Wolf RPG
Gilded Bay Starlight, Starbright - Printable Version

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Starlight, Starbright - Onai - November 30, 2016

@Jilaiya if she can make it to the coast somehow :3

Night fell as Onai's paws travelled through the sand along the waters edge. After speaking with Starbuck and finding out his sisters exact location he had travelled further along the coast just to have some time to think and process the future days events.

It would take him only a few days to reach the pack by the sounds of what the wolf had said but Onai had no idea what to do or say when he got there. He was sure they would not be pleased to see him and part of him wanted to say screw it and turn around. But really, he had come this far, why turn around now.

Onai lay down large paws barely in the water as the waves pushed onto the land. His piercing blue eyes stared out over the water and up into the sky as the first stars began to appear. Perhaps his night would be spent here. Alone. He would travel at dawn instead. The view of the sky here was too good to pass up.

That was that, there he lay mind wandering to thoughts of the secrets the stars held from him. No one had taught him the stories behind the lights in the sky, all he knew was that he was mesmerized by their beauty.

RE: Starlight, Starbright - Jilaiya - December 02, 2016

The pale female was not accustomed to traveling alone, she had always had Amaimon or some other guard to be there by her side where ever she went. But in the last few days Jilaiya had been on her own, she had sent Amaimon back to Kosrak to inform her family that she had reached her destination and would be planning to stay in the Teekons for the rest of winter. After all the journey home was not an easy one and with winter practicality here, the pale female had no intention of setting off on another adventure that would only result in death. 

So instead Jilaiya decided to visit the sea one last time before the water became to cool to walk in. But with her terrible sense of direction she had easily become lost and only ended up arriving at the sandy shore when the stars began to twinkle in the sky. She let out a sigh but stubbornly decided to remain positive despite her unfortunate situation. However when a familiar scent mixed in with the sea reached her, the girl felt a flutter in her stomach and instantly took off to find the dark furred man she had hoped to see again. "Onai?" she called out as she approached a figure in the distance and despite the nervousness and uncertainty in her voice, Jilaiya knew deep down it was him that lay there.

RE: Starlight, Starbright - Onai - December 02, 2016

Onai had been off in a daydream or really a night dream since there was no daylight to be seen only the stars and moon and darkness when a familiar voice called out to him. Twas the voice of the shy female he had met when he first arrived in the wilds. Jilaiya. He couldn't help the smile that formed on his maw. He had taken a serious liking to the girl when they had first conversed and the timing couldn't be more perfect. Something the two of them shared was the love of stars. 

He rose to his paws and sauntered over. "Hey princess," he mused giving her a rather affectionate nudge before even processing what happened. He stared down at his paws or a minute. Wait a second. Onai? Embarrassed? That was knew. He mentally shook off the thought. 

"Gorgeous night huh," he said with a casual roll of his shoulders. Small talk would have to do for now, for some reason he was nervous? All these emotions he was feeling were foreign to him and he had no clue what to do with them.

RE: Starlight, Starbright - Jilaiya - December 09, 2016

"Hey" she breathed out as he greeted her and Jilaiya quickly returned the nudge with her own affection one. She was glad to see him again after such a long time and it felt good to have someone by her side again, especially after traveling alone for the past few days. She glanced up to the sky at the mention of how gorgeous it was and let a smile crawl on her features at the sight of it's never ending beauty. "Yeah" she answered and watched with admiration as the stars twinkled above her.

"Wow, there's gemini" she said while using her paw to point to the stars that created the famous twins. It had always been one of her favorite constellations, probably due to the fact that Jilaiya had a twin herself. "What's your favorite constellation?" she turned and asked to Onai, curious to know more about him. They did after all both enjoy stargazing, so she figured it might be fun to learn some facts about each other in the process.

RE: Starlight, Starbright - Onai - December 11, 2016

Onai smiled softly as the affectionate nudge was returned then watched as she looked out over into the beauties of the sky.

She spotted the Gemini constellation wHich seemed to be a favourite  "The constellation of twins," he mused. Though when Jilaiya questioned which he liked the most he immediately knew the answer. "Orion, the warrior," he stated shitting his gaze to the set of stars that formed the body and the arm of orion and then playing a game of connect the dots. 

He had a personal connection to that constellation having grown up and being bred into a warrior and part of him wondered if Jilaiya had the same reason for liking Gemini.  "Why Gemini?" he spoke softly and curiously. This might have been information shared with him before but he could not be sure. A lother had happened in the past few weeks

RE: Starlight, Starbright - Jilaiya - December 19, 2016

The warrior. It was fitting for him, especially since Jilaiya recalled how he appeared to be fond of fighting. But the pale female saw past the clunky armor of the hero and saw what truly lies beneath, she only wished Onai could see what she saw. But her thoughts were interrupted when he asked her why Gemini stood out above the rest.

"I have a twin myself, my sister Sekhmet" she answered with a smile while looking towards the inky man. Some were rather surprised when Jilaiya revealed that she had a twin, but it truly wasn't anything significant. They shared the same outward appearance, but those that truly knew them well could tell Jilaiya and Sekhmet apart just by glancing at them.

RE: Starlight, Starbright - Onai - December 28, 2016

Onai listened as Jilaiya stated she had a twin and that was the reason for liking the Gemini constellation so much. "You mean there's two of you," he mused playfully. The idea of two of the gorgeous wolf standing before him made him smile but surely she was the prettier one even if they were pretty much identical. "Hmm," he hummed softly staring at her probably a little too long before returning his gaze to the water and the sky.

"Well, there's only one of me sweetheart," he mused and let a chuckle fall from his maw. "I am the one...the only...Onai!" he spoke emphasising several words for effect then laughing more.  As he spoke  he bounded forward and spun to face her probably splashing her with the water but he didn't care. He then stood there smiling and tail swaying happily behind him.

He then sat down in the water in front of her, probably blocking some of the stars with his large frame but he wanted to ask her something and if she was able to answer then he wanted to face her so he could listen and take it all in. "Do you know many of the tales behind the constellations. Growing up, I was forced to fight, that was my life. I had little time for anything else, but I was always fascinated by the stars. My late nights were spent startgazing in an undisclosed location where no one would find me. But I know not the stories, mostly just the names," he spoke with a casual roll of his shoulders. Hopefully she would be able to tell him the stories she knew, if not then the secrets they held would remain secrets for a lifetime to come.