Wolf RPG
Blacktail Deer Plateau The Call of the Wild - Printable Version

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The Call of the Wild - Linden - December 11, 2016

Her mouth was dry and her muscles sore when she woke up. In particular, there was an ache in her left shoulder that she couldn't remember twisting or otherwise injuring. It was unsettling that the cause was a mystery, but Linden didn't dwell on it. It was what it was, and it would fade like all aches eventually did. She stood and shook the gathered snow from her guard hairs. It was a pointless endeavor. Snow continued to fall, and unless she found some shelter, more would accumulate on her coat regardless. She yawned and stretched as she moved to her feet.

Linden relieved herself on a nearby bush before slogging through the snow in search of something interesting, like food or another wolf. Hell, she'd even take an oddly shaped rock, but the thought of company was far more appealing.