Wolf RPG
Greatwater Lake tick tock around the clock - Printable Version

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tick tock around the clock - Amelie - April 22, 2014

Taking one step after the other, a slenderly build shadow moved across the dew kissed grass, it'd gaze fixed ahead and it's jaw slightly parted reavealing a tiny set of white fangs and a rose pink tongue.

This peculiar visitor was not only a stranger to the territory but to the creatures that occupied the land. She had never been out on her own honestly, but after the confusing night she'd had, it was not she had a choice. Still the brave little fluffball trotted through the meadow that ultimately led to the source of water, she was so desperately looking for.

How did she know there was water ahead? Easy! She had been hididng in a bush moments before and coincidentially watched a raccoon pass by, and then a while later he returned, fresh water droplets dripping from his whiskers. She had smiled to herself and decided to follow the path the small creature had left behind. It was just a matter of time until she found the source, wether it was a puddle or a lake it did not matter all she wanted was a drink.

And then eureka! Right in front of her eyes, the largest puddle she had ever encountered. She wagged her tail happily as she darted forward and wathced the vast extension of clear water before her eyes.

RE: tick tock around the clock - Blue Willow - April 22, 2014

Blue Willow was out walking when she smelled someone she did not know. She was intent upon finding out who it was but she was surprised when she came upon just a babe. Granted the little girl in front of her was about 6 months old, but she was so tiny and she looked so lost that Blue's heart went out to her.

She chuffed gently at the little girl and spoke softly "Hello Little one I am blue Willow what are you doing here all alone? She sniffed at her wondering where she was from and why she was alone, but she didn't wish to scare her.

RE: tick tock around the clock - Amelie - April 22, 2014

Suddenly her thoughts of splashing her face in the delicious water of the lake were cut short by a voice that caught her off guard. When she first her the sound of another wolf, she yapped, jerking her head back to find a full grown wolf with piercing blue eyes staring at her.

Amelie held the wolf's intense gaze, feeling a bit jittery she couldn't avoid the hair on the back on her neck to bristle, not with fear -nor anger of course- but with anxiety.
Then by the kind words the she wolf spoke to her, she allowed herself to relax causing the fur that had bristled to lay flat once more.

She met the wolf's warm gaze with a smile, and wagged her tail to show her excitement to meeting a new friend. "Blue Willow" she repeated, tasting the words in her mouth, "That's a beautiful name, mine is Amelie" she added with a jovial bark and a playful bow. "I'm not lost, I found exactly what I was looking for," she barked puffing her chest with pride as she gestured towards the cristaline water of the lake with the tip of her tail.

RE: tick tock around the clock - Blue Willow - April 23, 2014

Blue Willow felt bad when she saw the hackles raise on the little one. She hadn't meant to scare her or cause her any anxiety, she was just wanting to help the little one. She offered her a smile.

Blue Willow chuckled "that is a pretty name as well Ameilie and Thanks I like my name too. Blue Willow's eyes filled with Mirth at the girls obvious pride in her self. "Yes I see that you did a wonderful job. Did you get to have a drink yet Amelie it's very good and cold. Do you live in my pack? She could smell her pack on her, but she wanted to make sure she had been accepted before she help her back to her home.

OOC: I kind of want to just love on her she's super cute :D

RE: tick tock around the clock - Amelie - April 23, 2014

ooc: haha thanks :)

"..I see that you did a wonderful job. Did you get to have a drink yet Amelie it's very good and cold.."

Amelie's sleek tail swayed from side to side as she recieved Willow's praise with a smile. She was thrilled a wolf like her was even paying attention to her! Then remembering the dry feeling that invaded her mouth, she decided to follow her advice and have a drink.

"I'm just about to, this water is as clear as the sky, as if it almost wasn't even there.." she woofed as she bent over and lapped up some of it wildly, splashing all around her. After she was quenched she sat down with a satisfied sigh and turned to look at the dark she wolf again.

Hmm what was she talking about now? she wondered tilting her head slighty to the side, her eyes hungry with curiosity.
"A pack? What's that?!" she asked blinking with innocence.

RE: tick tock around the clock - Blue Willow - April 24, 2014

Blue willow watched as the younger female took a drink from the water. She chuckled in good form and answered her "Yes it is very clear.

Blue Willow tilted her head at the girls question she thought she smelled the pack on her, but maybe she had been mistaken. Perhaps the youngster had been around the borders and gathered the smell that way. Oh well she blinked and answered softly "A pack is a group of wolves that all live together and take care of each other there's a leader or two, sometimes a second in command and then all the other wolves below that. We all take care of each other but we do what the leader or leaders say. Do you understand? She would say more if the little girl asked, but she wanted to make sure she understood the basic's first.

RE: tick tock around the clock - Amelie - April 26, 2014

Amelie's bright eyes blinked with innocence, her ears pricked taking in every word that left Blue Willow's mouth. A pack. That was something she hadn't heard of..

She listened intently, reying to imagine what she decribed, a bunch of wolves, together. Hmm, how would that be? What kept them in order, didn't they ever fight? She knew they wouldn't all agree, when she was with her family she used to fight with her siblings often.

Ah! A figure of authority that told everyone what to do, and mantained peace within the group. That made sense! It was always her mother who stopped her siblings from picking on Amelie.

"Like a family?" she asked, searching for an answer in her bright eyes.

RE: tick tock around the clock - Blue Willow - April 26, 2014

Blue Willow wanted to take this little one into her home and into her own den she was adorable in an innocent way and she wanted to take care of her. The poor thing being out here all alone, though she knew that most wolves went on their own when they were 6 months old this one just seemed so much younger and smaller. Perhaps it was merely because there were pups in the pack now who really knows but she had grown a shine to the little girl.

She chuckled and nodded Yes just like a family a very big family. She smiled again and tilted her head waiting for any more questions or concerns from the girl in front of her.

RE: tick tock around the clock - Amelie - April 29, 2014

The youngster seemed to be lost in a pool of her own thoughts, her eyes fixed on no particular place but still focused and narrowed into tiny sliths revealing a bright golden abyss. She was immersed into her own mind once more, floating in the atmosphere while her body still clung to the terrenal land.

She blinked thoughtfully and echoed unconciously, "Family". A word full of meaning yet so empty for her..Then she felt her vocal cords tangle into a knot that prevented air or words from exiting her mouth.

She knew that feeling well, it was the same feeling she got when her brothers ganged up on her, excluding her from their games and pretending she wasn't there. She had been in that spot many times, the only way she would escape their mocking was when her mother returned from her long hunting journeys, tired and malnourished but always with a piece of prey to feed them.
As she laid her minuscule catch for them to share, she'd notice the growls and shoves the boys would give her little girl. And it was only because of her intervention the brothers would stop, there were days when the mother took more than 5 days, that the brothers would spend their energy making life for Amelie a living hell.

She had never spoken about it since she left home, which was about 5 weeks now.. Well, truth be told, Amelie hadn't left.. technically it was her mother, Monique, that had left.

She sighed, as she regained her conciousness and looked into Blue Willow's emerald eyes. "Has your family ever lost a member?" she asked, knowing it might be a sensible topic, "I lost..well, she.." she trailed off and looked at her paws for a brief second, "my mother. I-I lost her.." she blurted out quickly. Then intending to switch the topic she murmured, "Is.. this family of yours..nice?"

RE: tick tock around the clock - Blue Willow - April 30, 2014

Blue Willow's heart went out to the little waif standing in front of her. She thought about the question that had been posed to her. She thought of the recent tragedy and had to blink quickly so as to not become upset. But in what context did the little wolf mean did she mean death or did she mean left. Blue looked down at her and spoke softly We have lost members yes one just recently the pain is still very fresh. She smiled sadly that time and shifted so she could be more comfortable.

SHe listened to the next question and frowned what had happened to this poor girl she asked her question with so much trepidation and a slight bit of fear. Who had been mean to her and could Blue tear the apart. She felt a very real need to protect the little thing in front of her. Yes they are all very nice.

RE: tick tock around the clock - Amelie - May 03, 2014

The small puppy's head tipped to one side, her ears flattening down and her bright lemon eyes softening as she blinked at her innocently. She was wondering what type of family Blue Willow had..perhaps they were all kind since she spoke about them so fondly.

She had decided she liked the ebony coloured wolf in front of her, she had been the nicest wolf she had encountered during her journey.. The only one that had cared enough to even stop and ask the little pup's name.

Now Amelie felt a bit upset knowing the she-wolf had places to be and other wolves to see, while Amelie had nothing but her fluffy tail to keep her company in the cold windy nights

She enjoyed her company she really did,but it seemed that tagging along univited was not right.. Still she didn't have the courage to ask her if she could stay with her..for a little while. It was extremely rare for her to have these sudden episodes of shyness, she was usually lively and fearless when approaching a new friend.

"..That's..nice" she barked, filling the silence with a timid smile.

RE: tick tock around the clock - Blue Willow - May 04, 2014

Blue Willow couldn't keep herself quiet anymore so she spoke quietly "Amelie do you have a home? Would you like to stay with me if it is alright with my leaders? She wasn't sure if Peregrine would allow it seeing as how he had his own babies now, but maybe if Blue Willow took full responsibility for the little waif he may agree. She would wait and see, but she was pretty sure they would allow her entry. After all she was almost an adult if Blue had to venture a guess she was about 6 months old which was almost halfway to adulthood.

Blue's ears were erect and she waited patiently for the little girl in front of her to let her know and then if she agreed she'd all for Peregrine.

RE: tick tock around the clock - Amelie - May 04, 2014

Amelie was not even the shadow of herself, she was never this shy..what was it with the pup that had driven her to such state? She was looking at her paws, while she scaped some dirt from the ground. Her once full of life eyes, blinked dully as she played with the dirt.

Then Blue Willow's voice caught her attention, making her look up inmidiately, the somber expression of her face being replaced by a sublte smile that with help of her golden eyes illuminated her whole face. "No madam, I'm afraid I don't" she barked answering her question, as she tried to keep her composture, she was now filled with hope that she'd get to go with Blue Willow.

As soon as those words were pronounced, Amelie couldn't mask her excitement much longer, she stood up and wagged her tail wildly, drawing circles with the tip of her tail. "Really? Could I?" she yapped, her eyes meeting the she-wolf's, "Do you think they'd let me? They are nice, aren't they? You said so yourself!" she blurted out almost unintelligibly, waddling closer to the female and touching her nose to her chest.

RE: tick tock around the clock - Blue Willow - May 04, 2014

@Amelie okay i got permission to do this and powerplay Perry a little bit so the thread isn't held up.

Blue Willow chuckled and touched her nose to the younger girls head and spoke quietly "Alright i'll call for Peregrine. Now Amelie when he comes you need to be respectful you know how to be submissive correct? You are also going to have to let him know the skills you possess whether you can hunt, track fish or anything. You have to prove that you are an asset to the pack do you understand? She certainly hoped she did because once Peregrine got her, it was sink or swim for the little female and it was fully dependent on how she conducted herself.

Blue's leaders were fair and kind, but they also always looked out for the well being of the pack before all else. Blue lifted her nose to the sky and sang out for Peregrine to come to the borders for a moment.

Peregrine came fairly promptly and spoke briefly to the girl child and to Blue Willow. It was agreed upon that Amelie could join but Blue willow would be solely responsible for her. Blue Willow agreed without a single word, she would make the little girl into the best pack member she could. Peregrine soon left to continue the patrol of the borders.

RE: tick tock around the clock - Amelie - May 04, 2014

ahhh! this is so exciting thank you for the amazing thread!
Fading now :3

The young girl scooted closer to the female's chest feeling scared that she might not get accepted. She buried her face into her fur, and thought briefly of her mother.

Then a big dark wolf approached and talked to Blue for a while, then it was decided she would stay under Blue Willow's care. Amelie felt her heart race and her eyes tear up a bit.

With her heart beating almost out of her chest, and a knot in her throat Amelie buried her face once more in the dark female's chest. "Thank you" she whipered simply, her tail wagging to no end.

RE: tick tock around the clock - Blue Willow - May 04, 2014

Blue Willow smiled and licked the girl's head "you're welcome Amelie. Come now I'll show you the pack lands and give some responsibilities and show you where my den is that you can share if you want. She smiled again her tail wagging happily she was happy to have a new friend and the care of a young one even though she was not so young, she'd be on her own soon enough.