Wolf RPG
Swiftcurrent Creek With this apple we shall PLAY!! - Printable Version

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With this apple we shall PLAY!! - Ferdie Von Pelt - April 22, 2014

Can I do this and call the whole pack, kick my arse if this is not allowed I will grovel for forgiveness @Fox @Bazi @Njal @Jace @Tuwawi @Haunter @Bones I think that's everyone

The sky was bright blue not a cloud in sight, the warmth was invigorating but not sweltering, the breeze barely there, in other words this day was just perfect. Ferdie wanted the tension to just go away, he hated living with tension and with the split he wanted more then ever to help solidify the bonds of the wolves that remained here.

The brute returned to the pack lands after a small jaunt away with a red prize in his mouth, none should ask him where he got it this early in the year, for he was not about to tell

Ferdie walked deep into the territory and stood upon a small hill. Dropping the uninjured apple upon the ground he placed has paw upon an apple and tilted his head Skyward, his song long and loud for he wanted them all to come and for them all to join him in a game of keep-away or tag.

RE: With this apple we shall PLAY!! - Jace - April 22, 2014

Jace heard the howl come across the pack lands and for a moment he debated going as he and Ferdie did not exactly see eye to eye and there was distinct tension there. Finally though his loyalty to the pack and all his fellow pack mates won out and he started to trot towards the other's loud call.

He made it with only a slight pant and spoke to Ferdie "You called Ferdie is everything all right? Then the gangly youth stood waiting for the other to speak and tell him what was needed. He did not see any dangers so he thought this must be just a meeting of some kind.

RE: With this apple we shall PLAY!! - Ferdie Von Pelt - April 24, 2014

Ferdie grinned at the young brute, showing him no animosity. He lifted his paw and smacked it down upon the apple. If anyway else shows up, we shall play a game of keep away.

Ferdie Swayed his tail back and forth, it will be good for us all to breath easy and just enjoy eachother.

He reached down and picked up the large apple holding it gingerly, in the front of his maw it would be tough to steal an apple from eachother but that would be half the fun,

Here try!! Ferdie backed up a few steps and crouched his front end down he waited for jace to draw close to him, maybe if they started others would join.

RE: With this apple we shall PLAY!! - Jace - April 24, 2014

Jace looked at him and spoke quickly "Can we put teeth marks in it or do we have to keep it fully intact? he wanted to know the rules before he began.

He bent down ready to pounce at ferdie while he waited for the other's answer his eyes alight with mirth. he liked games his family had often played games with each other, this would be fun.

RE: With this apple we shall PLAY!! - Tuwawi RIP - April 25, 2014

Dropping by :D

A melodic howl resounded through the balmy daytime sky. The baritone voice was undoubtedly Ferdie von Pelt's, summoning his commrades to celebrate the day with a game. Intrigued, Tuwawi decided to head his way. Swiftcurrent had endured many harships recently. Jinx and Lecter's depature. The coyotes. The Vale. Few games to be had in the wake of such troubling times. And why was that? Spring was supposed to be a joyous and fruitful time for all.

The ember paced into the clearing where Ferdie and Jace fussed over a vividly red apple (a rare sight in this season, indeed). She grinned and nodded to them both, but chose not to participate in their boyish banter... at least not yet. Instead, Tuwawi chose to recline beneath a young birch, content to enjoy the dapple shade it provided and spectate the new game the men invented.

RE: With this apple we shall PLAY!! - Ferdie Von Pelt - April 29, 2014

Sorry I forgot about this post

Ferdie set the apple down, Let's try to keep it in tact so that the winner will have some sort of prize to eat Picking up the apple again he bowed his front end down then leapt backwards and to the side keeping himself in the ridiculous looking playful position the apple half hanging out of his mouth. He grinned ready to fling himself in the opposite direction to Jace's pounce and prance away.

RE: With this apple we shall PLAY!! - Jace - April 29, 2014

Jace narrowed his eyes and followed the movements of Ferdie. Calculating which way he wanted to go and then with a small playful yip he bounded forward and then to the right and snapped at the apple unsure if he would get it or if Ferdie would figure out which way he was going and move.

He wagged his tail as he lipped a boyish grin on his face.

RE: With this apple we shall PLAY!! - Ferdie Von Pelt - April 29, 2014

Ferdie watched him come but was unable to avoid, when Jace grabbed at the apple he had to let go or risk breaking it. He chuckled and darted around jace in a circle running all out, lengthening his stride he circled Jace twice laughter trailing behind him, he came to a halt the third time past Jaces head and crouched down low intending on leaping up and grab at the apple

RE: With this apple we shall PLAY!! - Tuwawi RIP - April 30, 2014

Tuwawi watched the boys with a lazy gaze, thoroughly bemused by their childlike game. Keep-away appeared to be today's sport of choice... a most entertaining spectacle, indeed. At first, Ferdie maintained power over the fruit, but Jace was quick to interfere and seize the prize for himself. Not to be outdone, the older man fell swift upon the dark youth's heels, poised and ready for the tackle.

Suspense was in the air, and it spurred Tuwawi's ears to prick as she anticipated Ferdie's impending strike. Her tongue brushes against the rough leather of her nose and across the marred skin by her chops, hungry to learn who the victor of this competition would be.

RE: With this apple we shall PLAY!! - Jace - April 30, 2014

Jace turned his head and waited his eyes shining happily at the older male waiting for his move. He was unsure if he would be able to outmaneuver the older male but he would try. For now he would just wait until he was certain of the movement that would be used against him.

RE: With this apple we shall PLAY!! - Ferdie Von Pelt - April 30, 2014

Keeping his front end low Ferdie Darted left and then right and then left and then left again and then right trying to dazle Jace, He was agile for a large older wolf, but then he was in his prime where the other was just moving into his.

Ferdie panted with the exertion and tried one last doge to the right and then skidded onto his back reaching up for the apple hopping to grab it as he slid by..

RE: With this apple we shall PLAY!! - Tuwawi RIP - May 04, 2014

"Get 'em Ferdie!," Tuwawi cheered from the sidelines, surprised that she had become so engrossed by the simple game. Though its strategy was linear and straightforward, it was easy to see that the tactics went beyond the elementary concept of 'snatch the apple.' Each paw planted... each dodge... each tackle... all moved one would perform if they were in a spare or hunt. As Fedie lowered himself to the ground, Tuwawi could envision a buck kicking over his head. And when Jace swiftly snapped at his target, a duck being ensnared in his mouth. Even these fun times acted as training for more serious moments. They worked the body and released stress.

Not wanting to sit idle anymore, Tuwawi jumped to her feet, intent on joining the team. She cantered towards the men, waiting to see which one would retain the fruit before she launched her own offensive play.

RE: With this apple we shall PLAY!! - Jace - May 04, 2014

Jace's eyes danced and he let go off the apple easily when Ferdie had grasped at it when sliding on his back, only to be certain they didn't bruise it. he tail wagged as Tuwawi joined their play and he crouched and watched Ferdie to see what he would do now with the apple and how he could best steal it back, but now he had two to factor in and he watched the fire wolf out of the corner of his eye.

RE: With this apple we shall PLAY!! - Ferdie Von Pelt - May 05, 2014

Ferdie backed up a step and glanced from Tuwawi to Jace he shifted the appel in his mouth so half of it was out, not being able to break the apple meant they had to let go when another grabbed it, making this game more fun,

he swayed his tail and back peddled his steps getting faster and faster he would would to turn in the opposite direction of the closest wolf in order to prance (yes prance) away.

RE: With this apple we shall PLAY!! - Tuwawi RIP - May 11, 2014

Like a spaghetti western, the three wolves stood in a triangular pattern and waited to see which one would make the first move. The ruby fruit dangled tantalizingly in Ferdie's jaws, just waiting to be plucked from his grasp... A few tense moments passed and Tuwawi kicked off into a sprint, hoping to outmaneuver the larger male and take the prize for herself. She was careful of her aim, however, not wanting to damage the savory apple before its time.

As he backpedaled, Tuwawi hastily approached and lunged, tongue lolling from her jowls, hoping to gain control of the game.

RE: With this apple we shall PLAY!! - Jace - May 12, 2014

Jace swerved out of the way to avoid hitting Tuwawi as she lunged at Ferdie and the apple. He then rushed Ferdie's side hoping to turn his head more towards Tuwawi, after all this was a game of keep away and he wanted it away from Ferdie even if the apple wasn't in his possession.

RE: With this apple we shall PLAY!! - Ferdie Von Pelt - May 18, 2014

The Moment Tuwawi's teeth touched the apple Ferdie had to relinquish control or risk breaking his own rule and damaging it, Ferdie leap backward then giving her space and just a moment to readjust her course before he dropped low to the ground proving his next modus operandi was going to be stalk in and steal it

RE: With this apple we shall PLAY!! - Tuwawi RIP - May 21, 2014

Last post for me! Fade?

Success! Sweet Victory!!! The smooth, tangy skin of the apple tasted like the greatest triumph as Tuwawi bounced away, elated to posses such a prize. Her springy strides were gay, figure drenched in childlike bliss as she cantered away from the boys, eager to keep the prize to herself and dominate the playing field. A sly grin dared her comrades to try and steal it from her clutches — for she was a worthy opponent, quick and nimble as a hare in a meadow. No half-hearted attempts would see the fruit taken from her.

She would continue this game into the evening, until they either grew tired or their precious apple became too bruised to continue. Either way, she had enjoyed herself. Sometimes the greatest fun in the world came from the most simple of places, and a game between friends was a wonderful thing.