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Silver Creek Part Two: Good Intentions - Printable Version

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Part Two: Good Intentions - Grace - November 29, 2016

Set to, like, the 25th -- anywhere between the 20th and the 29th, really! Set in the Silver Creek forum just to get Silver Creek wolves -- she's technically still in King Elk forest, but she can likely be seen/scented from the borders.  

The days went by in a blur -- her temporary cache was filled with what was left of her Strath stash, seeds bundled and dried herbs wrapped together -- but all was well so far. Seeing as she hadn't been chased off yet, it was good, and it was only a matter of time before she would be able to cross the borders. Already, her scent was becoming thicker here -- the past few days of wandering around the scentline had presented her scent to the pack, letting them know she was here and ready to mingle. 

There was no change in her worries though -- even though it'd been Saena to attack, to claim half the vision in one of Grace's golden eyes, the yearling found herself feeling bad. The snowy woman must've been crying over her children -- and the only thing Grace did was poke her face into the den. She'd meant well, if only the former leader could have heard her out: they could have reminised on the good days, peaceful in the maplewood. She could have explained to the rust-marked woman that it'd been Luke to drive her away, even if Nova's presence closeby had been a pull -- had they have stayed in the maplewood, Grace might not have abandoned them. It'd never been anything against the others -- not even Saena for turning away her mother. 

Sighing, Grace plopped to her stomach, allowing her hind legs to curl under her and stick out to the side but her forelegs sticking out before her neatly, framing the face she set between them. Her golden gaze roamed over the borders and into Silver Creek from where she was sprawled before her temporary tree-root den, wistful, but as usual she didn't call for any company. Whoever found her would find her.

RE: Part Two: Good Intentions - Spring - November 29, 2016

A familiar scent filled her nose... she'd smelt the same scent patrolling yesterday, but somehow had not run into the source.  Yet today with the scent still in the air she decided to persue it, to figure out who it was.  It lead her a little ways from the border into King Elk and that was when she realized who it was.  Someone she had thought she'd never seen again.

"Grace?"  She called out hesitant at first, unsure if this really was her at first, but it was... it had to be.  This wolf had Grace's scent.  "I can't believe it's you," she whispered in surprise as she came closer.  "How've you been?"

RE: Part Two: Good Intentions - Grace - December 03, 2016

There were a few long, silent minutes in which Grace simply lay there, contemplating and worrying, but it was broken by the scent of another growing stronger. Approaching from the yearling's good side, the form of another female was apparent -- had she not been pending approval at the borders of, well, Spring, she never would have believed it was the healer who approached. 

Despite the alpha's seeming friendliness, Grace's ears fanned down and her tail curled to her side in full submission, golden eyes settling on Spring's paws. 

              "H-Hi, Sp-Spring. I've b-been good -- Cas t-told me y-you'd taken o-over after the m-move, congrats."

RE: Part Two: Good Intentions - Spring - December 05, 2016

She was glad to her that Grace had already filled in about the change of leadership so that she wouldn't have to do too much explaining.  Her tail contiuned to wag happily with delight.  She still couldn't believe that Grace had come back to them.  How had she found them?  What had changed her mind?

"It's really just so good to see you Grace," she began, tongue lolling, "what brought you back to us? I'm just curious is all, it's just great to see you again."  While she was really happy to see Grace again, she did feel that her words were a little bit sappy and cringed a little on the inside at the thought.

RE: Part Two: Good Intentions - Grace - December 09, 2016

Although Spring seemed happy to see her and was friendlier than ever, Grace remained in her submissive posture on the earth, chosing only to turn her sunny gaze up with a warm smile. The Alpha's question was understandable, and the yearling felt no malice in her words. It was easy for her to answer smoothly, but it did prick further at her guilt. The ink-faced girl was glad to tell Spring about where she'd been, not just as her new Alpha but an old friend. 

                             "I've been a-around, actually: I was with m-my mother in Marauder's Keep for a while, even after Warbone v-vanished and Tavi took over. After she died and Stark s-started raising Tamborine, my friend Trick and I traveled to Redhawk Caldera. I was only there a few weeks before I w-wandered my way to the Hinterlands. Zaavier found me and t-took me to the pack he was trying to form in Hideaway Strath, but everyone left. I was in the forest looking for herbs when Casmir found me and offered me a home again.... T-that's okay, r-right?"

RE: Part Two: Good Intentions - Spring - December 11, 2016

She didn't really care for Tavi and found she couldn't care less that Tavi was dead.  She assumed this Tambourine was Tavi's son, due to how Grace phrased it, so that would mean that Reek was probably this Tambourine's Father.  She listened to the rest quietly, understanding more as to why Grace had been gone for so long.  Still she found herself curious as to who Stark was, the one who was now parenting Tambourine.

"Well I glad to see you back now, but I must say that I am curious as to who Stark is, the one parenting Tambourine, Tavi and I presume Reek's son."  While Spring wasn't the least bit interested in Tavi, she was curious about the fact that Tambourine was probably Father by Reek and how and why Stark was playing a part in this.

RE: Part Two: Good Intentions - Grace - December 12, 2016

Grace hadn't been in the pack -- or maybe she'd just been so new she hadn't known -- when all that with Reek and Tavi went down, but she'd never had a problem with Octavia or her rule. Spring didn't seem phased that the greyscale woman was gone, and the russet yearling didn't comment, but was glad to answer the Alphas questions.

                        "Stark, he showed up just after the locust storm -- he and Tavi bonded closely, especially when the other alpha vanished and Stark was promoted to Beta. They never made things official, but he'd been helping her since the day he'd joined with Tamborine. Tavi.... She kind of lost it, in the end. A lot of stress, mental breakdown maybe, I don't know. She ran off, and that's when Stark officially started saying Tam was his -- Reek knows, but he never made a move for his son.  I left, then, before the announcement was made that Tavi's co-leader, Harlyn had stepped down and Stark was alpha. Didn't know until almost a month later, actually, that Tavi was dead and he was in charge." 

She missed the early days of Marauders Keep -- it could have been home, had she not eaten Kunik things not changed so much. Her leaving was selfish, she knew, but she couldn't force a loyalty she no longer felt.

RE: Part Two: Good Intentions - Spring - December 17, 2016

A flash of anger ran through her at the thought of Reek picking favorites.  Why couldn't he just leave all of his children alone.  Why did he have to decide to steal away Laurel and Indra, but not really care at all about taking away Tambourine?  It wasn't right.  Why couldn't he just have left all his children alone?  Every last one of them.  Instead of taking them away from a pack and Mother that loved them and took care of them.

"Oh, I see," she replied.  "Do you have any idea why Reek would not take Tambourine though?"  She then questioned, her eyes suddenly zeroing in on Grace tightly.  She wanted to know why.  Was something wrong with Tambourine or was it something else?  She wanted Grace to give her an answer... but if she couldn't... well then Spring would just have to find out some other way.

RE: Part Two: Good Intentions - Grace - December 17, 2016

The calmness was short-lived as the Alpha's gazed zeroed in on Grace, and her own body tightened in on itself as her golden gaze flicked to the ground. She didn't know why Tamborine was left to the devices of Marauders Keep, but thought maybe Nova would have deterred them from Tavi's son to put his eyes on the daughters he thought gone forever; the yearling didn't dare voice this suspicion, loathe to earn her adoptive mother another enemy when -- much as she hated to think it -- Tavi was gone. The russet girl didn't even bring up the fact that she could get the information from the elder herself without a struggle. 

                       "I d-don't kk-now, Spring. M-Maybe T-T-Tavi said s-something t-to him to m-make him leave th-them alone?"

RE: Part Two: Good Intentions - Spring - December 18, 2016

Grace's answer didn't ring right in her ears, because she had tried to shoo Reek away and still he had stolen away Laurel and Indra.  It just didn't seem like that was even close to the real reason... but maybe it was.  The only one who would really have the answer to this question was Reek himself, but Spring doubted he'd ever truelly answer correctly.  "Perhaps..." she replied with a single shrug, her gaze flicking away and slowly beginning to lose intensity.

For a few moments after that she was unsure of what to say, but ultimatly decided that now would be a good time to take her leave.  "It's been great catching up with you Grace, but I'd probably better get some patrolling and hunting done."  Then with a friendly nod, she turned to leave.