Wolf RPG
The Tears of the Past - Printable Version

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The Tears of the Past - Ayvo - April 23, 2014

It had only been a few days since his sparring lesson with his alpha female. He had learned a lot since that time. He remembered he needed to be fast and cunning, striking opponents before they knew he was coming. He had to attack first and be quick about it. His size was average but his speed is what set him up to be a good fighter. He needed more practice and that was obvious.

Ayvo spent most of his time hunting, building up his stamina again. A few times during the week he'd spend his days chasing rabbits around trying to get faster, learning to change his path on a moments notice, being quick and agile. He moved on to deer recently. He would chase around deer that were healthy with no intent of catching them. Only trying to keep up with them. He would still hunt for the pack, but only after his speed training was fully competed for the day. Ayvo layed down outside of his den and chewed on the bones of a hare he had eaten earlier in the day. The pines were the only obvious companion that surrounded the pale male.

RE: The Tears of the Past - Sky Karan - April 23, 2014

[size=medium]Sky wandered the forest, wondering how best to introduce herself to her new packmates. Though she was normally good at this sort of thing, she didn't know how to start this time. She didn't even know where her closest packmate was. As she continued wandering, she caught the scent of a male wolf close by, as well as the faint scent of rabbit. Though she wasn't hungry, the scent of prey brought her closer, and soon she stood before a white wolf, hunched over the bones of a dead hare.

Cautiously, she took a step back, not wanting to startle the male into action. "Hello," she said in her soft voice. "I'm new. My name is Sky. I was hoping perhaps we could talk for a bit, as I don't know anyone else here. What is your name?"

RE: The Tears of the Past - Ayvo - April 23, 2014

Not long after the male started chewing on the bones of his prey for fun a pretty looking female wandered up. A cream and grey colored wolf stood a few feet in front of him, after introducing herself as Sky she asked to start a conversation with him. Ayvo dropped the bones immediately and made his way closer to the female. She was smaller than him, her frame was tiny but steady. Her eyes were a gorgeous blue color. Smiling the male introduced himself. "I am Ayvo, I'd be glad to have a conversation with such a beautiful female. How are you liking it here ma'am?" Ayvo spoke with friendilness filling his warm voice.

RE: The Tears of the Past - Sky Karan - April 23, 2014

[size=medium]Sky lay her ears back along her head and gave a small smile of shyness, her tail wagging a little. No one had ever called her beautiful before. Or called her ma'am. "There is no need for formality, Ayvo. You can just call me Sky," she said, her voice calm and smooth like a lake undisturbed by wind. Her eyes shone with joy at finding a new friend so soon.

"So," she began. "What do you do here in the pack? I am hoping to become a counselor, and perhaps a healer. Is there anything you aspire to be in the future?" She spoke slowly and quietly, keeping her voice steady. She found that this tended to keep other wolves on her side, as there was no chance of startling them. She paused for a moment, wondering if she should add anything else, and then she brightened as she thought of one more question to ask.

"And, while I'm here, is thee anything troubling you that you might need help with? I am good at solving social problems, or so other wolves tell me. If you ever need help, do not be afraid to ask. I am very loyal to friends."

RE: The Tears of the Past - Ayvo - April 23, 2014

Ayvo chuckled when the creamy female spoke of being formal. To him addressing the fairer sex as ma'am or madam wasn't formality it was being polite. He nodded and jut chose to call her Sky despite this fact. He would do whatever made the female more comfortable.

"I am training to be a warden, them I'm hoping to pursue being a hunter. Being a healer is good, we are in need of that." Ayvo spoke softly with a twinge of flirting as in his voice. He chucked when the female inquired about his personal relationships with wolves. "I don't really talk to anyone personally besides pack business to be honest. No problems here but thanks Sky!" Ayvo replied

RE: The Tears of the Past - Sky Karan - April 23, 2014

[size=medium]Sky could hear the slight flirtation in Ayvo's voice, and smiled a bit. She had not had a mate in her old pack, and neither had anyone flirted with her. She shuffled her paws a bit, not knowing what to do with such attention. Feeling bold, she asked, "So… um… do you - do you have a mate?"

Mentally, she kicked herself. She didn't know this male at all. Though it was Spring. Perhaps her natural hormones were kicking in? She shook herself. "Never mind," she murmured. "Forget I asked that question. I'm sorry for bothering you. I'll leave if you want."

RE: The Tears of the Past - Ayvo - April 23, 2014

Ayvo couldn't help but chuckled when the female asked him I he had a mate. He didn't. But he found it funny the female would think he had one. When the grayish cream wolf acted shy after she asked him the personal question he attempted to make her feel better "Hey no it's ok, I don't want you to go. I uh don't have a mate currently.
Do you?."
Ayvo flashed some more teeth at the womann

RE: The Tears of the Past - Sky Karan - April 23, 2014

[size=medium]Sky smiled a bit, feeling relieved that she had not overstepped her boundaries with this male.

"Do you?" he asked, grinning at her.

Suddenly, the grey-and-cream-colored she-wolf felt hot beneath her fur, despite the chill in the air. "N-no, I have no mate… I never have had one. You see…" She looked down, sighing. "My… my old pack separated during the winter. There wasn't enough food for all of us, so we all eventually went our separate ways. That was the… the hardest time in my life. Ever. I lost… everyone."

Her voice had sunk to a whisper by the end. Slowly, she lowered her body to the ground and lay there, shaking like a leaf. It was not like her at all to be this way. Normally she was the one bringing wolves up from this feeling, not sinking into it herself. Quickly, she glanced up at Ayvo. "I - I'm sorry… I don't know why I'm telling you any of this. I - …" Her shoulders slumped. "I miss my family."

RE: The Tears of the Past - Ayvo - April 24, 2014

Ayvo understood her plight. He was banished from his old pack by no actions of his own. She on the other hand was forced out by natural occurrences. The female spoke of a difficult winter, with that came a lack of food and a pack separating.

Sky dropped to the ground and the male empathized with her. "Hey sky." The male glanced down at her with a friendly face. "It's ok, I think most of us miss our families. You're not alone in feeling that but we're your new family now." He spoke with reassurance in his voice. This was his attempt to soothe the females uneasy feelings about her old family.

RE: The Tears of the Past - Sky Karan - April 24, 2014

[size=medium]Sky refused to feel bad for herself any longer. She had already grieved her old family enough. With a sigh, she stood on her paws once more, and gave her new friend a smile. "Thank you, Ayvo," she said, her voice returning to its usual calm. "I appreciate your help. I hope we will talk again soon."

With a slight bow to the male, she turned and walked away, farther into the pines.