more of it; addicted to this lovemaking... and it left her wondering why they had never attempted to conceive before. The want in her eyes failed to cool as her head turned 'round to regard Njal laying there, gaze telling him that they were not through just yet. During his absence her need for him, physically and emotionally, had become great; and now, as if she had found the key to the universe, she was unwilling to let him go.

They shared a look, knowing each other inside and out, and Tuwawi could tell that she was not alone in this mindset; equally desirous. A high whine warbled now, overjoyed to have been finally taken by her northern man. The red moon's glow was now more vivid than before, and the wilding she-wolf was eager to continue feeding her ravenous appetite.

[size=xx-small]fade into the night[/size]

RE: [m] Atlantic - RIP Njal - April 20, 2014

fade in to morning ~

They copulated rigorously through the night, as if the pleasure was a perpetual state; when Njal began to tire he would outright refuse himself the luxury of stopping, eager as he was to please his wife. Gradually though, Njal did become so exhausted that he had to withdraw. When the moon passed from its molten and bloody phase, when the night grayed with the onset of an empty morning, he found himself upon the dirt. Limbs still draped around Tuwawi's red body, hugging her close. They slept outside of the den for that was where sleep had taken them; set upon them as if by accident in the early hours. He breathed a deep sigh but was not restored, not completely. The rugged man roused himself and nosed his way through Tuwawi's embrous shoulders, working his way carefully towards her face, which was granted a careful nuzzle.

The rest was enough, even if it had been limited by their ceaseless energy. Both of them had discovered a well of sexual energy which, once tapped, was difficult to ignore. Njal had never realized that this was what couples did - and he wanted it, even now. As he pestered her with tiny kisses and soft, cold nudges of his nose upon her cheek; he wanted the intimacy, the release, transformed in to a creature of greed and lust - but content in this realization, as long as Tuwawi was willing to participate with him.

RE: [m] Atlantic - Tuwawi RIP - April 20, 2014

Tuwawi was cast into the deepest of slumbers, once sleep had managed to claim her. It was a dreamless rest, but one that had been more satisfying than any before it. Soft touches issued from her husband roused the flame, to greet the grey morning which had befalling Swiftcurrent. No sign of the blood moon remained, having been chased away by the hazy sun, but the results of the night still laid heavy upon Tuwawi's figure. Her hair was rife with cowlicks, messier than usual from their active night, and her lids fought to stay closed to help mend her sore, virgin body. The couple hadn't even managed to make it back to their den, but the soft loam was still warm where Njal had laid. She coiled away from her mate's touch to greedily assume his spot, not quite ready to greet the dawn. One sleepy eye cracked open to see him standing and waiting, equally flushed but eager to continue their escapades.

They knew no limits, passion unlocked. Njal's virility attracted her, but still her body resisted. She turned over onto her back, supine in position as her limbs stretched out in either direction before folding back to her chest. Ruddy tailed coiled against her belly as one paw reached out to him, tongue licking her nose as she roleplayed the submissive pet. "Mm, come back to bed," she murmured, voice cracking at the strain of creating words. They were quite possibly the first she had uttered since Njal's arrival, and marked the exchange from purely instinctual lovemaking into a more sentient and sensual experience.

RE: [m] Atlantic - RIP Njal - April 20, 2014

He was insatiable, it was true. Having broken away from the reserved adult he had been, Njal was now only hungry. The way she crooned for him wasn't helping the situation, but he complied, if only so that they could be close. It was not the manner in which the Delta desired her, but Njal returned to the earth. He perched beside Tuwawi with his shoulder pressed against her own, but before long he shifted so that he could hold her in a wolfish hug - one leg draped over her side, resting his paw upon her belly. Their children would grow there one day. Njal didn't realize that the belly and the womb were different things because he is a stupid man, but, whatever.

Reaching with his snout, he inhaled the musk of her fur, and rested his face upon her scruff; similar to how it had been done during their love-making, except now he was half beached upon the soil. "Good morning," he murmured softly, his voice tired and worn despite the lack of use - ragged perhaps by the grunting and the yowling, which no doubt kept the entire pack awake (they really weren't very good at this).

RE: [m] Atlantic - Tuwawi RIP - April 20, 2014

Njal had good reason to be insatiable. Nature had crafted him that way. Soon, the window of time which kept Tuwawi fertile would pass, and the indomitable scent of lust would fade; replaced by the milkish aroma of pregnancy, should she conceive. Yet, that thought avoided Tuwawi's mind, even the morning after. The she-wolf was still too obsessed by the desire for her husband, basking in his warm glow as he stood above her, wanting more.

She purred, pleased when he descended back down to her level. One of his limbs draped across her body, face resting amongst a tangle of hair. Tuwawi was completely awake now, chest buzzing to be closer, but she feigned drowsiness for a little amusement. Good morning, Njal's rocky voice rumbled an early greeting in an amorous tone. A rugged paw brushed against Tuwawi's belly, and suddenly she realized the implications of their union. They had wanted children, but in the moment, the norther's wife had forgotten all about bearing life and only thought of lust, passion, and sex. Her expression softened, reminded of this as her chin tipped towards the thick ruff of her neck, a content thought creating a serene expression on her face.

Half-lidded eyes regarded him with a deep love like never before. "And a good morning to you," she said while dotting his jaw line with small kisses and nips, completely enamored by him. "Your hair is a mess... but, you are not tired I see," she teased, voice laced with sultry undertones. Her face pressed into him, the warm sweat of their union still mixed with his musky alpine scent. "Can it be fixed?" all memories of Njal's injured and crippled body were forgotten in that moment, and the image of a powerful man replaced it. He was an honest, able wolf... one who had transformed since they had first met, mostly for the better. Her own self was softening over time. No longer was she the prickly urchin known at Proudheart, but a soon-to-be denmother. Though, the firey personality had not changed much. A small sound cooed from her throat as she shuffled closer to him, half wanting to cuddle and half wanting more.

RE: [m] Atlantic - RIP Njal - April 20, 2014

"And a good morning to you," the fire mumbled prior to administering affections upon her husband; Njal accepted these as graciously as he could, but found that he was still eager to breath the proximity between them - awake and raring to go, despite the night long love-fest. Her prompting brought a smile to his already bemused face and the expression turned a bit dark with mischief, even as he tenderly slipped in to a careful stance above her. There was room for her to shift if she so desired, however, Njal was so eager to continue that he barely gave her time - bringing his groin level with the base of her tail, as he playfully searched. Meanwhile his chest rumbled with a throaty lust, punctuated by the touch of his nose upon her cheek, his fangs sliding through the fur of her neck, and a plethora of other ridiculous layers of affection.

RE: [m] Atlantic - Tuwawi RIP - April 20, 2014

Just watched GoT and am feeling especially smutty

Her paramour's silent answer was obvious as Njal shifted positions; strong legs barricading her escape at he hovered squarely above, ready to assume the position of a well-taught lover. The shower of smaller kisses, nuzzles, and nips all but broke Tuwawi's drowsy farce, body becoming heated even in the crepuscular dawn of the chilled morning that they shared. At first, Tuwawi played coy — rolling from side to side playfully, with a pitchy whine, as her husband probed for more devious desires. Her paws pretended to bat him away, but in the end temptation proved too great. In the wake of standing heat, nature beckoned its newly crowed woman to rise again and accept her mate's potent blessing.

Her back arched like a cat's as she stood, feeling Njal's teeth comb through her wild hair. The small of her spine pressed into his's well-toned belly as she raised herself up to all fours, tail flagging away as his persistence was rewarded. There was something she admired, no... turned on by Njal's demanding self. He was normally a wiser, more humble man with little cause to stir the pot when it came to life. A stoic individual with few worldly needs and only the truest ambitions. Yet in this light, he was feral... a wild vagrant who demanded more and, quite honestly, Tuwawi couldn't get enough of it. Her lips peeled away in a wicked lascivious grin, voice bubbling as she prepared to bear his weight once more.

RE: [m] Atlantic - RIP Njal - April 20, 2014

I need to see the latest episode, wehh. Fade soon?

He was eager to take her as often as she would permit, so when Tuwawi rose up to greet his body with her own curved to fit snug against his own, Njal took full advantage. While in the night he had been feverish in his desire and thoroughly aggressive, the lazy morning-after brought with it a strong lethargy. He was slow and careful this time, between the playful prodding of his nethers. When the woman shifted and granted him full access, Njal slid as close as he could get - once more experiencing his wife in an intimate fashion. The quiet could not be held on to for long. After a few rhythmic motions against her, he began to pick up the pace - elated by the contact, and reminded of how visceral his attraction to her in the night had been. Limbs wrapped at her hips, caught in the natural crookedness on either side; mirth grew and spilled over swiftly. Tuwawi was well-seeded with the future of Swiftcurrent -- the future of the Sveijarn.

RE: [m] Atlantic - Tuwawi RIP - April 26, 2014

The Sveijarn wife allowed herself to be mounted by Njal without objection, body more than willing perpetuate their sensuality. She became breathless as he slipped nearer, well wrought arms hugging her lissome sides with vigor and purpose. Again, they assumed the position of intoxicated lovers. Attraction and desire netted their embrace as they became drunk, steeped in effervescent pleasures wracking their more tender parts. Njal's barrel-chested front slung across her back and withers as he rocked frenetically, her body nearly too short to support the mountain-esque northerner. Though, she knew he would not complain... for his raucous voice made it clear he was infatuated.

Tuwawi's ears cupped backwards to listen to his heated sounds, her body shuddering with each rhythmic pulse. Never did she think this act would be so wonderfully intimate... an honor reserved for those faithful and devout. Her sooty tail brushed against his haunch as Njal's muscles tensed with his high, body becoming rigid in bliss. Shortly after, the pair became welded together by nature's design, and Tuwawi wiggled free from her husband's arms. Yet, as she had already experienced, they remained tied at the rear as time demanded many minutes to confirm Njal's seed was the only sown.

The ember's heavy breathing calmed itself, a quiet serenity enveloping both wolves. Every now and then she'd turn to him, but not completely, as her mind wove wonderful things. It was difficult to not imagine tiny Palestrikes and Proudhearts dozing in their den, or playing wildly in the shallow sections of the creek. For now these images remained only dreams, soon to be fulfilled. Eventually, Tuwawi and Njal would be granted separation and the southern wife, now spent, would demand breakfast.

fade out