Wolf RPG
Alpine Lake But honey, what are you gonna do? - Printable Version

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But honey, what are you gonna do? - Pyx - November 22, 2016

With Winter just around the corner, Pyx was spreading out to search for herbs. She had a decent stock already, but she wanted to be prepared for anything. She had spread from her typical areas, searching for moist soil. So far she'd taken a few days to cover different lands, always returning to Moonspear at the end of her journey. Alpine Lake was the farthest she had gone so far, but she thought it might be worth the trip. The moist soil and rocky terrain made it a varied ground for different herbs.

It was here she discovered the Venenosa, something she hadn't seen anywhere else yet. It had a variety of uses, things that herbs she had could also do as well as a few they couldn't. She knew it was anti-bacterial, she had been told it could trigger a female's heat, but wasn't positive if this was true. She knew pregnant women shouldn't have much of it, for if it could bring heat it could also end a pregnancy. 

It could be used in the mouth, or on bones to help with swelling. It was a jack of all trades, a herb that she found especially interesting. She had also heard too that dried, it could prevent infestations of fleas or ticks. She wanted it, not only for it's healing purposes, but also for the possibility of protecting her future garden from bugs. Dried and crumbled near the flowers, surely it could help keep them away. She wasn't yet ready to leave, and so left it as it was. Once she was done scouting she'd gather it up and trot home. There seemed to be enough sprouts that she could eventually return for more in Spring.

She was nudged the plant, evaluating it's growth and health and was not overly aware of her surroundings. This was her flaw, for once a plant had her eye it was easy to become lost in her thoughts of all the uses.

RE: But honey, what are you gonna do? - Judas - November 23, 2016

Winter was on the horizon. And Judas, he wanted to do his part. But sensing that he would not be allowed out of the pack barrier in his current state, he snuck out. He also wanted to try a hand at hunting. Perhaps killing some prey would cool off his nerves. That was the plan.

So he headed out to some area far from Arthendal territory. He saw some herbs on the way, and some prey. But not being a hunter yet, he did not go after them. Not till he saw a lone rabbit, not paying attention at all. He crouched down, eyes on it. It moved here and there. He readied to attack, and...stopped. A blur past the rabbit. Something brown and black.  A scent came with it. His eyes widened in fear, shock and yet longing. It had been some time since he saw Pyx. And it was a sad goodbye.

The coywolf couldn't bare to face her. He started to leave. Only for a twig to snap under his foot. He dashed for a bush, not even slowing to stop it from rustling at his speed of entering it.

RE: But honey, what are you gonna do? - Pyx - November 24, 2016

She was checking over the Venenosa, wanting to be sure it had no diseases. She wasn't sure exactly how plant disease spread. She thought only living, and unplucked, plants could catch them...but she wasn't willing to risk her store, nor the wolves of Moonspear on what she thought was correct. Her nose pushed the leaves over gently, eying it for spots. She noted nothing, not even bug holes. A twig snapped somewhere behind her and her spine prickled as she spun around.

She knew better than to be so distracted in the loner lands, and yet the plants drew her in all the same. She spun only in time to watch someone's tail vanish noisily inside a bush. Her eyes narrowed and she sniffed the air, tasting for scents. She could smell another, a pack smell that was vaguely familiar...but not in a way she recognized. She passed lands occasionally but always kept her distance. She scented no other wolves, just this one, and she noted a rabbit fleeing rapidly from the scene. A hunter? But why the hiding?

She narrowed her eyes, ears flicking to catch any sounds around her. She was afraid, worried that the wolf had others with it even though she couldn't smell them. "I've seen you go into the bush." She called, voice firm but wavering slightly. "Come out and face me, I mean no harm. I'm searching for herbs." Still, if the other would not emerge, she'd grab a few samples of the Venenosa (she certainly wasn't leaving without that!) and quickly vacate. A hunt for herbs was not worth her life, and she was not one to go seeking out strangers that hid.

RE: But honey, what are you gonna do? - Judas - November 25, 2016

Judas sighed. He was stupid to react that way. But then again, a part of him had been wanting to see her again. So slowly and carefully, he stepped out of the bush stopping till only half of him is out. "Hello, Pyx." He lookws eifhr ocwe at her, never averting eyes from her. "Been some time, huh?" He kept the voice in his head under control, focusing on other things in the background, such as birds chirping and the wind moving the leaves. It kept him calm.

RE: But honey, what are you gonna do? - Pyx - November 28, 2016

She watched the bush, cautiously retaining her position. Her body was tense, ready to spring away or at if need be. The bush rustled and her heart sped up, pounding fearfully. Then, suddenly, she noted a familiar face. Her eyes grew wide, head tilting sidewise as she tried to make sense of what she saw.

He spoke next, and this is what broke her spell of confusion. Her mouth broke into a grin, tail waving behind her. She did not race up to him as she may once have done, instead she loped over with a quick, but polite pace. She didn't want him to feel cornered or startled. "Judas!" She cried once she was closer to him. "It's so good to see you! You look well!" Her eyes traveled over him, searching for any signs of illness. But he seemed to be fine, and he smelled of a pack. Malice's pack? She wondered, but the scent was not something she could place after only smelling it the once.

She reached out to nuzzle him, tail still waving madly behind her. "Where did you go? How are you? I've worried about you, ever since you left." She felt strongly for him and after he'd left her feelings had undergone a metamorphosis. What had started as a crush and moved to friendship now seemed almost a maternal pull, or perhaps a sister. Familial. He was her first friend within Moonspear, and she hadn't forgotten that. She felt she had failed him before, and that whatever outcome he may find would fall on her shoulders as well. In these happy moments the scars on her face were forgotten.

RE: But honey, what are you gonna do? - Judas - November 29, 2016

Judas found the reaction rather unexpected, almost forgetting how close he and Pyx were. At first he flnched back a little when she approached, but recalled that this was his friend. He always was somewhat shaky when it came to interaction. "The same to you." He looked over at where he had hurt her. A painful memory, but less painful seeing they had healed. 

He had to admit, part of him missed her. But at least there hadn't been any punishment he could see physically on her for letting him go. He still wasn't sure what their view of him was, but he doubted they would be overjoyed if he returned. 

Once again, surprise took him. She worried about him? Well, of course she did. It was obvious she would have. But still, he found himself surprised every time. "To Malice. Her mate is helping me. And it's been working..." He paused for a moment. He wanted to ask how she had been doing, how Moonspear was doing. But he also knew, if he did, he would also ask what they are thinking of doing. Alas, he asked anyway. "What's happened since I left. Are they..angry?"

RE: But honey, what are you gonna do? - Pyx - December 01, 2016

She noticed that he flinched away from her and that made her withdrawn a little more. She didn't want to push him, to stress him out. Especially not if he was doing better. She was both pleased and relieved to hear he'd found a home with Malice. Malice had bonds to him that were stronger than any old wolf. Even if something bad were to happen, and she hoped it wouldn't, Malice would make an effort to keep him. If Pyx had been an alpha, she would have tried to keep him too. But wishes like that were like waiting for a hare to hop into your mouth itself. A waste of time that only made you hungier for whatever it was you wanted.

Hearing that Malice's mate was helping and that it was working filled her with joy. Her tail fanned faster still and she beamed even as a strange surge of jealousy and resentment struck her. She was surprised by these feelings, deeply surprised. It was good Judas was being helped, but a part of her was bitter that she hadn't been healer enough to help, that she wouldn't be the one to give her friend his life back. She shoved the feelings away, glad at least that someone had known how to succeed where she had failed. "Oh, Judas, I'm so happy for you! That's wonderful. Maybe he can fix it completely and you'll be you and only you." He next question made her smile drop a little.

"Well," She shook her head and sighed a little. "I tried to explain it to Charon that you'd gone for help and that you were sick. He saw my marks, and I told him that you had hurt me but you hadn't meant to. I compared it to a seizure." She stared at him a moment as if to see if he knew what a seizure was but realized he knew poisons, so he likely did. "He didn't really seem to understand. He wasn't happy...but he didn't swear a vendetta against you or anything. He wouldn't openly be against you, I don't think." It was hard to tell with Charon, honestly. "I think I could convince him..." She started to say when you come back, but realized that perhaps he was happier with Malice's pack. 

Afterall, he and Malice had history and her mate knew of his voice, as did she. They welcomed every part of him...not just the healed parts. He might not want to leave and come back. The idea made her sad, but she couldn't say she would blame him. She decided not to mention it at all. "Charon and Amekaze's litter is still growing. We have a few new members, though they've not been there long. I'm still working on my healing, and I've talked with the girls, Amekaze and Charon's girls, a few times. I really enjoy them." Her tone softened considerably when speaking about the little princesses. The longing was thinly veiled, but subtle all the same. 

"I'm thinking of starting my own garden. Of growing the plants that I use most so that we always have a supply. Both Charon and Amekaze seem very appreciative of me." She smiled, a little bashful but proud. "I'm very happy in Moonspear, they're family now." She looked at Judas, she felt he was family too though. She decided to return to talking about him.

"What about you? Do you like Malice's pack? What has her mate been having you do? Is it a plant?" 

RE: But honey, what are you gonna do? - Judas - December 03, 2016

Judas wanted that, to be him. Just himself. No other side, no other voice. He wanted to keep friends unharmed, friends like Pyx, Malice and others. "Thank you. I do hope that it will be fixed." Even if he did doubt it every now and then. But when he was to become well, he would come tell her. "And I will be sure to tell you when I am all right. I swear it." 

His ears went slack a bit, his tail falling low. He had expected this. Still, if Charon wasn't happy, the alpha's opinion could easily change if he by chance saw the coywolf. "You told the truth. I won't hold a thing against you...And if it's too much trouble, you don't have to try to convince him. Don't push it. I'd hate to see you lost from your home." After all, she did say she was happy there. "And this garden, maybe one day I could see it." Another doubt crossed his mind. He shrugged it off.

"It's all right, I suppose...I was told to stay away from the pack's young. I've steered clear of most of them, kept to myself. and Malice's mate, he uses no plants. Only words. Turns out he has seen someone like me before. With the voices and all." He had yet to ask if he managed with that wolf or not.

RE: But honey, what are you gonna do? - Pyx - December 06, 2016

"I would like that." She smiled. "I would like you to let me know regardless, when you get the chance. Even if you're not better, if you're able to check in...I would appreciate it." She wanted to know if her friend still lived, healed or not. She wasn't happy to tell the news of Charon, and she saw that it didn't please Judas either. 

"I won't push it unless there's a need. Charon is a friend, I think he would listen if I were serious. To push it now, for no reason though...it would only seem suspicious." The idea of losing Moonspear sent a pang into her chest. She wouldn't lose her home, she was sure. Her tail waved at the mention of the garden and she laughed a little. "It's only a plan right now, but yes, one day I hope you will see it." She did not push for his plans in the future. How could he knew when he couldn't know if he would be healed?

She nodded, understanding the reasoning behind keeping clear from the young. Less temptation for the voice. She was intrigued to hear Malice's mate healed with words. It made sense, but she couldn't understand how to do it herself. Her brows raised at the mention of someone else like Judas. "That's wonderful, so he has more experience than we could have hoped. Did he help this other wolf too?" She hadn't expected such great news from Judas, but it made her so very happy. She would sleep so much better tonight knowing that he was alright, safe and on the road to healing.

RE: But honey, what are you gonna do? - Judas - December 06, 2016

"And I will be sure to do so. Wouldn't be a friendly thing to do to just leave you hanging, right?" Although when she said that he should do it, even if not well, it was a risk. One he didn't want to take. He would only come if he was well, and that he did not say aloud. "We can meet halfway between the packs."

"Just stay safe." 
Everyone had some kind of limit. And if Pyx pushed Charon's, well Judas would nevr forgive himself. He laughed along with her about the garden. "Maybe put some flowers in there. If you get around to it...I wish I could be there to help" he said, his smile faltering.

Judas shook his head. He had no idea about the other wolf at all. "Don't know. Could have succeeded, he seems to know a bit about it." If Burke had succeeded, that rose his hopes. But if he hadn't...The coywolf didn't want to think about that. It was going so well so far. "I should really head back soon. I don't even think I'm supposed to be out here. I came out to hunt something. But, missed my chance."

RE: But honey, what are you gonna do? - Pyx - December 13, 2016

She nodded, grateful and pleased. She would have an update at least, and need not spend her days worrying about him. This here would soothe many of her fears, in fact. She'd probably sleep better tonight than she had in weeks. "That sounds fine to me. How often should I check for signs of you between the packs?" She didn't want him to be left waiting for her and her unaware.

"Of course. Moonspear will protect me." She missed the obvious point that he meant to stay safe around Charon, but not pushing his opinion on Judas. She grinned at his suggestion and nodded again. "I will do that. Might even help with the spread of the plants, you think? What's pretty but not lethal?" She looked to him, for he was the expert on poisons. Her smile  faded slightly. "Sorry, you don't have to answer." She hadn't meant to bring up the poisons, it directly tied into the past he desperately wanted to fix.

She was glad to hear about Malice's mate being so knowledgeable, even if jealousy did still burn at her. She was surprised and disapointed that he was leaving so quickly, though she tried to hide it. "You're right. Don't want to make a bad impression. Well, you caught me instead and I'm so happy that you did, Judas." She started to reach out to bump him gently, but stopped herself, wondering if he would want the affection. "Be safe, Judas, okay?"

RE: But honey, what are you gonna do? - Judas - December 16, 2016

The coywolf nodded back in agreement. "Very well. Perhaps I could come around in say..two months?" He had no idea how he could give a sign, as howling for her could draw unwanted attention. They would just have to hope on luck.

He wanted to say that's not what he meant, but kept it to himself. He couldn't imagine Charon hurting her. Judas almost answered, but she told him to not bother, so he kept his mouth shut. "I am confident you will know."

"As am I. Seeing an old friend...Not a feeling I get often."
He was hesitant about her movement, but he moved forward a bit to accept it, as a farewell. "I will" he promised. A promise that was one of the hardest promises to keep.

RE: But honey, what are you gonna do? - Pyx - December 19, 2016

"I will look forward to it!" She said with a happy wiggle of her tail. She smiled softly, laughing a little. "It's not a feeling I get very often, either. You're the first friend I made here, the oldest I've got." She was happy that he accpeted her bump, if hesitantly. 

It struck her how much things had changed in such a short time. It wasn't very long ago that he returned from his journey and she had rushed to greet him. Now she couldn't reach to bump shoulders without second-guessing herself. She sat for a moment, not truly wanting to leave so quickly...and yet it seemed she must be the one to pull away. She didn't want him to get in trouble.

"See you soon, Judas." She said, smiling softly and attempting to sound more hopeful than she really felt. Seeing him had soothed her, but she was still worried for him.

RE: But honey, what are you gonna do? - Judas - December 23, 2016

Judas smiled lightly. Behind that smile was a slight feeling of sadness, knowing that he wouldn't see her again for a time. "As do I." He was a little surprised by her statement. She seemed such a kind wolf, he couldn't see how he could be her first friend. 

"See you soon, Pyx" he returned, then turned away slowly to head back to Arthendal. He hoped for her safety. He didn't know anyone that well, except for Pyx, at Moonspear. If any of them knew where he was, he feared for his life. As well as Pyx's for withdrawing such information. "Stay safe" he murmured after glancing back to her from a distance.