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Sleeping Dragon and they called it yellow - Printable Version

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and they called it yellow - Rebekka - November 22, 2016

aw but hopefully for @Tanja? :) (set before the whole Wifi thing)
Finally, the woman had come to the conclusion that patchwork vocabulary would not work. However, there was a difference between speaking the common toungue and simply knowing it. Perhaps, she could learn, and not have to speak it? It had become terribly inconvenitent to have to bug Gavriel to translate something from a meeting, however, her budding detesment for those other than the "geda" origins had put a block in her learning. If the term enemy aliens had been known to her, perhaps her definition of those outside their own culture would have fitted it perfectly. However, never would the woman dare to voice such opinions in the company of Heda, no matter how near or far away. It was simply; she would not conform to the ways of the teekon wolves, by her choice. By mind, the knowledge of the language would be great, but by speech, her tongue was made for trigedasleng and that only.

Traveling alongside the waterways, she recalled the words she did know within her mind, chanting only very softly the common greetings one would use in the language of the teekon. Such strange words they were, and she doubted she would fully grasp the concept of plurals and conjunctions, but nevertheless, she would attempt to try.

RE: and they called it yellow - Tanja - November 28, 2016

Tanja had intentionally been avoiding those of Drageda who he did not know prior to joining and had blamed his workaholic attitude as the reason why he was so antisocial. But there was one who he could vaguely remember but was not so significant that he could remember her face simply by her name. So after his rounds of patrolling and stuffing a dead squirrel away in a cache, the brutishness man set off to find the Trigeda wolf who he had yet to properly meet. 

He did not have to travel far before he found a faint scent, one that he had come across before yet had never sought after. Curious to see who it led to, Tanja began his trek after the mystery wolf and eventually found himself before the pale female he had been searching for all along. "Rebekka" he called out, her name coming to him with ease now that he had seen her features once again. He slowly made his way to join her by the waterways while he silently wondered if she would remember who he was.

RE: and they called it yellow - Rebekka - December 11, 2016

Rebekka looked up as her name was called, an uncommon voice though with a furrow to her brow was her curiosity hooked. Eyes landed on a rather large, bear-like man; unlike who she had seen before. It was odd, for one to know of her name while she rarely spoke it to so many, leading her to further question the intentions of the man. "You," A mildly puzzled look set upon her facial features, unable to bring herself to recall the man's name while startled he was even here in the first place to remember her's. He was from Trigeda, or Seageda, that much was for sure as his accent and overall semblance was something other than the wolves of the teekon carried. She felt as if she knew him but did not, all the same. Bristled at the thought of her own poor memory and the idotic look that surely coated her features, the huntress tensed before straightening up as if to size up the other though the clear difference in size was extremely notable if not humorous. None had particularly sought her out on any day and she had naturally assumed it was her unfortunate placement at the lowest of the low that had granted the distance between her and the others; leading her to assume that he was a messenger from Heda and not from his own wish of company. Waiting for his given correspondence, she did not think of the possibity that the man was here on his own terms; Rebekka was not the type to seek out of pure interest, her conversations were short and rather not sweet. She was a woman of do rather than say, and as far as social skills went, she had none.

RE: and they called it yellow - Tanja - December 16, 2016

Tanja would have been completely oblivious to who she was had Heda not mentioned her to him. Even now as he carefully watched her, he could only vaguely remember her from Trigeda. She must have been a shadow, always there but easily forgotten. And they tended to be dangerous things shadows, especially since you could never grasp a hold of them. "Tanja" he corrected her when she spoke, and found amusement in her puzzled look. They both knew that had met before, yet it seemed neither had shown any interest in the other before now.

"You were from Trigeda" he spoke confidently, certain that was were he had seen her before. She was young, capable of greatness and yet hung at that bottom of the ranks. Though he assumed that was an appropriate position for someone who didn't particularly stand out.